Dream X And X Death

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Is this what death feels like? A dark void of nothing. No light, no feeling, no anything. I couldn't feel anything here. Neither cold nor hot. Sadness or happiness wasn't a thing here. I just floated or I laid still, or I think I did, I couldn't tell. What was happening around me? Everything felt unreal. It was like I was here but at the same time wasn't. Weirdly I wasn't scared to be here. People are always afraid of death until they're actually dead then there's nothing to fear anymore. It's just quiet here...actually it's very peaceful.

So peaceful it was and yet I didn't want to say here anymore. I could feel the breath inside of my body. I wasn't dead but it felt as if I wasn't alive either. I couldn't move my body. The only thing I'm sure I had control over was my breathing. So that's what I did. I breathed.

I don't know how long it was until I stopped but somehow I did. I stopped myself from breathing. I
don't know why I did but I did it. Even though I had stopped breathing it was as if I was still breathing. I mean I wasn't suffocating yet so I was still breathing right? Yeah, it made no sense but nothing made since here really.


What was that? The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't understand why. Oddly the voice made me angry I felt my body tense up at it. Repeatedly the person called my name over and over and over until I couldn't stand the sound of my name anymore. It made me sick to the core.


Stop! Stop saying my name! Stop calling me! What do you want!? What do you want!?


Toko? No...stop no! Stop it! Stop! Go away! Go away! Go...away! "Ahhhh!" I screamed as my whole body jolted upwards. I wasn't even aware of what was happening around me until I felt something metallic hit me in the face. I groaned in pain touching my forehead. I managed to open my eyes as I looked around in confusion. In the moment I had forgotten where I was, but remember immediately. I sighed softly touching my forehead again as I looked on this side of me seeing a metal bucket tilted over. I picked it up staring at it confused. "Someone threw a bucket at me?"

"Yes...", someone says. I quickly jolted my head towards the voice immediately spotting Rin at my side.  He was laid out on the ground touching his stomach groaned as he tried to stand. His hair stood spike as if he had been struck by electricity. "I did."

"Why did you throw a bucket at me?" I questioned.

"You were having a nightmare", he says after a moment. He stood up nearly falling but I hurry to his side before he had.

"Rin? You okay?" I questioned worriedly as I held him up. He winced at my touch slightly as he pulls away. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing...you shocked me", he sighs as he looks me up down before pushing himself against a tree to steady himself.

"Rin...w-what happened? I—how did I get here? I remember I was near water and then...Rin? Is that your blood?" I asked looking down at his shirt. Blood was smeared all over his chest in the motion of a slash. I my mouth goes dry as I stared hazily at the blood. "No...that's not your blood who's blood is that?"

"Mmm? Don't remember huh?" He says chuckling dryly as he stared at me.

"N-no? What happened? I can't remember anything...I ca—". I stopped myself as suddenly the memories came flooding back like I was watching them unfold before me.

"Ah? You're remembering?", he says.

"Yeah...I remember Kane trying to—trying too...".

"Kill you", he says.

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