The Contract That saved my Br...

By sel_evelyn

378K 12.2K 716

What are you willing to help your only sibling? Would you do anything? Well, Alexandra didnt quiet had option... More

The Contract... that saved my brother but not me
Chapter 1: My new life & home
Chapter 2: Ian and Kyle
Chapter 3: He likes me?
Chapter 4: Alex + Ian= love ?
Chapter 5: Engaged
Chapter 6: How about we try?
Chapter 7: Our first date
Chapter 8: Too good to be true...
Chapter 9: Kyle
Chapter 10: Hoping
Chapter 11: Getting better...
Chapter 12: Uncle Luis
Chapter 13: Three more days
Chapter 14: Disaster comes knocking
Chapter 15: My wedding day
Chapter 16: Honeymoon
Chapter 16: Extended
Chapter 17: Going back home
Chapter 18: The Truth Comes out
Chapter 19: After the truth
Chapter 20: Hope
Chapter 21: What should I do?
Chapter 22: Auction and Love
Chapter 23: Finding peace?
Chapter 24: Cheated
Chapter 25: Past and Present
Chapter 26: I am free
Chapter 27: Life goes on
Chapter 28: Wrong deal
Chapter 29: Baby surprise
Chapter 30: Another surprise???
Chapter 31: I still want him
Chapter 32: The truth finally comes out
Chapter 33: Time flies
Chapter 34: Finding Alex
Chapter 35: Continue Finding Alex
Chapter 36: Babies Time
Chapter 37: Finalizing
Chapter 38: The start of the end Part 1
Chapter 39: 38 continued
Chapter 40: Missing
Chapter 41: The start of the end Part II
Chapter 42: The Final Result
Ending Two (Alternative Ending)

Time Passes By: The End

7.2K 169 37
By sel_evelyn

This takes place after Richard gets arrested. 4 months have passed.


I am looking at Christian giggling with my mom. She is holding him in the air.
"Hey Alex," Ian comes by from the kitchen.
We are at Kyle's place. He wants to celebrate Melissa's birthday after all the mess that happened.
"Oh hey, Kyle said you didn't know if you could come," I say.
"Yeah, Cassy is not coming though,"
I frown. "Is everything okay? Is Juliet okay?"
He nods. We walk into the kitchen. "I don't know if I can be with Cassy. She gets so upset and I know she can be treated but I don't think I can love her," he says.
He sounds so sad. I feel sorry for him. "You don't have to be someone because of a child. Juliet will be fine if guys are divorced."
Ian scoffs, "I know but I can't do it. Juliet deserves a family."
"And she will have one still. She has all of us," I touch his arm. "Look, right now just have a bit of fun. Kyle really wants us to be for Melissa."
He smiles. "Yeah okay. But if you promise me a dance later?"
I chuckle. "Okay."

We sing Melissa so many songs. She giggles and cries through them all.
I hug her tight and say happy birthday. "Thank you Alex," she smiles.
Ian is serving every one cake so their attention is occupied.
"So, how are you feeling now?" she asks. We walk towards the living room.
"Better but I can't face them in the eye,"
"Ian and Kyle?"
I nod. I explain why I had a "relationship"with their dad. They understood but that doesn't mean they forgive me.
"It will take time Alex,"
"I know but I miss Ian."

I look at the small window to the dinning area. Kyle is taking a photo with Ian. Both are smiling wide.
"I guess I am still judging myself badly. I know they are kind."
Melissa hugs me from behind. "They love you."
I chuckle. "Kyle loves you more."
She giggles and begins to walk out. "I know."
We begin to drink a bit and dance. Ian takes my hand and gets me closer to me. A soft pop song comes on and we begin to slow dance.
"Thanks for keeping your promise," he smiles.
"I am trying to make it up to you,"
"Alex, everything is fine now."
I look down at his red button shirt. "I can't say stop thinking about all the things I did. I am really sorry."
I feel his hand on my chin. He makes me look at him in the eye. "I said I forgive you since you accepted my apology. Let's move on,"
I sigh. "I still like you."
Ian gets closer to me. The music fades and I feel like floating. "I never stop loving you."
My knees become weak. Ian holds me against his body. His warmth is so familiar. I miss him.
"I know you don't think I can be your husband again. My priority besides Christian is Cassy and Juliet."
My stomach drops. Ian walks back. The music is now a dubstep song.
"Alex!" Melissa suddenly pops in the picture and drags me to her little dance circle. I pretend I didn't hear his last words.
A week later

Christian is such a big baby! He has rolled over!
I call Kyle telling him the news. He chuckles. "Send me a video," he says.
"Yeah later, so how are you? How is Canada?"
"Awesome! It is really cool," he laughs. "Get it? Because it is cold here."
I roll my eyes. "Duh!"
"Hey Alex, can you go to the address I'm going to send you? I have a package waiting,"
He hangs up and sends me an address.
It is the city where Ian lives.
I look at Christian sleeping. "I guess we can take a mini vacation."
We arrive and I call Ian. "Hey can we go see Cassy and Juliet?"
"Sure. I am working but I'll be there in 45 minutes," he answers.
I want to see how Cassy is. I really want her to be better.

Cassy lightly smiles as she welcomes us in.
"Juliet is sleeping," she says, "so what are you doing here?"
I put my baby down in his carseat. "I wanted to see how are you and how big is Juliet."
We sit on the couch. Cassy looks beautiful. Her hair is nice and wavy and she is wearing a nice pink dress.
"Thank you. I am well now," she says. "Therapy helps."
"Your baby is so handsome, just like Ian," she smiles at him sleeping.
"Yeah. Juliet will be as pretty as you,"
She blushes. "Thank you."
I look down at her marriage ring. "Are you really happy with Ian?"
She quickly looks at me. "What kind of question is that? Of course I am."
I sigh. "I didn't mean it in the bad way. I am just curious. I never was 100 percent happy with Ian."
Cassy stands. "Well I am."
The door opens and Ian comes in. "Hey, how are you ladies?"
I stand. "I'll be leaving. I need to run an errand."
Ian frowns. "But I want to see my son."
Cassy goes to him. "She can come over for dinner."
Okay, surprising.
"Please?" Ian asks.
I nod. "Sure. I need to go."
I get the package and there is a note on top. "open it."
I get my car keys and take off the tape. I open the box. It is a photo of Ian and me on our wedding. I look miserable.
Why would Kyle want this?
There is a note.
"You can have this Alex. Cassy doesn't love Ian. She told me. She is just afraid to be alone. You need to tell her to say that to Ian. She needs real love like everyone. I saw you both at Melissa's party. You love him. You always did. I was just a distraction. He loves you back.
Fight Alex. You already won the big battle. Win the war."
I sigh. How?


She is here. How can I think of her this way? I am married.
"Sweetie?" Cassy comes by with Juliet in her arms. "Are you okay?"
I nod. I am cooking for tonight.
"Ian, do you love her?"
I sigh. "No. We talked about this."
I hear Cassy leave but then come back. She turns me around. Her eyes are watery. "Then why do your eyes still sparkle? You blushed when you saw her."
"She is family. I am happy she is with us,"
Cassy places her hand over my heart. "I do love you."
I nod. "Thank you."
The door bell rings. Cassy goes to it.
"Hey how are you guys," I hear Alex.
Cassy takes care of her while I finish cooking. Once I am done we gather around in the table.
We begin to eat. Our babies are laying playfully on the carpet in the living room.
We hear them giggle.
"Thank for the food. It is yummy,"Alex says.
"Ian cooked," Cassy smiles.
"Remember I cooked for you too," I say.
She nods.
We finish eating and Cassy steps out with Alex. I wonder what they are talking about.
I finish cleaning and put Juliet and Christian to bed. Alex gave me permission to have him for the weekend.
I step out of the room and see Alex standing in the hall. "Everything okay?" I ask. She looks at me. "I love you."
I smile inside. Her voice is so sweet.
"Alex, Cassy can hear you," I say. I don't want trouble.
"She doesn't. She told me she will set you free if you tell the same,"
Is this really happening?
I get closer to Alex. "Where is Cassy?"
"In the living room, but answer me,"
I nod. "You know I do. I love you."
She smiles. "Kiss me."
I kiss her once. "I need to talk to Cassy."
Cassy tells me she understands how I need Alex. "I was being a brat when we first met. I was jealous but I never really loved you."
I kiss her hand. "Are you gonna be okay?"
She nods. "Just don't forget about me or Juliet."
"Never. She is my baby," I smile. "Thank you."
She is walking slowly to me. Her light pink dress flows in the air. The white flowers in her hair make her look angelic.
"Hi," she whispers as she settles in front of me.
"Please be seated. We are here to celebrate this couple and their love..."
I say I do as she smiles wide.
"You can kiss the bride," the preacher says.
Alex jumps over me and plants her lips. She giggles as I reply.
I pull away. "I love you."
"I love you too," she says.
We turn to see our loved ones cheer for us. I wish my mother and even my dad was here. I couldn't have a normal family but I making my own now.
Alex and I go over the garden to take photos. "I can't believe I got you at the end," she says.
"I don't deserve it. I was a stupid-"
I shush her with a kiss.
"Doesn't matter. Stop it Alex."
She nods. "Okay."
"Mrs. Wilson," the photographer says, "are you ready?"
Alex nods.
We finish and party till midnight. Kyle hugs me goodbye. "I am happy for you."
"Thank you."
"Your ride is here," Melissa says. She is with Alex.
"Have a fun honeymoon," Kyle smirks.
I roll my eyes. "Bye."
Alex giggles as she hugs Melissa. "Don't get pregnant right away!"
"Can't promise you that," I say. I grab Alex and we head to our destination.
Alex kisses me as we are in the car. Sam is driving us to the airport.
"I can't wait to be with you," she smirks.
"We can do it," I put the window up that divides the driver to the backseat. We are riding a limo.
"Ha! No way! Wait till the hotel," she laughs.
I kiss her. "Fine."


Ian is beautiful. His naked body is so yummy. I kiss his hip. "Happy anniversary," I say. I lay on his chest.
"That was amazing," he says.
"Thank you,"
He chuckles. "Was that really my gift?" I nod.
I sit on the bed. "Ian."
"There is another gift," Ian sits and looks at me. "Blowjob?"
I chuckle. "No. But I hope it is better."
I take out the box from the drawer. "Here."
Ian smiles as he opens it and then the smile disappears.
"Are you crazy? This is better than anything!" he kisses me.
I am relief. He loves it.
"We are pregnant!" Ian quickly jumps out of the bed. He calls Kyle.
I chuckle. They are such good brothers now.
"I know!" Ian sounds like a total girl right now. My mom and brother already know.
"Okay, bye."Ian puts on underwear.
"Where are you going?" I stand. I put a night rope on.
"Gonna scream to the world how happy I am!" he hugs me. "I am gonna be a dad."
"Again," I chuckle
We kiss. "I am never going to betray you or hurt you Alex."
I know that. I am lucky. So lucky.
"I will always be with you Ian."
"Till death due us apart."

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