Are you the one? (Camren / La...

By aunicornindesguise

7.7K 261 52

Based off on MTV series "Are you the one?" 20 people are thrown in a tropical island, Their objective? Trying... More

Are you the one?
Auditions - Shawn Mendes / Liam Payne
Auditions - Camila Cabello / Dinah Jane
Auditions - Harry Styles / Louis Tomlinson
Auditions - Taylor Swift / Lauren Jauregui
Auditions- Nick Jonas / Abel / Justin Bieber
Auditions - Normani Kordei / Selena Gomez / Chantel Jeffries
Auditions: Joe Jonas / Gregg Sulkin / Mac Miller
Auditions - Demi Lovato / Bella Thorne / Ariana Grande
The beginning
First Challenge
Date One
Date One (Part Two)
Truth Booth
Date Two
Truth Booth / Match Ceremony
Third Challenge
Third Date / Truth booth
Fourth Challenge
Fourth truth booth

Second Challenge

319 14 0
By aunicornindesguise

The next morning was a blur for most of the people waking up. The girls were still going on with their alone time, they gathered outside to have breakfast together. As for the boys, they were still lost in their dreams or puking.

Bella: Fuck, my head is throbbing

Camila: Mine too, I am never drinking again

Dinah: Girl, We all say that and end up drinking again and getting even more wasted than the first time

Lauren: True

Demi: I feel fine, The boys look like trash though

Taylor: They do, they haven't even woken up

Chantel: I'm actually glad we had that night out though, it was fun and just stress free

Ariana: I agree, plus today is probably a girl challenge so we're all going to hate each other after some of us lose

Normani: Some of y'all lose, Not me. I am winning that date

Camila: Do you even know who you're going to take?

Normani: I have a few names on my mind

Taylor: I think we should make a pact though

Lauren: About?

Taylor: No matter what happens, who we choose or who we end up with we will all remain friends.

Demi: Yes, I am so with it. I like you girls and no guy will take a friendship away

Lauren: Sounds good to me

Dinah: Awwh that was hella cute, I am in. If anyone else ends up with the boy I like I'll get over it

Normani: Friends are more important, I'm down

Selena: That's a beautiful pact Tay. No grudges no nothing

All the girls agreed to this friendship pact, but it was easier said than done.

Nick: Fuck

Joe: Same

Shawn: Great idea of yours to drink all the beer and tequila in the house

Justin: I needed that, so thanks

Mac: I didn't, but it was a nice night without the girls

Gregg: I kinda miss them though

Liam: Same, we should go eat with them

Some of the boys ended up going with their girl while others stayed behind. A few hours later everyone was getting ready for what would we their second challenge to win a date.

Chantel: Hey, how you feeling?

Justin: Shitty

Chantel: Oh, Well I'm here for you if you want to talk

Justin: Thanks

Justin was oblivious to Chantel having a crush on him, he was so hurt that he wasn't focusing on anything else or anyone.

Bella: Hey cutie

Lauren: Hey, how's the hangover?

Bella: Kinda over it, breakfast helped

Lauren: Yeah, some of this girls really know how to cook

Bella: Yeah, hey so about last night....

Lauren: You know what? Don't worry about it, we were all drunk and shit happens

Bella: No, I meant everything I said. Hooking up with you would be a dream come true

Lauren: (Laughs nervously)

Bella: I mean I'm not gay but I wouldn't mind experimenting that part of me with you

Lauren: Why me though? I'm not gay

Bella: No one said you were, Aren't you curious though?

Lauren started to blush and you could see sweat start to form on her forehead. Bella started getting closer to her.

Dinah: Yo, lets go

Dinah screamed interrupting their little session, Bella rolled her eyes as she walked away not before turning around and sending the green eyed a wink.

Dinah: What was that about?

Lauren: Nothing

Dinah: Mmhhmm

Lauren: What? It's true. Lets go we're going to be late

Dinah and Lauren walked outside were everyone else was waiting.

Ally: Good morning beautiful people, how was last night?

Abel: Quiet

All the boys laughed, the girls were unimpressed.

Shawn: I kind of missed the girls

Liam: Me too, it was way too quiet for my taste

Nick: I missed one

Nick said as he looked at his brunette who was blushing at the sudden confession of the boy.

Ariana: I had a blast with my girls

Bella: Me too, I think we needed a night off

Taylor: I think it brought us closer as friends

Ally: Well I'm glad to hear that everyone had a good night. But today is challenge day and lucky for you boys it's all about the girls. So head inside to watch them do their thing

All the boys cheered as they ran inside leaving the girls outside with Ally.

Ally: Are y'all ready to win some dates?

All the girls screamed and cheered.

Ally: Great so today four of you will be winning a date with the boy you like

Camila: (whispered) Why does it have to be a boy?

Dinah: (whispered) What?

Camila: (whispered) Nothing, just thinking out loud

No one heard what she had said except for the entire crew and audience watching the show, those microphones were a great thing to have.

Ally: Okay so for today you won't be drinking or eating anything. It will be a pretty easy challenge. You have to go inside the pool, you have to find a key all the way down which opens one of this treasure chests and there will be an envelope with details about where you'll be heading with your date. The first four girls to open them will be the winners. Easy enough?

All the girls: Yes

Ally: But wait there's something more, not all keys open a chest so if you get a bad one you have to keep trying until you find a correct key.

Selena: It was so good to be true

Ally: If you really want that date you have to work hard for it. So everyone get ready and good luck

All the boys were glued to the tv inside watching their girls get ready to kill it, all of them anxious to see who would be chosen.

Ally: Okay girls be careful and just give it your all. Ready, set, DIVE!

Ally screamed as all the girls threw themselves inside and under the water. Some of them were really bad at diving.

Camila: I feel like i'm going to drown

Dinah: Just try

Ally: Okay here comes Lauren with a key lets see if it matches one of the chests

Lauren: Fuck

She threw the useless key and dove once again

Ally: Okay we have Demi and Chantel giving it a try

Chantel: Dammit

Demi: YES!

Ally: Congrats, Go ahead and grab your envelope and a towel. You will be going to a date with the guy you want. Don't open the envelope though.

Demi was so excited, she wrapped herself around a towel as she sat and waited for others to be done.

Ally: Good luck Camila and Ariana lets see who opens a chest

Camila: Fuck!

Ariana: Oh my god, I got it!

Ally: Congrats Ariana, take your envelope and take a seat next to Demi

Both girls were cheering their friends as they waited. Everyone kept coming out with keys that didn't match the chests

Ally: Come on girls you got this

Normani: I am exhausted, if this doesn't fit I swear... YES it opened!

Ally: Congrats Normani, GIRLS one more chest to open

All the girls were going in and out the pool trying to win that date

Chantel: I GOT IT I GOT IT!

Ally: Congratulations to our four date winners, that was a tough one. I lied, it wasn't as easy as it seemed.

All the girls congratulated the winners and were waiting to see who they would take.

Ally: Boys come on out, lets see what four lucky boys will be going on dates today. Okay Demi tell us what the envelope says

Demi: Okay it says, Congrats on your win you and your date will be heading to a spa resort

Ally: Sounds romantic, So who is the lucky guy?

Demi: Uhm, I think I will take one of my best friends, Joe do you want to join me?

Joe: Wow, Really? I would love to, thank you

Ally: Okay you guys are cute. So Ariana please read your envelope and tell us who you will be taking.

Ariana: Okay so it says, Congrats on your win you and your date will be heading to the forest for a zip lining date. Have fun!

Ally: That sounds like fun, Who will be joining you?

Ariana: I will like to take Shawn if he...

Shawn: YES! Thank you

The young boy wrapped his arms around the girls body lifting her up and swirling her around.

Ally: That was adorable

Shawn: That's my girl

Ariana: Stop you're making me blush

Ally: Okay lovebirds, So Normani who will you like to take? and what does your envelope say?

Normani: So the envelope says Congrats you and your date have won a boat ride along with a picnic on the beach.

Ally: Sounds so relaxing, Who will your date be?

Normani: Honestly I haven't connected with anyone but I will like to get to know Abel a little

Selena: (whispers) What the fuck

Taylor: (whispers) Remember our pact

Selena: (Sighs) Fine!

Abel: Really? Wow yeah I would like to, thank you

He stood beside the girl wrapping his arm around her waist as Selena stared at them with jealousy written all over her face.

Ally: You guys enjoy your date, Now last but not least, Chantel. Where are you heading?

Chantel: Oh okay, My envelopes says, Congrats you and your date have won a day touring town, eating at our finest restaurant in the island and enjoying a beautiful sunset by the beach

Ally: You definitely won a very cool date, Who are you taking?

Chantel: Uhm, I don't know if he will agree but I will like to take Justin

Justin: Me? Of course I would like to spend a day with you

Chantel: Okay good, thanks

Justin: No, Thank you

Ally: Nice now that we have all of our dates you can get back inside and make some more connections, Your dates will be tomorrow. Have fun guys!

Everyone: Bye Ally! We love you

Everyone started to head back inside as two stayed behind.

Harry: Man, this is so exhausting

Louis: What do you mean?

Harry: It's like I can't make a connection with anyone

Louis: I understand, you just have to talk to girls

Harry: I try, but there's nothing there

Louis: I don't think you're trying hard enough

Harry: I am, but no one seems to grab my attention

Louis: I felt that way but then I went on that date with Lauren, I mean it wasn't a deep connection but she's so smart I can listen to her talk for hours.

Harry: Yeah, must be nice to have that with someone.

Louis: I mean we have that, It's not the same but if anything at least we found each other

Harry: Yeah, Honestly my deepest and closest connection right now is with you

Louis: (Laughs) Lets go in that truth booth

Harry: (Laughs) Shut up, you know what I mean. You're a great friend and you get me, you know?

Louis: Hey hey, don't go all soft on me now. We're going to be fine, I got you

Harry: Thanks mate

The two boys embraced in a hug as they headed back inside to talk to the girls, Twitter really liked this friendship. They had a connection that no one could really describe, they looked into each other's eyes a little too much to just be friends. On twitter #Larry was already trending, making our show a #1 trending topic once again.

Dinah: So Abel huh?

Normani: I mean I didn't know who else to choose, I haven't had a connection with anyone

Dinah: I know but you know that he is like head over heels for Selena

Normani: I know I know, If anything I think we will be great friends

Dinah: We're here to find love Mani, Not friends

Selena: Hey Normani, Can I talk to you for a second?

Normani: Look if this is about Abel, Save it. I know we're not a match and I was just telling Dinah if anything all we'll get is a friendship. So don't worry

Selena: Then why choose him? You wasted a perfect date to find your match for a friend?

Normani: I didn't know who to choose

Selena: We're here to find love babe, Next time just take your time thinking about who you think you would have a connection with

Normani: I know I know, don't worry i'll take care of your man

Selena: (Laughs) Thanks Mani

Dinah: See, you wasted a perfect date dumbass

Normani: Shut up

Normani and Dinah kept arguing about the same topic for the next hour or so. Their friendship was also a very loved one. #Norminah was just under #Larry all this ship names were being born and we were loving it, as long as we kept getting viewers to join.

But we knew one friendship that would trend faster and longer than anything else, we focused our cameras and microphones on them.

Camila: Sucks that we didn't win, I wanted to go somewhere

Lauren: I know, being stuck here drives me crazy

Camila: There's nothing to do, no cellphones, no televisions, and worst of all no music

Lauren: I feel you on that one, we should improvise and just sing

Camila: I can't sing

Lauren: Neither can I, but i'll make a tune and you sing

Camila: What like write a song together?

Lauren: I can't write for shit, so no dork. Like one of the songs we already know you try to guess what I'm humming and sing the lyrics

Camila: Oh, Duh! Okay sounds like fun go

Lauren: *Starts humming*

Camila: Okay i'm not sure we listen to the same type of music cus I have no idea what that was

Lauren: Sorry that was really bad, okay let me try it again. *starts humming*

Camila: OH my god! Ed sheeran!

Lauren: You're suppose to sing

Camila: Oh yeah okay so, I think it starts like this, When the sins of my father weigh down in my soul and the pain of my mother will not let me go. Well I know there can come fire from the sky, or something like that

Lauren: Whoah, I thought you couldn't sing? That was so beautiful.

Camila: Thanks, But no.

Lauren: Honestly, that was really nice Camila. I could listen to you sing for days

Camila: Shut up you're making me blush

Lauren: I'm just saying the truth, I'm impressed

Camila: I write too, well you know I write on my journal. I'm in the process of writing a song

Lauren: About?

Camila: Someone

Lauren: Oh. Is it about Nick?

Camila: Someday you'll know

Lauren: I want to hear it

Camila: It's not finished

Lauren: Show it to me when you're done?

Camila: You'll be the first

The two girls smile at each other as they sat in silence, Camila and Lauren went straight to the #1 spot on twitter. Their ship name was still not out there, but I'm sure someone will come up with it. Everyone was mingling as another day ended, tomorrow people would be heading on their dates and it was another day closer to revealing a perfect match.



So I fucked up and forgot to write about the match ceremony, and I didn't want to change this chapter cus I kind of like it so i'll write about that on another chapter. I'll fix it though so it all makes sense.

Thanks for reading guys! Thank you for your messages.

Also, The girls are fucking killing it! Down went straight to #2 On ITunes, They ain't playing. All of them are happy so lets keep supporting them.

Also, One Love Manchester was a beautiful concert. I can't stop crying and it was over 4 hours ago. Music did THAT! Anyways Love you all and remember

Love Only <3

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