He's The One

By samistry_

3.2K 397 360

Sasha Williams is an all grown up, independent, smart, and bold woman. And that's exactly the kind of women... More

I N T R O & C A S T
Chapter 01.
Chapter 02.
Chapter 03.
Chapter 04.
Chapter 05.
Chapter 06.
Chapter 07.
Chapter 08.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.

Chapter 09.

190 20 42
By samistry_


I can't believe this.

This can't be happening.

This is my worst possible nightmare.

I can't even drink in peace. It's already a lot that I have to work with her and now she is here as well. Is this woman stalking me or something? I think, as Sasha runs towards the dance floor and I glare at her retreating figure.

I gulp down another shot of vodka. Sasha has now reached the dance floor, and has started dancing like crazy. She is swaying her hips from side to side and bumping her fist in the air, her hair are flying everywhere in the air, and I can't help but smile at the way she is dancing. She sees a girl and waves at her, the girl waves back at her, they must be friends.

Someone taps my shoulder, and I turn around and see Brandon, sitting at the stool next to me. He has a smirk on his face, and his eyes are dancing with amusement.

"What?" I ask.

"When were you going to tell me that you're head over heels with this girl?" he points at the direction where Sasha is dancing.

"I am not head over heels with her." I scoff.

"Well, you have been staring at her for 10 minutes now, with a lovesick smile on your face, and you didn't even noticed me when I came and sat beside you, so if that's not the sign of love, then I don't know what it is." He smirks.

"I wasn't staring at her." I deny.

"You were."

"No, I wasn't I was glaring, and I was most definitely not smiling like a lovesick." I scoff.

"Yeah yeah, whatever helps you to sleep at night brother." he says.

"So, who is she?" he asks.

"Sasha." I reply

His eyes widen, "The Architect?" he asks and I nod. "Damn she's hot." he comments.

I glare at him. I look towards Sasha, she's wearing a short black dress, which is clinging on her body, hugging her perfect curves, the dress is simple but it looks exquisite on her. I have to agree with him here, she really is hot, not that I'll ever admit it to someone. The hell I just thought? I quickly snap out of my stupid thoughts.

He smirks, "If you ever fall out of love, I'll be more than happy to have her."

My hands ball into fists and I glare at him again.

"And then you say, you don't like her." he smirks again.

"I don't, okay?" I snap.

"Whatever helps you to sleep at night bro."

"Who's that guy with her?" he asks, pointing towards Sasha.

There's a guy, who wasn't with her before. He has his arms wrapped tightly around her waist, and he is trying to dance with her, or more like trying to rub himself on her. I don't think she Sasha doesn't look to happy about it, she seems like struggling to get out of the guy's hold, but he is holding her very tightly.

"I don't know, I don't think she knows her." I reply to Brandon.

I think for few moments whether I should help her or not. Really? You need to think about this? Go ahead and help her, you idiot. Right, I may not like her but that doesn't mean, I should sit here and let some creepy bastard have his way with her, while she is drunk out of her mind. I stand up and start walking towards the dance floor. As soon as I reach where the Sasha and the guy are dancing, I immediately push the guy away from Sasha, removing his filthy hands from her body.

"What the fuck man?" the guy shouts.

"Exactly. What the fuck man?" I shout back. Fortunately, the music is really loud, so nobody hears us, or if they do, they are too drunk to care.

"You're ruining my fun here, get the fuck off." he shouts and tries to grab Sasha again. I grab her hand before he can reach her and pull her behind me, rather harshly.

"Ouch! Easy there, handsome." she slurs. Seriously? What's wrong with her? Can't she see, I'm trying to help her get rid of this shit. I glare at her, and gesture for her to stay quiet. And surprisingly she obliges, nodding her head at me.

"Back off," I growl at the piece of shit in front of me.

"Really? What are you going to do?" he grabs my collar, and pushes his fist forward, to punch my face.

"Nuh uhh," I shake my head, and grab his fist before it can reach my face. "You don't wanna mess with Ryan Scott now, do you?" I smirk at him.

"Ry.. Ryan.. S.. Scott?" he stutters, and I nod. His eyes widen, "Son of Mr. Scott?" he asks and I nod again.

"Holy shit." he mutters. "Forgive me for my misbehaviour, please sir." he pleads.

I give him a Curt nod. Grabbing Sasha's hand, I start walking away from the dance floor.

"Wait!!!" Sasha stops me.

"What?" I snap.

She doesn't reply, instead she turns towards the guy, and punches him square on the face.

I stand there, shell shocked.

"Take that. You bastard!!" she shouts at the guy, and turns towards me with a triumphant smile on her face. "Let's go. " she says to me.

I just shake my head, grab her hand and start walking again.

"Holding hands? Ehh, how romaaaanticcc!!" she slurs.

I ignore her and keep walking away from the dance floor and towards the bar counter. Brandon is still there, but he is now talking with a girl. I had seen her before, she came here with Sasha. I think they are friends. She has blond hair just like Sasha, and she is wearing a green lace dress. She is quite pretty. Not as pretty as Sasha–– What the fuck? Why am I comparing them? I shake my head, snapping out of my ridiculousness.

"Sashaaa!!! Thank god you're okay." The blonde girl jumps towards Sasha, pulling her into a hug, and nearly knocking her down.

"Ehh relax Zoe. I'm goooood." Sasha slurs.

"Brandon here told me some creep was trying to harass you," Zoe says pointing towards Brandon.

"Oh yeah, this handome over here saved me." Sasha points towards me. "Hello Brandon." She waves enthusiastically at Brandon.

"Hello sister-in-law," He grins, and I glare at him.

"Hmm Sister-in-law, how?" she looks quizically at Brandon. He just shakes his head and grins wider in response. It's good that she is drunk, she won't remember anything tomorrow.

"Thanks for helping her, guess you aren't that bad." Zoe says to me.

"Yeah whatever," I mutter.

"You should sit and drink some water." I turn to Sasha.

"No I don't want to drink water. I want to drink beer." Sasha grumbles.

"You've had enough drinks. Just drink some water then I'll drop you and your friend home." I tell her.

"Fine." She huffs and sits on the bar stool.

I tell the bartender to bring some water. A few seconds later,  he brings a glass of water and gives it to Sasha,  who drinks all of it in one go.

"Good. Now let's go," I command.

"You're going to drop them home?" Brandon asks me.

"Yeah, I don't have any other choice. I can't leave them here alone." I say and he nods in understanding.

"We can go home by ourselves, mister." Zoe scowls at me.

"I don't think that's a good idea. She has already been in trouble, she is drunk and you're too." I say.

"Yeah, and you're aren't?" She raises her eyebrow.

"I have had only a couple of drinks. Nothing I can't handle."

"Okkaaayy, but hey! Where's Natasha?" She asks.

"Who is Natasha?" Brandon, Sasha and I ask in unison.

"Natasha is our friend Sasha." Zoe reminds Sasha.

"Does she have long, dark hair?" I ask Zoe. I remember when Sasha was dancing, she had waved at a girl.

"Yes, have you seen her?"

"She was at the dance floor with a guy a while ago, but she isn't there anymore." I inform.

"Must have went somewhere with the guy." Zoe mutters.

Sasha is now singing a Spanish song in a really loud voice. Completely oblivious to the fact that her friend has disappeared somewhere.

"Despacito, Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito." She sings.

"Give me her number, I'll go outside and call her." I tell Zoe.

"I can go and call her,"

"No you stay here with Sasha."

"Okay." She gives me Natasha's number and I immediately leave the bar to call her.

"What is it?" She picks at the fourth ring.

I open my mouth to speak but she beats me to it. "You better have a damn good reason for interrupting my steamy make out session." She snaps.

I open my mouth again, "ARE YOU GOING TO SAY SOMETHING OR NOT?" she shouts through the phone and I drag my phone away from my ear. I don't want to be deaf.


"Who the fuck are you?" she asks, clearly irritated.

"Ryan Scott." I reply sternly.

"The bastard who doesn't want to work with Sasha?" She asks but before I can reply she speaks again, "The fuck have you done to Sasha? Have you kindnapped her and calling me for money? I swear to god––"

I cut her off, "Would you shut up? I have not done anything like that. Sasha is here at the bar with Zoe,  and they both are drunk. So I'm taking them home, but they're worried about you."

"Oh, why the hell are you taking them home?"

"Because they're drunk and they can't drive. Now are you coming or not?"

"No, I'm not. You take them home and you better take care of them."

"I will." I reply.

"Wait, don't hang up! There are some things I want to say to you." What!? What does she wants to say to me?

"You are an arrogant bas––" I hang up, I've had enough of this shit from Sasha.

When I go inside the bar again, Brandon, Zoe and Sasha are all drinking again. The hell! how am I going to take care of three drunks at the same time. This couldn't get any worse.

"Natasha is with some guy, she isn't coming with us. Let's go." I tell them.

"Okaayyy." Sasha slurs, and jumps from the bar stool, losing her balance and nearly falling down, but I catch her before she can fall.

"Careful!" I scold. I put an arm around her shoulder and start leading her outside, Zoe follows suit.

"Woah bro!! So you find some hot girls and you instantly forget about me, what happened to bromance, huh?" Brandon shouts, catching up with us.

I roll my eyes at him, "I am pretty sure you can handle yourself."

When we reach the car Zoe and Brandon sit in the backseat, while I usher Sasha in the passenger seat and clasp her seat belt. Then I go to the driving seat and start driving. Few minutes later, when I glance at Sasha, she is passed out on her seat. Brandon is nearly asleep too, while Zoe is leaning against the window, staring outside. I ask her the address of Sasha house and she immediately starts giving the directions.

Twenty minutes later, I pull my car in the driveway of Sasha's house and climb out. I open the passenger door, Sasha is fast asleep so I pull her in my arms and carry her bridal style. Zoe climbs out of the car too.

We silently walk towards the door, then Zoe fishes out some keys from Sasha's clutch and opens the door. I walk inside the house and quickly put Sasha on the couch.

"I'll go now." I say turn to walk out of the house.

"Thank you!" Zoe calls from behind me and I just nod in response.

I reach my car and climb inside. Brandon is passes out on the backseat now. I sigh and start driving towards my home.


Next morning I wake up with a headache, it's Sunday and dad's going to be back from London today. I can't even begin to imagine, how mad he'll be, when I'll tell him that I haven't working on the new project. I climb out of my and go to the bathroom for a shower to relax.

The rest of the day passes quickly and dinner time comes, Brandon has gone out to some party and dad is back home now. He has went to freshen up and he is going to be here for dinner soon.

Our cook Mrs. Taylor has made chicken pot pie for dinner and she has already finished her work and went. So it's just now me and dad at home.

Dad appears in the dining room in his casual clothes and takes a seat at the head of the table, while I'm sitting on his right.

We chat casually for while, he tells me about the opening of hotel in London and I tell him about my week. Then he asks the question, I have been dreading.

"So how's the new project coming along?"

"Uh dad, I haven't started to work on it."

"What?" he shouts, clearly angry.

"How can you be so careless, son? I told you to start working on it as soon as possible, didn't I? I was expecting some progress while I was away." he says with deadly cold voice. I know he doesn't like carelessness when it comes to work. But I'm angry too, he knew I didn't wanted to work with Sasha still he went ahead and hired her.

"You know why dad, I didn't wanted to work with a woman, you know damn well why." I shout.

He takes some breaths to calm himself then sighs.

"Just because something happened to me doesn't mean, it will happen to you too, " he says softly, with a concerned look on his face.

"You need to forget and put that behind you, and change your thinking, before it's too late. You can't stay like this forever, son." With that he pushes his plate back and walks out of the room, leaving me with my thoughts and memories I never want to relive.


Finally an update. Yaayyy!! So, ummm for some reason I had a really hard time writing this chapter. And I don't even like this chapter, but whatever. I had to update, so I did. I hope you guys like it. Do tell me what you guys think, in the comments.

Thanks a lot for reading, this book has now more than 1k reads!! And I can't thank you guys enough for that. If you liked this chapter, then please vote.❤

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