You Belong With Me- Snowbarry...

By SnowFallStories

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Barry Allen and Caitlin Snow have been best friends since freshman year in high school except Caitlin is in l... More

Been Here All Along, So Why Can't You See?
Laughing On A Park Bench
And She'll Never Know Your Story Like I Do
What You're Looking For Has Been Here The Whole Time
Standing By And Waiting At Your Back Door
All This Time How Could You Not Know
You Belong With Me
Hey What You Doing With A Girl Like That
Alone Time
I Know Your Favourite Songs And You Tell Me About Your Dreams
I Can't Help Thinking This Is How It Ought To Be
If You Can See I'm The One Who Understands You

I'm The One Who Makes You Laugh When You Know You're About To Cry

827 26 1
By SnowFallStories

The young couple were having another date night at Barry's place and they were home alone as his parents were away for a few days for their anniversary. It was a Saturday and the couple had been together all day just hanging out, talking and watching movies together. The atmosphere between them was so carefree and fun and relaxing and, most importantly, loving. They had been together for only a few weeks but they already knew that the future between them was bright and they knew that they would be together in the end. For forever.

"Come on. I found something I want to show you. And I also found where my parent's keep all of their alcohol. They have a secret stash and everything," Barry stated, jumping off the sofa and helping Caitlin by giving her his hands to pull her up. She nodded and they walked hand in hand to where his parent's had stored all the alcohol. They grabbed a whole pack of beer and she was confused as to where he was leading her. "I found this not too long ago. It's a bit of a secret passageway that my parent's don't know about. They would get it blocked if they knew. But you can climb up to the roof from there and the view is great," he explained and she smiled back brightly, looking forward to seeing the world from a whole new perspective.

As they got to the place where you have to climb, Barry told Caitlin to wait where she was and then he climbed up with ease himself and lowered his hands to help her climb up. She mumbled a quiet thank you then took his hands in her own and he pulled her up and soon they were both on the roof of his house with the pack of beer that they had stolen from his parents. He knew that he would most likely get into a lot of trouble for this later when his parents got back but he wanted to be able to treat Caitlin to something unusual and abnormal.

"It's good that I'm not scared of heights," she joked as they sat down and cuddled up together right at the top so that they would not fall. Caitlin rested her head on his shoulder and his right arm was draped around her shoulders pulling her close to him whilst both of their left hands were grasping at each other occasionally squeezing each other. Swiftly, he grabbed two beer cans and gave her one whilst keeping the other to himself. They starting sipping while watching the stars shining in the sky in a romantic, amorous silence. "Can-can we talk?" she asked in a quiet, whispery tone that sounded way to nervous for his liking. She wasn't breaking up with him was she?

"Er, sure..." he replied nervously, turning his body slightly to meet his eyes with her deep brown ones which he had always adored even before he realised his feelings for her.

"I want to talk about our future together. I just... Now we're together and everything and we are in a serious relationship and I don't want to change that. Believe me, I love you and I want to be with you and that will never change. So don't think I want to break up because that's the last thing I want. What I mean is that we are going to college next month and although we are going to the same college and we have already organised us sharing a dorm room I still want to talk about what we are going to do in our life together. I want to be with you for the rest of my life and I need to know whether you feel the same way I do," she assured softly, putting down her beer can to squeeze his hand to emphasise that they aren't breaking up.

"Okay. Well, I do feel the same way, Caity, I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I only want you. I know it's a bold statement considering how young we are but I just know that it's you that I want. Just you and me. You're it for me, you are all I want. And that won't ever change. I love you and I always will and I am willing to do just about anything to make this thing work between us. It might not be easy, in fact, I know that it won't be because of everything that's going on in our lives right now but that doesn't change how I feel about you, nothing will change how I feel about you. I want to make this work, no matter what. And I want to talk about our future too," Barry replied softly, stroking her knuckles with his thumb and after finishing leaning in to kiss her forehead then rubbing their noses together. Beaming wit happiness, she pressed her lips against his so they could exchange a soft, loving kiss.

"Thank you, you know that I want that too. I just needed to hear you say that. It means a lot to me so thank you. And I... I want everything with you. Everything that I thought before I met you that I didn't want and never would want. Like marriage and a family. I know... I know that that's quite far off and we are really young and it really should be the last thing that I should want right now but I'm obviously not saying now but definitely someday. I never thought that I would want that and it would just be a burden to my career but now I love you and I want that. You make me whole and I would give up everything for you. And I never thought that I would give up anything for anyone, let alone a man. But I would for you, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And now I realise that having you and a family would not be a burden but it would be an amazing chapter of my life that we could share together. I know this sounds forward but I can't help what I want and I want to at least talk about it," she began, biting on her lower lip while gazing into his eyes after pulling away from their kiss. They held each other's gaze like it was a lifeline and couldn't possibly ever let go. They loved each other way too much to ever do that. How could they possibly let go of this in such a perfect moment?

"I would love that too. You know that I love kids and honestly I thought that you wouldn't want that I would be perfectly happy to not have kids if you didn't want them even if I always have. I would be willing to give that up for you. But of course, I can see us having that together. I really want to be like that someday. And if that's what you want then, of course, we can have that. I love you and if we had kids together then that would be amazing," he replied with a smile, stroking her cheek softly, the other hand still holding hers.

"Really? I know we've got a long way to go until then but I still want that with you someday. I want to grow old with you and stay by your side forever. There's nothing I want more than that, you know that I want you and I always have. I still can barely believe that this is all happening. It still feels like yesterday when we were just friends and now we are together and planning our future together. I still pinch myself thinking that I'm going to wake up and this has all been a dream but I'm awake, this is all real," she whispered before reconnecting their lips in a passionate kiss, one that she could remember and never let go of. One that she could treasure and one day look back on when they were old and grey. Just to remember this very moment. The moment when they were sat on his parent's house's roof while declaring their unconditional and everlasting love for each other and planning their future together. Te moment where everything was in place and everything was perfect. And hopefully, it would be just as perfect in the future. But Caitlin knew that it would be; as long as they were together.

"How many?" he mumbled through kisses.

She pulled away with confused and lost eyes and a puzzled expression with her hair a little messy. She had been so lost in their passionate, entangled kiss that she had completely lost her train of thought and their previous conversation was completely forgotten in the heat of the moment that they were sharing. Everything was so perfect. It felt like nothing could go badly ever again because they could look back at this moment and think of the future they had planned for each other and realise how amazing it will be when they finally get there making all the pain worth it. And she had gotten so lost in that.

"How many children do you want?" he rephrased the question and she hit herself lightly and blushed in embarrassment from here stupidity.

"Three, maybe? I don't care as long as they're with you!" she laughed and they leant back in again and soon they were laying on the roof passionately kissing but also wary not to fall off the roof. "I love you, Barry Allen," she whispered as they pulled away, her body lying on the roof with his on top, their foreheads pressed together, noses rubbing against each other and pupils blow up in dilation as they took deep breaths after their breathtaking kiss.

"I love you too, Caitlin Snow," he replied softly. Slowly, he moved to lay beside her so he could nuzzle his face into her neck whilst she lay her head on his chest and his arms encircled her waist to eliminate all remaining space between them.

In silence, they watched the stars, occasionally stealing glances at each other and blushing every time their eyes met for a split second. There was no denying that they were two teenagers very much in love who naturally belonged together in this crazy, cruel, cruel world. The mutual agreement of silence between them caused by the necessary lack of words. There was no need for them. They could tell what the other was thinking with just one look. One gesture. One movement. One expression. They knew the love they shared was the purest of all and no longer needed words to express it. They had secretly loved one another for so long that they were now completely in sync. They could recognise the tiniest of details which no one other than them would notice about each other. The slight movement of eye contact or a slight intake of breath that is almost inaudible that they could sense from a mile away. They could read each other's minds like a book and their behaviour and speech was so easy to decrypt and discover their true meaning and intention in each sentence. They knew one another's true selves more than anyone else could or ever will. There was no hiding from each other. What they felt towards one another was completely raw and unadulterated.

It was only natural to feel this way. All the pain and anguish that they had been through in their lives was finally becoming worth it as their partner, best friend, lover and companion in every way cleansed all the pain and took it away with a simple touch or look or smile or kiss. How could anyone reject soemthing so pure; something so perfect. How could something like that be taken away? They didn't know but that didn't matter because they knew as hard as people try they will never tear them apart. They are menat to be. 

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