You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanf...

By DarkWolf991

334K 10.3K 6K

I didn't blink, I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. "Ha! Serves you right monster! And this is only the be... More

You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 1
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 2
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 3
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 4
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 5
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 6
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 7
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 8
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 9
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 10
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 11
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 12
You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 14
Chapter 14 - (REUPLOAD)

You're Not Alone (Naruto Fanfic) Chapter 13

13.6K 562 163
By DarkWolf991

Dedicated to EveryDayStriffeling for being my frist comment on my previous chapter!

I nearly lost all motivation for this story, which was bad.

BUT all of your amazing comments kept me going!

(maybe after like 7 months but still…)

Oh, and it is the New Year for Asian/middle easterns! I don’t know what to call it, like, Afghans and Iranians and stuff.


I’m celebrating with my Iranian best friend, they get to miss school and stuff because of ‘religious holidays’ L

I should really stop talking now…




So it turned out that while Gaara nearly tried to brutally murder Sasuke with his sand, Naruto was training with one of the Legendary Sannin. Jiraiya the Toad Sage, to be specific.

How I know this, you ask? Well, it was actually quite a coincidence that I stumbled upon their little training session, Jiraiya was just about to-

It’s hard to explain like this, so why don’t I just show you?



I was walking aimlessly, glaring daggers into the ground with hatred for the world. Why was it always Gaara and I that got the blame and pain? It just wasn’t fair.

Gaara nearly killed Sasuke, which apparently some Sound Ninja needed. But the strange thing was, we were working with the Sound Ninja to attack the Leaf Village. If they needed Sasuke, why didn’t they tell us? Why did they risk Sasuke almost being killed by Gaara’s blood thirst?

Were the Sound Ninja hiding something?

But actually, was the Kazekage hiding something? What was Gaara’s father hiding?

He didn’t seem like himself when I talked to him last, much too different. Almost creepy.

I sighed and cracked my neck, trying to release all of the little clinks that were annoying my bones.

“AGHHHHHH!” I jumped from the sudden noise and my eyes widened. “Why can’t I get it right?!” I started searching frantically for the source of the random yelling.

I eventually followed the sound of muttering and curses being hissed, and loud laughing from what seemed like an old man.

I frowned and stared at the water all around the area. ‘Just great, water, my one weakness, well, sand’s weakness.’ I thought.

“Who are you?!” I jerked my head upwards and was met with angry eyes. It was an old man, with long white hair and red paint like tears coming down from his eyes. He was wearing a green and red outfit.

I blinked, “Yuzuki, Yuzuki of the Sand.” I replied automatically. I inwardly rolled my eyes, I was just sooo used to impressing people that they had to ask my name, it’s become a habit. (Yeah, I sound really self-absorbed don’t I…? Oh well…)

The man narrowed his eyes, “Why are you here? To try to kill Naruto?”

I frowned again (I’ve been doing that a lot lately), “Wait what? No, of course not. Wait, Naruto? Naruto is here?”

A blonde mess of spikey-wet hair popped out from beside the old man.

“Yuzuki? Yuzuki right?” He asked.

I nodded, “Yeah, you’re Naruto aren’t you, if I remember correctly?” I pursed my lips.

He grinned and nodded, “Yep! Shikamaru said that you’re actually pretty nice! You are!”

A corner of my lips went up, “Nice? I’ve not even talked to you properly and you’re calling me nice?”

Naruto shrugged, “Well, you’re not trying to kill me, so I say that’s pretty nice of you.”

I let out an amused laugh, “Wow, okay.”

The man groaned, “Okay fine, you two know each other.”

Naruto rolled his eyes, “Yuzuki, meet Pervy Sage, he’s training me for the finals.”

‘Pervy Sage’ hit Naruto on his head, “You’re not supposed to tell your enemy about your training!”

I shrugged, “What am I going to do about it? Nothing. And wait, Pervy Sage?” I asked, confused at the nickname.

Naruto nodded, “Yeah, he’s a pervert.”

The pervert opened his mouth in offence. “WHAT? No! I am not a pervert!”

The blonde, orange and blue jump-suited ninja rolled his eyes again. “Oh sorry, you’re not a pervert. You’re a super pervert.”

He smiled and nodded, “Yes, thank you.” I facepalmed. “But in all honesty…” He stroke a pose, holding his arm above his head and pointing.

“Oh here we go…” Naruto muttered.

The pervert ignored Naruto and just grinned. “My name is Jiraiya! Jiraiya the Toad Sage! And also the Super Perv-“ Naruto used this time to plant a massive kick right in the side of Jiraiya’s face.

“Shut up Pervy Sage.” He said simply and sighed.

I blinked and creased my eyebrows, “Jiraiya? The Sannin?!”

Jiraiya rubbed his bruised cheek and gave a big grin, “See? She knows who I am you brat!”

I looked him up and down, “Doesn’t live up to expectation.” I added.

Naruto burst out laughing and Jiraiya huffed and walked away, muttering things like ‘stupid ignorant kids… I’m going…. Hot springs… hehehehe… boobies…’

Yeah, I got a bit freaked out.

“Can you tell me why Jiraiya of the Three Legendary Sannin is training you?” I asked.

It was an unlikely thing to happen. A famous ninja training a tiny, unimportant, weak Genin. And I wanted to know why he was doing it. Blackmail?

Naruto gave me a toothy grin. “I caught him peeking into the woman’s hot springs!”

My mouth hung open and I chuckled, “Of course, as expected of a ‘super pervert.’

Naruto nodded and laughed.


Flashback End!



So here I was now, sitting on the land, near the river, next to Jiraiya. We were both staring as Naruto attempted to summon a toad.

So far, he had summoned a tadpole, a tadpole with legs, and some other random toad which was smaller than what we were aiming for.

“Naruto, try to use more chakra.” I said, giving him a tip.

He huffed, “Summoning is hard! It’s not like you had ever summoned something!”

I pursed my lips and frowned, it was true, I had never summoned something before.

“True…” I muttered.

Jiraiya raised his eyebrow at me, “Haven’t you?” I shook my head. “Want something to summon?” He offered. Then he shook his head, “Wait, no, forget it.”

I stared at him, “No! If you have something that you don’t need, I would like to be able to summon something.” I insisted. I wanted something to summon. If my sand was ever unable to protect me, it would be easier to summon an animal to help me.

“Yeah Pervy Sage! Give her something to summon!” Naruto yelled from his space in the middle of the river, holding something which looked like another toad in his hands.

Jiraiya shook his head, “No, you’re an enemy ninja. You’re from the Sand.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Really? Your ex-teammate is also an enemy ninja, so I’ve heard.”

Jiraiya glared at me, “What of it?”

I turned my gaze back to Naruto. “What was he like? Orochimaru, I mean.”

Everyone had heard of the Three Legendary Sannin and the one who had betrayed Konoha. I just wanted to know, this may have been insensitive, but so was life, so, yeah.

Jiraiya sighed and looked at Naruto again, who was furiously trying to summon something bigger.

“He was my best friend.” I looked at him. “My crush had a crush on him, so I hated him with a passion. He was always so good at everything, while I was the dead last and fuck up.” I raised my eyebrow at his swear word but didn’t say anything about it. “But we grew closer and I got to know him, he wasn’t so bad. We all went through rough times, and helped each other like a team should.”

I smiled, “Seems nice.”

He nodded, “Yeah it was. He had this weird habit though, constantly licking his lips and stuff with his tongue, like a snake-“

The Kazekage licked his lips and gave a sly grin. “Oh Yuzuki~”

“-and then he sometimes hissed, you know? It was pretty creepy sometimes.”

“How sss-stupid of you, you let him run away? You should have just killed him.” The Kazekage chuckled.

Jiraiya shrugged, “But I guess, when he always did that, I could tell if it was him or not. Even when people had transformed into him, or when he was transformed into someone else.”

My eyes widened, I had gotten a bunch of memories of my time with the Kazekage, and… but…

No way.

“Oh shit!” I shouted and sprung up.

Jiraiya blinked at me, “What? Is Orochimaru that weird?”

I shook my head quickly, “No! Do you know where he is right now?” I asked, wanting more information.

“No.” Jiraiya sighed. “He completely vanished from the map, I’ve been trying to find him, but I couldn’t.”

I held my head, this all made sense now!

“Crap!” I shouted again, groaning that I didn’t figure it out sooner.

“WHAT?!” Naruto yelled.

I bit my lip and turned to Jiraiya, “The Kazekage is dead. Orochimaru has taken his place and is pretending to be him. He is the leader of the Sound and is in charge of the Sand!” I blurted out.

Jiraiya’s eyes boggled, “What?!” He said sharply. “Why?!”

I sighed, “The Sand and Sound are teaming up to attack the Leaf during the Finals of the Chuunin Exams. I thought it was something that the Kazekage organised, but Orochimaru is pretending to be the Kazekage, from what you told me just now, it clicked that that was the reason that the Kazekage wasn’t acting like himself. He wasn’t himself, He was the snake, Orochimaru.” I explained calmly.

Jiraiya was going red, I could nearly hear the coils in his brain turning and processing.

“You have to tell the Hokage about the Sand and Sound’s plans for the attack. We could have you arrested.” He stared, monotone at me.

I ran a hand through my white hair in frustration, “Can you not hear me?! Orochimaru is the Kazekage! He wants to kill the Hokage himself!”

Jiraiya bit his lip, “Okay.” He exhaled, trying to calm himself. “Okay.” He repeated, nodding slowly. “Okay.”

“WHAT’S GOING ON?!” Naruto shouted again.

Jiraiya’s eye twitched, he stood up and walked right up to Naruto.

“Naruto.” He spoke.

The said blonde boy grew nervous with the Sage’s staring. “Err, yeah?”

Jiraiya straightened his back. “Remember, lots of chakra.” Naruto blinked and was about to say something but Jiraiya grabbed his arm and the side of his body, and threw Naruto into the dark abyss beside us. I heard a sudden piercing loud shriek and gasped.

“Jiraiya! What the hell?! Are you trying to kill him!?” I rushed beside Jiraiya and looked straight into the dark, pitch black abyss. Leaving my sand gourd on the side of the land.

“He will be able to summon Gamabunta, the Chief Toad. He is his father’s son after all.” Jiraiya gave a soft smile, then whipped his head around, his long white hair trailing behind him, and grabbed my arm.

“What?” I asked.

He looked into my eyes. “We’re telling the Hokage about these plans.”

Before I could say anything, the Sage held up a hand sign and the place around us warped and I was forced to close my eyes from the white light.

“Open your eyes.” Jiraiya ordered. I obeyed.

Standing in front of me, was the Sandaime Hokage, with his hands on the table. I pulled my arm away from Jiraiya’s right grasp and bit my lip nervously.

“Yuzuki of the Sand. Jiraiya. What can I do for you?” The old man asked.

I felt kind of sorry for him, he didn’t even know that his ex-student was plotting his death behind his back. It was pretty dreadful and horrific actually.

Jiraiya let out a sigh, “Apparently, Orochimaru is pretending to be the Kazekage.”

The Hokage’s eyes widened slightly. “Expand.” He ordered and looked at me.

I nodded, “Yeah, Orochimaru is pretending to be the Kazekage, and is planning to attack Konoha alongside the Sound Ninja, who Orochimaru is the founder of.” I spoke smoothly, trying not to stutter, that would be terribly embarrassing.

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow, “And do you have any proof to those claims?”

I rubbed the back of my head, “Well, aside from having all of the characteristics that Orochimaru had, being what the Kazekage did, and the fact that Orochimaru did disappear from the map completely, not much. But I assure you, what I’m telling you is true.”

He sighed and sat down. “I’m getting too old for this.”

I smiled sadly, “Sorry, but I don’t think anyone would appreciate you being killed by your ex-student. He’s planning to kill you. And the Sound…” I thought about it.

“What about the Sound?” Jiraiya asked.

I frowned. “I think they have taken a special interest in Uchiha Sasuke. And since the Sound is ruled by Orochimaru, I think it’s safe to assume that Orochimaru wants Sasuke for something.”

“Why Sasuke?”

I shook my head, “I don’t know. But we were planning to attack in the middle of the final exams. And you should really check on Sasuke, I noticed that he has a mark on his neck.”

They both narrowed their eyes at me. “How do you know about that?”

I smiled, “I didn’t have anything to do with it, I just saw it when I was getting Gaara to not kill him.”

The Hokage looked at me, “Yuzuki, you understand that this is a huge claim. Are you sure?”

I nodded, “I believe so.”

The Hokage then gave me a look, like he was ready. Ready for war. This was a look of patience and a lifetime of experience.

“Tell your teammates, they probably don’t know.”

I nodded. “Okay.” I turned to walk out of the office.

“Oh and Yuzuki?” I looked back at the aged Hokage.


He was giving me a small smirk, his eyes gleaming.

“Tell your allies to get out of the way.”


So what did you guys think?

I think that my writing got a bit better than last time, I've been working on it :D

Please leave your comments below and tell me what you thought of this chapter!

Thanks guys!

Until next time!

(UPDATE) So apparently people can't read the next chapter of this story beause it turns up blank? Weird, but I will upload the same chapter again for those who have this problem.


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