Overwatch Oneshots (Overwatch...

By FireflyGirl19

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Here you can read and experience both oneshots, headcannons, cute stories and just amazingness!!! Got a requ... More

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Couples Costumes (Tracer x Reader)
How could you Fail?! (ReaperXReader & WidowmakerX Reader)
I am not leaving you alone again. (Lucio x Reader)
Heterochromia, Something Beautiful (Hanzo/Genji/Sombra/Tracer x Reader)
Reaper X Positive!Short!Reader (headcannons)
Infiltration of the Heart (Sombra x Reader)
Giving Love To Their Partners (Prefall!Soldier/Ana/Reinhardt/Gabriel X Reader)
Not A Dream At All!!! (Overwatch x Reader)
Doing More Harm Than Good (Hanzo X Reader / Genji X Reader)
Language Barrier (Sombra/D.Va/Mei/Pharah/Tracer x Reader)
New Recurit Can Do What?! (Tracer, D.Va, Genji x Reader)
Both Fun and Relaxing (BastionxReader ((Platonic)) & SymmetraxReader)
You Can Do What? (Genji x Gyrokinesis!Reader / McCree x Hemokinesis!Reader)
Marionette (Zarya x Reader)
But....You Are So Small (Genji / Hanzo / McCree x Reader)
We Are Here, Our Darlin' Love (Poly!McHanzo x Reader) ((TRIGGER))
An Unforgettable Honeymoon (Junkrat x Reader)
Kitten-like Curiousity (Ana/Pharah/Torbjorn x Omnic!Reader)
It's Ok, I Have You, You are Safe (McCree/Reaper/Solider x PTSD!Reader)
A Tale of Ink (McCree/Reaper/Soldier:76 x Reader)
Could This Be Real? (Overwatch x Reader) ((Part 2 of Not A Dream!))
Another Sleepless Night (McCree x Insomniac!Reader)
Talk To Me! (Hanzo x Reader)
Birthright (Reaper x Reader / Widowmaker x Reader)
Another Trip to Medical Bay...Again (Pharah/Sombra/Tracer x Reader)
Looks Can Be Deciving (Lucio x Reader)
A Year To Us (Hanzo/Lucio/McCree x Reader)
Is That You? (Genji/Lucio/Tracer x Reader)
Still as Beautiful as a Sakura Blossom (Genji x Reader / Hanzo x Reader)
Authors Note #1
Forever Ours (Poly!Roadrat x Reader)
Soulmates AU (Poly!PharMercy x Reader & Poly!McHanzo x Reader)
(TW) Stop Lying To Them (Hanzo x Reader/Lucio x Reader/ Soldier: 76 x Reader)
Honey, Now is NOT the best time (Lucio x Reader/Sombra x Reader/Tracer x Reader)
Angel of Music (Lucio x Reader)
Don't Worry, I Have You (Roadhog x Reader)
Best of Intentions (Blackwatch!Jesse x Fem!Reader)
A/N #2
Regrets Message (Reaper x Reader x Soldier: 76)
Trying Not To Love You (Soldier:76 x Reader)

Please, Come Back To Me (Lucio/Zarya/Zenyatta X Reader)

1.2K 13 0
By FireflyGirl19


It started out as a lullaby he was singing to them but soon, he realized that they were not waking up. He tried everything from loud music to begging but nothing woke them up.

"Lucio, maybe you should rest, love." Tracer said as he shook his head and held their hand. 

"I don't want to leave their side." He said in a small voice that resulted in her looking at him with a glance of hurt in her eyes. She felt sorry because he was blaming himself but it wasn't something he had done. 

"They will wake up soon, besides you gotta eat too, love." She said as the Brazilian refused to move and held a tighter grip on their hand.

"Thanks but no thanks...I want to be here when they wake up." He whispers as tears form in his eyes and Winston comes in to check on them and is shocked. 

"Lucio, have you been talking to them?" he asks as he shakes his head some. 

"Not in the last few minutes...I have been with Lena, why?" He asks as Winston shows him the patterns of their brainwaves. 

"They are either in a comatose state or...they are trapped in their own dream." he says with amazement and looks at Mercy.

"Do you think it is time to test the newest bit of technology?" Winston says as she looks at their still body and nods. 

"No time like the present." She says as he nods and helps her get the earphones. 

"Lucio, we have this new bit of technology that we are wanting to test, it will allow someone to go into the subconscious of anyone who is connected to the system and allows them to enter their own conscious." He says as it confuses Lucio and Mercy has to explain it to the man in simple terms. 

"You will be able to enter their dreams through the music you hear." She says as he nods and lets Mercy put them on him and his muse before closing his eyes.

He opens them and discovers that he is at some kind of rave like concert but the music that is playing reminds him of the day that they first said hello to him. "(Y/N), Where are you?" He tries to yell over the speakers and finally sees them up at the DJ booth with glow sticks round their neck and his headphones on his ears. 

'At least they are safe.' He thinks as they are dancing to music that he created for them. He finally realizes that this entire rave was dedicated to him and his music.

"Hey gorgeous!" He yells over the speakers at them and they turn around. 

"Hey yourself, I was wondering when you would show up to the fun!" They yell back with the biggest smile on their face. 

"It's all fun but do you know how long you have been in here?" He questions as they lead him to a quieter area to talk. 

"I don't know, about 6 or 7 hours, why?" They ask as he realizes that they have no idea how long they have been in their own dreams. 

"(Y/N), you have been out for about a week." He says as surprise takes over their face.

"Then how are we talking and what is going on?" they gasp as he chuckles some at their surprised face. 

"But it doesn't feel like I was gone for that long." They say in a sad small voice as he smiles and hold their hand. 

"But it's time to go, besides, we can make music anytime you like and besides, out there is more fun than in here." He smiles as he kisses them but it didn't have the right feeling, like something was missing from a song.

"Wake up sweetie and come back to us...I will be waiting to give you a real kiss." He smiles as they nod and he opens his eyes in reality, looking at Winston and Angela. 

"Did it work?" They ask as he hears a coughing from the bed and he rushes over, handing them to the doctors before rushing to the now coughing person on the bed. 

"Welcome back." He whispers before kissing them on the cheek and finally, all the notes seem to be right.


Training was supposed to be a time of relaxing to the great Russian woman but it was nothing without her dearest by her. They were hurt in battle just 2 days before and they have not yet woken up. Mercy said that they would wake up eventually but to her, even a moment away from them was like a story without adventure...meaningless.

She was holding their hand and speaking soft words into their hands, hoping that it could wake them up when Mercy comes in and starts to say something about how there seems to be a lot of brain activity but no physical activity. "Zarya, we have something that we could try if you like, it could help." Mercy says as she looks at the short angel like woman before her and nods in silent agreement.

"Let me just put the helmet on your head and when you go to sleep yourself, it will seem like you are dreaming but you will be entering their mind." Mercy says as Zarya nods and closes her eyes before she feels something shift around her and when she opens her eyes, she is surprised by her surroundings. One minute, she was in the clinic with their love but when she opened her eyes, she was back at the battlefield, seeing that they were trying to keep fighting even though they were bleeding.

"(Y/N), hold on, I am coming!" She screams as she rushes over with her weapons and starts to defend them as they heal themselves with a found health pack. 

"Zarya, what are you doing here?" They ask as they reload their gun and pull the trigger, hitting the omnics that were attacking. 

"(Y/N), this isn't real...this is a dream!" She yells as she starts to shoot before using her ult and they look at her with a confused look.

"A dream...but I woke up and started fighting again so I thought it was a continuation of the battle." They say as a bullet whips past them. 

"That was close!" They yell as she looks at them and they nod. 

"Hold tightly, I am going to try something and let's hope it work." They say as she nods and braces for impact before causing a massive explosion to a few barrels of oil, causing them both to go flying backwards.

Zarya awakens with a jolt along with them as Mercy checks their vitals, shocked by the sudden move me. "Are you both alright?" She asks as they nod and look at each other. 

"Next time, we try that in battle, that was fun!" they say as Zarya smiles and laugh with them. It's good to have that laugh back.


It was meditation, nothing like clearing their minds but it seemed like no matter how much they cleared their minds, they would be brought back into the nightmare filled memories of the past. They seemed to be in such a deep meditation, not even the explosion from Junkrat's RIPTire could wake them, causing Zenyatta to worry about his now silent lover.

"Teacher, I worry for (Y/N) after being in a state for this long. Even I must awaken after nearly 25 hours of meditation at that posture, I would have to move." Genji informed his mentor as Zenyatta nods before brushing some hair from their face but not before being able to glimpse into their mind for just a split second thanks to their abilities. He saw the darkness and how lost they were that he became worried.

"Leave us to conclude meditation, my faithful student. I believe I know why they have not yet awaken." He says with a hint of sadness in his own voice as Genji bows and goes to leave as Zenyatta gently touches their hand. 'Show me what keeps you from joining us on this realm and you rather stay in the realm of spirituality.' He thinks to himself before closing his eyes and he can feel himself connecting with their mental state.

He opens his eyes in that realm only to be brought to some emotions he is used to feeling since the world has seen his kind as dangerous; fear and sadness. He sees that they are having memories and flashbacks of when they were together yet could never hold hands due to the risk of him being harmed, both verbally and physically. He sees the horror that they have seen among his own kind as he saw them defend innocent people among the fires and bullets.

'This is what they have trouble letting go, but why I should ask.' He thinks as he keeps looking around and sees one memory in particular that caught his attention. There was a young adult, holding the hands of a child as the child begged them to not leave, to not go and fight against omnics because then they not live. But it is the words that shocked him. 

"I have to leave...I have someone I want to protect so he can protect you...please don't forget; not all Omnics are dangerous because I fell in love with one as he taught me peace and he...He has something that could spark a change." They said as he felt something swell in him...was it...love?

"I see that you saw my most private memory." A voice sounds behind him as he turns and sees them with fresh tears in their eyes as he rushes and wipes them away. 

"I am sorry to pry but I was nervous because you had not moved from your meditation spot in over a day so I was worried that you were harmed." He explains as then sees them looking at him with a gentle smile. 

"I'm sorry...the child that you saw...they were my cousin and they were afraid that I would not come home." They explained as they looked at the mirror and he touches their shoulder.

"And what you told them...about falling in love with someone in Overwatch?" He questions as they smile and hold his hand gently and has a blush. 

"It's true...someone has taught me great peace and taught me how to love and it was..." was all that was said as they are both pulled from the mental state to see a worried Reinhardt and an even more worried Mei. 

"Are you both ok?" Mei asks as they nod and look at the sunset only to realize that it was now even later in the day than they realize. 

"Yes Mr. Reinhardt." Zenyatta says as he nods and watches as the wandering soul he was just sharing time with starts to stand. "You never answered my question." He says as they smile and stretch.

"Allow me to answer at our next meditation, I am quite hungry but I shall say this, it's because of him, I was able to find my way home again." They say with a smile and we can say this successfully, Zenyatta has a newfound peace and that is in knowing that his feelings for them are mutual.

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