Possession ➸ Camren

By cabell0jauregui

721K 18.1K 11.9K

"Don't you get it, you're mine, the sooner you realise it the better." The first chapters are so bad but it w... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty one
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Eight
Fifty Nine
Sixty One
Sixty Two
Sixty Three
Sixty Four
Sixty Five
Sixty Six
Sixty Seven
Sixty Eight
Sixty Nine
Seventy One
Seventy Two
Seventy Three
Seventy Four
Seventy Five
Seventy Six
Final Chapter

Fifty Two

6K 140 42
By cabell0jauregui

Camila's eyes darted around the room anxiously, her bottom lip held between her teeth.

They were sat on a small couch in the control room in Dinah and Normani's house, five pairs of eyes fixated on the four of them. Dinah was curled into Normani's side and the older girl had an arm around her, pulling her impossibly closer. Camila was sat between Normani and Lauren, her fingers drumming against her thigh insistently.

She felt a hand entwining with hers, stopping her from tapping her fingers, and looked up to face Lauren who offered a small, reassuring smile.

A man in black uniform finally spoke up.

"Will you tell us what happened that night?"

Dinah didn't answer at first. Her eyes stayed fixated on the floor and she continued to bounce her leg nervously.

"Please, baby. So we can find the people who did this to you and make sure it never happens again," Normani whispered, using her free hand to brush Dinah's hair back.

"It was nighttime and I-I went for a walk to clear my head. I was outside and someone came behind me and punched me here," Dinah gestured to her temple before falling silent.

"And you say they put you in the trunk?" The man questioned and Dinah nodded.

"Do you know what time this was?" He asked, making notes in a small book along with the other men.

Dinah shook her head.

"Okay. What about the vehicle? Do you know what it was?" He prompted.

"I don't know," Dinah mumbled, closing her eyes. Normani placed a kiss on the top of her head, letting her lips rest there.

"Well do you know what color it was? Did you get any of the license plate?" The man interrogated her and Dinah shook her head.

"I-I don't know," She stammered, her eyes squeezed shut tightly.

The man sighed, evidently frustrated and Lauren glared at him.

"Do you know what the men looked like? How many were there?" He changed topics but Dinah had returned to not talking.

"Didn't she tell you that they also attacked the small one, there," A different man spoke up, nodding in the direction of Camila who felt her mouth go dry.

"This isn't about her," Lauren argued quickly but everyone's eyes had already turned to the brunette.

"Do you remember anything about the men?" The first man directed his question at Camila now.

"This isn't about her. She doesn't need to be questioned," Lauren protested.

"It's just to help the investigation along," The man defended his actions and Lauren wrapped an arm around Camila's waist.

"You don't have to do anything you don't want," She told her quietly and Camila nodded in response.

"What happened when you were jumped?"

Camila recited her story, focusing on her fingers which were fumbling with Lauren's.

"Okay, and can we see the remainders of your injuries?"

"That's not relevant," Lauren snapped, her grip on Camila tightening.

"No," Normani practically snarled, reaching out to place a hand on Camila's knee.

"We need to see what they're capable of. Wouldn't you rather someone with a qualification assessed her situation?" The man turned to Lauren.

"You know what they're capable of," Lauren declared.

"All of this is helping your friend, Lauren. And it'll help her too," The man tried persuading her and Lauren felt Normani's eyes turn on her.

"Please," She mouthed, her eyes pleading. Camila wasn't speaking, afraid she would say the wrong thing, and trying to avoid the looks from the men.

Lauren sent her a desperate look and Normani turned her eyes to the brunette who was refusing to look at anyone.

"Mila," She spoke softly, placing a hand on Camila's thigh. Camila turned to face her reluctantly, a small frown etched onto her face. "Please, Mila."

"I-I don't know," Camila shook her head and looked over her shoulder to her girlfriend.

"You don't have to," Lauren reminded her and Camila gave a small nod.

"Okay," She agreed quietly and a relived expression instantly appeared on Normani's face.

Camila stood up, as did the two men who had spoke, and she squeezed Lauren's hand before releasing it.

"If you don't want to do anything just come back. Okay? Don't let them make you do anything," Lauren told her, bouncing her knee and Camila bent forward, wrapping her arms around her neck. Lauren placed on hand on her back, rubbing small circles on it before Camila stood up straight again.

"I'll be fine," She offered a small smile and Lauren returned it, disheartened.

Camila was subconsciously stroking the scab running across her temple. It was nearly completely healed, just a discolored bit of raised skin on her head, but was still noticeable enough. Her bruises were fading but her stomach was still patterned with a multitude of blue hues.

The evidence of them touching her lingered.

Lauren bounced her legs as she waited for them to be finished.

Normani flashed her an apologetic smile but Lauren couldn't help but feel annoyed that she had agreed to let Camila be interrogated. She knew she was only trying to do what was best for Dinah but she could've done it without throwing Camila into the mix.

"Lo, don't be pissed," Normani broke the silence between them. "Hey, I'm sorry, okay?"

"I know," Lauren said nonchalantly, staring at the floor.

"I'd do the same if the roles were reversed," Normani added.

"I know, Normani," Lauren snapped, running a hand through her hair. Dinah pulled her head out of Normani's chest to look at her pleadingly but Lauren only sighed.

Camila came into the room about twenty minutes later, heading straight to the other Latina. She crawled onto her lap, hiding her face in the crook of Lauren's neck and allowing her hair to fall and conceal her face. Lauren placed one hand on the back of her head, pulling her closer, and the other around her waist loosely.

"That's it, it's all done. All done," Lauren told her, rubbing her thumb up and down her back. Camila's hands slid up the back of Lauren's t-shirt to rest on her skin, something she hadn't done in a few days.

Normani untangled herself from Dinah, scooting over to them and placing a hand on Camila's back.

"Thank you," She whispered, ignoring the sound of the two men joining them in the room.

"Can we finish speaking to Dinah?" One questioned, settling himself in his chair.

Dinah nodded as she rewrapped her arms around Normani. The older girl pulled her onto her lap, snaking her arms around her stomach and linking their hands together.

"Where did they take you?"

"We-we drove to a building and I was locked in a room but then they tied me up and we drove somewhere else. They put me in a room again but I was chained to a wall," Dinah recalled, a frown etched onto her features.

"And what did they do to you?"

"They-they hit me. And they shouted at me, a lot. They threw me against a wall and-and I blacked out and I woke up because they cut me with a knife. They-they heated it up so it burnt me and it go splinters in it," Dinah stammered and Normani pressed her lips against her shoulder.

"What did they shout?"

"They shouted that we, that we were corrupted. That The Society was corrupted. They said they were going to-to get revenge. They said it what give the message until next time," Dinah squeezed her eyes shut and Normani ran a hand through her blonde curls.

"What do you mean till next time? Do you know anything else?" The man's voice was urgent know and all of the men were scribbling notes down furiously.

Lauren's hold on Camila tightened and the brunette stiffened as she waited for Dinah to respond.

"They aren't done. They aren't gonna stop until they get the money back," Normani mumbled, already knowing the answer. "They aren't safe."

Dinah had turned around so she could hide her face in Normani, signifying that she was done speaking. The two oldest girls shared a worried look, both holding their girlfriend's tightly.

"I think that's enough for now. We will find out who has done this, i promise," The man said firmly before gathering his things and leaving. The other men followed, leaving the four girls alone.

"It's not fair," Camila burst out, hitting her fists against the couch frustratedly. "They're already hurt every one of us, what more do they want!"

"They don't care, Mila. They just want to prove their point," Normani sighed softly, holding Dinah's head to her chest.

"They've proved it. We're all scared of them, that's what they want," Camila protested indignantly, ignoring Lauren's hands that had wrapped around her wrists.

"But not everyone's scared of them, Camila. Just us, because we're worried for you and Dinah. And unless everyone becomes scared no ones gonna give them the money they want," Lauren told her gently.

"But-but I'm scared of them. And so is Dinah. And I don't like it," Camila's voice trembled and Lauren pulled her back in for a hug. "I don't like it, Lauren."

"I know," Lauren rubbed the tanned skin of her neck. Camila turned her head to rest it on Lauren's shoulder, watching Normani and Dinah.

Normani felt the pair of eyes on her and sent Camila a small smile, taking her hand.

"It'll be okay," She whispered, squeezing it softly.

Camila only flashed a fake smile in response.

"I'm not hungry," Camila announced quietly, dropping her fork on her plate.

It was around seven o'clock and Lauren had ordered takeout for everyone because no one was in the mood to cook.

No one had really touched their food, especially Dinah and Camila who had only managed a few mouthfuls each of the dish they'd ordered to share.

"You don't have to eat it," Lauren told her and Camila pushed her plate away from her, tucking her legs up on the chair, and wrapping her arms around her knees loosely.

"Can you please eat something for me, D. You haven't ate in days," Normani reminded her but Dinah shook her head. "Okay, we'll try again later."

"Do you want to come downstairs with me, Dinah? We can watch a movie," Camila offered and Dinah nodded.

Camila stood up, taking the younger girl by the hand and pulling her onto her feet.

"The password is," Normani started but trailed off. "I'm guessing you already know the password."

"It was a good guess," Camila told her, smiling slightly.

"Mani, come down soon?" Dinah questioned hesitantly and Normani nodded.

Dinah was on some medication that the hospital had given her to help fight the infection from the cut and to just keep her calm in general because she was freaked out from the incident. The meal was the first time she'd taken it and it had made her a little hyper which was why she wasn't making too much of a fuss about leaving Normani.

"Of course, babe. I'm just gonna finish eating first," She informed her and Camila tugged on her hand gently. The blonde allowed herself to be pulled downstairs and pushed on the couch.

"What do ya' wanna watch? Please don't say anything scary," Camila logged into Netflix, scrolling through the list of possible movies.

The settled on binge watching Gossip Girl.

"I love Chuck," Camila sighed, staring at the said character on the screen.

"I thought you were a lesbian," Dinah turned to face her.

"I don't know. If I wasn't with Lauren and Chuck came along I'd get with him," Camila shrugged, trying to keep the conversation not awkward.

"You wouldn't leave Lauren for Chuck?" Dinah questioned and Camila shrugged again.

"Well, probably. Look how cute he is!" She gestured to the TV dramatically.

"That's funny. I thought you dodged balls like the plague," Dinah mused and Camila gave her a funny look.

"I had a boyfriend," She reminded her incredulously.

"Why? You're about as straight as a circle," Dinah scoffed and Camila nudged her.

"Hey! You've never dated a boy," She pointed out.

"But I've had hook ups with them," Dinah said causally as if it was a normal thing to do.

"You whore," Camila exclaimed, an amused expression on her face.

"I didn't enjoy them! Dicks are so weird, they're so squishy..." Dinah recalled.

"Ew, Dinah! That's gross," Camila's voice was horrified and Dinah rolled her eyes.

"Duh, why do you think I like girls. Boobs are so much nicer," She said in an obvious tone. "Especially Mani's," She added, quieter.

"I didn't need to know that," Camila shook her head.

"And her ass," Dinah added, just because it was funny to watch Camila squirm. "You don't have to get so uncomfortable, Walz. C'mon, from one lesbian to another, we can agree that she has a nice body."

"Well, yeah, but she's my friend and I have Lauren and I like Lauren's body," Camila blushed at the topic.

"Ooh, Mila, you freak," Dinah smirked.

"I'm the freak? You're the one who made us talk about this!" Camila declared.

"I can talk about other things if you like? Like how I've spent three days in captivity..." Dinah was cut off by Camila clasping her hand over her mouth.

"That's not funny," She told her but the younger girl only shrugged.

"I might as well joke about it. I'm always gonna remember the time I was kidnapped, it was quite the experience," She deadpanned.

"Dinah, that's not funny," Camila said seriously, a small frown on her face.

"Sorry, I was only joking," Dinah apologised.

"It wasn't a funny joke. It was horrible, you-you shouldn't joke about it," Camila furrowed her eyebrows, avoiding Dinah's eyes.

"Hey, I'm sorry. It wasn't funny. But I'm here now, right?" Dinah said sincerely and Camila nodded. "Come here, doofus."

She pulled Camila onto her lap, allowing the Latina to wrap her arms around her neck.

"Thank you, for today. For speaking to those men and letting them interrogate you. I would've said it earlier but I wasn't... you know. I'm grateful for it, for you," Dinah told her and Camila smiled softly.

"No problem, Cheechee. You'd do the same for me. And you've helped me already," She reached out to tuck a piece of blonde hair behind Dinah's ear and the Polynesian shrugged.

"I guess we just help each other then," She mumbled.

"I guess so," Camila's voice was quiet as she rewrapped her friend into an embrace.

Normani and Lauren came down about twenty minutes after them.

"Is everything okay?" Normani asked after seeing their position.

"Yes, everything's okay. Isn't it, DJ?" Camila looked at her friend who nodded.

"Yes," Dinah confirmed and Camila wrapped her arms around her neck tightly, stroking her face.

"She just needed some Camila time," She said sincerely, screwing up her face.

"No one needs Camila time," Normani disagreed, her tone serious, and Camila glared at her.

"Don't be mean," She frowned and Normani pouted.

"Awe, I'm kidding, cutie. I love Camila time," She smiled, opening her arms.

Camila shot her an unimpressed look, waiting for a few moments before putting her arms out to accept the hug. Normani pulled her into her arms, lifting her up ease.

"Normilaaaa," Camila sang as Normani sat down on the other couch, Camila on her lap.

"Normani's cuter than Camren," Normani stuck her tongue out.

"Well, I prefer Laurinah anyway," Lauren retaliated, flopping next to the blonde and wrapping an arm around her.

It was evident to Dinah that Normani and Camila had gotten closer. The pair had always been friends but they weren't as close as Camila and Dinah and the two youngest girls were always together when the four met up so it didn't really allow Normani and Camila to really bond.

However, now it was different. The two girls were evidently a lot closer and as much as Dinah tried to be happy that her girlfriend and best friend were closer but she couldn't help but wish Camila was still closer to her than anyone else.

"You were right, Mila. Lauren does have a nice body," Dinah smirked and Camila blushed because of the intrigued stare she was receiving  from Lauren. 

"Why were you talking about my body?"

"Your girlfriend here, is a freak. She was talking about how she loves your body," Dinah informed Lauren who raised an eyebrow.

"Dinah started it, she said she liked Mani's ass!" Camila shouted, her face red.

"Have you seen my ass? It's great," Normani inputted.

"Well Dinah used to hook up with boys," Camila exclaimed in a feeble attempt at revenge.

"Babe, everyone here knows. They've known me since I was eleven," Dinah laughed and Camila scowled.

"Yeah, you're the newbie, sweetheart," Normani added and Camila crossed her arms.

"Well, I'll go back to my old friends then," Camila said proudly. Lauren raised an eyebrow knowingly and Camila huffed. "Shut up, Lauren."

"I never said anything," The other Latina taunted.

"The newbie hears things. Freak," Dinah whispered loudly.

"I'm not a newbie," Camila wailed, hitting her arms against the couch. "You're all being mean."

"You're the mean one, you said you'd leave Lauren for Chuck Bass and you called me a whore," Dinah reminded her.

"Rude," Lauren muttered.

"Yeah, Camila. Slutshaming isn't cool," Normani rolled her eyes playfully and Camila shoved her. "Lauren your girlfriend is a psychopath!"

"Mani, stop it! I'm not," Camila whined, hitting her again. This time, Normani shoved her back and Camila landed on the floor in a heap.

"Mani, why'd you push her," Dinah cried out in amusement. Normani sniggered at the sight of Camila scowling on the floor but managed to calm herself down enough to ask if the brunette was okay.

"You're all horrible," She said as she clambered onto her feet, crossing her arms. "I want my phone."

"It's broken," Lauren reminded her and Camila snatched Lauren's from her lap before making her way to sit on the beanbag in the corner in a huff.

The three girls watched as she focused her eyes on the phone seemingly intrigued in whatever she was looking at.

"Mila, your boyfriend's on the TV," Normani spoke to her after a while, a smirk tugging at her lips.

"Good for him. Maybe he's got nicer friends that I have," Camila deadpanned, causing the other three girls to giggle which only resulted in her getting more frustrated because they weren't taking her seriously.

She turned her attention back to the phone but she'd become bored of it a long time back, not that she was going to admit it then.

"Lauren, why is your phone so boring!" She complained, throwing the object onto the couch.

"Maybe it's just the person who's using it is boring," Lauren narrowed her eyes and Camila threw a pillow at her. It hit Lauren's stomach and the older girl made a pained expression. "Ow, fuck. My side."

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry, are you okay?" Camila scrambled onto her feet and rushed to her girlfriend.

"Gotcha'" Lauren smirked and it was a few seconds before it hit Camila.

"You jerk, Lauren!" She hit Lauren's shoulder and the said girl caught her hand.

"Don't hit me, you might hurt me for real,"  Lauren's voice was taunting and Normani and Dinah watched in amusement.

"Good," Camila muttered.

"I'll hurt you back," Lauren warned her playfully, raising an eyebrow.

"Do it," Camila challenged, squaring up.

Lauren stood up, facing Camila.

"You have no chance, Mila. She's trained to fight," Normani reminded her but Camila didn't back down.

"Hit me," Lauren told her and Camila frowned because that's not what you were meant to tell the person you were fighting. "Hit me, Camila."

Camila paused before her small first flew out to connect with Lauren's shoulder. Lauren caught it with ease and when Camila used her other hand to try and pull it away, Lauren trapped that one too.

Camila pulled her arms desperately but Lauren was stronger and held them tightly.

"That's not fair, I can't fight if you've trapped me," Camila twisted her body as she tried to escape and Lauren laughed.

"You can fight, just not with your hands. Like so," She hooked her leg behind Camila's and pulled it forward, causing the younger girl to loose her balance and fall backwards.

Camila inhaled sharply as she prepared herself to hit the floor but Lauren's arms looped around her waist, holding her securely before she lowered her to the floor.

"No fair, you're bigger than me," Camila whined as Lauren straddled her stomach, hovering so she didn't put any pressure on her bruises. Camila's hands were being held over her head and no mattered how much she struggled, she couldn't escape.

"You wanted to fight," Lauren pointed out, smiling sweetly. She gently lowered herself to sit on Camila's stomach, her head hovering over Camila's.

"Watch her stomach, Lo," Dinah said worriedly.

"I know, I'm not gonna hurt her," Lauren reassured her friend, her breath tickling Camila's face. 

"It's meant to be a fight, why aren't you hurting me?" Camila questioned, stopping her wriggling for a minute.

"Because," Lauren shrugged before adding, "don't you think I've hurt you enough?"

Camila's eyes flickered to their position back to Lauren's face and gave a small nod. She tried lifting herself up of the floor but was still under Lauren.

Lauren smirked, tracing her fingers up and down the side of Camila's stomach lightly. Camila's breath hitched at the feeling.

"Are you still angry at us?" Lauren questioned and Camila nodded. "That's a shame."

"You were mean," Camila told her, tilting her head.

"Sorry," Lauren shrugged.

"I don't believe you," Camila declared and Lauren dropped lower so their faces were almost touching. Camila let out a small gasp and Lauren laughed, sitting back up. "Hey, I wanted to kiss you!"

"You can still kiss me," Lauren told her.

"No I can't because you're sat on me," Camila argued and Lauren shifted herself down so she was sat on her thighs, releasing Camila's hands so her own could rest on the flanks of Camila's stomach.

Camila sat up, wrapping her arms around Lauren's neck and pressing their lips together.

"Shit, film this, Mani. It's a Camren sextape," Dinah hit Normani's arm lightly and both Latina's laughed slightly.

"Shut up," Lauren mumbled against Camila's lips. Camila continued the kiss and Lauren's arms wrapped around her, resting her hands on the small of her back.

"Still mad, Mila?" Normani questioned and Lauren pulled away.

"No," She flashed her friend a bright smile before turning back to face Lauren. "But you can still kiss me."

Lauren laughed, pecking her lips softly.

"We should get going soon," She told the brunette who automatically turned to Dinah.

"Can't you stay the night again? You have more clothes here," Dinah told them.

"They can't live with us forever, babe," Normani said softly, squeezing her hand.

"But I don't want them to go," Dinah whispered and Lauren crouched in front of her whilst Camila sat at her other side.

"We'll be back soon," Lauren assured her.

"But what if something happens to Mila when you're gone?" Dinah frowned.

"Nothing will happen to me. I've got Lauren to protect me," Camila kicked her girlfriend lightly and Lauren scowled at her playfully before nodding.

Eventually the persuaded Dinah that nothing was happen and the four of them made their way upstairs.

"Bye, Mani," Camila wrapped her arms around the African-American who smiled and ruffled her hair. It felt weird leaving her considering they'd spent the past five days together.

"Bye, DJ. I love you," Camila moved onto to Dinah, holding her tightly.

"You can't even deny the favouritism," Normani commented.

"She loves her more than she loves me," Lauren added.

"I love you too," Dinah replied, clinging to her.

"I'll text you from Lo's phone in the morning, see you soon," Camila squeezed her hand before grabbing onto Lauren's.

The pair made their way outside, Camila swinging off of Lauren's hand.

"Do you wanna drive?" Lauren turned to face the brunette, taking her by surprise.

"Huh?" Camila questioned, blinking in confusion.

"You said to let you drive whenever you want. So you can drive if that's what you want," Lauren elaborated, rambling slightly.

"Lo, I'm not seriously not gonna forgive you. Relax, let's just start over. You don't owe me anything, okay?" Camila raised an eyebrow and Lauren nodded. "Good. You can drive."

They climbed into the car, driving away from the house.

"Do you think Dinah will be okay?" Camila questioned, her feet up on the dashboard.

"I think she'll be just fine," Lauren nodded, reaching out to link their fingers. "You shouldn't put your feet up there, if I crash you'll snap in half."

"Don't crash," Camila poked out her tongue and Lauren rolled her eyes. "Do you think the men will try and get either of us again?"

"No, I think they'll try and move on to someone else. They want a wide impact," Lauren sighed and Camila brought their hands up to her mouth so she could kiss them.

"It'll be okay," She smiled reassuringly before turning her head to look out of the window. "Look, Lo. A shooting star! Make a wish."

Silence filled the air for a few moments before Camila spoke again.

"I wished for..." she started before Lauren pulled her hand away and clamped it over her mouth.

"Don't tell or it won't come true!" Lauren declared and Camila frowned before biting Lauren's hand. "Ow!"

"I wished for everything to be okay again and for nothing between us to change," Camila said hurriedly.

"You're a dork," Lauren laughed, shaking her head.

"What did you wish for?" Camila asked, reconnecting their hands.

"I'm not telling!" Lauren protested and Camila pouted.

"But I told you what I wished for," She furrowed her eyebrows and Lauren shrugged.

"That's your fault, loser," She grinned. "We're home."

Camila looked up in surprise, too absorbed in their conversation to pay attention to their surroundings. Sure enough, they were.

"I'm not getting out until you tell me your wish," Camila crossed her arms stubbornly.

"It won't come true if I tell you," Lauren argued.

"It's only fair," Camila held her head high, refusing to look at Lauren.

"Camilaaaa," Lauren dragged out, poking her side.

"Lauren," Camila replied, mimicking her tone.

"Stop being a child and get your ass inside," Lauren told her but Camila shook her head. "Okay, I wished that you'd stop being stubborn and come inside."

"No you never because you never knew that I'd be stubborn back then. Liar," Camila accused, glaring at her.

"I wished that I wouldn't get rabies from when you just bit me," Lauren waved her hand in front of Camila's face.

"No, Lauren. Tell me what it really was," Camila whined.

"Camila, if you don't get out of the car I will carry you inside," Lauren threatened but Camila didn't react. The older girl climbed out, walking to Camila's side and opening the door. "I warned you."

The minutes Lauren pulled Camila into her arms, the brunette shrieked loudly.

"Shut the fuck up, loser. You're gonna deafen me," Lauren laughed, throwing her over her shoulder and walking to the house.

"Good," Camila momentarily paused to answer before continuing shrieking.

"It's like you're a toddler," Lauren complained, placing her down on the porch. She grabbed her keys from her pocket, unlocking the door before turning over her shoulder. "Coming in?"

Camila moved towards her quickly, taking her face in her hands and connecting their lips. Lauren barely had time to react before Camila's tongue had ran across her bottom lip, and when granted access, was exploring every crevice of her mouth. Lauren's hands were rested on Camila's waist and Camila's had moved so they were holding the back of Lauren's neck, pulling her impossibly closer.

Lauren was pinned against the door under Camila's hold. She wasn't used to Camila behind dominant but she had no complaints as the younger girl continued sucking on Lauren's bottom lip. She bit down on it softly, causing a low moan from Lauren who pulled away.

"Inside," She panted quietly, reaching for the door handle. The door swung open, allowing both girls to stumble inside. "Jump," She commanded, her hands still on Camila's hips and the younger girl complied, letting Lauren lift her to sit on the island.

Her legs wrapped around Lauren's waist and her arms around her neck, pulling her closer so their bodies could touch.

This was by far one of the most heated make out sessions they'd had. Camila moved her lips to Lauren's neck, sucking on the sensitive skin and eliciting another moan from the older girl. Camila continued placing delicate kisses down her neck, Lauren's hands now entangled in her hair.

Camila pulled away for some much-needed air, smirking when she saw Lauren's swollen, bruised lips and flushed cheeks.

"Would you look at that, my wish came true," Lauren grinned and Camila hit her.

"You're an idiot," She laughed, moving her hands to cup Lauren's face. "But you're still beautiful."

Lauren dropped her hands to rub her thumbs over Camila's thighs which were still held securely around her waist.

"I know," She raised an eyebrow, a smirk on her lips and Camila rolled her eyes.

"A vain, idiot."

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