Royally Mated

Oleh Taliii__

919K 31.2K 4K

#14 Werewolf┊A small, seductive grin overcomes his face, as he leans in closer towards me. I feel his breath... Lebih Banyak

Royally Mated-Intro
Shameless plug
❤️Dedications ❤️


5.2K 171 10
Oleh Taliii__


She kept driving down the long stretch going slow and steady racing down the path, I kept looking behind too see if anyone was following, I'm on high alert now that they've realized we've been watching them.

I turn my head and look down the road, I spot some cars rounding the corner still following close behind.

"Emery you've got to go... now!" I say in a hurried tone looking back over to where Emery sits her eyes glued in front of us barely taking a look behind.

She nods glancing in my direction before looking back towards the road, I slump down in my seat not wanting to look behind me again.

Emery curses underneath her breath and checks the rear-view mirror before taking a sharp turn to the right. She nervously glances back behind us, many cars pass the turn but some realise where we've gone and turned down the street. I sit up and look down the dark road covered by trees, the dark path winds down into the dark.

"Where are we going..?" I say hesitantly.

"Back to Jasper", she whispers as she looks down at the gas.

"We'd be leading them right to him!?" I exclaim finally up and alert.

She takes in a deep sigh but doesn't answer. "Just trust me." She says with a serious look plastered across her face.

I nod and swallow, the nervous butterflies fluttering around my stomach.



We reach the end of the road without them catching up to us, she takes a sharp turn down another rocky road. The cars behind us begin to speed up and Emery curses.

After a long while, we reach the castle gates where some wolves stand at the ready. Emery and I jump out of the car and race up the steps leading to the castle. Jasper bursts out through the doors and races down grabbing and pulling me into his chest.

He growls over my shoulder at Emery as we keep running through the castle halls. She whimpers but keeps running. This had been my fault I wanted to go into town and I made her come with me. He had no right to get mad at her.

I was currently resting against his chest, his arms wrapped securely around me as if I could just float away at any moment.

I hear wolf barks and growls coming further down throughout the house, Jasper sniffs the air and he growls a deep guttural growl. I don't think that if my dad came after us now that Jasper would let him live.

We make it to the back where a large group of wolves stands. Jasper puts me down and kisses me fully on the lips, his head then resting against my forehead.

"I love you... no matter what I want you to keep living, have a marvelous life. It's what you deserve." His eyes closed and his lips find my forehead leaving a soft warm kiss. I pull his arm back, "you aren't dying, not today. Don't say that, Jas I can't lose you!" I say pulling him so very close to me. My body flush against his he wraps his strong arms around my body. He shakes and his head falls into the crook of my neck. He inhales and kisses my mark the one he gave me that full moon so, so long ago.

It's a bad day for my dad to come attack I remember since it was a full moon the wolves were stronger.

He whispers in my ear, "you will go with Dorian and you will be safe. I know he won't let anything hurt you so stay by his side. Don't come for me even if you feel my pain" with those last words he lets me go and cold sweeps through my body freezing it to the core. A second later an even colder hand touches mine and grabs a hold pulling me away. I look up and see Dorian's purple eyes cold and hard. He looks down his pools of purple staring into me.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"Would you like to watch the fight?" He asks. His voice steady, monotone.

I nod and he wraps his arms around me and we whisk away, a second later we're somewhere else, I realize we are on one of our towers.

I look down and see many people, My friends family... And Jasper, he stands at the front as the humans get closer fear evident in their wide eyes.

Jasper growls and the wolves start getting closer. The humans pull out their weapons and point them towards the wolves. Some people who run at the wolves get attacked and killed right away. Others realize it's a death wish and back up.

Jasper stands at the edge of the line of wolves and announces that he is looking for my father. The only person he really wants to see. My mother comes up to his side her loud voice booming, "bring me my idiotic ex-husband before I pull all of your faces off and feed them to the wolves!" She sneers.

They all seem to believe her words their Adam's apples bobbing up and down, a moment later they pull my cowardly father forward.

"Ah always the coward aren't we dear," my mom says.

He swallows nervously and steps forward looking up at his wife. His eyes glaze over with memories of before and after. He sneers looking away.

"We" she motions to the wolves and the vampires, "don't want a war with the human race. All we want is to live peacefully and thrive in these woods. All we ask is that we get this man in return and we'll leave you and your family's be" she booms. All their faces pale as they look down at my father who seems like he's about to vomit.

They exchange looks then nod, "take him the man's yours... he isn't that important to us" they back away from my father. My mother who walks forward grabbing my father by the arm harshly and bringing him closer to her. He takes in her eyes and her pale skin and shrinks away.

"That's right.. you better be afraid, " she says. She lets him go and some vampires grab him and pull him away. He screams and cries but they are muffled as he slowly gets pulled away.

And just like that, all the humans slink away back into their vehicles. They turn back down the winding roads finally realizing that a fight against the supernatural just would work.

Jasper stands beside my mom their faces serious, no relief from the threat finally being over.

I don't notice when Dorian grabs my hand and brings me swiftly down to Jasper. Dorian lands behind Jasper with me in his arms Jasper also realizes this and stops the conversation with my mom and as fast as lightning pulls me out of Dorians arms and into his. A nice warm tingling sensation fills inside me again, it's kind of lame because we weren't apart for very long at all but I love this man with all my heart and just with the thought that we could live together forever. I'm just filled with absolute joy.


It's been awhile...

I don't really know what else to say... I am sorry because I promised that I would upload after summer but it just never seemed to get back on the right schedule. I feel like just being away from the characters and the story for over two months just ruined the whole writing for me.

Since it's the new year I've decided that one of my many resolutions would be to continue and FINISH this story and hopefully begin many more.

I'll give you guys a quick update on me.

• so I'm now graduating high school this year!
•I've been accepted into some schools
•I've decided to major in Creative Writing!!!
•I'm excited to continue on Wattpad!

So yeah I hoped you liked this kind of awful chapter, and the next one should be out pretty soon can't give you a date just yet.

And for any new readers HI! WELCOME!


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