Possession ➸ Camren

By cabell0jauregui

721K 18.1K 11.9K

"Don't you get it, you're mine, the sooner you realise it the better." The first chapters are so bad but it w... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty one
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Final Chapter

Fifty Three

5.8K 158 115
By cabell0jauregui

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked for the umpteenth time that day.

"Nothing, I'm fine," Camila shook her head, the same answer she continued to give.

She tied her hair into a ponytail, placing a white bow at the front.

"Come here," Lauren made grabbing gestures with her hands and Camila walked over to where she was sat on the edge of the bed, placing her hands on Lauren's shoulders.

"What?" She questioned, sighing.

Lauren didn't respond, instead grabbing Camila's hands and turning them over palm up to reveal the scratches on the insides of her wrists.

"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong now?" Lauren raised an eyebrow and Camila pulled her hands away.

'No, I'm going to finish getting ready because people are coming soon," She said slowly, walking away and rummaging through the closet.

"Camila, if there's something wrong..." Lauren trailed off because Camila cut her off.

"There isn't," She argued, jumping as she pulled up a pair of denim shorts.

"If there is," Lauren tried again but Camila walked over to her, sitting on her lap and leaning back so she could look her in the eye.

"There isn't anything wrong, Lo. I promise," She said with a small smile.

"And you'd tell me if there was?" Lauren questioned and Camila nodded.

"I would," She confirmed, looping her arms tighter around her neck so she could pull herself closer. "What's got you all stressed, anyway?"

"Just worried," Lauren shrugged and Camila pushed her weight forward so Lauren fell back onto the bed.

"Well stop it," Camila grinned, laying on top of the older girl and hiding her face in the crook of her neck.

"Hey, no more. I've still got them from last time," Lauren squirmed when she felt Camila's lips move to latch onto the skin of her neck. When Camila didn't move, she pushed her head away, laughing. "I'm serious. The girls are coming soon!"

"Wear a scarf," Camila suggested, her words muffled.

"It's July," Lauren pointed out.

"So," Camila shrugged, "I can still kiss you whenever I want."

"Why are you such a perv," Lauren groaned as Camila connected their lips.

"I can stop," She said innocently, smiling when she felt Lauren's tongue run over her bottom lip.

Although Camila had initiated the kiss, Lauren was the one who took control, her tongue dominating.

They kissed until they were interrupted by the sound of loud knocks on the door.

"I'll go," Camila squealed, climbing off of Lauren and darting out of the room.

"No, I'm getting it," Lauren protested, jumping off of the bed and following her girlfriend quickly.

"I'm her best friend," Camila shouted as she ran into the kitchen, sprinting to the front door.

Lauren grabbed her arm, pulling her back and pinning her to the side of the island.

"Come in," She called, still pressed against Camila. "If I can't answer then you can't either."

"Why are you so passive aggressive?" Camila huffed as Normani and Dinah walked in.

"What did we walk in on?" Normani questioned, dropping her purse onto the counter.

"Nothing," Lauren brushed it off, releasing Camila and smiling.

"Then why do you have sex hair?" Normani raised an eyebrow. Lauren's hand flew up to smooth down her ruffled hair and Camila took her bow out, placing it neater.

"We weren't," Lauren shook her head as Camila walked forward to wrap her arms around Dinah's neck, stood on her tip toes.

"Are you excited to see the girls?" She questioned and Dinah nodded. "Are you doing okay? Are you in pain?"

Dinah shook her head, pulling away slightly and Camila's face turned into a small frown but she released the blonde, walking back to Lauren who wrapped an arm around her waist having seen the action.

She pressed a kiss to Camila's temple, lowering her mouth to whisper in Camila's ear: "don't take it to heart."

Camila nodded, focusing on Lauren's hand on her hip until Normani broke the brief silence.

"What about you? How has the newbie been settling in?" She directed the question at Lauren and Camila glared at her.

"You're not funny," She told her seriously, frowning at her.

"You won't last long here with that attitude, newbie."

They moved to sit in the living room. Dinah and Normani sat on one couch and Camila started to walk to the other until she felt Dinah's hand grab ahold of hers and pull her gently.

"Sit next to me," She whispered and Camila complied, afraid to upset her.

"Camz, I don't want to sit on my own," Lauren whined, pouting.

"Sit on the floor, loser," Camila poked her tongue out and Lauren on the wooden floor, leant against the couch between Camila's legs.

Camila started raking her fingers through her thick hair, gently scraping her fingers across Lauren's scalp.

"Why does Camila where the pants all of a sudden, Lo?" Normani piped up, smirking.

"Since Lauren's too afraid to upset me," Camila grinned over her shoulder.

"Lies. You're such a bottom," Lauren scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Oh my god, do we have to bring this topic up again. You already have sex hair," Normani groaned and Camila hit her.

"No we don't," She said indignantly.

"Oh shut up, newbie," Normani laughed and Camila wailed.

"Stop being mean," She pouted, pulling her hands out of Lauren's hair.

"It's Camila! She's fucking perverted!" Lauren declared.

"I always knew Camila was a freak in the sheets," Normani waggled her eyebrows and Camila hit her again.

There was another knock on the door before Camila could respond.

"I'm getting it," Lauren called as Camila was already on her feet and ready to run.

"No, I am," She protested.

Lauren scrambled to her feet, sprinting after her girlfriend. She caught up to her in the kitchen, wrapping her arms around her waist from behind and stopping her from reaching the door.

"No," Camila shrieked, struggling to escape. She was slowly inching forwards but she wasn't getting anywhere soon and Lauren wasn't loosening her grip.

"It's my turn!" Lauren declared, laughing.

"Get off of me," Camila shouted, wriggling frantically. "They like me better!"

"They're my friends, you just stole them," Lauren held Camila tighter and Normani rolled her eyes, opening the door.

"Dinah!" The four girls on the other side exclaimed, rushing forward and embracing the youngest friend.

"I've missed you!"

"We were so worried!"

"Are you okay?"

"I missed you too," Dinah reciprocated, trying to wrap her arms around all of the girls at once.

"You're never leaving our sights again," Alexa joked and Dinah let out a weak laugh.

"I don't want to," She joked feebly, pulling away and backing into Normani's arms.

"What the fuck are they doing?" Keana asked, turning her attention to Camila and Lauren.

"They're fighting over who can answer to door because they have no lives," Normani raised her voice, catching their attention.

"You are my life, Normani," Camila said dramatically, causing Lauren to gasp.

"Rude!" She exclaimed, pushing her away.

"The return of Normila!" Normani cheered, grabbing Camila's hand and pulling her closer so the Latina was stood next to Dinah, both of their backs pressed against Normani's stomach whilst she had an arm around each of them. "My two children."

"You can keep Camila. She's annoying anyway," Lauren stuck her tongue out at the brunette.

"You love me," Camila narrowed her eyes at the raven-haired girl.

"No," Lauren scrunched up her face, shaking her head.

"Yeah," Camila countered, nodding.

"Yeah," Lauren agreed and Camila pulled away from Normani, running to Lauren and jumping on her. "Fucking hell, Camz."

"Carry me," Camila smiled sweetly and Lauren looped her arms under thighs to support her.

"Whipped," Alexa fake coughed, causing everyone to laugh.

"Lex, i'd happily take being whipped over being single, like you, any day," Lauren shot her a smile, her words causing Alexa to flip her off. "Love you."

"You know who don't, boys," Lucy sniggered and Alexa hit her over the head.

"Fucking bitch."

They were all sprawled on the couches, Camila and Lauren on the floor because there wasn't enough room for them.

Lauren was sat with her legs spread slightly so Camila could sit between them facing her, her legs crossed behind Lauren's back.

"How are you, Dinah?" Vero, who was sat next to the blonde, asked.

"I'm good, the people are stopping questioning me now, right, Mani?" She checked with her girlfriend who nodded, linking their fingers.

"Right. It's all done now," She confirmed and Dinah gave her a small smile.

"Well, I'm glad you're doing okay," Vero told her truthfully.

"Yeah, we all kind of crumbled apart without you," Lucy inputted, shooting a unsubtle look at Lauren.

"There was a huge Camren fight, wasn't there?" Dinah recalled.

"Yeah, it was hella dramatic. Mila ended up getting syringed," Keana added, laughing.

"Well, by the looks of things I'm guessing they've made up," Lucy nodded at the pair on the floor.

The two were in a world of their own, both with large smiles on their faces whilst they quietly talked between theirselves. Lauren reached out to tuck a piece of hair that had fell from Camila's ponytail behind her ear, cupping her cheek and stroking her thumb over the tanned skin.

"You two," Alexa called to try and get their attention but they never acknowledged her.

"Hey, lovebirds. Pull your head out of each ofher's asses and pay attention," Normani shouted at them and they both looked up.

"What?" Camila asked, only hearing Normani's voice and not what she'd actually said which caused everyone to roll their eyes.

"Nice of you to join us," Lucy quipped sarcastically.

"Shut up," Camila said sharply, her hands now held in Lauren's.

"Don't be bitchy, newbie," Normani raised an eyebrow and Camila whined.

"Why are we calling her newbie?" Keana questioned with an amused smile.

"Because she's the newbie to our friend group," Normani said in an obvious tone, pulling a confused face.

"Mani, noooo," Camila wailed dramatically.

"Mila, yesssss," Normani mimicked in a high pitched voice.

"Guys, confusedddd," Vero piped up, causing everyone to laugh.

"You're all horrible to me," Camila huffed, crossing her arms and pouring.

"I'm just kidding, cutie. Come here," Normani opened her arms and Camila shook her head. "I thought we were closer than this. We're Normila, remember"

"We are Normila," Camila declared, climbing to her feet and walking into Normani's arms.

"Love you, cutie," Normani laughed, holding her tightly. "Even if you are the newbie."

"Nope, no thank you. You've ruined it," Camila deadpanned, trying to pull away from the embrace. "Let go of me, the moment is gone."

Camila yanked herself away but Normani grabbed her hands, pulling her back.

"No, don't go," Normani pouted, leaning over the arm of the couch.

"Should have thought about that before," Camila told her, continuing to struggle.

"Don't leave me, I helped you survive the Camren argument," Normani reminded her, successfully dragging her closer and wrapping her arms around her waist.

"You were the reason that I had to sleep in a bed on my own," Camila countered.

"Is baby Mila jealous that she couldn't get any Lauren action for a whole three days," Lucy gasped sarcastically and Camila glared at her.


"Camila, hug me back," Normani whined, reaching for her hands to wrap them around herself.

She froze when she saw the scratches on the tanned skin, looking up to face Camila with a concerned expression. Camila looked at her pleadingly, begging her not to say anything and Normani

Normani didn't mention it but pulled Camila onto her lap, huffing.

"You're annoying," She muttered, lightly pushing Camila's head playfully.

"You're annoying," Camila bit back instantly.

"Well you're more annoying. Even Lauren said it earlier and..." Normani started before she was cut off by Dinah pressing her lips to her girlfriend's.

"Shut up," She rolled her eyes and Normani nodded.

"Whipped," Alexa coughed under her breath, causing everyone to laugh.

"Let's go to the garden," Camila piped up after a few hours.

The rest of the girls had gone home but Dinah and Normani were still there.

"Mila, that requires moving," Normani whined.

"Yeah, can't you just come here and we'll do something fun that doesn't mean going outside," Lauren suggested.

"But I want to," Camila's lips fell into a pout.

"Me too," Dinah agreed quietly.

That settled the decision.

Soon they were all making their way to the lake, Dinah and Camila slightly ahead because Lauren and Normani were still reluctant to move.

"Did I upset you earlier?" Dinah broke the silence between them.

"No. Why would you have upset me?" Camila questioned, confused.

"Because I pulled away from you," Dinah reminded her and Camila frowned until she caught on.

"Oh! No, of course you never, stupid," She exclaimed.

"Promise?" Dinah held out her pinky and Camila linked it with hers.

"I promise," Camila confirmed, pressing her lips to her pinky.

They soon arrived at the lake, sitting down beside the smooth, clear water.

"You and Lauren seem happy," Dinah stated as Camila dipped her feet in the water.

"We are. We're really happy," Camila kicked her foot so water splashed up, smiling slightly.

"You deserve it," Dinah told her truthfully.

"We all deserve to be happy," Camila said, feeling her friend move to sit beside her, trailing her feet in the water too. 

"Yeah but you deserve it the most. You're Camila! When you're not happy it's like looking at an upset puppy. And besides, you don't have one bad bone in your body, you just deserve everything," Dinah argued softly.

"She's right, Mila," Normani's voice added and the two younger girls turned to look at her over their shoulder's.

"Well, I'm happy with what I've got right here," Camila gave a small shrug, reaching out to squeeze Dinah's hand.

"So you should be, we're pretty fucking awesome," Normani smirked cockily.

"Except for you, you can go," Camila smiled sweetly. She regretted it when Normani leant forward, pushing her forward so she fell into the lake.

The water wasn't deep around the edges but Camila wasn't prepared to fall, hence why she came up choking and spluttering.

"Mani!" She shrieked, standing up and rubbing her eyes.

"I'm gonna cry," Lauren gasped between laughs. Even Dinah had joined in.

"I'm all wet now," Camila huffed once she was stood back on land.

"That wasn't the water, sweetheart," Normani told her which only made Camila glare harder.

"Take off your clothes," Lauren suggested, earning two amused looks from her friends.

"Alright, Lo. You might as well fuck her in front of us," Normani scoffed and Lauren hit her.

"Why are you so fucking perverted," She groaned. Camila wriggled out of her shorts, tugging on the hem of her crop top that was stuck to her because of the water.

"I need help," Camila announced, walking towards Lauren who pulled it over her head, leaving her in just her underwear.

"Now Lauren's just as wet as Mila," Dinah commented, finally speaking up.

"Just because you're hurt I will still beat your ass," Lauren warned her but the blonde only smiled and shrugged.

"I'm gonna tan," Camila situated herself beside Dinah, laying on her stomach and rest her head on her arms.

"She looks so small," Normani commented, glancing at the brunette. 

"She is small," Dinah pointed out.

"Only next to you," Camila protested, her eyes closed.

They were silent for a few minutes before Lauren nudged Normani and nodded at Camila, signalling what she was about to do.

"Camila, there's a newt right by your head," She told her seriously. Camila shot onto her feet, squealing and frantically running her fingers through her ponytail.

Lauren, Normani and Dinah couldn't breathe for laughing that hard and Camila soon came to realization.

"You jerk," She shouted angrily, throwing her wet t-shirt at her girlfriend who caught it easily and tossed it to the side. When the three continued to laugh, she felt herself get more annoyed. "It's not funny! You know I'm scared of them!"

"Woah there, Mila. Calm down," Normani held up her hands in defence.

"It wasn't funny. I don't do things to scare you," Camila deadpanned, unamused as she sat back down in defeat next to the youngest girl.

"Luke and Shawn never got hurt from the car. They both messaged me and the worst thing that happened was a few grazes from the broken glass," Dinah informed Camila as she tried to change the subject.

"Really? I was worried for them," Camila smiled at the news.

"Yeah, they're fine. You're lucky you weren't there, they said it hit the side that you were sat in," Dinah added but Camila shrugged it off.

"The good thing is we're all okay," She concluded and Dinah nodded in agreement. "Are we all okay? Are you doing okay?"

"I'm okay, Walz. I just need to stop having these stupid nightmares," Dinah sounded irritated and Camila blinked at the sudden change in attitude.

"What are they about?" Camila spoke softly, not wanting to make Dinah relive them against her will.

"I'm there. I'm-I'm in the room. And so are they. And sometimes so are other people, Mani or Lauren or-or you. And they-they just hit and shout and I can hear this screaming but it isn't me. I can't see it but it's so familiar and it's always there. And the door swings open and there's a bang and the screaming stops and I wake up," Dinah had her eyes squeezed shut and Camila held her hand tightly, reassuring her that she was there.

"It's been four days, Dinah. Four days. It's okay not to be okay already," She assured her.

"But I don't want to just sit and wait until I'm okay again. How long is it till I feel okay? Months? I'm not just gonna feel like shit forever," Dinah declared quickly.

"Have you thought about talking to someone? Someone who's not us?" Camila questioned subtly, not wanting to say it and offend her.

"You mean a shrink," Dinah deadpanned coldly.

"They aren't always bad, Cheechee. They do help, they helped me and many others," Camila told her.

"I'm not a freak, Camila. I don't need special help to try and make me normal," Dinah spat the words as if they were dirty, her eyes shooting open.

"A freak like me?" Camila raised an eyebrow, her voice quite and doing a good job at hiding any possible traces of hurt.

She could feel Normani and Lauren's eyes on them, Dinah's outburst having caught their attention.

"No! No, not you! You-you aren't a freak, I didn't mean people like you," Dinah shook her head frantically. "I'm sorry."

"I was only trying to help you," Camila spoke softly and Dinah clasped onto her hand.

"No! Mila, please! I'm sorry," She pleaded desperately, grasping her hand tighter.

"I know, I'm not mad at you," Camila said nonchalantly, trying to pull her hands away because Dinah's grip was too tight around her wrists.

"Promise? Promise me?" Dinah near on whimpered and Camila nodded.

"I promise. Please let go of my wrist," She confirmed. "Ow Dinah! You're hurting me!"

"I'm so sorry," Dinah dropped her hand instantly, horrified at what she'd done.

"It's okay. I'm okay," Camila reassured her quickly, rubbing her irritated skin to try and ease the pain. "I'm okay. Hey, Dinah," Camila reached out to embrace her, rubbing her back soothingly.

"Will you help me?" Dinah's fragile voice questioned and Camila nodded.

"Of course. I'll help you, you're going to be okay," She whispered, smoothing down the wild blonde curls.

"Can we not talk about me right now? Can we just pretend that everything's normal for now like we normally do?" Dinah begged.

"You can fill me in on everything you know about Luce and Vero," Camila told her, laying down on her stomach. Dinah did the same, only on her back so she didn't lay on her cut.

"Awe, my third favourite couple," Dinah said excitedly, clapping her hands.

"Third?" Camila raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Yeah, after you and Lo," Dinah informed her.

"Who's the first? I thought you were good at maths," Camila joked and Dinah glared at her.

"Me and Mani, duh," She rolled her eyes, causing Camila to laugh.

"At least you've not lost any confidence."

"How can Camila's ass is so big when she's so skinny?" Mani asked Lauren.

"Because she's Cuban," Lauren shrugged simply.

"It depresses me," Normani announced and Lauren laughed.

"Same," She nodded in agreement, smiling.

"I'd be jealous but then I look at her tits and they aren't there so I count myself lucky," Normani added.

"Hey," Camila protested, leaning on her elbows to glare and Normani whilst Lauren and Dinah both struggled to stifle their laughs.

"What! It's nothing against them, they're cute! I'm just glad mine are big," Normani defended herself.

"Lauren likes them," Camila huffed, turning to her girlfriend expectantly.

"I do," Lauren confirmed, causing Camila to smile.

"I don't even want big boobs. At least I can go braless," Camila pointed out indigently.

"Calm down, young boy," Dinah nudged her, causing everyone to laugh.

"Noooo," Camila whined, agitated.

"Babe, there just teasing you. It's okay," Lauren told her.

"It's not funny," Camila argued, sitting up and crawling over to the raven-haired girl. "Stop it, Mani," She turned to face the African-American girl.

"Okay, I'll stop," Normani agreed and Camila smiled happily, climbing onto Lauren's lap so her back was pressed against Lauren's stomach.

"I wish I was small. Cuddles seem so much better when you get to fully sit on someone," Dinah said wistfully.

"You can still sit on me," Normani told her, reaching out to pull her closer.

"But it's not the same. Look how comfy Mila looks," Dinah nodded at the Latina who was playing with Lauren's fingers.

"Well, Mila may be small but she has small tits so..." Normani trailed off and Camila whined.

"Mani you said you'd stop," She reminded her.

"But look how happy it's made D," Normani squeezed Dinah's cheeks, the girl now sat beside Normani with her head on her shoulder.

"But it makes me sad," Camila pouted and Lauren pressed her lips to her bare shoulder.

"Is that why you hurt yourself because I'll stop," Normani said quickly as realization hit her.

"No," Camila shook her head instantly.

"Are you sure? Mila, i thought we were just joking, I'm sorry," Normani apologised sincerely and Camila stretched out her leg to nudge her with her foot.

"It wasn't you," She told her calmly and Normani nodded.

"But are you okay?" She pressed and Camila smiled slightly.

"I'm okay. It's nothing to worry about," She confirmed surely. "And Lauren here has me on surveillance all the time so I'm good."

"Oh shut up," Lauren wrapped an arms around Camila, one around her chest and the other on her stomach, squeezing her tightly and causing Camila to laugh, screwing up her eyes.

"This was cute until I remembered that Camila is basically naked," Dinah announced.

"You can blame your girlfriend for that!" Camila told her, her stomach now pressed against her bent knees as Lauren had leant forward, forcing her to do the same.

"And Lauren is appreciating it. You can thank me later," Normani winked at the green-eyed girl who rolled her eyes.

"Oh, yeah. I'll be sure you send you a muffin basket," She told her sarcastically.

"You're both idiots. I can't believe I'm friends with you two," Camila groaned and Dinah agreed quickly.

"'Cause you love me," Lauren kissed Camila's cheek, letting her lips rest there and Camila scrunched up her nose.

"I mean, you're alright but..." She trailed off.

"You don't mean that," Lauren argued.

"Don't I?" Camila challenged, raising an eyebrow.

"No, you definitely don't," Lauren dug her fingers into Camila's sides, causing the brunette to squirm.

"Yeah, you're right, I don't," Camila agreed, standing up to get away from her. "Jokes, I do."

"You'll regret that," Lauren warned her.

"What're you gonna do, kill me?" Camila stuck out her tongue.

"No. But I'll tickle you," Lauren climbed to her feet and Camila's eyes widened.

"No, Lauren, please. You wouldn't," She gasped, wrapping her arms around her bare stomach.

"I would," Lauren laughed, stepping forward towards her girlfriend.

Camila walked a few steps backward before noticing that Lauren was getting closer and taking off running. She got a few meters before grabbed her from behind, lifting her up and throwing Camila over her shoulder.

"Lauren," Camila laughed, clinging onto her t-shirt for dear life. "Oh my god, please don't drop me."

"I'm not gonna, you're fine," Lauren reassured her casually. They were now joined by Normani and Dinah and had started walking back towards the house.

After they'd waved the two of them off they made their way into the house, Lauren grabbing an apple.

"Aren't you gonna get dressed?" She questioned the brunette, rolling the apple in her hand.

"Do you want me to?" Camila questioned as she walked closer to her so their bodies were touching. Lauren connected their lips together lightly, placing the apple on the island.

"No," She whispered, causing Camila to grin.


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