More or Less {A.C.M}

By SheaKamikaze

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Being the leader of The UK Queens- the world's third most renowned gang- means two things. One; You'll always... More

More or Less (An Austin Mahone Fanfiction)
2) It's An Ego Thing
3) Not A Morning Person
4) The Boys
5) The Big Picture
6) Doesn't Hurt Anymore
7) Bros Before Hoes
8) More
9) Relax, Dad. He's Gay
10) Played At Our Own Game
11) Does Karma Ever Get Bored?
12) Those Three Words
13) Can't Always Win
14) Fragile
15) Morning After
16) The Dreaded Confession
17) History Repeating
18) You're What I Need
19) Say It Again
20) He's Scared
21) Her Bag Of Tricks
22) She's Glowing
23) Guilty Conscience
24) Taking Risks
25) Cat And Mouse
26) It's Gone
27) More Or Less

1) He's In

824 47 29
By SheaKamikaze

I sat in the large, metal walled room atop a stone cold steel chair, with only the dim glow of the moon, and the flickering light of the lamp hanging from the ceiling above my head lighting the way. I impatiently tapped my fingers repeatedly on the hard wood desk I sat behind, waiting for Kendall to open her mouth. Instead, she stood there, with her hands pressed down against the desk top. Her burgundy sideswept bangs hung over her piercing green eyes as she glowered at me.

The tension within the cold compartment was almost thick enough to be cut  with a butter knife. The intense silence only fed the tension’s hunger. A kind of silence that said both had something to say, but neither dared to say it. In my case, I shouldn’t have needed to. I had no reason or need to explain myself. However, Kendall refused to speak, in fear of my reaction. But, none the less, she eventually spoke anyways.

“I’m telling you, Piper! This will never work! He’ll never agree to this! We’re wasting our time with him!” Kendall ranted, slamming her fists down on the desk.

“Dammit, Kendall! Do I have to remind you who is in charge, here? Whose crew is this, anyhow?” I questioned rhetorically, quickly finding my feet as I hovered over her challengingly.

In response, her frame eased up, and she took a slow step backwards. “It’s your crew, Piper. but-” She began, quickly regaining her spark she had only seconds ago.

“But nothing, dammit! This is mycrew; we play by my rules! If I say jump, you ask how high! If I say we are recruiting his help, then goddammit, you will see to it that he is brought in! Do you understand?” I ordered, continuing to glare at her.

I knew Kendall would never challenge my position as leader; she knew her place. As did all the other girls. However, she did have a point. Under regular circumstances, the odds of him teaming up with us would be slim to none. But, if I thought that there was absolutely no chance of succeeding in this, I wouldn’t have sent for him to be brought in.

“Piper, I just don’t think-”

Before Kendal could finish what she was saying, the steel door to my office flew open, and a flustered looking Paige blew through, breathing heavily, and her long wavy green hair flowing wildly every which way. She had obviously went out of her way in getting here speedily.

“Piper! They’ve brought him!” She gasped, raising her hand to push her hair from her eyes.

I nodded curtly before kneeling down, and pulling a key from my boot, and unlocking the last drawer in my desk, hastily pulling it open, and taking out my Colt M1903 and it’s magazine out, loading it up, and stuffing it into the waistband of my jeans. I stood back up, and shoved the key back into my boot before turning towards Paige.

“I want to know everything. Full report.” I ordered, hurrying out the door, and down the hall. Kendall and Paige were following close behind.

“We found him in a bar on the south side of Lockhart. He was alone, and we haven’t confirmed why, but we assume he was there on business. He doesn’t just simply go out to bars without his crew unless he’s on the clock.” Paige began to report.

“Don’t assume. With him you never know.” Interrupted, not bothering to look over at her as she struggled to keep pace with Kendall and I.

“Right. Well, when we found him, he was armed. Glock 19 in his belt, and a switchblade in his sneaker.” She continued.

I couldn’t but smirk to myself when Paige told me they found him armed with a Glock and a switch blade. Same old Carter. Him and that damn Glock. Even three years later he hasn’t upgraded. Typical.

“ wasn’t an easy grab, Piper. At first he had no idea what was going on. He was seamlessly flirting with Yennah one minute, but then he saw the mark, and instantly drew the switchblade. Nearly caused a scene for the whole bar. He dragged her outside where he wasn’t expecting to find all of us, but he still put up a fight. Cut up Yennah pretty bad.” She continued.

“What’s her condition?” I demanded.

“Critical. Hadley’s seeing to her right now.” Paige answered, and before I knew it we had found our way to Carter’s holding cell.

“That’ll be all Paige.” I said, pushing open the door forcibly, automatically catching sight of three of my best girls circled around a bagged Carter, who was cuffed to the chair, his chest heaving up and down, not in exhaustion, but in aggravation. I could tell he was pissed.

I couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of him sitting here defenseless in one of my cells. Ah, the irony. My gaze flashed to Kendall who was standing beside me, arms crossed stubbornly over her chest. I snapped my fingers, and instantly she stepped forward removing the sack from Carter’s head, allowing him to finally see.

As soon as his eyes adjusted to the bright light, he looked at us with disgust, and surprise clear in his eyes. “Carter, Carter, Carter.” I tisked, shaking my head mockingly.

“Piper.” Carter spat, eyeing my fiercely. Looking at him, I noticed his weapon choice wasn’t the only thing that had remained constant. He looked almost exactly the same aside from a  few new tattoos. Same layered brunette hair, same hazel eyes. Same old Carter.  “If it isn’t the magnificent Piper Mayes! Have you gotten taller?” Carter mocked, smirking, feigning interest.

“Ah, yes, and you haven’t changed one bit! I bet you’re still Dave’s little bitch too!” I smirked, raising my eyebrow challengingly. At my words his body tensed up, and his smirk dropped, leaving behind nothing but rage as he began to struggle wildly, pulling at the handcuffs to free himself. But, it was no use.

“I’m no one’s bitch!” He growled, glaring at me. If looks could kill…

I couldn’t help, but bust out laughing at his outburst, a few of my girls joining in. After controlling my laughter, I pretended to wipe a tear from my eyes. “Whew! That was almost believable!” I laughed, stepping up to him, and squatting down before his rigid figure. Reaching up, I took each of his fists in my hands, measuring his aggravation. His fists were balled up so tight he could have busted a few knuckles just sitting there, they were almost turning white.

“I know you a whole lot better than you think, Carter. Dave’s got you and your pistol whipped crew of kids bowing down to his every command. You know, it saddens me how… dependent you’ve become. You used to show such promise. We both know you hate it. Having no choice but to follow Dave’s orders like a little lost puppy? Being defenseless was never your forte.” I explained softly, looking directly into his eyes with determination. I was going to get his help if it was the last thing I ever did.

“You think you’re so damn smart, don’t you?” Carter snapped.

“I don’t think. I know. I also know that you and your crew want out. You want to fly as a solo crew. We can help.” I proposed, getting to my feet, standing over him.

“What’s a bunch of egotistical bitches gonna do for me? The only thing you’re good for is-” Was all Carter was able to get out before I pistol whipped his with my gun, causing his entire body to whip to the side, and a seemingly painful crack to sound out from his jaw.

“Watch what you say about me, and my gang, Carter!” I spat, pointing my gun directly in his face, hoping to send a clear message.

“This is why women shouldn’t run gangs. For one thing, you’re all too simple to stick through a fight. you’d rather just pull a trigger, and end it. No, you wouldn’t dare put your money where your mouth is.” Carter snapped before spitting out blood that had oozed into his mouth.

I couldn’t control my anger as I took my gun, and clocked him on the side of his head with it, hitting his eye before throwing it, and decking him in his other one. “How’s that for a fight? Keep in mind who you’re dealing with, Carter! This gang of egotistical bitches? We run a quarter of the U.S. Have ten times the experience you’ve got, and also, you should remember whose cell you're sitting in right now! We make you and your crew look like a bunch of misfits! We can handle our own. We’re giving you a chance to handle yours! You can either take our offer, and live to tell your story or by all means, I’m sure I can find you a pencil and some paper to write your will with.” I rambled furiously, letting my temper get the best of me, right as soon as I finished speaking, I threw my foot up, kicking his chair back, flipping him upside down.

Without waiting for his answer, I turned to storm out of the door, fed up with him. Kendall was right. This was pointless. Carter was pointless. I should have known he’d never help. He’s far too sexist to help a gang entirely composed of females. Especially one run by me.

“Wait!” He called out just as I went to pull on the door. I whirled around to face him as my girls pulled his chair back up. “What’s in it for you?” He asked quietly, his voice hoarse.

I turned my head to look at Quinn, and Bailey before quickly shooting my attention back to Carter. “Dave’s got something of ours. We want it back. You’ll help see that we get it. You in?” I explained, looking directly at him, awaiting his answer.

“I’m in.”

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