Chapter 2: Pan's Real

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ok again I had five chapters up for this story and it all deleted, thank goodness i had it saved onto google docs!

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Chapter 2: Pan's Real

The next day all I could ever think about was that boy. His messy blonde hair and his bright green eyes. He was so gorgeous no matter how hard I tried to forget it was impossible. And the fact that it all could have been a dream made me feel worse.

I sat by the window reading an adventure from my grandmothers journal while mother and father raced around the house trying to get ready for one of fathers work parties. Auntie Millicent was watching over us tonight. What fun that would be. I thought rolling my eyes. 

Suddenly, mother walked into the bedroom and I stuffed the book under the pillow I was leaning against. She was wearing a beautiful black dress that flowed to the ground so very elegantly. Her hair was pinned up with sparkly clips and her diamond necklace brought light to her eyes.

"Well my dear... what do you think?" She asked while twirling. I smiled at her. 

"Mother you look beautiful." I said in complete awe. She mimicked my smile and came to sit beside me. 

"My beautiful Wendy." She soothed while brushing through my hair. "You remind me so much of myself when I was your age." She said playing with my light brown curls.

"Mother, why did you name me after grandma?" I asked out of curiosity. If father despised her so much why name me after her? Was what I really wanted to ask her but I decided to hold my tongue. 

"Well your aunt insisted that we name you Wendy." Mother explained still playing with my curls. "You are a lot like her you know? She loved to tell Jane and your father stories. But the strange thing is your father cant remember what any of them were about." Mother went on. I don't think he forgot... I think he just wants to forget.

"I'd like to meet Aunt Jane one day." I thought out loud and Mother nodded not giving me a straight answer, then reached for the window lock.  

 "No mother, please don't lock the window." I exclaimed unlocking it. She stood up and smoothed out her dress.

"Why not my dear?"  She questioned giving me an odd look.

"Because I had a dream last night and I want to prove whether it was real or not." I explained knowing that I wasn't telling her the whole truth. She didn't need to know the details. Besides if she did the window wouldn't just be locked up but boarded up and the nursery would be gone sooner than I thought.

"What dream?" Mother asks in a soft tone. What was I talking about this wasn't father... this was mother the one that understands me. "The boy in my stories he was in my dream last night. He might have left something here, but I can't seem to figure out what." I thought back to the journal under the pillow burning a whole through my back.

"I'm sure you will figure it out soon my angel. But let's keep this between you and me alright." I agreed with mother completely. Who knows what father would say to this. I'd  probably be sent off to live with Aunt Millicent most likely. 

"I hope you and father have fun tonight." I said while giving her a hug.

"Thank you my angel, we will." She kissed my forehead lightly then left. As soon as I heard the door close down stairs I jumped out of bed and crawled over to the window again where I unlocked it.

I looked out into the cloudy skies for hours it seemed, but the boy never came of course. It was a dream; just a dream. I picked the journal out from behind the pillow and flipped through it. I stopped when I found a sketch of a boy. It was the boy from my dream. It was Peter Pan. I shook my head in astonishment. How could I have never come across this photo before? I closed the journal again and hid it under the pillow. What if he really is out there somewhere? What if he really did come into my room last night?  He must have, for I've never really seen what Peter looks like, until now. And how can someone dream about someone if they've never seen them before?

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