Me x And x You (Rewritten)

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Sharp pain, like needles, tortures my brain until the pricking throbbing suddenly stops and repeats the action all over again just as quickly as it had stopped. I grunted and turned over towards my side as I pulled the sheets up over my head blocking the sunlight that warmed my body. Wait...sheets?

My eyes dramatically fluttered opened as I scanned the odd room, gripping the softness of the sheets in my hands. A plain white spread, blue trimming, and this dull atmosphere. I looked around confused. Where the hell was I? Clearly not at the refugee camp. I chopped on my inner jaw, letting my teeth sink in as I anxiously looked around the room. Gray walls, a desk with medical supplies, a window, skies, and clouds. On my right was a bookshelf filled with novels and serval binders filled with papers.

Upper towards the right was the door. I quickly managed to hop on my feet, and dashed towards the door clumsily and without hesitation turned the knob. I only stood on my feet for a few seconds, but the few seconds that I stood up felt like minutes standing as a wave of dizziness and nausea overcomes me. Still, I pulled open the door and tried to leave the room, but of course, something had to get in my way of me doing so...or should I say...someone.

"You?" I muttered, while still gripping the handle of the door I felt my strength adding the longer I was up. The pale clown stared down at me impassively as he held a tray with a glass of water, medical cream, pills, and a single needle. I uncomfortably stared at the needle feeling my body twitch. "Geez."

"Is that any way to greet your doctor?", he grins suddenly displaying a look of greed. I squinted my eyes curiously at him as he brushed past me. I followed behind slowly shutting the door behind me as eased my way down on the bed crossing my legs on the bed. 

"No, I didn't mean it in that way...well I did, but not because of you. Ugh!", I groaned irritatedly as I swatted at my forehead stopping myself from saying any other stupid comment. I heard Hisoka chuckle as he turns around to look at me. For a split second his eyes are lost looking at me. I probably looked a mess since I had just woken barely five minutes ago. 

 "You look...better. I'm glad, for a second you scared us. I mean Siren, Tonpa, and that kid. But I assured them that you would be okay." He grins slightly as he lifts his head and plasters a cheeky smile upon his lips. I frowned, but quickly as I had I replaced it with an equally fake one.

I stared down as my brain buzzed as I had just awakened from being in a trance. I hardly could remember anything right now and it bugged me. I sighed softly as I shut my eyes tightly and looked up towards Hisoka. "Hisoka, I—," as the words slithered off my tongue, I suddenly shook in pain as I grabbed the side of my head dragging my head down into the pillow. 

"Woah, hey," Hisoka quickly comes to my aid as he lowered himself down while he rested his hand on my forehead. I groaned achingly as I lunged myself forward resting my head and face into his cold body. He jumped back slightly but quickly welcomed me near as he helps my head and rubbed his hand through my hair smoothing me. I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the pain to go away as it had quickly come. I hummed into his body as I lifted my head slightly meeting the golden eyes of Hisoka's. He slowly let me go as I turned away in embarrassment. "You okay?" 

"Y-yeah, it's my head," I said muttered as I pushed myself up on my feet. Hisoka makes a low moaning sound as he grabs a pill bottle from the tray in the small plastic cup and holds it out towards me.

"These are for the pain headaches", he says look towards me with no depleaded of emotion. "Your headaches are either an effect of the mix or the pain you've endured, but these will help." He shakes the plastic bottle slightly and looks at me urging me to take the pills. I blinked slightly still in a daze as I held up my hand to receive the pills. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you." He smirked playfully putting on a front that he was joking about, but I knew clearly that he was telling the truth, besides, he hasn't lied to me. 

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