Royally Mated

By Taliii__

918K 31.2K 4K

#14 Werewolf┊A small, seductive grin overcomes his face, as he leans in closer towards me. I feel his breath... More

Royally Mated-Intro
Shameless plug
❤️Dedications ❤️


9.5K 396 25
By Taliii__


All eyes turn to me and Jasper as we walk into the kitchen, most of them go wide and they look away. Jasper's hand is glued to my hip and has been since last night. He hasn't ceased contact with me and I doubt he ever will.

I sigh and glance up at him, "they can tell!" I hiss underneath my breath for only him to hear. He smirks and pulls me flush against his chest, his lips meet my skin and the goosebumps start.

I wiggle away from him and smirk sticking my tongue out, he glares and me then at everyone else who has stopped what they were doing and are staring at us.

H pulls me back from behind both of his hands now on my hips, I groan and glare looking up at him.

"Take your hands off me crazy, I'm not going anywhere," I say.

His eyes flicker to all the men then back at me, I arch my eyebrow and he sighs taking his hands away from me.

"Thank you" I smile sweetly kissing his cheek.

I head over to the toaster and grab an already cut bagel sticking it in.

"Woah, you really stink like a dog now"

I laugh along with Emery, she walks over to Jasper and punches his shoulder, "you must be a happy little wolf" she winks and he turns 30 different shades of red all at once.

Emery and I share a laugh, as I grab my toasted bagel and head over to the dining room.


I sit next to Jasper who glares at a poor boy that brought both of us our drinks and looked a little to long in my direction. His pale face looks horrified, I chastise Jasper and he stops and turns towards me.

"Stop! You almost made him pee his pants!" I say and Jasper's eyes turn down towards the table.

"It was his fault... and I can't help it my wolf has been extra protective since the full moon is tonight"

My eyes go wide, I almost forgot.

"Hey, Jasper, Emery and I were thinking of taking a drive downtown tod-"

"Not a chance," Jasper says full of force.

My eyebrows furrow, "and why not?" I groan.

"Because I don't trust humans... "

Rage boils up inside me, "I am human!" I yell.

"You aren't... and you know that," he says.

I slump back in my chair and frown crossing my arms, "I'm going anyways, I'm the Luna and you can't stop me" I say pushing away from the table.

His eyes grow wide, "wha...what? "

"I'm going!" I exclaim, "come on Em." I glare at Jasper.

He rolls his eyes and slumps down into his chair. And I know I won this fight.


Both Emery and I head into town, we have both become slightly more alert since the last time we were out didn't turn out too well. I knew now that we had the vampires on our side in case anything went down but they aren't who I'm nervous about.

"It's so quiet in town today, where'd everyone go?" Emery asks as we drive into the ghost town.

Crownsville has never since I've lived here been this empty. We drive down some neighborhoods and check for people. We saw some walking and some playing at a park but other than that none. All the adults seemed to be missing.

We pass by the town hall and notice a ton of cars parked in the parking lot and along the street.

"You think?" Emery turns to me.

I nod and shrug my shoulders, "only one way to find out."

We park our car out of sight and walk up towards the main entrance. As we approach we hear laughter from inside, Emery and I hide next to the stairs as two men walk out seeming interested in the current conversation. We sneak in the way they came out, a narrow hallway leads into the main room, we hear many voices coming from that area and walk slowly towards the entrance.

I catch my breath as I take a look into the room, hundreds of people are gathered around, they seem to be having a meeting of some sort. Emery and I share a look; we both know what's going on here.

I see my father walk up to the podium, standing next to him is the mayor of Crownsville, Mayor Allan. They both have a serious look plastered onto their faces... as does everyone else seating around the room.

There are enough people from the back that Emery and I wouldn't have been noticed. Also taking into account my father's bad eyesight.

My father's loud booming voice carries over to us and I can hear him clearly as he begins to talk about what I assume everyone is gathered here for. Everyone is silent as he speaks, I have to hold my breath out of fear that someone will notice us.

"I have you gathered here today because I've recently learned about a secret that this town has been keeping from us. We aren't alone in this world.." he pauses looking around the room. "We have supernatural beings who live here with us... in this very town. I and many others have seen first handed how they have taken over our lands and brainwashed our people."

People in the crowd gasp and some begin to whisper others shaking their heads not seeming to believe.

My dad's brows furrow, "My own daughter!" Everyone turns to him again. "My own daughter was brainwashed by their kind, she trusted them over her own father," he says breathing heavily as if he had just run a marathon.

I begin to shake, Emery lays a hand on my shoulder, my eyes are glued to my father as he continues to spread lies.

"Werewolves! They have come to ravage our village and steal our women and children! Just like the stories! They are real and savage beasts ready to kill anyone they cross" he continues so loud he's almost shouting.

I shake my head and stumble back, all these lies he's spreading I can't seem to understand the way he thinks. Emery stands beside me whispering something I can't seem to understand.

The two men from before walk up behind us, they stop talking and stare at us. I regain control and lookup. Their faces holding disbelief soon turns into a devilish grin.

"Looks like the little puppet had returned..." he looks to Emery, "and she's brought one of them with her" he reaches out to grab Emery's arm.

She lets out what sounds like a half growl and clamps her hand onto his arm, and tears it free from his grasp on her. Her eyes turn from their usual color to a dark blue. Fear creeps into their faces and they look behind us. I spin and see everyone turned in our direction, my dad's eyes meet mine and he sneers jumping down from the podium.

I tear my eyes away from him and grab Emery's arm pulling her behind me, we continue outside with a mob following close behind. We make it to the car and jump in turning on the ignition and spreading off down the road leaving an angry mob behind us. As we drive down I notice many other people hopping into their cars and following after us. I curse under my breath and pray that Emery knew where to go.


Ha! Sorry this god damned update took so fricken long. That was my last week of school and it was... hectic! But now I have a free week for exams in which I  only have one so I'll be free to catch up on updates.

We only have a few more to go do I hope you've liked this book so farrr!!!

Thanks for all the support and almost 600k?! Lol tysm!!


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