Hold On

Від AmbreignsLover66689

2.5K 61 18

A story about a brotherhood that is broken, that is about survival, love, and hope. Більше

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 7

213 9 12
Від AmbreignsLover66689

Seth expected himself to be knocked out, after getting hit by the branch. But the next thing he knew, he felt someone tackling him onto a bed, giving him no time to think, or react.

"Gotcha, Seth!" He heard the person yell.

His head had hit a wall the bed was up against. Seth groaned in displeasure, seeing stars dancing around him. "Argh..." 'How many times must this happen? I'm going to get a concussion at this rate.'

The person above him grabbed his leg. "1...2...3...I win!"

Seth didn't open his eyes to see who it was, but the whoever this guy was they sounded very familiar. 'That voice...no...no, its not him.'

The person's face was now near his. Seth could feel his breath on his cheeks. "Seth? Seth...hey...wake up." He poked at him. "C'mon, I know you didn't hit your head that hard."

Seth didn't move, nor did he open his eyes. He felt too tired and weak. 'Please, just let me be.'

"Seth...? Oh no...no...this is not good, not good at all." He felt the other person sit up. Seth opened an eye, seeing them pulling at their hair in frustration. What surprised Seth though, was seeing who it was.


"Roman! Roman, get in here!" Dean called out for his friend.

Seth heard footsteps approaching, and low grumbling. Soon, Roman came into the room, seeing his two teammates on the bed. "Whats going on?" He asked.

"I...I killed Seth!" Dean cried out.

Roman blinked in confusion. "What did you do now, Dean?"

"We were only play fighting. I tackled him, and he hit his head. Roman, I'm a killer, I'm going to prison! Seth is dead because of me!" Dean wailed.

Seth groaned, finally deciding to sit up. "Okay...Dean, stop...I'm not dead..."

The auburn haired man looked over at him. "Seth! You're alive!" He was about to tackle Seth again, but Roman grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Easy there, Dean. We don't need anymore accidents happening tonight. Seth, are you alright?"

Seth rubbed at the now large bump on his head. "I...I don't know..."

"What do you mean you don't know? You seem alright to me."

"Yeah, well, either I really am dead, or we're both seeing a ghost."


"A ghost?" Dean asked.

"You, Dean." Seth pointed at his friend. "Roman told me you killed yourself after Battleground, and now here you are in front of me. And you look younger too."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"You died." Seth said.

"I didn't die...Seth, did you hit your head too hard?"

"Do we need to take you to the hospital?" Roman asked.

Seth had no idea what was going on anymore. Was the whole universe playing a game with him? "Um, guys...what year is it?"

"It is March, 2014. Seth, are you okay?" Roman asked. "Whats wrong with you?"

'Its 2014, not 2016 anymore…A few months before I bretrayed both of them. How did that happen?'

He was so confused. First after getting hit in the head with the brief case, then after he was hit by the branch. Except this time, he had went to the past. Despite not knowing how or why this was happening, he decided to cherish this instead of questioning it.

"N-nothings wrong with me. I'm fine, really. Just had a bad dream last night is all."

"You want to talk about it?" Roman asked.

"No. Just forget about it, alright? I mean, Dean is fine, he's not dead." He said, sitting up, and giving his friend a hug. "I love you, Dean."

"I-I love you too, Seth. You can let go of me now, though. I can't really breathe."

Seth let him go. "Opps. Sorry." He said, blushing. "Uh, how about we go downstairs? I'm starving."

"That sounds like a good idea." Dean said.

"You sure you're okay?" Roman asked.

"Don't be such a worry wart, Rome. I'm more than okay." He smiled, looking over at Dean, happy to see that he was still alive. Since it was also a few months before his betrayal, that meant he had a chance to redo the things he did before. He wouldn't make the same mistake again.

The three of them headed out into the hallway, going towards the elevator. "There is so much I need to tell the both of you. We need to come up with a plan, on how to take care of Evolution for good."

"That's what we've been trying to do since going against the authority!" Dean said.

"I know, but we need to come up with an even better plan than what we got now." Seth said.

"What do you have in mind?" Roman asked.

"I don't know, but we'll figure something out."

Once they were downstairs, they ran into Daniel Bryan, who was arguing with Kane about something.

"Oh, look. Team Hell No." Dean said, snickering a bit.

Kane looked over at them. "What are you laughing about?"

"Um, nothing. Nothing at all." Dean hid behind Roman. "Ro, make sure he doesn't try anything."

"Theres no need to be scared, Dean. Kane here is harmless." Seth walked by the both of them, patting Kane on the chest.

"I beg to differ." Dean said.

"Um, Seth I would watch where you're going." Daniel tried to warn him.

Before Seth could even ask, he slipped on the floor. He tried to keep his balance, but he fell face first onto the floor…


"Argghh!" He let out a loud scream, cradling his head. "Fuck!"

"Oh. You're finally awake. I was starting to worry that you wouldn't come back."

He opened his eyes, having no idea where he was now. All that he knew was that he wasn't with Dean and Roman anymore. He turned to see where the voice had come from.

He saw a woman, who he recognized from NXT. "Asuka?!"

"Yes, it is me. I was searching for you. Ever since I found out that you had time traveled into the future."

"Huh? What?" He had so many unanswered questions now. Time travel? It was impossible…there was no way… "What time I am in now?"

"You came back to the year 2016. It is still November. I found you at the cemetery. You were holding onto his gravestone."

He rested his head back against the pillow. "How did you find me anyway? How did you even know?"

"I am a sorceress, Seth. I possess ancient powers. I also know about the curse on that belt you once held."

"So, you know how much it has changed both me, and Roman then?"

She nodded her head. "I know many things. Things that you still have yet to discover." She handed him a glass, that had some red liquid in it. "Here, drink this. It'll heal your injuries."

Seth took the drink from her, sipping it down. He almost spit it out. "That is disgusting!"

"It'll also heal your knee. You'll feel much more better soon."

"Asuka…if what you say is true than that means I can save him? I have a chance to make things right again?"

"It is more complicated than that. But yes, you can save him from his fate."

"That is good. So, what do I need to do to go back?"

"I'm sure you can figure it out."

He rubbed at the back of his head. "Um, yeah, that is not something I want to try again…Isn't there another way?"

"Yes, there is. You will need someone else to do it with you."

"I think I know who I can take with me. Roman. He'll help me, I know he will. Its just…he won't believe me when I explain this to him. But I'll find a way to get him to believe. So, what is the other way?"

"You'll both have to figure that out for yourselves."

He sighed then. "So, thats it? You won't tell me? Fine. I have one more question though. How come I didn't go to another time? How come I'm back here now?"

"You didn't change anything when you went back to the past. As long as you don't change anything then you'll come back to where you came from." She stood up from where she was sitting. "I must go now. I hope you know that is very dangerous. You, and your friends are able to use this great power. Use it wisely. Don't make the same mistakes that you did in the past."


Sometime after talking Asuka. Seth went to go find Roman. She had brought back to the hotel, where the rest of the Raw roster was staying at. He texted asking for his room number. Once he received a reply back, he went to where he was.

He knocked a few times, then waited. Roman answered, letting him inside. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you to go home."

"I went to see him, Roman. I visited his grave."

"Did you talk to him?"

"Yeah, I did. After I got caught in storm. Almost got myself killed."

"Well, you should go home then. Take some time off."

"I…I can't back home. There is something I need to tell you. You won't believe me at first, but I'll show you. You must trust me."

"Okay, what is it you need tell me?"

"We can bring him back."


"We can save him, Roman. We can stop Dean from killing himself."

"Seth, have you gone mad?"

"No! No, I haven't gone mad! Roman, I discovered that time travel is real, and we can go back in the past, and change things."

"Seth, please…"

"I need you to come back with me. I can't do this alone."

"Seth, enough! Stop, just stop talking. Look, I understand how hard this must be for you. It was for me too. But don't you see? We can't bring him back. We must accept the fact that he is gone."

"Why won't you just let me show you? What I say is true."

"I should never have told you…I…I tried to forget about him…just move on with my life…but ever since Chris attacked you, you've been acting very weird, and keep reminding me of him." Roman sat down on the bed, looking broken down, and defeated. "Just please, drop it."

"Roman…Dean would not want us to forget about him…"

"You don't know how hard it is to forgive myself. When I remember him, all I can think about is how much I've hurt him, and how things would be different if I hadn't abandoned him! Its because of me that he is dead."

"No, don't you dare say such things. It is not your fault. There had to be another reason."

"What other reason could there be?"

"I don't know…maybe he didn't actually kill himself…maybe he was murdered."

"He was found dead in the tub, he had slit his wrists. He was holding a picture, of all three of us together. I should been there for him, but I wasn't. I blame myself everday. Sometimes I just want to give up. Just to be with him again."

"He wouldn't want you to give up, Roman. Stand up. Come here."


"Just come here, will you?" Seth grabbed him. He grabbed a hold of both of his arms, bending him forwards. He was setting him up for the pedigree.

"Seth?! What the fuck are you doing?!" Roman struggled to get out of his hold.

"I'm going to show you that I'm telling truth. Now, this is going to hurt, but you'll soon understand." And then he did it, did the pedigree on Roman. Now, his friend would finally know the truth.

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