The Downtown Badass

By Melbiee_

49.8K 1.4K 80

Harmony Johnson continues her battle through everyday life. A victim to her mother and a target to her dad, s... More

Chapter 1 - Here Comes The Badass
Chapter 2 - Everlasting Impressions
Chapter 3 - The Jackass
Chapter 4 - Surprise Surprise
Chapter 5 - New Beginnings and Final Straws
Chapter 6 - Memory Lane
Chapter 7 - School Sucks
Chapter 8 - This Isn't a Date
Chapter 9 - Party Time Baby
Chapter 10 - Drama Filled Problems
Chapter 11 - Sex Gods
Chapter 12 - Dodge Ball and a Whole Lot of Nakedness
Chapter 14 - Final Goodbyes
Chapter 15 - Challenge Accepted
Chapter 16 - Horse Poo?
Chapter 17 - Double Date Anybody?
Chapter 18 - Goodbye
Chapter 19 - Nice to Meet You
Chapter 20 - Sexy Encounters
Chapter 21 - Bombs Away Bitches
Chapter 22 - Confessions
Chapter 23 - Happy Valentines
Chapter 24 - A Day To Remember
Chapter 25 - Bon Voyage
Chapter 26 - His Here
Special Thanks!
Chapter 27 - Our Girl
Chapter 28 - First Date
Chapter 29 - The Truth
Chapter 30 - Oh Brother
Chapter 31 - The Plan
Chapter 32 - The Final Battle
Big News!!
It's HERE!!
20,000 reads!!

Chapter 13 - The Heist

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By Melbiee_

All this planning and excitement was just getting me so excited. Can you tell I'm excited?! I mean I can't think what I'm most excited about, the fact were about to pull of a heist or that I got to miss the day off school for planning it.

So let me tell you what were going to be doing. Its simple. Were going to be attacking one of The Kings well known businesses, robbing them of that place and then that will show we mean business. Initially, it means we are starting war again but they are beginning to threaten us and things need to be done. They blew the final straw with attacking the guys last night. They need to understand that our gang doesn't attacks lightly.

We would often perform heists back in the day as a message to the other gangs to back off or else we will do something much worse. I kind have became known thing, you got a heist performed by us, you were in trouble.

I'll admit in the case, what were fighting over, I had no clue. Although, I have a feeling that its got something in regards to me. I'm not sure how I am of any value to anybody yet, I suppose I am still there ex leaders daughter.

From what I've encountered of The Kings in the past, they've been around for a long time. It's also runs in the family, which is kind of freaking me out. What if they are waiting till I'm 18 and then force me to join or something? I don't know, this is how my mind has being going for the past hour.

Deep down, I am scared. Not just for myself but for everybody else. The Kings are a big gang and it would take a whole lot of people to take them down. I mean, what if in the process somebody was to get hurt and then It would actually all be my fault.

Harmony, stop thinking would you and grow some.

Right, time to focus on the plan in hand.

"You okay Harmony?" Jessie asked as he wrapped an arm round my shoulder. We are currently in the car on the way to The Kings local Casino. It's taken 2 cars to take us all there, of course not all of us were using a car though. In my car is Jessie, Charlie and Trey who is driving and I hate to say this but Trey is a pretty damn good driver. Ryan was right when he said his fast.

Complimenting Trey in my head is becoming to regular for my own good. I blame the hormones.


"Yeah, just to much thinking for my own good but I'm excited! It's been a while" I finished, while sounding like an excited child. Let's be honest, I act like one.

I just received a chuckle from both Trey and Jessie. Charlie was actually asleep, can you believe that? We were on the way to go pull of a heist and he was sleeping, let me tell you, only Charlie.

"Ever been on a heist?" I asked Trey as I leaned forward to speak to him. It was easier to get access to him because I was in the middle of the backseat.

"First" he replied simply, keeping his focus on the road ahead. Somebody seems to be in a shady mood.

"You gonna be able to keep up?" I teased him, seeing If I could spark some reaction from him. It's funny to wind him up. If there's one thing iv leant in the past about boys, its that they hate having their ego's knocked. Trey for example, had the biggest ego and was the easiest to deflate.

I saw him tense slightly and grip the steering wheel a little harder. Seems somebody is still pissed about the incident yesterday. But that seemed to vanish as soon as it came.

"I'll be to busy setting the pace babe" he soon remarked, feeling impressed by his come back. Okay, I'll admit, I was impressed too.


Smirking, I rested back into my seat and saw Trey smirking back at me though one the mirrors.

Egotistic jerk.

Staying silent for rest of the journey, I felt the adrenalin begin to build up. I haven't been on a heist in years and they so daring, oh and fun. We've spent all day trying to figure this plan out. I must say, what Ryan told me last night about the boys, was so completely true. They were certainly impressive.

It took a 40 minute car ride to get to Kings Grand Casino, but we were finally here.

Show time.

Checking in the screen of my phone that my disguise was still good, I joined everybody else in getting out the car.

We were all in some sort of disguise, it was essential. Of course it was nothing major but some was needed to help go unrecognised. The Kings knew our gang and more specifically, me.

Maddy did a pretty good job. Jessie was wearing a blond, Bieber styled wig and it was hilarious. He was also wearing a stereotype flower printed shirt and some horrible brown shorts. In fact all the boys were wearing similar attire to Jessie and I just wanted to roll on the floor laughing. Everybody had wigs all different styles and colours to what they normal are.

I on the other hand was now blond. Wig of course. I had a full fringe and it was cut to a stylish bowl cut. I was wearing a stupid summer dress on that reached my knees. Maddy had tried to get me to wear sandals or flats but I had convinced her to let me wear my white converse.

Kings Grand Casino was one of the most popular casino complexes around town. It had a huge casino obviously but It also was a hotel, right by Manhattan Beach park. If you haven't guessed the theme already, Hawaii. So all around us was people dressed the exact same as us, but worse, much worse.

It actually had a shuttle bus to take all the guests to the complex. What kind of a shindig was this?

Anyway, going in on the grounds was me, Jessie, Trey, Charlie, Maddy, Aiden, Ryan, Seth and JJ. We were in groups, I was with Seth, team 1. Maddy, Aidan and Ryan were another, team 2. Lastly you have had Trey, JJ, Jessie and Charlie, team 3.

Now I bet your wondering where Connor and Tristan are. Well, Tristan is going to be joining us soon whereas Connor was being a total badass. This morning Connor had managed to grab one of the guards uniforms and pose as him all day. We are going to all be in constant contact with him through our ear pieces because he was going to become are eyes and ears.

He was to take out the security in the security room, stop the recording of the cameras so they have no proof but then also have them keep running so he can help us with guards. How on earth he was going to do that, I had no idea.

Mine and Seth's job is to turn the lights off of the whole complex, Aidan and co are to cover Charlie and co while they take as much as they can.

Exciting, right?

All we had to do was to wait for the okay from Connor and we could proceed to our mission.

"You look good as blond" I heard somebody whisper into my ear although I didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"You look good dressed as an old man. Nice shoes by the way" I chuckled because he was wearing some grandad styled shoes that didn't suit him by the way, he looked ridiculous.

I could hear him let out a small chuckle too and he soon replied "I'll let you have that one. I'll look like a kid who's rummaged through his granddads wardrobe". I couldn't help but laugh at this, stupid hormones. I'm suppose to be pissed Trey all the time cause his an ass but then the hormones just think about how hot he is and ergh!

The struggles of being a girl.

"Okay everyone, systems are all go. Let's take these motherfuckers down"

I couldn't help but smile at Connors words, you wouldn't believe his an 18 year old boy.

Looking around at everybody and giving reassuring nods, we slowly made our way on to the shuttle bus all dispersing into our little groups.

I noticed that Seth looked a little anxious and I know I was on my first heist.

"Your going to be great" I smiled a reassuring smile as I placed a hand over his. He looked up, shocked at my action. This boy is too cute.

"What if I mess up Har?" He sighed, turning his gaze to the floor. He really didn't understand how good he is.

"Hey! I saw you practicing today and your amazing Seth. Don't ever doubt your abilities". At this he looked up and smiled a thanks. I don't like seeing people when they don't believe in themselves. Truth is Seth was insanely good, this morning I saw him practicing and every target he hit first time.

While I was in my little daydream, I hadn't noticed that we had arrived and everybody was getting off the bus.

Looking over at Seth, we both nodded and set off into the Grand Casino complex and it was grand alright. I had only seen photos that Aidan had of it but they didn't do it justice. It. Was. Huge! The complex itself was circle shaped and it must have rose as high a skyscraper at least. The perimeter of it just instantly made me feel like I was abroad in some tropical place. It had fake sand, palm trees and the most gorgeous exotic flowers iv seen. Safe to say, I didn't need to act surprised by the place and this was looking at it in the dark of the night.

"Okay. Everybody just float around different parts of the casino once your in. We'll leave it for five minuets before we go ahead with step one"

So as we were all told, we all took off in different directions. The inside was just as grand as the outside. You could see all the way to the top of the building which I thought was so darn cool. There was a hallway that supported each floor, flowing around in a circle like the building and atleast forty rooms on each floor. I bet the view from hallways were amazing because each floor could look out onto the casino. Now there were no stairs in this place, only lifts. In total, I counted 6 dotted around. Which was good because they were our escape route.

Me and Seth made our way over to where the slot machines were. Of course we got in no problem thanks to Connor and his amazing forgery of ID's. I noticed Aidan, Maddy and Ryan were over by the tables already playing and Charlie, Trey, Jessie and JJ were just taking all of it in by the bar. Figures.

"Right, so from what I can see there are ten guards in total around the casino all armed. I have no idea if the other are or not but I'm hoping not. Once step one has been carried out, team 3 your best bet is to raid the cashing counter first. I can guarantee that there's atleast a million behind there with the amount of people cashing in for chips. They don't cash in till closing time"

Still amazes me how clever this boy was and how much he knows.

I noticed team 3 had started to slowly move closer to the cash in desk due to Connors comand.

"Okay Seth and Har, time to move. Your best bet is too head passed the slot machines and down the hallway to the left of the toilets. I will warn you of guards, just make sure you have you guns at the ready"

Following Connors orders, we made our way passed the slot machines and saw the toilets in front of us. Making a left down the hall way. Once we were out of sight of people, I pulled my Heckler & Koch G36C out of my bag and tossed the bag to the side. Meanwhile, Seth had done the same as me and nodded that he was ready.

Our guns were beast and of course we had a silencer on so that people wouldn't get suspicious. Seth had out done himself with these and where he got them from, I had no idea.

We made are way down the hall and came to a split way.

"Make right"

Following orders we slowly jogged, going right.

"You have to guards coming straight ahead. There should be a cut out in the wall. Hid there and take them from behind"

I had to force myself not to burst out laughing because I knew it would have blown our cover, appears that Seth thought the same.

"You know what I mean!"


A few more feet and we noticed the cut out in the wall. We hid until we saw the two go passed us. Slowly stepping out of hiding, we put the gun straight to the head and shot, instant kill.

"Nice work guys. Now carry on passed the security room I'm in and the control box should be in the left hallway"

Sprinting passed the security room, of course I could help but try and scare Connor. So I quickly opened the door and whispered boo and the most surprising thing was, he actually jumped.

"Ahhhh! Harmony you fucking jackass!"

I ran back out and saw Seth laughing and we made our way to the control box.

Opening it up I noticed the switches that red lights. Time to go bye bye lights. Switching them all off, me and Seth put down our sunglasses that were in actual fact night vision, thanks to Connor. We then made our way to join Connor and watch are plan unfold.

Well that's what we believed would happen, but come on when does anything ever go easy?

I felt somebody grab my shoulder and jolt me back. Great, time to kick ass.

Ripping the strong hand of my shoulder, I twisted it and hear a yelp in response. I looked to my left and saw Seth trying to take out a muscly guy. I knew he would be okay because after all we had an advantage, we could actually see. Regaining my attention back to the guy infront of me, I brought my knee up to his Crown Jewels and heard another grown.

"Cheap move" I heard him cough out.

"To bad I don't give a damn!" I responded as I landed a blow to his nose. I then proceeded to upper cut him in the jaw and heard him cry out in pain. I took his moment of weakness to my advantage and pulled the pocket knife out of my bra. Oh yeah, that's how the girls do it.

I grabbed the guy in front of me by the hair and brought his head back.

"See you later mate" I joked in my terrible British accent before slitting his throat and watching him fall. It's sickening I know but hey, welcome to my life.

Looking over to a smirking Seth, we pounded fists and ran to Connor in the security room.

"What took you guys so long?" He joked as he shot us a huge grin.

"Jackass" me and Seth called out together. "You could of warned us!" an out of breath Seth sighed. I don't blame him, his guy was twice the size of him. Connor just smiled and shrugged. What an ass.

"Okay now we can finally get to moving, group 2 get to covering. Team 3, get to raiding boys!"

I must say, it was fun watching everybody fight on the security inferred cameras. It was like your own personal movie, it was great. I noticed that team 2 had taken down all of the guards and Maddy was just finishing off a staff member. I tell you, she ent just a pretty face, she kicks ass.

"Aidan watch out behind you, another 5 guards have come in"

"So now your paying attention" I mumbled, I just couldn't let it go.

My eyes watched as Aidan was able to get rid of all 5 guards with just his bare hands. Some with a snap of the neck and then the others fatal blows to the head. He ent the leader for nothing.

I scanned the cameras and noticed Trey lob a big bag over his shoulders. However, somebody was just about to put a gun to his head. In a panic I reached for Connors mic and shouted "Trey duck!".

And he did, just in time. A second later and he would have been a dead man. He tripped the guy over, put a blow to his face with his right fist and shot him in head twice.

"Okay, let's get going to the roof. You guys go back and join the others and I'll meet you up there" Connor explained as he rose out his seat as well as me and Seth. Connor was going to turn the lights on as soon as we were all in the lifts and he had another way of getting to the top, after all they all believed he was a member of staff.

Running through the halls the way we came through them, we picked up our bags that we had disposed off earlier and put the guns back in. With us being able to see, we dodge the dead bodies and the alive ones and headed for the nearest lift. Looking around I could see 2 other groups of people by the lifts and hoped that it was the rest of the gang.

Once inside the lift and the doors closed, we heard people down below gasp and cry.

"Job well done guys. See you in a minute, Connor out"

Feeling the lift start to rise, I sighed in relief.

"You were great Seth" I smiled a genuine smile at him. He looked so excited and happy, bless him.

"You were too! Harmony, you saved Treys life!".

"Just doing my job" I winked and smiled at him, just in time for the lift to open on the roof.

As we stepped out, the rest of the gang did too. I sighed in relief that everybody was alive.

"Somebody order a ride?" I heard somebody shout. Looking over I saw Tristan sitting in the helicopter looking all smug and bad ass. I noticed behind him sat Connor. How on earth?

We all smiled at eachother and ran for the helicopter. Trey and Charlie placed the bags full of money in a compartment of the helicopter just as Tristan set up the helicopter. Soon after putting the bags away, the guys joined the rest of us who were now sitting down and buckled up. Once we were all in, we flew off without a trace of us even being there.

"And that is how we do it!" Shouted Tristan down the mic, deafening every bodies ear drums.

"En route home!"


Hope you enjoyed :) spent ages on this but love watching movies that are to do with heists and action :)

Please comment, vote and recommend.

Lots of love, Mel xo.

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