
By erstelled

603 25 21

Princesses Caleen of Veronica is a girl of many talents: sarcasm, puns, putting off suitors. Yet one talent s... More

| Prologue |
| Chapter 1 |
| Chapter 2 |
| Chapter 3 |
| Chapter 4 |
| Chapter 5 |
| Chapter 6 |
| Chapter 7 |
| Chapter 9 |
| Chapter 10 |
| Chapter 11 |
| Chapter 12 |
| Chapter 13 |

| Chapter 8 |

17 1 0
By erstelled

"Caleen George, you've been in your room all day!" Maria scolded walking through the door. She carried a pile of newly washed clothes. "It's nice outside, why are you locked up here?"

"Fine," Callie sighed and climbed out the window onto the tree branch. "Look I'm outside."

"Well, aren't you just a smarty... Why have you been up here all day? I mean, Leo left yesterday. You have no reason anymore."

"He left?"

"You didn't know? He went home last night. Are you not excited? Unless you like him-"

"I don't like him. Like that anyways," Callie sighed. "And that's the problem. For the passed couple of days he's been leaving me anonymous love notes. And..."

"What happened?"

"And they had cheesy puns tied in and I assumed they were from..."

"Arthur?" Maria guessed. Callie nodded. "Oh, dear, are you alright?"

"For the most part I'm fine. It's not like I said anything embarrassing to Arthur about it. But Leo... despite how much I dislike him I still feel bad about it."

"That's because you're a good person. Maybe I don't know the whole situation, but from what I can see you turned Leo down?"

"I did."

"Saying this might complicate things even more..." Maria muttered. "I understand you feel bad, I really do. But turning him down was the right thing. You shouldn't drag on someone's feelings because you pity them. That's not right. You should definitely apologize to him– he's coming back tomorrow for some of his belongings."

"I will."

"Now, about Arthur.


"Callie, let me ask you a question. Do you love Arthur?"

"Love? Of course not! Though, he is kinda cool, I guess."

"That's good enough for me! Grab your phone, tap some things, and ask him out. Isn't it that simple?"

"I suppose it is... But what if he says no?"

"If you live your life in uncertainty, many doors close and regrets will learn to haunt you."

"You're right. Thank you, Maria."

"Any time, dear! Now, text the kid, go on a date, and make me proud! But remember: thumb out to punch an eye out! Have a good evening!"

Callie climbed through the window, grabbed her Mephone and began a text. Then deleted it immediately. Then she started a new message and deleted that one too.

Golly, Callie needs to calm down. She's too stressed about this all. It's just a text that ultimately determines her entire relationship with him. No big deal.

Callie: Go out with me?

REALLY?! Callie, you stress out over the text and then send that?! That's so forward! TOO forward! Why is she always so forward?!

Arthur: Today?

Wait. Is he going to say yes?

Callie: In a Cup at five thirty?

Arthur: Sounds good.

MY SHIP! YAAAAY! Ahem. I mean, that's good, very excellent.


In a cup, in a cup, a hot bowl of soup in my cup. In a cup, in a cup, I like food in my cup. In a cup, in a cup, I'm so hungry, just stuff me in a cup-

Oh. So, you... um heard that, huh? I was just time jumping and stuff... I BLAME THE GLITCHES! First, I get a false vision for a saucy fight, then I get another false vision for Arthur in the statue garden, and now this! I, as your narrator, apologized for this odd bookly behavior. Sure, this is my first time narrating but still it's frustrating!

At least, Callie and Arthur are going on a date, right? She was a bit forward for my taste, but my girl pulled it off.

"Hi, Savanna!" Callie called across the café while she waved like windmill– okay, maybe not that intense of a wave but still.

"You've returned," Savanna commented. "Where's Green Tea?"

"You mean Arthur?"

"I dunno. He ordered green tea."

"Oh, I forgot you don't know our names. Well, I'm Callie and he's Arthur."

"Cinnamon-Roll and Green Tea, got it! Now, before I get yelled at by my boss, do you want anything?"

"I'll take my usual coffee. Feline souls, caramel, whipped cream, all the stuff. And I'll have a green tea too."

"Another friend hangout?"

"Not this time."

"Oooh, my lil' Cinnamon-Roll has a hot date!"

"Oh, shush!"

"Aw, and she's embarrassed. Cute! Don't worry I won't tell my entire staff; it's not like we all ship you or anything."


"I said it's not like we do that! And it's totally not like we call you the eleven questions couple either."


"Hey, if you don't want to be shipped stop being the main character."

Oh, what was that? Never mind it's fine. Just my wall casually falling over.

Savanna left and returned in a small period of time. She set Callie's coffee in front of her and the green tea across the short table.

And Callie sat, occasionally sipping her coffee, but mostly watching the door. People walked in, people walked out, time ticked, the sun set, and Callie remained. She checked her phone. No messages. She stared at the door anticipating for him to open it, for him to walk in, and say, 'sorry I'm late'. Then he would drop a valid excuse, because he was always on time. He wouldn't do this. He wasn't a jerk. He would've at least called. And maybe he almost called. Maybe he picked up the phone, selected her contact, then realized how unfair he was being. He realized that this would crush her, but instead of getting up, and rushing out the door to meet her. He set down the phone and remained. A shiver of guilt gnawing away at him, yet he remained. Because he wanted revenge.

Callie got up from the booth seat and left the small café. Later that night Savanna cleared two cups. One empty, one full.

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