Heard the Blaze

By MaddyisRoll

178K 8.5K 212

Book #2 of the 2&2 Novels I can't hear. I'm deaf. Now for a werewolf it sucks. You basically can be snuck up... More

Heard the Blaze
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chaper Ninteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Fourty
Chapter Fourty-One
Chapter Fourty-Two
Chapter Fourty-Three
Chapter Fourty-Four
Chapter Fourty-Five
Chapter Fourty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Fourty-Eight
Chapter Fourty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four

Chapter Two

5.1K 203 10
By MaddyisRoll


"Amelia...where are you taking me?" I went to open my eyes but her tiny hands immediately came over them.

"No! I said don't look!" She whined. I chuckled as she kept pulling me along. We then stopped suddenly and I almost lost my footing. I caught myself. "Okay you can look now!" I opened my eyes and blinked a few times. "I found it when mommy let me play with my friends. The trees cover it so the sun won't hurt as bad!"

She ran out of my grip and ran around, cheering. She was the only one that understands me. More like I understood her too. She was half-human. She doesn't and never will get a wolf, she will be able to turn but it will be painful each time. She was only eleven now. She was made fun of in class. She wasn't as strong as the other kids, never as fast. It had a lot of limitations.

I feel like a big brother to her. I save her as she keeps me sane each day.

I didn't notice I was deep in thought when she pulled at my hand. "D-do you not like it?" I didn't even notice I was frowning until she spoke. I changed it to a smile.

"Sorry I got caught in my own thoughts. I love it actually" she smiled at my response. "Why don't you show me around?" She nodded taking my hand again. She led me over to a secluded, shaded area. A fridge was there, next to an old couch. An old rug was lain on the floor. Fairy lights were streamed up in the trees.

"Took me a while to find this place then go do all this but it works! It can be our escape! Look the fridge for the blood bags. The couch to sleep on. The lights so we can see at night. Isn't it cool?!"  She jumped on the couch as dust came up. She coughed making me laugh a bit.

"Yeah...thank you Amelia"

"Well yeah...us hybrids gotta stick together you know?" She gave a sad smile. I sighed, walking over and sitting next to her.

"You don't have to call yourself that"

"Well it's the truth. Everybody says that about us. We are different"

I shrugged. "Well my mother told me that everyone is different.  That's what makes them unique" she stared down, frowning.

"I know that but, have you ever thought about being normal. Like being pure Werewolf?" I sucked in a breath.

Then I let it out. "Well yeah. I always think about it, how much different my life would be...but for some reason I was put here. Everyone is here for a reason Amelia...you just have to find out why you are here" she looked at me hopefully.


"Really" the moon right now was at its highest peak. I sighed thinking it was really late. "Hey I gotta bring you back to your mother..I don't want her to worry" she nodded understanding and smiled.

"Can we run there with you know..." I tilted my head the smiled.

Coal? Caleb?

What's up kid? Coal spoke. He was my wolf.

Am wants you guys, where's Caleb?

Out and about, he will be back once the full moon is over

As a hybrid, I had my limitations. For example full moons make Caleb go away as my Werewolf side would grow strong, over powering him. 

"Sorry not tonight kid..full moon" she nodded sadly. "Next time though, promise" and then we began to walk. We went on our normal path on the road, walking while everyone was asleep, except for the occasional teens or pack patrols. They normally don't mess with us after what happened...

We arrived at her house, which was secluded from the town. They thought it was best so no one would spark trouble with housing a human here. Her father was the human. He was an army man. Serving the Americans right after he found out he was destined to have a mate, a werewolf, he was deployed about a month ago to try and do Navy training. Mom thought it was best to keep the couple together, she always said to not judge people by their species or makeup. I guess she's just always believed that.

I knocked on the door and waited. "So I guess I'll see you around?"

"Yeah.." her Mother opened the door, offering a smile. I offered her one back as Amelia walked in.

"Bye Mason!"

"Bye Am. Goodbye Mrs. Garcia"

"Thank you for taking her out again. She really thinks your an idol"

"It's my pleasure, but I must be going now...good night" she nodded, slightly waving her hand up to say bye. I ran off. Sprinting towards the forest. Quickly Coal took over, shifting us into our wolf. With Caleb gone, we could be a normal wolf. With him though is another story..

I howled, running freely. Dodging the trees as they sped by, the rush was amazing. I just kept going.

After a while I stopped as a scent filled my nose. I looked around then something cracked. I turned my attention to the sound to only then be jumped on. Another wolf tackled me to the ground. It bared its teeth as it hovered over me. It snapped its jaw at me. I pushed it off of me and stood up on all fours. We circled each other as it held its protective stance.

Then it just sat down. Getting out of its stance and sat down, wrapping its tail around itself. I looked at it confused and the wolf shrugged. A force from behind, pushed me down to the ground. Another wolf, same color as the last, pinning me down once again. Both of them stood over me, gazing down in amusement.

They got off of me and then shifted.

"You know brother I thought your skills would be more intact now that you didn't have two people nagging at you" I shifted back to my human form as well.

"Haha very funny Sophie"

"Well she is right, and I thought I was bad at detecting wolves in the dark"

"Don't you have like Alpha stuff to be doing Emily" she shrugged, beginning to put on her clothes.

"I suppose but I care about my brother more" she winked at me, sliding on her shirt. I rolled my eyes.

"Smaller than a tic-tac, no wonder you get no girls Mason" Sophie motioned down, giggling. My eyes widen as Emily started laughing too. I covered my, area.

"I hate you guys you know that"

"The feeling is mutual brother" Sophie threw over a pair of pants.

"Sisters.." I grumbled going behind a tree to change.

Ok don't freak on me. Yes they were naked in front of each other. Omg big deal! This should be rated mature. No. Mason, Emily and Sophie were born within a 3 year span. Meaning they would've fricken bathed together at a YOUNG age. Yes there is a point in a persons life where you should not see your sibling naked but. Also remember they are werewolfs and their culture is different than humans.

Just wanted to clear that up. K?



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