Overwatch Oneshots (Overwatch...

By FireflyGirl19

53.6K 621 65

Here you can read and experience both oneshots, headcannons, cute stories and just amazingness!!! Got a requ... More

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Couples Costumes (Tracer x Reader)
How could you Fail?! (ReaperXReader & WidowmakerX Reader)
I am not leaving you alone again. (Lucio x Reader)
Heterochromia, Something Beautiful (Hanzo/Genji/Sombra/Tracer x Reader)
Reaper X Positive!Short!Reader (headcannons)
Infiltration of the Heart (Sombra x Reader)
Giving Love To Their Partners (Prefall!Soldier/Ana/Reinhardt/Gabriel X Reader)
Not A Dream At All!!! (Overwatch x Reader)
Doing More Harm Than Good (Hanzo X Reader / Genji X Reader)
Language Barrier (Sombra/D.Va/Mei/Pharah/Tracer x Reader)
New Recurit Can Do What?! (Tracer, D.Va, Genji x Reader)
Both Fun and Relaxing (BastionxReader ((Platonic)) & SymmetraxReader)
Please, Come Back To Me (Lucio/Zarya/Zenyatta X Reader)
You Can Do What? (Genji x Gyrokinesis!Reader / McCree x Hemokinesis!Reader)
But....You Are So Small (Genji / Hanzo / McCree x Reader)
We Are Here, Our Darlin' Love (Poly!McHanzo x Reader) ((TRIGGER))
An Unforgettable Honeymoon (Junkrat x Reader)
Kitten-like Curiousity (Ana/Pharah/Torbjorn x Omnic!Reader)
It's Ok, I Have You, You are Safe (McCree/Reaper/Solider x PTSD!Reader)
A Tale of Ink (McCree/Reaper/Soldier:76 x Reader)
Could This Be Real? (Overwatch x Reader) ((Part 2 of Not A Dream!))
Another Sleepless Night (McCree x Insomniac!Reader)
Talk To Me! (Hanzo x Reader)
Birthright (Reaper x Reader / Widowmaker x Reader)
Another Trip to Medical Bay...Again (Pharah/Sombra/Tracer x Reader)
Looks Can Be Deciving (Lucio x Reader)
A Year To Us (Hanzo/Lucio/McCree x Reader)
Is That You? (Genji/Lucio/Tracer x Reader)
Still as Beautiful as a Sakura Blossom (Genji x Reader / Hanzo x Reader)
Authors Note #1
Forever Ours (Poly!Roadrat x Reader)
Soulmates AU (Poly!PharMercy x Reader & Poly!McHanzo x Reader)
(TW) Stop Lying To Them (Hanzo x Reader/Lucio x Reader/ Soldier: 76 x Reader)
Honey, Now is NOT the best time (Lucio x Reader/Sombra x Reader/Tracer x Reader)
Angel of Music (Lucio x Reader)
Don't Worry, I Have You (Roadhog x Reader)
Best of Intentions (Blackwatch!Jesse x Fem!Reader)
A/N #2
Regrets Message (Reaper x Reader x Soldier: 76)
Trying Not To Love You (Soldier:76 x Reader)

Marionette (Zarya x Reader)

744 11 0
By FireflyGirl19

"I can't believe that I screwed up on another freaking mission again!" I vent to myself out loud as I discard my battle clothing, torn and covered in dirt, for a option of a nice pair of form fitting leggings, a tank top and a messy bun so that I could practice. I was supposed to be doing an excerpt from a ballet that someone had wrote about person who was seen as the most beautiful person, one who can have anyone in their entire life but the one they love makes them feel like they have to do exactly as they say. If that meant keeping them by their side, they will be exactly like a marionette for them.

As I stretched, I thought about how my uncoordinated legs got me in trouble as I tripped Mei and she fell into one of JunkRat's Mines and my clumsy arms hit Soldier in the face, resulting in him missing his target for one second. I sighed and turned on the music, blaring it in my room as I knew that no one would come bother me in here, not even my girlfriend, Zarya.

She saw how bad I messed up today and when I went to pop my back, relieving the pressure from the vertebra, I remember the disappointment in her eyes when she heard me being yelled at for screwing up again but the words she said to me...those hurts worse. 'Maybe you should try to practice some drills to get better at coordination, my little mouse.' She says as I storm off when we get home.

I hear the music start and I slowly sway to the music as I let it take over me, remembering each movement from memory as I slowly allowed myself to become the Marionette just to follow the song. It was more of a freeform song and had some fast movements but I had practiced to popular songs that they turned into ballet numbers for several years so this was nothing new to me.

"She says 'hey! wait, Listen now to what I've got to say; I don't think I want it this way. We've become some poor excuse, a love that's come undone. And how do we get so numb, I wanna be in your control, so unmerciful. You can twist me and turn me, just don't let me go."

Right at the moment the chorus starts, I start to spin before dancing around like I was trapped on some strings, knowing that f I want this to be realistic and as believable as it makes me feel, I need to be the marionette but for some reason, I started to think about how this song makes me feel when I am Zarya.

"I wanna be your puppet on a string. Baby I'm not holding back, we can do anything. And even if I am crazy is cause you make me this way. We're as close to love as we'll ever get, I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette. I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette."

I empty my mind once again so I can focus on my movements, wanting them to be as fluid as possible to make it have the feeling of longing, of lust but most importantly, to have the feeling of want for my character' love. 'Focus, you can't let silly things like what she said distract you and you can't let her get in your mind, you have to focus' I criticize myself as I prepare for the next verse.

"So let's play the charade; I'm helpless like a child lost in the dark, And I need you to light a spark. It's a game but the same, I need to feel that this is love somehow; So don't disconnect me now! I wanna be in your control; So unmerciful. You can twist me and turn me, just don't let me go!"

I felt like this next part was really important because my character was supposed to be begging their crush to look at them and did not care if they were going to lose part of themselves and for a split second, I thought of Zarya because I did not want to let her down and yet I did which makes me more like my character after all, I was going to lose her and I did not want to let her go, I would do whatever I needed to do. 'Stop losing focus and keep on pointe!' I yell at myself as I start to dance to the chorus again.

"I wanna be your puppet on a string. Baby I'm not holding back, we can do anything. And even if I am crazy is cause you make me this way. We're as close to love as we'll ever get, I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette. I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette."

I pop my neck as I prepare for the bridge as I imagine my partner leading me in a waltz as I dance on pointe around them, just wanting a chance to be caught and allowed myself to become more of the character. I could feel what they felt but for some reason, Zarya kept slipping into my mind and I tried to shake her off but I was failing. I have to keep focus, I can't afford to lose focus if I want to stay Prima.

"We're lying head to head and toe to toe. And we're body to body; I feel you beside me. We're in this masquerade, A beautiful game or play. It's so powerful with you controlling me!"

About this point, for some reason I am crying as I spin around on point as I picture that this was Zarya and I! We would have not met or even became a couple if it was not for her pushing me to keep getting better and even now, I could feel her telling me to keep going, that if I gave up that all it will make me do is seem like a quitter and I refuse to do that. I keep spinning up until the end of the bridge.

"I wanna be your puppet on a string. Baby I'm not holding back, we can do anything. And even if I am crazy is cause you make me this way. We're as close to love as we'll ever get, I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette. I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette."

'This is the big finish, keep going and don't stop. Just survive the spins and you will have done it!' I yell and encourage to myself as I get on one pointed foot to spin and feel myself finish the move to end with a Sauté.

I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette. I wanna be your marionette, marionette, marionette!

I guess it is true, I want to be a marionette for Zarya because I don't want her to let me go...I can't afford to be without her.

I hear clapping from behind me and I turn to see that I had attracted a crowd of one. "Zarya, what are you doing here?" I ask as she smiles and looks at me.

 "I can't come check on my dearest Little Mouse?" I hear behind me as I look around as see her with a smile on my face before she looks at my form. "You have strength yet you are detailed in your movements. You are graceful yet when it comes to battle, you are as uncoordinated as a newborn child. Why is that?" She asks as I wipe off my face with a towel and look at her.

"I guess it's because of the fact that I have practiced for years to be in that position that I am in. I only joined Overwatch about 5 months ago but I have been a Ballet Dancer for most of my life." I reply as she looks at me with a face of shock. 

"You dance ballet yet never invited me to any of your performances, why is that?" She asks as I shrug and turn down the music before looking in the mirror. 

"Because of times we are too busy training for me to get back into doing the things I love. Besides, the only reason why I am doing this right now is because I am doing it for a children's show. I have to keep focus if I want to remain Prima." I say as she then turns me around to look at her once again.

"You are a Prima?! Dearest, why didn't you tell me before?" She inquires as I shrug and look down. 

"Is there something I can help you with?" I ask as she holds me tightly and doesn't let go. 

"I come to apologize for what I said on the field, I was just upset and I didn't realize that you were only trying." She says as I nod. 

"I forgive you, thank you for this." I say as she keeps a hold of me.

"I want to give you something as a real apology, not just words but I been trying to find your favorite flowers yet they are not in stock, is there anything I can do to make it up to you." She asks as I think for a moment then nod. 

"You can help me practice for the show." I reply as she looks at me with a look of shock. 

"I do not know how to dance as beautifully as you do." She says as I smile. 

"Consider it payback for all the times you've used me as a weight." I smile as I set up the radio for some basic dancing practice.

She sighs in defeat and nods. "Fine, I will dance with you." She says as I then hold her face in my hands. 

"Also, attend my first performance, Front Row." I say with a small smile and a blush before she holds my hands on her face and then makes me look up at her. 

"I would be honored to see your performance, my love." She replies with a smile before kissing me.

Guess it is true, I maybe a marionette but to her, I would gladly be her marionette if that means I get to keep her in my arms.

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