Chapter 13: Dreams of a Queen Part 1

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Chapter 13: Dreams of a Queen Part 1

I didn't realize how something so beautiful and so precise could be destroyed in a matter of moments. Something so incredibly perfect, crushed. And yet it still happened. 

Colours of red and orange flashed all around me.

Wind whipped through my hair and tears stained my cheeks. Smoke and ash stung my throat and I choked out one last cry for help before everything went black.



I stomped into the camp knowing everyone would be asleep including the watchmen. I barely took caution on how much noise I made marching into camp. I scanned the ground where sleeping bodies lay for Smee.

A loud ear piercing snore echoed through the camp from behind me. Smee was piled atop a group of pirates his belly rising and falling as he breathed. I made my way over to him and without a second thought I snatched the collar of his filthy shirt.

His eyes shot open and he let out a small yelp from my sudden movements.

"C- captain?" He stuttered out but I barely let him finish. 

"Gather up the men we leave for the ship before sunrise." After the men were brutally awaken by my angry calls we headed for the beach. It was a long walk and everyone kept quite following me. I slashed through the vegetation angrily while deep in thought.

Walk away Scorpios that's all you do, that's all you'll ever do. 

If it's not from Wendy then it's from Pan. Well I knew all too well where I got that from. I always walk away. I walked away when Fox died because I was scared.

Peter hated me and my father was the only one I could turn to. Then he left... he left me all alone led me to believe he loved me and that he cared for me after all those years of coldness. He never cared about me the only person he ever cared about was himself. 

Only him.

"Cap'n? You alright ye hands shak'n." Smee said as I jumped into the paddle boat. 

"Fine, just row." I demanded sitting down to look over at the ink black water. The water reflected my pale face in the moonlight. It rippled as Smee paddled causing my face to look deformed.

Something splashed in the water a little ways in front of us. I reached for the dagger in my boot slipping it out and watching the water carefully. 

"Stop rowing." I muttered to Smee.

"W-what's wrong?" He asked but I only shushed him. Suddenly, a blonde head broke through the surface of the black water beside us. Smee gasped behind me while I smirked at the creature.  

"Get lost wench there's nothing for you here." I spat and the mermaid sneered at me baring her teeth then dived back down into the depths of the dark water. 

"Bloody fish." Smee muttered and began to paddle once again the rows shaking as they dipped in and out of the water.

We reached the ship and the rest of the crew was on the deck waiting for us. They stared at me as if they expected me to explain why we left so suddenly, and empty handed. Finally one of them spoke up.

"Cap'n me thought we were charging on them savages." Jerry's booming voice echoed through the deck and his shoulders shook as he spoke.  

"Just a change in plans." I hissed through my teeth finding no reason to explain anything to them. They wouldn't understand.

"What change in plans?" Someone shouted from the back but I couldn't see them.

"Cap'n was it that girl?" Smee asked behind me and suddenly, everyone's voices seemed to be echoing through the deck with questions. They rattled my brain and caused my head to spin. What Smee said triggered something deep within and I couldn't stop what was about to happen.

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