The Fallen Goddess

By SecondsTurnToHours

586 16 4

There is an ancient prophecy, told that there was once a ruler of the gods. She ruled over the Moon Goddess... More

Characteristics/Things to Know
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

38 1 0
By SecondsTurnToHours

I awake to the clear sound of a doorbell ringing downstairs. My room was painted dark, and a round moon shining through my uncovered window.

I groggily rolled over and checked the time on my phone, which was placed on my bedside table the night before. 4:53, it read.

Shadow slept peacefully on his dog bed, snoring slightly.

The wind whistled outside my window, whipping the leaves from the trees.

My groggy mind barely registered the second chime of the bell, and I rolled myself out of bed, feeling no longer the warmth of the blankets that surrounded me.

I tiredly rubbed the sleep from my eyes, sliding out the door and into the hallway.

It was purely atramentous, an extreme difficulty for a human to find the stairs. Upon finding it, I place my feet down, one at a time, slowly making my way down the stairs.

Once down the stairs, the kitchen light was left on, giving me the amount of light I needed.

I silently walked to the front door, wondering who would be knocking at such an early time.

I make it to the front door, swinging it open, only to be met with the silence of the empty air.

The cool breeze enlightened my nerves, unknotting my wound up thoughts and calming my racing heart.

I stepped onto the porch, sitting down on the plush chairs scattered around the large area.

Knowing I will not be able to go back to sleep, I stayed there awhile, watching the sun rise in the east.

It made me want to unravel my wings from my back, and glid on the clouds. Or take a swim in the pool, bring out my mermaid side.

Based on the time, I could probably do both. But I didnt want to deal with the repercussions of getting wet early in the morning.

I let my wings unfold from my back, letting the cool air submerse me in its gentle song. I stretched my wings out gingerly, them being stiff from not being unraveled for a long amount of time. A few feathers fell from them.

My wings were huge, 13 feet across, and looked purely angelic. My white feathers are so soft, I thought, while running my fingers through them.

I took a running start, finally jumping and flapping my wings with all my strength. Up and down, up and down. I did this several times before I was hundreds of feet above the ground. I felt so powerful, like I was capable of anything and everything.

Suddenly, I was flying, my strong wings allowing me to glide through the air, and I felt... Weightless. The wind made my hair dance through the air as I rose above the clouds, and I looked down.

It was beautiful. The sunrise especially. Orange, blue, and pink hues made colorful streaks in the sky.

I looked down at the land before me. I could see the entire city under me.

It was so relaxing.

You have school today, dumbo, get ready. Siberia sassed me.

Ugh, fine, I sighed.

Good, now, to the important stuff, I need to run. I feel too cooped up. Siberia said as I glided down towards my mansion porch. I refolded my wings into my back, sad that I had to stop. I winced at the process of putting them back.

Walking inside, I quietly paced up the stairs, trying not to wake anyone else. I crept into my room, finding that Shadow was already awake, lapping up some water from his metal bowl.

I brushed past him, and into my closet, where my new bow was hung on my bow rack.

I looked through my clothes, trying to find an outfit. After a while, I just picked out a regular t-shirt and some jeans.

To put it lightly, I'm not that big on fashion. In case you haven't noticed. I took my clothes into my bathroom, finding myself a towel and then stripping of my pj's.

I stepped into the warm shower, and I stretched a little before scrubbing shampoo and conditioner into my hair.

I scrubbed any additional grime or grease off my body, while thinking about the mysterious power that came to me last night.

After I was done cleansing myself, I turned off the water, only to be met with the freezing cold air, as opposed to my hot skin.

I wrapped a towel around myself, trying to warm my freezing body. I dried myself off, and slipped on the clothes I had picked out.

I picked up a blow dryer and started drying my soaking hair. After brushing my hair, I pulled it into a simple half braid.

I walked back into my room, where Shadow sat wagging his tail. I stroked his head and walked out of the room, convinced this was the last time I'll be in here this morning.

But of course, I walked back in to feed and water Shadow. Double checking the room, I walked downstairs, and into the kitchen, where a groggy Caroline sat.

She had yet to comb her long locks, so they stuck up in awkward angles. I chuckled at her appearance, and she looked up at me with a questioning expression.

I just shrugged, grabbing a bowl out of the cabinet, filling it with cereal and milk, fetching a spoon also.

I sat next to Caroline, where she sat eating her own bowl of cereal.

"Did you wake up late again?" I asked, taking yet another glance at her appearance before taking a bite of cereal.

She nodded slightly, her cheeks tinged pink. I chuckled yet again.

"Might want to hurry. We have to leave soon." I said, cleaning up my empty bowl, placing it in the sink. I eat really fast.

She did the same, racing up to her room. I walked in the living room, looking around for my backpack.

It hung on a coat rack beside the garage door, and I picked it off of it, placing it on the couch. I looked through it, trying to see if everything I needed was there.

After grabbing my phone, I walked back downstairs to my backpack.

Once making sure my school supplies were set in place, Caroline came into the living room, newly showered and her hair combed neatly.

As I pulled on my pair of converse's, she grabbed her own backpack, checking it, just as I had a minute ago. She grabbed her own technology, racing to put it in her backpack before we had to leave for school.

I slung my cheetah spot themed backpack over my shoulder and walked through the door to the garage.

I grabbed my keys along the way, and checked the time on my phone. 6:30.

Let's go for a run, Siberia repeated. Thats exactly what I was thinking.

"Hey Caroline! I'ma go on a run real quick! Can you drive yourself?" I called to her.

"Yeah!" She replied from the doorway.

I unlocked my white Audi and scooted into the seat, tossing my bag to the passenger side. The engine roared to life and I pulled from the garage.

Something pulled me towards Lunar Forest, a feeling deep inside that I couldn't control.

The mate bond, Siberia told me. I rolled my eyes mentally. For all I knew my mate wanted nothing to do with me. That's not true and you know it! Siberia barked, then severed the connection between us.

I sighed, and turned on the radio. I needed some music right now. I sang softly with the words.

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