Chapter 9: Captured

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"I-I..." I tried to speak but he cut me off again furiously. "You what?!" I looked away from him trying to hide the tears that spilled from my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I muttered knowing it wouldn't help.

"Your so clueless Wendy." He snapped. I glanced at him through my eyelashes.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you see he doesn't like you in the way you think. He can't love! He isn't capable of loving you. So just leave! It will be best for all of us especially Peter."

His words hit me like a bucket of ice water. Anger and pain washed over me. That was it. I couldn't bear to hear anymore. I shoved him aside and ran through the forest away from the hideout, away from Curly and away from Peter.

Chapter 9: Captured

Curly POV

"Don't you see he doesn't like you in the way you think. He can't love! He isn't capable of loving you. So just leave! It will be best for all of us especially Peter." I said instantly regretting it after I saw her face.

Her bright blue orbs seemed to fade to a dull grey and her usually happy features were now filled with pain. Before I could say anything she ran past me and into the forest.

"Wendy! Wendy wait!" I yelled out. "I-I'm sorry." I ran my fingers through my hair in a desperate attempt to calm myself down. Now what was I supposed to do? There was nothing I could do. I was being a selfish jerk and I deserved everything that was coming my way. I was about to run after her when I heard someone from the hide out.

"Curly! Is that you out there?" Nibs called out. I spun around not sure of what to do. My heart pounded against my chest. "Ya it's me I'm coming in now." I said and jumped through the tree landing next to Nibs.

"Have you seen Wendy? She left to find Peter a while ago and she still hasn't returned." He asked eyeing me oddly. "How am I supposed to know where she is?! I'm not her babysitter." I snapped.

He looked at me anxiously. For a moment I thought he was going to accuse me of letting her leave. "Whatever Curly, if you see her just tell her we're waiting." I hadn't realized I was holding my breath until I breathed out loudly.

"Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded, "Fine." Then without another word I pushed past him.

Wendy POV

I forced my legs to move faster and faster. My lungs screamed at me to stop. But I didn't care. Wind wiped at my tear stained face and my breaths grew faster and harder with each sob. The jungle was dark and lonely without Peter by my side.

My foot caught in a loose root and I fell on my hands and knees. I stood back up and continued running scuffing my knees in the process. Running was the only thing that distracted me from the aching pain in my chest. I never cry... ever. I have learned how to keep my guard up but this time I couldn't help it. I sobbed and sobbed not giving a care in the world.

My foot caught at another loose branch and this time when I went down I stayed down.

He isn't capable of loving you. Why would he tell me that I wasn't looking for love I was looking for adventure. I wasn't here to seduce anyone. Just because I was a girl didn't mean that I didn't want an epic adventure of my own. 

Curly's words echoed through my mind causing my heart to ache. Why did I run? I should have stayed there and stuck up for myself not stand there frozen taking in everything that Curly could throw at me. I hated him. I hated him for making me think I was incapable and for making me cry. 

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