Why? Why betray me? (a Percy...

By athenasdaughter1805

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The typical Percy Jackson betrayal story, (I am aware of the sheer quantity of these in existence). Percy wil... More

why? betrayed? (a percy jackson and chaos fan fiction)
1. Where?
3. A meeting and A new beginning
4. Who are you?
5. What did I just drink?
6. Not Poseidon's son
7. I have WINGS!!!
8. Who is this guy?
9. Hello?
10. Oh its on!
11. He's back
12. What have I done?
13. Ouch my head hurts
14. Interrogation
15. Interrogation- part 2
16. Interrogation- part 3
17. Welcome
18. Welcome (part 2)
19. Rooftops and relaxation (kinda)

2. The final straw

6.7K 181 91
By athenasdaughter1805

Sorry that I haven't updated in a while stupid writers block and homework. Ok mostly homework. This is my first book, although I have helped others but then I had them to bounce ideas off of, please do not hate me for this chap. I do ship Percabeth.


Percy POV

Let's just say this summer has been hell so far. I speak from experience. at first I was happy I had a brother of course that was before he showed his true colours. That little f*** tart; oops this is not supposed to be swearing central, well it's true!; he started stealing all my so called 'friends' by taking their most prized possessions and blaming it all on me. He also immediately started stating that he had killed over 20 hellhounds when it was only 3 and I killed them not him, he was passed out before my blade was out. Only Thalia, Nico, Grover, Juniper and Annabeth were loyal to me.

I was headed back from Hephaestus' forges however I did not realize that I had to contribute in the making of the ring so I couldn't just come grab and go. It eventually was complete and I arrived back at camp. I couldn't find anyone, so I headed to the pavilion and almost every camper, nymph, tree-spirit and satyr was surrounding two people in the center of the arena. I could immediately spot my douche of a half brother sucking off the face of some blonde haired girl. Probably some Aphrodite chick but when I looked again it was a face that I always loved seeing, her princess curls of blonde hair, stormy gray eyes. My idiotic half brother was kissing MY Annabeth, how could she? I immediately snapped the ring in half and chucked it into the ocean.

I didn't even say a word before I raced towards the Poseidon cabin. I threw everything into one of my many duffel bags I cut Annabeth from all our photos with riptide. Just as I had finished packing Hermes, Hestia, Hades, Hephaestus, Hecate, Artemis and Apollo flashed into my cabin.

"Percy, you will soon be summoned to Olympus for a vote for your death. To help you escape, We will give you blessings over our domains. You are already my champion so I will increase your powers over my domains" Hestia said warmly (no pun intended). She tapped my forehead and I glowed for a couple seconds. The others followed each giving me their blessings, I was mostly shocked due to the act from Artemis who normally hates all men.

"Our powers that you have gained will reveal themselves when they are needed." All the gods and goddesses harmonised. As they left I was flashed into the Olympian throne room. I knew what was coming.


"Percy this is insulting. I disown you for being a coward and traitor to Olympus! Max is much harder working than you and he isn't a thief." My so-called dad stated. Only now did I notice that campers had been flashed in too. I glared at Annabeth and Max out of instinct.

"Perseus Achilles Jackson you are being accused for the murder of Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis and you are overall too powerful and are a great threat to Olympus. You are banished from camp halfblood and all in favor of the destruction of the traitor raise your hands." Zeus thundered. All the gods other than Hades, Hestia, Hermes, Apollo, Artemis and surprisingly Dionysus raised their hands.

"Any last words sea scum?" Athena asked with a smirk on her face.

"Yes, how in the world would I be able to betray any of you? My fatal flaw if loyalty for f***ing gods sake and I was going to leave camp half-blood anyways." Athena was about to speak but I didn't let her, "If you're wondering why then ask your pathetic excuse of a daughter and my f***tart of a brother." I snap.

"Enough, say goodbye to your preciously short life." Zeus said as he threw his stupid bolt at me. Out of instinct I held my hand in front of me waiting for the bolt to hit me but it never came, in my hand was Zeus master bolt. I chuckled, created an earthquake, threw the bolt back and jumped off the side of Olympus. Before they could see me I melted into the shadows. I shadow-travelled to the Poseidon cabin got my bag and left...


Authors note: Sorry that I haven't updated in a while the next chapter will be uploaded as soon as I have finished writing it.

I do not own PJO or HoO Rick does

Love, Marie Louise

Percy: I don't like where this is going.

Me: It will get better and you might meet some people like you

Percy: I hope so cause this so far sucks for me. But I am loving the powers.

Me: Who knows you might get even more...

Percy: Technically you would know

Me: It's a rhetorical question

Percy: A what?

Me: Never mind I give up...

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