Moving On (Book 2 of Don't Ca...

By Hannah1094

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This is a part 2, please read part 1 before this! There is a book 3 after! Koneko Hanari is back and the war... More

Important Author Note
Coffee and Tears
Pineapples and Scarecrows
Breaking Down
Sharing Is Caring
Making Soup
Sent Away
Hospital Visits
Life Lessons
Tell Me
Good Morning
Heartbreaks Abound (Part 1)
Heartbreaks Abound (Part 2)
Making Amends
Pure Happiness
What Do You Fear?
Welcoming Committee
Visitors and Connections
Author's Note
Jealousy and Frozen Foods
Across the Threshold
Hidan Jr.
Mood Swings

The Alphabet

54 5 0
By Hannah1094

                   I wave at Hidan from the edge of the trees surrounding the base before heading forward into them on my way to Konoha. I decided that leaving early would be easier on me and I could reach Konoha by nightfall if I moved quickly. I ended up winning against Hidan yesterday to my surprise but was nice enough to help him clean up the main rooms of the base. We haven't touched any of the bedrooms belonging to the others or Pein's office since everything happened and the doors remain shut, so it made it easier for cleaning purposes. He doesn't know who I'm going to see but I don't want him to worry about anything. I'd told him that I would be gone for up to a week depending on how the meeting goes and what's needed of me.
               When I reach the gates of Konoha they're unguarded and I arch a brow at the lack of security before making my way inside. I make it about three feet in before I'm roughly tackled to the ground. A groan escapes my lips as my jaw painfully clacks against the ground and a weight settles on my back. My scythe of course slipped out of my hand and is now just out of my reach.
"What are you doing here? Are you that stupid?" The voice above me asks.
"I'm not quite stupid. I have a meeting with the Hokage." I retort, pushing against their weight.
"Like Lord Hokage would want to meet with the last Akatsuki member. We've been looking for you for a long time now. Ibiki will be pleased."
He snaps his fingers and I find several sets of feet surrounding me. I'm pulled to my feet and my swords and other weapons are quickly confiscated while my hands are bound in chains behind my back. I am then forced along behind the ninja that tackled me while several more ANBU officers flank my sides and behind me. They certainly aren't taking chances.
"You know if you tell the Hokage I'm here he will tell you that he does in fact have a meeting with me." I tell them smartly, trying to get it through their thick skulls.
"You'll not be getting anywhere near Lord Hokage."
"This is such a drag..." I mutter under my breath as I blow stray hairs out of my face.
I guess it's a good thing I told Hidan I'd be gone for a while. Who knows how long it will take to get out of this.
                       I find myself in a stone room with a mirror along one wall. I know that the ninja on the other side of it can see me perfectly fine, so I stick my tongue out in their direction. I was unceremoniously tossed in here without my personal effects and my hands still bound. Using the wall as leverage, I manage to get my arms in front of myself then get to my feet. I cross the room slowly, keeping my eyes on the 'window' ahead of me. I stop directly in front of it and cock my head to the side while a grin crosses my lips. I can feel the unease pouring off of someone on the other side of the wall. I try to pinpoint their location at the mirror and stand directly in front of them before pursing my lips and blowing a kiss. Why not have a little fun while I'm trapped here? The door opens to my side and I wink at my new friend before turning to face the intruder. I'm met with the fierce glare of the commanding officer of the Interrogation Unit, Morino Ibiki. I offer a sweet smile at him and his glare deepens as he moves to lean against the wall.
"So why did you come back Koneko?" He asks me.
"Well, like I'd told your little lackeys that brought me here: I have a meeting with the Hokage."
"Try again, why are you here?"
"Because your men brought me here. I didn't exactly waltz in all on my lonesome."
As I finish my statement, I walk forward and lean my arms on the table he had sat down at.
"You're just going to make this harder on yourself, Koneko. Tell me what I need to know and things will be alright."
He's now trying to appeal to the fear he thinks I have. I'm not afraid, I'm pissed off.
"Well, what do you need to know? The alphabet? Numbers? How to use the bathroom because I don't think I'm qualified for that."
His fists clench and he strikes the table as he gets to his feet. His hands quickly latch around my throat and he lifts me off the floor. I maintain eye contact with him and choke out a laugh as he squeezes. It reminds me of Pein when I first got brought into the Akatsuki. I swing my legs out in a swift motion, planting them firmly on his chest before straightening them, causing him to lose his grip on my neck. I land on my feet and cough as air begins to return to my lungs but I hold my composure.

                 After another hour of dealing with Ibiki, I'm dragged from the room, bruised and bleeding. I commend myself for not backing down against him though. My next stop lands me in a dirty cell underneath the ANBU headquarters. The whole walk down I sang a little song called 'Take Me to the Hokage'. I got hit a few times for it but I think I've gotten my point across. As I'm left alone, I begin to wonder what Hidan is up to while other thoughts are creeping up on me. It's very quiet down here seeing as I'm the only prisoner and the guards are stationed at the end of the hall. Thoughts of the empty base wash over me and I blink back the tears and punch the wall. Right now is definitely not the time for emotions.

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