The Speedster and the Telekin...

By mabaronlovesbts

12.1K 155 2

After the events of the black hole in Central City, the Flash was considered the hero of the city. But over t... More

Book 3!!!


128 3 0
By mabaronlovesbts

A week after Barry had gotten the completed equation from Thawne, Cisco and Caitlin were able to get it finished. Barry was headed Keystone City with the tachyon enhancer to test if it works. "Ok, you guys, I'm here. You got my location?" Barry asks as the four of us, Caitlin, Cisco, Iris, and I, stare at the monitor. "You good? You don't need to, like, strech or somethin'?" Cisco asks him. "No, no, no, I'm good, I'm good." Barry replies. "Let's take this tachyon enhancer out for a test drive." Cisco say and I smirk as I look at him, then look back at the monitor. Barry attaches the tachyon enhancer to himself and Iris and I look over to Caitlin's monitor. "Ooh, yeah, I feel that." Barry says. "That is the tachyon device powering up the Speed Force in your cells like a quick-charge battery." Caitlin explains to him. "How do you feel, babe?" I ask him as I stare at the monitor. "Different." he says and I look at Iris as she looks at me with the same smile I had on my face. "Let's see how long it takes for you to get back here. On my count." Cisco says and he counts down. Barry takes off running, and he seemed to be running faster than he ever could before.

"Dang. This thing got you crusin'." Cisco says and I nod.

"How fast does he normally go?" Iris asks.

"Not this fast." Caitlin says.

"Not even close. Are his vitals ok?" Cisco asks here.

"Yeah, they're perfect."

"Cool. It's like having a pit-stop attatched to your chest." I say with a chuckle and Iris nods.

We watch as Barry speeds around and stare in astonishment. "Guys. I can go faster." Barry says as he pants. "Do it." Cisco says and Barry speeds up even more. He then speeds back into the Cortex and we all look at him in shock. "I'm... I'm back. I'm back." he says and I look at him confusingly. "What if... How long was I gone?" he asks and I walk over to him as I wrap my arms around him. "Let's put it this way. You just annihilated your old record." Cisco says to him. "Yeah, you went four times faster than you have ever been." Caitlin says and I nod. "Four times?" he asks and I nod as I chuckle. "That's as--" 

"As fast as Zoom." Harry says as he walks in. "Well, faster. Actually."

"Hey, uh, do we think that we can get this thing smaller? It kind of sucks." Barry says as he pulls away from me, detaching the tachyon enhancer, and giving it to Harry. "If it sucks, then yeah." Harry says as he takes the enhancer and Barry turns to me. "I'd like an explanation as to what you were talking about earlier." I say and he nods as he leans in and kisses me like he was super excited to see me. "Relax, lovebird. You'll have time to get it on with her later." Cisco says and I roll my eyes as I pull away from Barry. "Alright, so now all we have to do is figure out how to get back to Zoom." Barry says to Caitlin and Cisco. "Yes, uh, just a minor issue. We closed all the breaches and have no idea how to reopen them." Cisco says and I look at Barry. "We're... Wells?" Barry calls Harry and we all look over to him. "Yeah, I have an idea, Allen. Let's keep the breaches closed forever. Forget about the breaches, forget about Zoom." Harry says to him. "Wait, I'm sorry, I thought that you were on board with this?" Barry asks him.

"No. No. I said I will help you get faster. I did not say I would help you give the man who kidnapped my daughter and tortured her a chance to do it again." Harry says.

"Hey, we are not gonna let that happen." Iris says to him.

"Oh, you're not gonna let that happen. Gosh, I wish I'd known that the first time." Harry says sarcastically. "You don't understand. Zoom is different than us. Zoom is not tied to anything. Zoom does not care for anyone." he continues to say. "I do. My daughter's out here on this earth somewhere, I have to find her. We all have people that we care about. Zoom will use that against us. Believe me."

"Maybe we should just leave it be." I say to Barry.

"No, no. Look, no, look we're... We're not turning our backs on another earth. We're not gonna let Zoom get away with everything that he's done." Barry says and Harry walks over to him.

"Right now, there is no way to another earth, Allen. Let's keep it that way." Harry says, then he walks away.

I look at Barry knowing he would do the opposite of what Harry tells him. "We're getting back to Earth-2. With or without his help." Barry says and I look at Caitlin and Cisco. "Let's go to work." Cisco says and both he and Caitlin walk away. Iris starts to walk out of the Cortex and I smile at her at how pretty she looked for her date with Scott Evans. "Have fun on your date." I say to her and she looks back at me with a smile and a chuckle, then walks off. "She's going on a date?" Barry asks me and I nod. "Yeah. Her boss, remember?" I remind him and he nods in realization. "Speaking of dates, it's been a while since we had one." I say to him as I wrap my arms around him and he wraps his arms around me. "I know, Tori, but I got to figure out a way to get back to Earth-2--" I cut him off by holding up my hand. "Say no more. You're busy. Got it. I'll just take the pizzas you brought over to Joe's and I'll see you there." I say and I peck his cheek and walk out. I hear Barry call after me, but I ignore him and keep walking.


We were at Joe's eating pizza and talking to each other. "Man, I love it when you train in Keystone City." Joe says as he places a beer bottle in front of me and Barry. "Hey, you sticking around after dinner? Me and Wally are gonna watch Formula One." Joe says and I hiss. "Cars. Not my thing. Gonna have to pass. But, Mr. Speedy here can't either because he has to get back to the lab. He's still trying to find a way back to Earth-2." I say as I take a sip of my beer. "Can't you just stick Wells on it?" Joe asks. "No, he refused." Barry says and I nod. "He doesn't want Barry or anybody opening the breaches again." I say to Joe. "Well, I can't believe I'm saying this about a man I shot at and punched in the face, but I think you should listen to him." Joe says. "Why?" Barry asks him and I raise a brow at Barry. "Maybe because it'll worry the hell out of all of us, the thought that you wanna go back to Earth-2." I say with furrowed brows.

"I'm faster now, faster than I've ever been. Faster than Zoom. I can take him down." he says and I sigh.

"Yeah, 'cause that's all you've had on your mind since we first saw him." I say as I take a sip of my beer again.

"All Tori's saying is, you already escaped the hornet's nest once. Why go back and kick it again?" Joe asks.

We then hear the door open, and I turn to see Wally walk in. "Hey." Wally says and I smile at him. "Wally. We got some pizza here all the way from Keystone City." Joe says and I stand up. "I think that's my cue to leave." I say and Barry looks at me. "What're you talking about?" he asks me. "You're busy with work tonight, and I've got rehearsals early tomorrow. I'll see you at home, alright." I say as he nods and I walk over to him and peck his cheek. "Bye, Joe. Bye, Wally." I say and they say their byes to me. When I get home, I take my shoes off, and head into the bedroom. I pull out my phone, and call the one person who's probably free tonight. "Hello?" I hear Felicity's voice say as she answers the phone. "Hey, Felicity. Is this a bad time to talk to you?" I ask her just in case she was working on something with Oliver or something. "Nope. Totally free. What's up?" she asks me. "Get some snacks and a drink ready. This is gonna be a long one." I say to her with a sigh as I run my hand through my hair.


After I explained about Barry wanting to go back to Earth-2 to stop Zoom and not wanting to go on date night, I exhale deeply. "I mean, don't get me wrong, Felicity, I wanna help him stop Zoom. But we closed all the breaches and there's no way back. And after what happened last week with traveling back in time to see evil Wells." I say and sigh. "I know, Tori. But I'm sure he wants to go on date nigh with you, given how long it's been." she says and I nod. "Just give him some time. Besides, you said it yourself, Zoom is on a different earth. He won't be able to get to you guys, unless you have a meta-human that can open the breaches." she says. I then widen my eyes, remembering back in Earth-2, Cisco's doppelganger saying that he could open up breaches. "Oh, no." I mutter as I sit up on the bed. "What's wrong?" Felicity asks. "I think I know how Barry's gonna open one of the breaches." I say as I dash to put on my shoes and grab my keys. "How?" Felicity asks me sounding confused by what I meant. "Two words: Cisco Ramon. I gotta go, Felicity. Thanks for talking with me." I say to her. "No problem, Tori. See ya, and good luck." she says and I furrow my brows as I roll my eyes. "Thanks. I'm gonna need it." I say and head back to S.T.A.R. Labs.

When I get to S.T.A.R. Labs, I walk into the Cortex hoping to find them in here, but no one was here. I make my way down to the basement to see Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco down there. Cisco held his arm out and seemed to be trying to do something. "What are you guys doing?" I ask them as I make my way over to them. "Hey, babe." Barry says with an awkward chuckle as I walk in with furrowed brows and cross my arms. "We're trying to open a breach with my powers." Cisco says and I sigh. "How come I knew you were going to do this?" I ask rhetorically. "Tori, I have to get to Zoom." Barry says and I look at him as he looks at me with those sparkling green eyes. "Fine, but you owe me a date night." I say and he nods with a smile. Cisco lifts his arm and closes his eyes as he tries to open a breach. "I got nothin'." Cisco says to us. "Try again, ok?" Barry says and I frown as I look back at Cisco. "Barry, what if he can't do it because he thinks he can't do it?" Caitlin asks and I nod. "That makes sense. It would explain why he can't do what Reverb did back in Earth-2." I say as I look at Barry. "He can do it, though. You can do it." Barry tells Cisco. Cisco then lifts his arm to try again as he takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and exhales. Cisco then scoffs, seeming like he was giving up on trying.

"You... It's gonna work, ok? And it..." Barry fades off and I look at Cisco with a frown. "Maybe we're just not in the right place."

"Or maybe I'm just not the right man for the job, right? Let's go." Cisco says and I sigh as I look down.

"Cisco." Barry calls him, but he ignores Barry and keeps walking.

"I'm sorry, Barry." Caitlin says and she walks away.

I turn to look at Barry as he looks back at the speed cannon and sighs, "It's gonna work." Barry says and I look at him with a frown. "Maybe. But, for right now, it seems like Cisco really isn't in the mood to do this." I say to him and he nods. "Come on, Bar. Let's go home." I say and he nods. He scoops me up and speeds us out of S.T.A.R. Labs. When he stops, I look to see that we were at my favorite Italian restaurant. "What're we doing here?" I ask him as I turn to look at him in confusion. "You're right. We haven't gone on a date lately, and I owe you a date." he says as he grabs my hand and I smile at him. I go on my tip toes and press my lips against his. His arms wrap around my waist and I rest my arms on his chest as the kiss roughens. He pulls away and presses his forehead against mine. "You're amazing, Barry." I say to him and he smiles at me. "You're the one who's amazing, Tori." he says and I blush. He grabs my hand and we head inside the restaurant for date night.

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