His Royal Guard | Royalty Lev...

By sushikitty

1.6M 66.9K 98.5K

Plagiarism of my writing will NOT be tolerated. My village was lost to a fire known as 'The Great Chi Fire'... More

Chapter One -Life of Crime-
Chapter Two -Two Theives-
Chapter Three -Millions-
Chapter Four -Kneel before your King-
Chapter Five -Sense of Betrayal-
Chapter Six -The Prince's Saftey-
Chapter Seven -New Alliance-
Chapter Eight -The Storm-
Chapter Nine -Visits-
Chapter Ten -Ballroom Dancing-
Chapter Eleven -Arrows-
Chapter Twelve -Old Memories-
Chapter Thriteen -To Change a Prince's Mind-
Should I rewrite chapters 1-5?
Chapter Fourteen -General's Visit-
Chapter Fifteen -Stitches and Sorrows-
Chapter Sixteen -Reiner's Recovery-
Chapter Seventeen -Under a Nobleman's Rule-
Chapter Eighteen -Bonfire Fury-
I'm deleting this book.
Chapter Nineteen -Punishments of Two Princes-
Chapter Twenty -Prince Eren's Palace-
Chapter Twenty One -Recollection of the Past- Chi Memory #1
Chapter Twenty Two -Lying to Freedom-
Chapter Twenty Three -Heated Recovery-
Chapter Twenty Four -Contract and Blood-
Chapter Twenty Five -Separate Ways and Hot Days-
Chapter Twenty Six -Recollection of the Past- Chi memory #2
Chapter Twenty Seven -The Picture of Betrayal-
Chapter Twenty Eight -Bugbite-
The chapters 1-5 debate
Chapter Twenty Nine -Deep Sleep-
Chapter Thirty -Archer at the Ready-
Chapter Thirty One -Last Minute Preperations-
Chapter Thirty Two -Ballroom Split-
Chapter Thirty Three -Minds-
Cover change or nah?
Chapter Thirty Four -Wealth-
Chapter Thirty Five -Technically an Accomplice-
Chapter Thirty Six -A Trip of a Lifetime-
Chapter Thirty Seven -Noblewoman's Lab-
Vote for a cover!
Chapter Thirty Eight -Overnight-
Chapter Thirty Nine -Return Home-
Chapter Forty -Silence-
Chapter Forty One -Testing the Waters-
Chapter Forty Two -Revenge-
Chapter Forty Three -To Break a Contract and a Heart-
Chapter Forty Four -Plan B-
Chapter Forty Five -Final Sentence-
Chapter Forty Six -Iron Bars-
Chapter Forty Seven -Sickness-
Chapter Forty Eight -Justification-
Chapter Forty Nine -Rose Seal-
Chapter Fifty One -A Tragic Sin-
Chapter Fifty Two -Ashes-
Chapter Fifty Three - Royal Rest-
Chapter Fifty Four -Little Time-
-Announcment & Role Reversal-
Chapter Fifty Five - Finally Conscious-
Chapter Fifty Six -Questioning-
Chapter Fifty Seven -Relief-
Chapter Fifty Eight -Only a Single Day-
Education w/ sushikitty
Chapter Fifty Nine -His Majesty's Crown-
Chapter Sixty - His Majesty's Coronation-
Chapter Sixty One -Forgotten Dreams-
Chapter Sixty Two -Royal Lovers-
Thank you!

Chapter Fifty -Trial and Tribulations-

17.8K 876 1.4K
By sushikitty


We made it to 50! Thanks so much to everyone who enjoys and reads 'His Royal Guard.' :')


I awoke in Prince Levi's room.

My prison sickness had nearly faded and overall my body felt completely reenergised. I cast my eyes around the strangely silent room, quickly realising Prince Levi was absent.

Where is he? I suppose he's organising the trial...

I should be in a a cell right now... but Prince Levi ordered my release. I also have to be on high alert during the trial... General Pixis warned me a 'saboteur' would attend.

How troubling...

"Rise and shine, damn brat"

I flinched as Prince Levi suddenly rose from behind his desk. Was he bending down to pick something up? I didn't see him at all.. once Prince Levi approached my bedside, I quickly noticed he showed signs of extreme fatigue. He's sleep deprived... dark circles tainted his eyes and a ghostly pale glow surrounded his skin.

He's worried... I'm awfully distressed too... in hopes of calming his racing nerves, I smiled warmly.

"The trial is at eleven. It's currently eight o' clock right now."

I frowned, rising from my warm covers and stretching my tired joints. Prince Levi crossed his arms with a loud click of his tongue. I should dress and make myself look presentable... I nervously cleared my throat, neatening Prince Levi's luxury bedsheets.

"We'll be separated at nine o' clock. When you enter the trial room you'll be chained to a metal pole to prevent you from fleeing."

I nodded as a sense of fear mixed with crushing nervousness flooded my body like a large ocean wave. Chained to a metal pole? Such extreme lengths... I'm merely his lover not a animal.

"I see..."

Is all I could bring myself to say. Just how many people will be attending? I assume the entire kingdom will be desperate to catch a glimpse of the woman Prince Levi's emotionally involved with.

If things go wrong... I'll be sentenced to hang in the town square. Eren's sadistic wishes will come true.

Prince Levi informed me of a plan if the worse should happen. I hope his strategy is reliable and well thought out. I could die over my love for a royal descendent. Once I finished remaking Prince Levi's elegant linen sheets, I decided my next task was changing clothes.

"You're awfully quiet, brat. Like I say, there is no reason to be worried."

I forced a smile, lightly taking ahold of Prince Levi's hand as he rolled his eyes in response to my reassuring gesture. My heart aches just holding his hand... image how it'll feel seeing him across the room while listening to my sentence. I shakily exhaled as Prince Levi sensed my despair, lightly taking ahold of my chin and lowering my bottom lip.

"Look only at me during the trial. Nobody else."

I nodded, averting my gaze as my skin began to heat up once again. Prince Levi smirked softly, forcing my chin upwards to meet his silver glare.

"I said only look at me, you brat."

Prince Levi's thumb parted my lips as he leant close, whispering sweet words of encouragement. I rose my arms to his neck and pulled him close, expressing my desire to keep him against me.

"I'll kiss you now."

I blushed softly as Prince Levi slowly pressed his lips against mine for a gentle, reassuring kiss. There was no lust, just the warmth of our love and burning desire to stay together. I felt like crying, but forced my tears away by deepening the kiss.

I tightly gripped Prince Levi's shoulders as he pulled away - far too concerned over the trial to continue the kiss. I won't cry... I won't... he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and secured my flustered body against his chest. I buried my head into his shoulder as he lightly ruffled my hair.

"I won't abandon you, (Y/N)."

I know that better than anyone. I reluctantly released my embrace as Prince Levi ordered I wash my: "shitty brat face." I smiled, glancing towards the large ticking clock which read eight thirty.

"Yes sir~"

I'm nervous...


Nine o' clock.

Only two hours.

My unwanted separation from Prince Levi begins now - I'll be locked away inside a cell until the trial begins at eleven o' clock. My clothing was decided to remain true to my personality and ethnicity, a plain beige martial arts gi.

Prince Levi ordered I dressed just like usual -stating I'd feel far more confident and incredibly comfortable.

As expected of a logical Prince, he could not permit my presence to attend the trial dressed in royal finery as he wished to demonstrate to the courts I sought Prince Levi's heart - not his wealth.

I glanced towards the clock which now read nine o' clock on the dot.

"It's time, brat. We'll be separated from now on. I won't see you until the trial."

I nodded, lightly squeezing Prince Levi's hand as several guards turned the corner and approached his luxury chambers. Our gentle hold immediately dropped as four palace guards seized me by either arm and proceeded to escort me back to the treacherous cells once again.

I sharply turned my head, meeting the angered and distressed stare of Prince Levi - who remained firmly rooted to the elegant carpet, tightly clenching his pale fists.

I forced a wary smile, hoping to ease his worries - only he glared fiercely instead. Anger overpowered him. My smile allowed him to remain still, knowing he'd see it again after the trial was finally over.

Once I was forcefully pulled around the palace corner and lead down a dark hallway - I knew my return to the cells was inevitable.

I should've savoured any expression Prince Levi offered me in attempts of soothing the painful ache of my heart. I'd reflect on his scary glare if necessary. I'm only here for two hours... the trial will be announced very soon...

Several burning torches confirmed my prison cell was nearing closer. At a loss of what do to, I closed my eyes as my boots travelled down a familiar set of iron stairs. Rows upon rows of cells past my presence as I winced, remembering all the disgusting smells and dirty prisoners fill my memory.

Dear god, I'm frightened. No amount of sword training can prepare you for wallowing in the cells until someone potentially reads your death sentence in two hours time.

Maybe this'll be a humorous story I'll tell my children one day...

Once the sunlight faded from my vision and darkness surrounded me. My cell appeared. I sighed gently as a palace guard opened a rusty iron door and gestured inside.

Do you wanna go in there, buddy?

I slouched my shoulders and obediently entered the damp, miserable cell. I can't put up any fight as it looks like I'm taking Prince Levi for granted. I walked towards a creaky prison bed and gently sat down onto the metal bar.

I'll rest for two hours and recite some of my planned answers... that's all I can do.


Prince Levi Ackerman, royal descendent.

Ten o' clock.

I neatened my freshly washed cravat and removed any wrinkles from my ebony jacket. My brat's been in the cells for an hour. Only one more to go.

Such distressing and nervous times. I hope to put this nuisance behind me once the trial is over. I'll stand beside (Y/N) as usual. I'll see her shitty brat face and genuine smile.

"Levi? Are you prepared for the trial?"

I rose my head, spotting Petra standing before me in a matching dark dress. It's not a damn funeral. I sighed loudly, undoing my jacket buttons in attempts of cooling my humid skin. Shitty weather, is all.

"I'm sure all will be successful. I'll vouch for you and... (Y/N)."

Petra hesitated, but managed to say my brat's first name instead of 'foreigner' - her words deeply relieved me. I appreciate our trusted friendship. Petra lightly adjusted her soft pink necklace, beautifully crafted with a small jewel strawberry. She really does have a fondness for sweet things... especially strawberries...

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news... but should things fail... I'll try my best to assist you. Feel free to enlighten me on the emergancy plan... though I won't force you to tell me."

I loudly clicked my tongue, angrily loosening my once neatened cravat. Fuck it. I'll mess my cravat up if I damn well want too. Petra lowered her head, lightly brushing the ends of her blackened dress.

"I won't reveal anything. The plan has been organised with someone I trust. That's all there is to know."

Petra's warm honey eyes visibly widened as she swiftly approached me. The plan will work. I thought for a long time and arranged in detail with the man included.

"Just as longs you're careful. Like I told you before, I hold nothing but your best interests at heart."

I nodded my head a single time, pacing before my desk and rehearsing my speech inside my head. Petra laughed softly, lowering herself into a small wooden chair.

"I've never seen you so... agitated? I know just by looking at you that your feelings for (Y/N) are true as they come."

I furrowed my brows, crossing my arms with a dismissive scowl. Just what the hell is she talking about? Damn, crazed woman. I leant against my wooden desk, keeping my arms firmly against my upper chest.

"How so?"

Petra giggled, taking ahold of her necklace and rolling the strawberry gem between her thumb and forefinger. The light from the luxury window behind her only illuminated the necklaces' diamond value.

"There was a time where I longed for you to look and think of me like that. I was envious... but now I only feel genuine joy. I'm ecstatic your reign as king will be happy and loving."

I gently clicked my tongue, swiftly moving away from my desk with a light smirk. Truly powerful allies we make.

"When did you become so sappy? Regardless, I appreciate your illy put words."

Petra shrugged her shoulders, rising from her stool as she mischievously took my arm. Powerful allies indeed.

"You're very welcome. At least I kept you calm didn't I? We only have twenty more minutes. The walk to the trial hall should kill the remaining time."

I quickly focused my eyes onto a large grandfather clock, ticking loudly in the background. Twenty to eleven... time to leave my palace and attend the trial. (Y/N) will be waiting patiently for me.

"Let's go."

Petra nodded and released my arm.


Eleven o' clock.

The Trial.

My time in the cells felt like centuries. Never before have I experienced two hours pass so slowly. I was left to drown in my worries and doubts Prince Levi fought so hard to get rid of.

After being forcefully removed from my iron cell and walked down the cobblestone streets for about twenty minutes - I finally arrived outside the dreaded court house. Currently, I stood chained to a tall iron pole as thousands of people began to fill wooden rows of seats.

All of them staring at me. All of them desperate to see Prince Levi's rumoured lover. I didn't know where to focus my vision. Prince Levi told me to look only at him... but he's not here yet. I remained focused on the concrete ground instead. As the poor began to file in, nearly all them began shouting and cheering things like:

"How'd you like that? A Prince falling for a commoner! Have a taste of the real world!"

The poor are right. I can't deny. However, the rich were a completely different matter. All the noblemen and women were dressed to the nines, sipping expensive beverages while staring down in blatant disgust. The poor heavily outweighed the rich as there was a considerably larger amount of commoners decorating the sides of the court room.

Maybe the judge will hold some sort of vote?
The poor would definitely vote in my favour. No... that won't happen... it's unbiased.

My heart raced erratically inside my chest. This is it. The time has finally come. The court room only grew louder as the rich tried to hold crude conversations, but were drowned out by the poor's yelling.

This is chaos.

I cast my eyes around the court room, noticing a servant dressed in traditional Chi clothing. A large, bulky looking man beside a tall, lanky young boy.

Reiner?! And... some tall guy?

My eyes widened as Reiner rose a finger to his lips in a shushing gesture. The young boy who stood next to him merely smiled politely. Just what the hell is going on? Is Reiner standing beside the saboteur or are they trusted friends?

I broke out into a cold sweat, but was unable to wipe away my worry due to my hands being harshly chained behind my back. I'm worried... I'm panicking pretty badly right now.

I cast my eyes to the large round clock, neatly placed above the judge's stand who was yet to make an appearance. I knew who made important decisions revolving around the king's life.

Darius Zackly. A military commander in chief.

He's old and wise so I don't think he's very compassionate about the topic of love. At least, I hope he is.

Suddenly, two large wooden doors swung open, revealing Prince Levi - closely followed by Petra. The two are five minutes late. Not a big difference, but still looks a little unprofessional. The entire courtroom went silent as all eyes fell upon the Prince.

What a sullen atmosphere...

Just like that, the crowd erupted into questions - all desperate to hear the truth from Prince Levi's unforgiving lips. Even the rich are yelling to get his attention...

Although, Prince Levi ignored them all, swiftly approaching the stand as he leant over the edge, casting his eyes downwards to the small square of flooring I stood chained to.

The courtroom went silent once again. I met Prince Levi's passionate stare as I remembered his words hours before the trial was arranged.

"Look only at me. Nobody else."

Only something else broke the silence of the courtroom. An older gentleman - who was clearly low on coin.

"Are you sexually intimate with this foreign commoner?!"

The poor shattered the serious air like a mirror as the room flooded with angered yells for a third time. Clearly court has some troubles they need to address. Like: 'no talking or shouting while a trial is in session.'

I kept my eyes trained on Prince Levi - who nodded his head in silent praise. A little distance behind me, opened a smaller wooden door - the entrance the judge uses to take the front of the stand.

Darius Zackly.

"The court is now is session. All those who are yelling will be asked to leave."

Just like that, an empty quietness filled the courtroom. Here we go. Time to convince the kingdom my love is true and pure. Darius Zackly lowered his eyes to me, neatening a large stack of papers as he removed a small pair of glasses from his front pocket.

"Your name is (Y/N), correct?"

I nodded my head, wincing as my chains rattled along side my movements.

"Yes sir."

Darius Zackly reviewed what I assumed was my court file. Oh god... I'm shaking... keep clam and answer his questions truthfully. There's nothing to fear.

"Your last name is unknown. Why is that?"

I swallowed thickly; I'd hoped to keep this information under wraps but since he's asking so directly - I can hardly refuse.

"I do not know my last name. I was never informed by anyone around me."

Darius Zackly frowned, clearly unimpressed by my response. It's the truth! I speak nothing but the truth! Darius slipped his silver glasses down the end of his nose - studying my worried face for any signs of lying. Once he seemed satisfied with my reply - he swiftly moved on to the most important topic at hand.

The reason why everyone's here today.

"I hear you're in a intimate relationship with Prince Levi Ackerman. Our Kingdom's next King. Can you confirm this information is true?"

I raised my head; tearing my gaze away from Prince Levi's deep, forceful stare and glaring directly into Darius Zackly's elder eyes.

"Yes. I'm involved sexually and romantically with Prince Levi Ackerman."


Thanks for reading :')
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