Camren One Shots

By E11James

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Camren one shots -send requests via comments or messages -songs are also counted as requests More

The Wedding
The Ex
The End?
The Apology
The Movie
21 Questions
The First Time
The Text
The Anniversary
The Anniversary (Part 2)
The New House
Opposites Attract
Last Time
Last Time Part 2
Moving On
Thursday Night Date Night
One Night Stand
The New Girl
The New Girl Part 2
The New Girl Part 3
Meeting The Parents
The Band. The Date. The Sister.
Happy New Year
Fake Love. Real Love
The Band. The Date. The Sister Part 2
Fake Love. Real Love Part 2
Time Ran Out
The Train
The Walk
The First Move
Fuck Love
Christmas Dinner
I'm Ready
I Pray For You Girl
The Play
Things Are Hard Sometimes
Start Of Something New
I Miss You
I Miss You Part 2
Caught Red Handed
Miss Anonymous
A/N (again)
The Project
Left Behind


5K 65 131
By E11James

It was a week before prom and Lauren hadn't bought her dress yet. She wasn't even sure she was going to go. Her friends were all going with dates and she didn't want to be the one that was left out. Sure boys had asked her but it wasn't a boy she had her eye on.

Camila Cabello. The most beautiful girl Lauren had ever seen. That's who she wanted to take to prom, but unfortunately it wasn't as simple as that. First of all Lauren's friends had no idea she was into girl and secondly she didn't even know if Camila was into girls either.

She would stare at Camila walking down the corridor every day with the same yellow backpack. Camila had never seemed to notice her but Lauren noticed Camila. She wanted to ask the girl so badly but was scared of rejection.

The days kept creeping up on her and prom was only 3 days away. Lauren was in biology class which she loved, not because of the science but because it's the only class she was close enough to Camila. Lauren sat right behind Camila so she could stare at her even if was only the back of her head.

"I don't know, a few guys have asked me but I don't think I'm going to say yes to any. They just don' for me" Camila said pausing before finishing her sentence. Lauren overheard and instantly thought she was talking about prom.

"It's just, Ally can you keep a secret?" Camila whispered into her phone. Lauren guess that the girl on the phone said yes since Camila continued to talk.

"The reason haven't said yes to any of the guys is that I don't think I' do I say this....I don't think I'm into guys" she said as her voice got all shaky. She seemed scared of what the other girls reaction would be. The bell rang and Camila soon got up and walked out of the class. Lauren just sat there in shock not knowing what to do. She just found out that the girl she's completely drooled over for years, is into girls.

Lauren took this as an opportunity. She got up grabbing her school bag and ran down towards the direction of where she Camila disappeared. Camila came into view and Lauren sophisticatedly walked over to her. She got about a meter away from her before chickening out and walking he opposite way.

Another day blown. She only had 2 days to ask Camila to prom. She was more nervous than excited as she was outing herself by asking Camila. She was scared of the way people would look at her or what people what say. That's when it hit her.

"Enough is enough" she told herself.
"Screw what people have to say"

Before she knew it her feet were taking her to the usual spot Camila would hang out. The fountain. She clutched onto her bag tighter than ever as soon as she saw the girl standing there laughing with her friends. She stopped a few meters away before taking a deep breath.

"It's now or never Jauregui" she said under her breath and before she knew it she was walking straight towards Camila. Without thinking she grabbed Camila by the shoulders and pulled her into a kiss.

At first Camila didn't kiss back but quickly realised who it was and started to kiss back. All the things Lauren had been worrying about had suddenly slipped away and it was just her and Camila in the moment. The kiss didn't last long when Lauren started to hear gasps from other class members.

Before her braveness disappeared. Lauren asked Camila to prom. Camila just stood there not knowing what to do. If she did this people would know she was in to girls. But she took a long look at Lauren before realising that she didn't want to hide anymore.

"Sure, pick me up at 7" she said winking before turning back to her friends. Lauren walked away biting her lip trying not to cry with joy. She had finally done what she was scared to do this whole time.


That night she text Camila.

Lolo: Hey what colour is your dress?😘😘

Camz: Dress? I'm not wearing one😘😘

Lolo: So what are you wearing?😘😘

Camz: A suit. You're wearing the dress so what colour is your dress m'lady?😘😘

Lolo: Red😘😘

Camz: Perfect😘😘


Prom night came and Lauren was about to leave to pick Camila up before she heard a knock. She opened he door and Camila stood there with a limo behind her while she held a white corsage.

"A gorgeous corsage for a gorgeous girl" Camila said placing the corsage on Lauren's hand. Lauren turned her head to the side trying to hid her blush.

"You ready to kick ass at this prom?" Camila asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be" she smiled as Camila held a hand out to her.

"Then let's go"

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