Peter Pan

By XxDarkxDreamerxX

36.9K 853 212

In stifling Edwardian London, Wendy Darling mesmerizes her brothers every night with bedtime tales of swordpl... More

Chapter 2: Pan's Real
Chapter 3: Mineral Dust
Chapter 4: The Magic Orb
Chapter 5: Beautiful Yet Deadly
Chapter 6: Scorpios Hook
Chapter 7: The Secret Hideout
*Please Read*
Chapter 8: Story Teller
Chapter 9: Captured
Chapter 10: Princess Tigerlily
Chapter 11: "A kiss."
Chapter 12: Realizations
Chapter 13: Dreams of a Queen Part 1
Chapter 14: Dreams of a Queen Part 2
Chapter 15: Blackened Soul
Chapter 16: Taming the Beast
Chapter 17: Perks of Mineral Dust
Chapter 18: The Unexpected Rescue Party
Chapter 19: Questioning the Devil
Chapter 20: The Cellar

Peter Pan

12.4K 127 33
By XxDarkxDreamerxX

Heyo :) I just wanted to say that I do not own the story idea of Peter Pan its all thanks to J. M Baries (R.I.P) who created such a beautiful masterpiece.

I do not own Peter Pan but I do own Hook's son and my own little version of Wendy and her brothers.

Those were just some disclaimers and now for the story... I really hope you guys like it I would really really apprieciate it if you would give me some feedback thanks :)

Chapter 1: Lady Lessons

Once upon a time there was a boy an unusual boy who would never grow up. He lived in a land called Neverland. This land was full of creatures that you would never think only existed in your imagination. Like Fairies and mermaids, there are even pirates and Indians. But this story isn't all about them... it's about the one and only Peter Pan.


Sword in hand I glared at my opponent with a mischievous grin spread upon my lips. At first he looked petrified like he was about to dart away in fear calling to his mother, but then he straightened up and said with a bitter tone, "Give it up princess! No one can defeat Captain Hook!" The grin was swept off of my face and placed onto the dark man himself, Captain Hook.

Suddenly, everything went back to reality and I was in my room facing my brothers James and Liam. Sword still in hand I said wickedly, "What gives you the right to call me a princess!"

And at that I swung my wooden sword forward towards James who was playing the part of Captain Hook; one of the characters from a book I read. James replies by blocking my stricken sword with his own. Our wooden swords clashed together and I continued on with the story.

"Captain Hook comes running at Wendy, thinking fast Wendy ducks and Hook..." I duck as James came at me but instead of stopping James lost control and ran straight into the bookcase.  Tons of books fell to the floor and I pulled James out of the way just in time before the book shelf fell to the ground. The loud boom echoed through the room causing the floor to shake slightly.

"Stop the story!" James yelled dropping his sword. Liam leaped down from the bed where he had been watching the scene to stand next to James and I. 

"Dads going to kill us." We all say in unison. Books and trinkets were sprawled everywhere.

"I told you we are too old for these stupid games." James huffed dropping his sword to the ground and crossing his arms over his chest. I rolled my eyes at the drama queen but decided it was best not to agitate him further.

"What are we going to do Wendy?" Liam the youngest of us asked glancing up at me with his big brown eyes. I scrambled towards the bookshelf determined and hooked my fingers under the wooden frame and attempted to lift it. It barely moved an inch. I glanced over to my brothers for help but they just stood there staring at me in laughter.

"Very funny guys but I could seriously use some help before mother and father get home!" I snapped slightly agitated myself. They both let out one last chuckle before coming over to help me. I rolled my eyes at my brothers weak attempts to lift up the book case.

"Great well this isn't working. Just wait till father gets home. He'll have all our necks." James said smugly crossing his arms over his chest again. He was starting to do that a lot lately. That was a clear sign that he had given up, but I hadn't yet.

"No way I'm not giving father another reason not to trust me alone at home with just you two now come on and use your muscles!" James shook his head and I let out a breath of frustration.

I crossed my arms as well and scanned the bedroom for something... anything that would help us. "To bad Peter Pan wasn't here to help." I mumbled out and my brothers stared at me oddly.

"Wendy he's not real." James said bluntly. I rolled my eyes. My brothers loved the stories about Peter Pan and Captain Hook but that's all they thought they were, stories.

"He is real. Auntie Jane said so." I exclaimed sounding like a child. 

"Auntie Jane was crazy Wendy." James said holding in his laughter.  I had a sudden urge to slap my brother but I decided it wasn't the best plan. It wouldn't exactly help our situation but it would make me feel a whole lot better.

"Whatever... I believe her." And then it hit me.

"Nana!" I yelled out to our nurse dog. Nana came bounding up the stairs, her large pink tongue dripped with saliva as she entered the messy room. She looked between us then the book case and back to us again then put her head between her paws. Nana had been the family nanny even when our own mother was a child. It was as if she never aged because she was still able to bound up and down the stairs as if she was a puppy.

"Nana we need your help with putting the book case back." I crouched down to her level and met her big brown eyes half covered with white and brown fur. Nana gave my cheek a wet and slobbery lick as a yes and we made our way to the bookcase.

James and Liam looked at me like I was the craziest person they had ever seen, and it wasn't the first time they had given me that look. Instead of accusing me of being nuts to my surprise they actually agreed to help us.

I wonder what father would do if he saw this. He would probably take away my wooden swords for a week. The book case needed more than two children and a sixteen year old to lift it up. Luckily Nana and Liam's teddy bear were there to help us.

Soon enough the book case was up and I looked at James with a smirk spread over my lips. He stuck his tongue out at me and went back to sword fighting with Liam. Just then I heard the sound of the door creak open. Father and Mother stepped in the door as I placed the last book on the shelf.

I stepped out of the bedroom and went bounding down the stairs Nana right behind me. At the bottom of the steps stood father with his long black coat and work briefcase.

His grey eyes shone when he saw me and I gave him a hug. "How was your day father?" I asked taking his coat and hanging it on the hook.

"It was lovely my dear. And how was yours? What did you and the boys do while I was gone?" He asked taking off his hat and placing it over his coat. "Oh nothing really I mostly just read while James and Liam played." I lied easily putting a sweet smile on my face for affect.

Father's never really approved of my story telling or playing with my brothers like a child. He said I should grow up and focus more on my studies. But who wants to focus on school when there is a whole world to explore? I wish to travel and write about my travels to faraway places. But father doesn't approve of that either.

"Very good. I brought someone with me." He said clearly not seeing through my lie, and just them Auntie Millicent walked in with an umbrella in her hand and an extravagant and expensive dress on. She shook her umbrella once then glanced over at me.

"Why Wendy my dear don't you look... comfortable." She said examining me like I was under a microscope. I compared my jeans and t-shirt to her blue dress and long beige coat.

"Thank you." I said and smiled pleasantly. She raised her eyebrows and I could see from the corner of my eye the look my father was giving me. One that said 'enough.'

I and Auntie Millicent didn't get along too well. She just expects me to be someone I'm not. Polite and lady like to prove that I do actually come from wealth. But where's the fun in that? Father did love her visits mostly because it meant lady lessons for me. Great.


After dinner mother was on the piano playing a beautiful melody. Her fingers danced across the keys and we were all mesmerized by the sound it made. There was always a happy glow in the room whenever she played. I was sitting on the coach in awe while James and Liam danced around Auntie.

"All right children settle down." Father said as my brothers set themselves on the couch next to me. "Well that was very interesting boys." Auntie Millicent said fixing her hair but not even that gesture could hide the grimace plastered on her porcelain face. I chuckled under my breath at Auntie's reaction to their Indian dance. 

"It's Wendy's turn to tell a story!" Liam cried out as he stood on top of the couch. I glanced over to mother eagerly and she smiled sweetly. I staggered up and skipped to the center of the room to face my aunt.

"I don't think..." Father was interrupted by Mother's voice. 

"Shhh darling I want to hear her story." I mouthed her a thank you then turned back to my aunt.

"Now Liam what story would you like me to tell?" I asked and he paused for a moment in deep thought. Suddenly, he shouted, "The one with Peter Pan!" I laughed at that. 

"But which one?"I asked for all my stories had Peter Pan in them.They both looked at each other. 

"Surprise us." Mother said from behind me and I smiled at her. She was so beautiful with her redish brown hair and glowing skin that matched my own.

"Alrighty then, prepared to be surprised. Let's see oh yes, once upon a time there was a boy named Peter Pan..." I went on with my story not having a clue about the boy that would watch and listen at the window every time I told my magnificent stories.

This boy was present in every story that I told. Mainly because he was my hero... the one that would whisk me away and take me to my adventures. He would take me to a wonderful world far away from my own. Little did I know that my dream was yet to come true. My family is known for this madness. My Auntie Jane was obsessed with Peter Pan  and my grandmother Wendy was as well. I found her journal one day and it read all about Peter Pan and Neverland and all of their adventures. It has to be real. All of it... it just has to be.

I was almost finished a part in my story when my father started tapping his watch nervously. I didn't bother to stop though, I was too into the story to stop. But he finally cracked and had to say something. 

"Alright Wendy that's quite enough. May I speak with you in the kitchen?" I stopped in mid-sentence and stared at him in confusion.

It was hardly a question for the fact that he got up and walked away. I glanced at my brothers a moment and they were frowning clearly wanting to hear the end. Mother and I followed him into the kitchen.

I stepped into the kitchen and father turned toward me. "Wendy Alexandria Darling," father got straight to the point. "It is time for you to stop telling these childish stories. It's just that you are too old for this kind of stuff. For your own good I have decided that when you turn seventeen you shall get your own room. There will be no more playing, no more stories and no more Nana!"

I was too shocked at his outburst to move or speak. Anger boiled inside me but when I tried to speak my words were choked. Does he not get that making up stories makes me happy? He can't just take that away from me... it's not fair. He can't rob me of my dreams.

"But father!" I pleaded tears stinging my eyes and threatening to fall. I pushed them back not wanting to look weak. "Darling is that really necessary?" Mother tried but it was no use when father made up his mind it was a done deal. No arguments. No compromises. 

"Yes it is my dear and tonight Wendy will sleep in a separate room." He shook his head as i he were agreeing with himself that this was a good idea.

"Father please!" I wiped away the fallen tears that refused to stay back and glared up at him. 

"It's only for the night Wendy and that's the end of it." He wouldn't even let me speak. I stormed out not caring how childish I looked.

I told my brothers about the horrible news and they were about as devastated as I was. Well more Liam then James. So we decided to listen in on our parent's conversation with Auntie Millicent. They were of course talking about me. 

"My sister was like this too when she was Wendy's age... now look where she's ended up. In a mental institute." My father went on and I just stood at the bottom of the stairs mortified by his words.He really thought I would go crazy? 

"Daniel how can you say that about Wendy?" Mother said defending me. 

"I just want her to go places in life." You mean you want me to be just like you. I thought holding back any tears threatening to escape. Having heard enough of this awful news I tiptoed up the steps and entered my separate room which was formerly the guest room.

It was a little smaller than the other room with its single bed covered with a flowered bedspread. And the peach coloured walls and the ceiling was a replica of the blue clouded sky. I guess father's been preparing this room for me.

I kept on telling myself that it was just for the night and for a while it started to work, but then I thought about fathers words. That I would end up in a mental institution. My stomach turned and I felt nauseated. I quietly leaped off the bed and opened the door needing to do something that would distract me from my clouded thought. I tip toed down the stairs and into the kitchen.

It was dark and empty in the kitchen. I stretched my hand over the wall trying to find the switch. When I finally found it I switched the light on. While I was grabbing a glass from the cabinet I could have sworn that I heard the sound of the window opening on the floor above me.

I shrugged it off and poured some water into the glass. Something creaked above my head and I snapped my head up. This time I heard footsteps and I was sure of it. I put the glass down and sprinted out of the kitchen.

I raced up the steps but skidded to a stop in front of my door. My heart pounded in my chest as I reached slowly for the door handle. As quietly as possible I opened the door of the bed room to find the window open.

"I knew it." I whispered to myself. "Well I guess I'm the only one here then," I looked inside the closet. "darn. I am all alone and the only one here still," I looked behind the bed side table. "really? I guess I will just go to sleep now." I hoped onto my bed and was about to look under it.

Little did I know that the boy was hiding under the bed and he froze in place. "A-ha!" I said while looking under the bed but to my astonishment there was no one there.

"I guess I am the only one here." I know it wasn't mother or father or my brothers because they were asleep.

"I'm not crazy." I whispered and crossed my arms and pouted while the boy silently laughed under the bed.

But as I thought about it I wondered if it could have really been my imagination. After all it was late and I was quit tired. "I guess it was my imagination, but what about the open window... maybe mother came in and opened it." I wondered while slumping back into my bed.

And soon enough sleep had taken over.


My eyes shot open and I sat up with a start causing the blankets wrapped around me to slide to the ground. I glanced around the room puzzled. Sunlight peeked through a crack in the closed curtains alerting me that it must be late morning. I could have sworn I say a pair of blue eyes and blonde hair hovering over me.  And then it hit me, like an ice cold shower in the morning. It was a dream. All of it was a crazy, sick dream. Maybe father was right. I am going crazy.  


In the middle of the night when the girl was finally asleep, I slipped out from under the bed. "Ugh, great now I've got a kink in my neck." I floated over to the mirror to fix my hair then I turned to the girl.

I flew towards the bed and floated over top of her to examine her. I took one look at her and was instantly mesmerized.

She was beautiful.

Her lips were the perfect shade of pink and I couldn't help it as his fingers brushed her lips.

Suddenly, her shining blue eyes fluttered open and she gasped at the sight of me. I flew backwards landing on the wall. The blasted dog started barking at me so I opened the window and with one last look flew out.

Well that was the first chapter. What did you guys think? Thanks for reading!!!



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