Moving On (Book 2 of Don't Ca...

By Hannah1094

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This is a part 2, please read part 1 before this! There is a book 3 after! Koneko Hanari is back and the war... More

Important Author Note
Coffee and Tears
The Alphabet
Pineapples and Scarecrows
Breaking Down
Sharing Is Caring
Making Soup
Sent Away
Hospital Visits
Tell Me
Good Morning
Heartbreaks Abound (Part 1)
Heartbreaks Abound (Part 2)
Making Amends
Pure Happiness
What Do You Fear?
Welcoming Committee
Visitors and Connections
Author's Note
Jealousy and Frozen Foods
Across the Threshold
Hidan Jr.
Mood Swings

Life Lessons

51 5 0
By Hannah1094

                     The week passes in a slow moving blur of annoyance. I wasn't allowed to leave my room at all, and the only visitor I got was my father. Most of the time, he was trying not so subtly to get me to stay in Konoha. I turned him down every time. My cough has gotten better to the point that my doctor said I could leave today but I have to be escorted out by a nurse. My thoughts immediately go to the bitchy nurse I'd dealt with and plead for a different one. The old man smiles and assures me he'll find another nurse to help me. Once he leaves, I get up and go into the bathroom with the bag Hidan had packed for me so I can take a quick shower and change into street clothes. After my shower I pull out the clothes and a piece of paper flutters to the bathroom floor. I raise a brow and carefully pick it up. 'Sorry Short Stack. Hurry the fuck up and get better.' I laugh and put the paper in the pocket of my shorts before putting on the white tank top and my black zip up jacket. As I finish brushing my hair and planting my hat firmly on my head, I realize something. Hidan didn't pack any weapons for me so I'll have to travel all the way home with absolutely no ninja gear. If I die because of his negligence, I'm going to haunt him so hard. I sigh and head back into the hospital room to put on my shoes.

                  A gasp sounds from somewhere in the room and I glance up to find Sakura staring at me with wide eyes.
"What's up?" I ask, cracking a smirk.
"I thought you were dead!"
"Nope. I decided to postpone that. I felt like dying from having to deal with Suki or whatever that bitch's name was though. How's the orange brat?"
"He's, well... He's Naruto. You know how that goes. I didn't see you back when we tried to get Gaara back from the Akatsuki."
I think back to that time and frown. Sasori had been killed during that retrieval mission. I sadly was on a mission with Itachi and Kisame at the time.
"I was elsewhere." I mutter. "You know, Sasori was a good man, criminal or not."
I finish pulling on my shoes and head toward the door, not looking at her.
"He helped kill Gaara and was going to kill Granny Chiyo." She tries to reason.
"The entire Akatsuki killed Gaara. Did you forget that most everyone follows the orders of another? You follow the orders of the Hokage and jonin. We followed under our leader. You don't question their rules and do as told because that's what you're trained to do whether it's right or wrong." I sigh and rub my forehead. "Regardless, they're all dead and it doesn't matter anymore."
"You really cared about them, didn't you?" She asks after a moment of silence.
I stare at her as we walk down the halls of the hospital.
"More than life itself. They were my only family until I discovered my father."
"I thought you were an orphan?"
"No, my mother abandoned me because she didn't want me." I explain. "She tried to leave me with my father who didn't want me but kept an eye on me as I grew up alone. He then got too scared to tell me who he was when he decided he did care, but then I left. I met my mother on a mission with the Akatsuki and learned his identity from her, then confronted him about it later on."
"So, who is it?" She asks, her eyes full of curiosity.
I smirk and look ahead to the doors of the hospital where the man in question is leaning against the wall, one of his perverted books in his hands.
"Hey Dad, those books will rot your mind if you keep reading them." I call out.
He looks up and sighs as he pockets the book.
"Kakashi-sensei, uh, Lord Hokage is your father?!" Sakura shouts and I clap a hand over her mouth.
"Yes, now shut up Pinkie." I turn from her back to my father. "Come to escort me out of the village?"
He nods and I move to join him at the exit.
"Now Pinkie, I'd tell you not to murder any more of my friends but I don't have any left. So uh, don't die I suppose?"

                 Kakashi and I make our way through the village in silence, my eyes wandering over the villagers who stare at me out of curiosity or hatred. I don't care either way. I notice a group of kids surrounding and picking on a smaller child in the center of their ring. I pause in my steps before walking over and calmly plucking the child from the group. The bullies turn, to yell at me I'm sure, but they falter when they see me. I'm fairly positive their parents warned them about me. The little girl I'm holding clings to my neck and starts to cry.

"So, what's going on here, Kids?" I ask, looking down at the group of six boys.
"She wants to be a ninja but girls can't be ninjas! She's weak!" One of them pipes up.
I look over at the girl. "Do you want to be a ninja?"
"I-I want to b-be strong like L-Lady Tsunade and you. You're K-Koneko, aren't you?"
"Yes, I am. What's your name?"
"Well Yumi, I'm going to tell you something. This goes for you boys as well. Anyone can become a ninja. You just have to train really hard and never give up. My old teammate never gave up on anything he did, and from what I've heard he's a great ninja. I'm strong but I'm not a great ninja or a role model, so don't look up to me. Just find your passion and work really hard. Okay?"
The little girl nods and hugs me tighter.
"Now, boys. I want you all to not be mean to this girl any more. Work with her and show her how to become stronger. The village depends on all of it's people working together, alright?"
They nod and I put the girl back on the ground.
"Run along and train hard, alright?"
Yumi smiles up at me and pulls me in for another hug.
"You're not a bad lady like some of the adults say. You're my role model now! I'm gonna grow up to be just like Koneko!" She cheers before running off with the boys.
Well shit. I just ruined that child's life.

                 I return to my father to find him staring at me with a strange expression so I stick my tongue out at him before asking what the hell he's looking at. He sighs at my word choice and tells me it's nothing. I continue to prod him for an answer and he finally caves a few minutes later, telling me that he still believes I'd be a great jonin teaching children. I shake my head and remind him that I'm a criminal and I hate children. He reminds me that I just saved a girl from being bullied and taught them all a life lesson.
"Maybe I'm not entirely evil all the time. That doesn't change who I am." I answer with a shrug.
"Hey Kakashi! When are you going to step down and let me be Hokage already!? Wait, who the heck is she?"
Oh Kami, that can only be... Naruto. I turn around slowly to find it is Naruto and his eyes widen visibly when he sees me.
"What the heck are you doing here!? Kakashi-sensei look out she's an Akatsuki!"
I slap my palm to my forehead and sigh.
"I've been pardoned of my crimes, Baka. I'm allowed in the village so cool your shit. I'm leaving anyway. Well, I'll leave you to deal with Naruto. I'll see you next time." I mock salute my father before starting to walk away.
"Be careful Koneko."
"Will do, Dad." I call back.
"WHAT!?" Naruto screams and I giggle as he assaults Kakashi with even more questions. 

 A/N: So, I decided to give Koneko a little bit of humanity and sweetness. She can't be a hardass all the time, now can she?

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