Moving To California (a Green...

By ilikebandfics

7.5K 168 81

Alice and her mum move to California from London, she starts at Piedmont High and she makes friends with Jako... More

Moving To California (a Green Day, Emily's Army and My Chemical Romance Fan Fic)
Starting School
New Friends
The Armstrong's House
Day Out
Digital Drugs
The Light Behind Your Eyes
State Of Shock
Party Poison
Give 'Em Hell Kid
Pizza Party
Do I Like Her?
Home Sweet Home
Action Cat

The Adventures

453 9 2
By ilikebandfics

Music was so much fun. My music teacher, Mr Hand, was really nice and welcoming. He said that he had heard from my old school that I was a very talented student apparently. Wow that's pretty cool, I don't really think much of it when I play an instrument, I just love to jam out. He told us to get in pairs and Jakob immediately smiled at me. Gerard was in my class too, but he worked with another guy. Jakob picked up an acoustic guitar and came at sat by the piano with me. Without thinking, I started to play 'Viva La Gloria' and singing.

"Hey Gloria, are you standing close to the edge?

Look out to the setting sun, the brink of your vision

Eternal youth is a landscape of a lie

The cracks of my skin can prove, as the years will testify

Say your prayers and light a fire, we're going to start a war

Your slogan's 'A gun for hire,' it's what we waited for...

Hey Gloria, this is why we're on the edge

The fight of our live's been drawn in this undying love"

I stopped playing and remembered I wasn't in my room. I was in class. Working with Billie-Joe's son. Singing Billie-Joe's song. Shit.

"Uhh sorry, force of habbit" I said shyly, thinking Jakob was now going to think I am a freak.

"Why are you saying sorry? That was beautiful. You need to show my dad that!"

"Noooo he'll think it's really bad, I can't sing and I can hardly play piano..."

"You're amazing! Don't say that! Seriously, you need to play that my house later"

"Urhh, maybe..."

After me turning bright red after Jakob complimenting me, we got to work. We had to write a piece of music, which was fairly easy. We just added more and then we had to perform it. Mr Hand stopped us at the end of the lesson to talk to us.

"That was amazing, beautiful, perfect. You two are very talented, top of my class! You guys work great together, you're permanent partners wether you want to be or not!"

"Thanks sir, we don't mind" Jakob said smiling at me.

We headed towards my house and Jakob told me a bit about the school. Who he's friends with, who are the bitchy ones etc.We got to my house after a 5 minute walk.

"Muuuuum" I shouted as I pulled Jakob through the door by his hand.

"How was your first day sweetie?" She said as she walked into the kitchen where Jakob and I stood.

"Great thanks!"

"Um, if you don't mind me asking, are you Jakob Armstrong"

"Yeah... Yeah I am" he said rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh how lovely to meet you Jakob, I'm Jane, would you two like a drink?"

"Can I have a glass of orange juice please? What do you want Jake?" I called him by his nickname, shit.

"The same please" he said as he smiled adorably at me.

"I'll bring it into your room Alice"


Jakob and I headed towards my room. I was so embarassed, there was one wall just for Green Day, Emily's Army and The Foxboro Hot Tubs. Jakob looked around my room to see every inch of wall covered in posters, other than the wall my window was on.

"Just sit wherever you feel like" then I noticed him investigating my wall of GD, EA and FHT. Oh my.

"I'm so sorry" I frantically said.

"Why are you sorry? It's cool that you're a fan of my dad"

"I promise you I'm not crazily obsessed, please don't think I'm only your friend for him because I'm not oh my god"

"Alice, it's fine, seriously, you're not a freaky fangirl I know you're not"

I sighed of relief when he said that and fell on my double bed in the corner of my room. To my surprise he came and laid next to me

"Honestly, I've had so much worse. This is a mild case" he said winking at me. I just giggled uncontrollably, I heard a knock at my door, Jakob and I instantly sat up. I don't want my mum thinking anything oh god. I wish there was something. What am I saying?

"Here you go guys, what are you doing today Alice?"

"Jakob and I were going to go to Hot Topic then he invited me to his for dinner if that's okay?" What if she said no?!

"That's fine, do you need some money?"

"I have $15 it's okay"

"Let me give you $15, you can buy yourself and Jakob something then"

"Only if you're sure mum"

"I'm sure, I'll leave it on the kitchen side for when you leave, phone me if you need picking up later. I'm going to go to the beach for a walk"

"Okay mum thankyou! Have fun"

"Goodbye Ms Carlile, thankyou" Jakob said smiling.

"Goodbye Jakob, take care"

"Bye mum"

"Bye Alice, bye Jakob" she said walking out of my room.

"Uhh, sorry about her haha"

"It's fine, your mums really nice!" We finished our drinks and headed out. I ran to the kitchen to get my money, mum had left me $20 with a note saying 'you've been great help with moving, you deserve it. Mum x'

My mum and I have always had a great connection, I would do anything for her, even if she can be embarrassing! Jakob showed me around town and we walked to Hot Topic. I bought a Pierce The Veil wrist band along with a My Chemical Romance necklace. Jakob wanted some guitar pics from the nearby guitar store, so I bought him and myself some too. He was trying not to let me buy them but I insisted. We then walked to a small cafe nearby and got a milkshake, which Jakob payed for this time since he wouldn't let me even get my purse out or he'd take it off me. We sat down and spoke about little random things such as our child hood, I tried not to mention my dad. After an hour of talking we walked to Jakob's.

I was really going to his house with him??? But I'd loved him for so long. His dad saved my life. His brother did too. Adie has been my role model for years. Is this is all a dream I'm going to wake up from soon????

"Are you sure it's okay if I come for dinner?" I asked worried. I don't want to just walk in...

"Yeah! I text mom, she said it's fine" he said smiling and nudging me.

"Thanks so much Jakob"

"No need to say thanks, you're a great friend"

"Really? Can I ask you something?"


"How comes you wanted to be my friend? Like it might sound weird but not many people really wanna talk to me..."

"Well one, you're british. I dig British accents. Two, you just seemed really nice, I thought you could do with some help since you're new and you've turned out to be awesome."

"Wow thanks.. I-I-I can't thank you enough"

"Hey don't say thankyou! You're cooler than my other friends, you actually appreciate music and me, not my dad"

"This may sound weird, but I've always wanted to meet you"

"How come?"

"You seem like the most down to earth, famous persons kid. I've always wanted to just hang out and prove to people back home that famous families aren't stuck up, dick heads. They all think American's are pricks, but in reality, British people are pricks"

"Wow that means a lot, loads of people think I'm some spoilt brat..." Jakob said sighing.

"Well I don't think that"

"Thanks Alice, but hey, we're here!"

I looked up to see a hugggggeeeee house! The Armstrong's house!!!!!!

"Wow" was all I could say.

"Come in!" Jakob unlocked the door.

"Mooooooom, I'm home!" Adrienne walked in from a room to the corridor, she was so pretty and kind.

"Hello Boo, how was school?" She said leaning to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Great thanks, mom this is Alice, Alice this is mom"

"Hello Mrs Armstrong" I said smiling shyly.

"Please call me Adie, lovely to meet you Alice!"

"You too Adie, thankyou for having me today"

"You're very welcome, Jakey why don't you get yourselves a drink and show Alice around the house?"

"Okay mom"

"See you soon Alice" I smiled back and when Adrienne left, I noticed Jakob turning red.

"Sorry about her, please ignore all the nicknames"

"Awww they're cute" I said sticking my tounge out at him. He just glared at me which made me laugh. He showed me around downstairs, which was massive. They had an open kitchen plan room with a front room connecting too it. Adrienne was also in another small kitchen room where she was baking cakes. Off of that room was a sewing room. There was also a toilet room. The garden had a large pool, small skate ramps and a vegetable patch. They had a basement too which Jakob said he'll show me when Joey gets home. He took me upstairs and showed me where the guest room was incase I ever stayed. He showed me his parents room, Joey's room then the game room. He then took me to the end of a corridor which had vinyls framed on, he opened a locked door slowly, guitars. Everywhere. Drum kits, three personalised ones for each of the guys. Basses, on one wall. Guitars on the other. Amps piled up against one wall. My mouth just dropped open, I was amazed. I should've expected something like this but oh my.

"This is, wow" I was speechless.

"You like it?

"Like? Love!!!!"

"Well we can chill in here when my dad gets home, I just need to check that's okay with him. There's a piano over there. You're singing Viva La Gloria wether you like it or not" he said winking at me.

"You're singing it with me then"

"Finnnneee" he said sighing over-dramatically making me laugh.

"Come with me and I'll show you my room" I followed him out of the music room, aka, heaven. I walked into Jakob's room to see a wall with four guitars and two basses hanging up, a few posters here and there and a really neat, tidy and cool room. It was white with music notes and paint splats on. He also had two large amps in the corner, one for his guitar and one for his bass. He had a King sized bed and he went and sat on it, he patted the space next to him for me to sit down. He put some music on and a Ramones CD came on. We both sang and laughed. For a moment our eyes caught, we were both out of breath from singing and laughing. I swear I felt something there but then there was a knock on the door. Damn. Or maybe it was just me thinking Jakob was amazing, hot, talented, smart, kind and just oh my god that made me think something was there. I know he won't feel the same.

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