Chapter 19: Questioning the Devil

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Chapter 19: Questioning the Devil


I dreamed of my parents.

They were sitting by the window in the nursery. My mother had her head in her hands as if she had been sobbing while my father rubbed his hand soothingly across her back.

He stared out into the stars as if he knew that we were going to come back that we would be safe. I swear I saw the corner of his lip turn up as if he could see me right now... as if he understood.

Then I woke up.

My eyes shot open and I was staring up at a wooden and creaking ceiling. I sat up and gazed around the unfamiliar room. I realized I was in a cabin like a cabin in a ship.

It was very old english styled like from the Victorian Era. The walls were lined with red wallpaper with golden flowers, there was a small wooden room divider in the far corner of the room with a small tub behind it that was strangely filled with water. The only other furniture in the room than that was a wooden chair.

Suddenly, everything from what happened last night entered my brain. From suspicious pirates looking for something, to Scorpios getting shot by his own father, and then to me getting knocked out for the fifty billionth time.

I may hate pirates but at least it was the first good sleep I've had in a while. I hopped off the bed I had been sleeping on and ran for the closed door. I turned the door handle but it wouldn't budge.

It was locked.

I banged wildly on the wooden door with my fists and screamed out for someone to let me out.

Of course it was useless and I fell to the ground with a lump in my throat. Scorpios was out there somewhere with a bullet wound probably in tremendous pain and I could do nothing to help him.

I wanted to scream or thrash out or cry even.

And I was about to but I held back my sob. If there was anything I learned from Neverland it would be that crying will get you nowhere. I stood up and regained my composure.

There was a reason why Hook stuck me in this room rather than a dungeon and I doubted it was to be a good host. I paced around the room trying to think of a plan that could get me out of here and quick.

My eyes landed on the wooden chair and without thinking I grabbed it and stood it up under the door handle. Maybe if no one could get it in, it would buy me more time. I walked past the bathtub and looked at it eagerly.

Steam rolled off the top as if someone had just filled it with hot water which kind of creeped me out cause it meant that someone had just been in here.

I havnt bathed in a long time and when would I get that chance to be able to do it if I didn't do it now? But what if the water was laced with poison or something like that? I skimmed my fingers across the surface of the water.

My flesh didn't burn off so I decided I was good. I stripped off my ripped and dirty clothes from when I first got to Neverland and hopped into the tub. I washed off the dirt and scum from the jungle and the occasional dried blood but I pretended that was also dirt.

While I was cleaning I noticed something hanging over the room divider. It was a fresh pair of clothes. What the heck was Hook up to? He was treating me as if I were a guest... a guest that wasn't allowed to leave.

After I was clean and dry I held out the clothes that were left for me. A pair of black jeans and a white buttonless blouse. I looked from my old clothes to these ones and decided why not.

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