Comfortable Silence || Luke H...

By Kissmebiteme

17.4K 462 454

They meet at a Laundromat, at first Luke's an ass, and Yenessa the 'hot topic of the popular dicks' according... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three

Chapter Three

600 14 10
By Kissmebiteme

Chapter Three

I place another kiss on Shane's lips, and he finally stops tickling me, he grabs my waist and pulls me further underneath him, I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down so his lips can meet mine for the fifth time.

Shane and I were watching a movie, I forgot what it was about but it was a little boring, Shane then began tickling me out of the blue. I kept telling him to stop but every time he did, he continued to tickle me harder, I must say I don't hate being tickled, I actually love it.

I place a kiss on his lips which made him stop and focus on kissing me, to get that boy from stopping whatever he's doing you kiss him, he'll shut up or stop playing his video game or in this case he'll stop tickling you till you nearly pee yourself, he likes his kisses, I'm more of cuddles person.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I give Shane a sign saying 'hold on a sec.' He gets off of me and sits back down on the couch, and plays the movie. I grab the phone and place it to my ear after reading the contact as Mum.

"Hi, Mum." I say as I get up off of the couch, and walk out of the lounge into the kitchen so there isn't as much noise, so I can hear my mother speaking to me. I shove my hand in my pocket and take a seat on the kitchen stool.

"Hello, sweetie. I've just finished waiting for the washing, I decided to do it tonight so then you can stay over at Shanes. Just make sure he drops you off by nine tomorrow morning, I need you to watch Lavigne for me. Okay?" Mum says, I can shuffling about, and a knife banging on a cutting board.

"Sure. You didn't need to do it, but anyway. Sure I'll tell him." I say, smiling. At least I get some more time to spend with Shane, he is a really cool guy, and I hope I do eventually get to know that one thing I don't think I know about him, so I can tell him that I love him, with knowing him inside and out, I can't possibly imagine being in love with anyone else but him, with being with anyone but him. He's my Shane.

"Okay, Yenessa. I'll see you tomorrow, love you sweetheart." She says. I reply with a 'I love you too, Mum.' Before ending the call and sliding my phone back into my front pocket. I walk back over to the lounge, and sink myself into the comfortable couch, I wrap my arms around Shane. I bury my head in his chest. Shane doesn't like hugs, and the first time we went out and I hugged him, he told me he didn't like hugs I was about to leave him right then and there, because I love hugs, and accepting someone who doesn't like them is a big thing for me, I'm a hugger.

He pulls away, and wraps an arm around me instead, pulling me into his shoulder. He kisses my temple.

"Mum said I can stay the night, but you need to drop me off by nine, Mum's working." I say, wrapping my arms around his waist, but he shakes my arms off. Damn, I wish he liked hugs so badly, I would love him four times as much if he did.

"Yes! Oh, I think I have some of your clothes here from last time, but yes! We can have movie marathons, make out, and talk. I love spending time with you, baby." He says, pulling me into his chest for a brief hug before pulling away from me.

"I love spending time with you too." I say kissing his lips.

An hour or two had past, and now it's around 12:38 or something in the morning, my eyes are probably drooping and red, I'm getting really sleeping but I don't want to fall asleep on Shane. Shane and I had made out four times, for around ten minutes each and I think my lips are very swollen now, well they are. We've watched three movies, and talked a little about school and stuff.

Right now we're finishing off this movie called 'Anchor Man'. I'm actually enjoying it, I had been telling Shane to shut up so I can hear it because I found it really good, but I kept missing out on what was going on every now and then. I yawn out of now where, and close my eyes.

"You tired, baby?" Shane asks, placing his warm hand firmly on my hip. I nod my head, and he shuffles about on the couch as he tries to get up, once he does he grabs the remote shutting off the plasma, and grabs my hand.

I stand up and follow him.

He opens up his top draw, grabbing a piece of white fabric and tossing it to me. I slip off my t-shirt pulling on the white t-shirt over my head onto my body. I unbutton my jeans and begin pulling them off but I stop when I feel a warm pair of hands wrap around my waist, and kisses running down my neck. I spin myself around, placing my hand on Shane's chest and giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"Not now." I say. What I mean by 'not now' is like I don't want to have another 'make out' session right now, not right now as in 'no sex' right now, I haven't lost my virginity yet, and I don't plan on doing so anytime soon.

"Okay." He says, moving away from me and heading to his bedroom bathroom. I slip off my jeans and pull the hem of Shane's shirt down, it reaches to thigh length. I gather my hair in a ponytail securing it with a hair tie on my wrist. I make my way over to Shane's bed and climb in under the cologne scented sheets.

I close my eyes, pulling the sheet over my shoulders. I feel the bed sink next to me, and spin around to see Shane tucking himself in. I move close to him, to snuggle with him. I place my hands on his bare chest, and kiss his lips before tucking my head under his chin. He places his hand my waist and pushes me away from him.

"You know how I feel about hugging." He says, pulling away from my grip and facing his back to me. Goodness me out of all things why did it have to be bloody hugging? I love hugging. He hates it, how can people be with someone who doesn't like cuddling up to you in bed? I will still love him if he hates hugging or not but it feels like were siblings sharing the same bed.

"I know." I say, disappointment running through my voice. You know when ever I've been sad or I've cried about something Shane doesn't sit there and hold me telling me things will be fine like most boyfriends do, he sits next to me and pats my back telling me to stop crying. I love him to bits but I wish he enjoyed hugs like I do. But opposites attract right?

"Goodnight, babe." He says, moving closer to the edge of the bed on his side. This makes me feel like I'm diseased like he doesn't want me to touch him or something because he thinks I'll give whatever disease I have but I know that's not the case.

Call me clingy. But I just want one cuddle in That's all I'm asking for.

"Goodnight, Shane." I say, tugging the covers further over shoulder, I close my eyes and think about random things, about life before my eyes begin to shut and I fall into a slumber.

It's finally Monday, I really love Mondays. Not. Mondays are the worst, I have all my least favourite subjects on Monday except for English. I have double Maths for the first two periods, double science period three and four then English and Gym period five and six.

Seeing as I live in Australia, we have uniforms at our school, we all blend in with each other. Our uniforms aren't that ugly here at St. Peters but they aren't pretty either, our school dresses are grey same with the school skirt and our socks and pants, are shirts are white and our jumpers are burgundy. We can only have a grey hair tie in our hair too, that's how strict our school is too, I wish we had the whole 'knees on the ground and your dress needs to touch the ground' thing, because most girls here have their dresses so high up that you can see their undies, and they wear g-strings half of them according to some guys I know.

I had just finished my last science class, and now it's lunch time, one of every ones favourite part of the school day, lunch time, recess and home time. The only person I know that actually likes going to school to learn is Shane, girls drool over him, yes but they dislike him a bit too cause he is geek but like I've said before I think he's perfect.

Megan and I walk to our lockers to put our books away, she keeps raving on about some guy she wants to 'screw', yeah call Megan a slut, she calls herself one and doesn't mind if people call her one either because she knows she's one, she told me she's only slept with three guys, but she still thinks shes a slut, honestly there isn't anything wrong in having sex with random guys for pleasure, unless you don't use protection and get pregnant or if he has an STD. Other than that I think it's fine, except for the raping stuff. I completely shut her out when she talks about 'screwing' because I don't want to hear it, call me prude cause I am. I don't like talking about that.

I slam my locker shut after shoving my books in. I slide my ten dollar note in my back pocket that I'll use to pay for lunch at the Canteen. At our school, we don't have a cafeteria, we have a canteen it's outside, and only three benches are under the same shelter as it and around three tables. I've notice since I've met...Luke that he sits on one of the benches with three other guys, and just talk. He smiles a lot with them though.

Megan and I sit down at one of the tables. She places her lunch bag down and yanks her phone out from inside her shirt. She begins tapping away and I take this as my que to go buy myself something to eat.

After ordering a cheese burger and a coke, I sit myself down holding the coke can in one hand and the cheese burger in the other. I place them down on the table, and open up the paper with my cheese burger inside it. If you haven't notice I prefer burgers over salad. Personally, if you prefer salad you may as well go and chew on some nice grass and learn to get a taste bud check, because burgers are incredible I don't care if I get fat from them it will be from burgers. I know people eat salads because they are on a 'diet' but if we were meant to only eat salads, our teeth would be shaped differently to suit vegetables and not meat.

I chew on my burger and watch as Megan pokes her salad with her fork. She scrunches her face up. Megan is one of those girls, salad is all she wants, and salad is all she gets.

"You know. I feel like a cheese burger." She says standing up, and walking over to the canteen. I widen my eyes but it isn't that really surprising, she tells me all the time how she wants a cheeseburger instead of salad, and how she wants to quit her diet so she'd have the same body as Megan Fox, she said her body is fine, but she love Megan Fox's and would go lesbian for her.

I crack open my can of coke and take a small slurp. I chewed down the rest of my burger, and whip out my phone from my back pocket knowing Megan will take long, she won't just order one burger she'll order three...I'm the food lover between us but if I eat too much during lunch, I won't have room for my tub of Nutella when I get home, as well as my Oreos and milk.

As I swallowed the last of my cheese burger, I saw Luke head over to our table. He takes a seat in front of me, and smiles. I bite my lip before swallowing down some coke, and he pulls his lip ring between his teeth.

"Hi." He says. I'm quite surprised he sat down with me, seeing as that I never really thought he liked me very much, but he took a seat with me meaning he must not hate me as much as I think he does. Actually, dislike's me as much as I think he does, I don't think he hates me.

"Hi, Luke." I say, smiling at the fact I finally know his name, I'm so glad I do because I was really tired of calling him that guy and this guy. It was almost as if he never even had a name.

"What's up?" He says smiling. I scrunch my eyebrows together, why's he being so...nice. If we were at the Laundromat right now, he would have said something dicky to me, not 'What's up?'.

"What's up with me? I'm fine. But what's up with you? Are you in a good mood or something? You're not on your man period anymore are you?" I say, smiling at my last comment, I know he knows I'm kidding we may have spoken four times within a week and a bit, but he knows when I'm serious about something and when I'm joking...even my teacher does I make it pretty obvious.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. And yes, I am. My band and I got into the Battle of the Bands three weeks from now." He says, running his hand through his hair.

Band? Luke's in a band? I mean yes, I can picture him being the type of guy to be in a band but I never thought he was in band, now I'm just plain curious.

"Oh, you're in a band. Tell me more. What's your band name?" I say, my curiousness getting the better of me, I'm actually really curious to know what his band name is and what the band members names are, I'm really curious. Plus I love Battle of the Bands. Especially some of the bands members, some are so damn hot, but I won't ever admit that to Shane.

"We're called 5 Seconds of Summer, or 5SOS for short. And I know you'll say it, but Ashton, Calum and Michael in it, they are in English with us too, so you'll know who they are. We aren't that great, though." Luke says, shuffling around a bit. Megan returns back to the table and slides into the seat next to me, dumping six cheese burgers in front of her. See, it's because she can't have one, she needs more because she won't have any more for months, maybe even a whole year. Luke's right, I do know Ashton, Calum and Michael. Ashton's also in my Art class, he's really sweet and has the most gorgeous smile ever. Michael is a cool guy too, he always dyes his hair all the time but he's really sweet, and Calum I don't know very well but we have Maths together. But he seems like a nice guy.

"He's yummy." She whispers in my ear, right when I was sipping down my coke. "I wouldn't mind, licking his shaft and having the pleasure of riding him." I choke on my coke, nearly spitting it out all over Luke. Megan looks away, she wasn't teasing me or trying to gross me out or anything she actually wouldn't mind licking his shaft or riding him, those are her real thoughts.

"Yenessa? Are you alright?" Luke says, taking a seat next to me patting my back. I take a long breath before nodding my head, Luke moves back to the seat in front of me. Shocked? A little.

"You know I bet his jiz would taste like strawberries and cream." Megan whispers in my ear. I cough at her comment and try my best not to listen to what else she's whispering in my ear.

"What happened? Did your coke, like go down the wrong way?" Luke asks, his eyes focused on mine, I shrug my shoulders, I'm actually shocked at what Megan said to me, she's laughing right now, that's mean. I don't like being spoken to about sex and that, but I'll get over it, I'll eventually be going down the sex road one day any way may as well get use to her talking about it.

"Something like that." I say glaring over at Megan, who stops laughing and chews down some of her burger. "That's right, eat your burger. I'll make you choke on that." I say as a joke, I would never actually mean it but with what she was saying that I tried to ignore, I don't think I want to eat a sausage any time soon, I don't really like them anyway, hot dogs are fine but I don't like sausages who knows what could be in them.

"Any way, Yenessa. I know we don't know each that well and stuff but I was wondering if you wanted to watch. We need to invite as many people as possible, and I knew you, so yeah." Luke says, shuffling about a little before running his hand through his blonde hair. I bite my lip thinking over my plans in three weeks, I seem to be free so why not? I would have gone anyway because I love going to those.

"Sure. I would have gone anyway." I say, looking down at my fiddling fingers before placing my eyes back on his, his eyes are nothing like Shane's, Shanes eyes are blue yes, but they don't have that same sparkle like Luke's, I must say after to looking in his eyes a few times, I think his eyes maybe my favourite out of all the pretty eyed people I know. His just...sparkle.

"Awesome." He says. "Anyway, I'm going to go now, see ya." He then sits himself up, yanking his school pants up and walking away, he turns around and waves at me while I sit there lost. Yeah he was in a good mood but he was so odd, so different but nice, and I like him being nice.

"That's Luke Hemmings right? I wouldn't mind sucking him for breakfast." Megan says, but I elbow her in the stomach.

"Stop with your dirty thoughts about him! It yuck, first Shane, and now this guy, woman, you need to see someone to get that filthy mind checked and washed out." I whisper yell. She really does have a filthy mind, and it's yuck, it's funny at times but yuck, I won't think of Luke in the same way for a little while after what she told me that I tried to ignore, I hope Luke didn't hear any of that.

"Can I come with you to whatever he was talking about?" Megan says, licking her lips as she glances over at him, she winks over at him but his back is faced to her, is there like a rehab for sex addicts or something? Cause I think she needs a spot in one.

"No. It's a battle of the bands." I say running my hands through my hair, all she does the whole night is make out with some random guys, maybe even drag one to the bathroom, I went to a club with her once, and she ditched me to have a three some with two guys. Yuck, my ears. Yeah she got me a fake ID and stuff.

"Oh, I could so be a groupie. If Luke's that yum, I can't wait to meet his band members, I would so suck them if they were as hot as Luke, like they all probably taste like strawberries and cream a-" Before she finishes I cut her off. I stand up pushing my seat out with it.

"Yuck, no. Can you shut it?" I nearly yell, but that will drag attention,that don't want. She always does this to me she takes it too far she knows I don't like having conversations like this but she continues to persist in pissing me off and shes succeeding, except what she said was funny, but it was dirty, I'm not ready to hear about that yucky stuff. Wow, I sound like a five year old in a seventeen year old's body.

"Fine. I was mucking around, I wouldn't suck all of them, I haven't even met them only Luke." Megan says. I roll my eyes and sit back down.

"You may be dirty minded but I will forever love you, just stop being so dirty around me, okay?" I say giving her hug, she nods her head and replies with an okay.

I'm not mad or anything, it's just I don't like to hear all these dirty comments about some guy I just met the other day, I don't want to know what his 'jiz' might taste like, and how Megan wants to ride him like a freaking horse.

It's the last period of the day! Yay, but I still have four more days of school left but I don't mind, I don't have English with Shane which sucks. But I have it with Luke, Ashton, Calum, Michael and Megan, as well as Sarah Mahogany she's closer to Megan then what I am, I've known Megan longer, but they are so close they have almost every class together while I have one with Megan, I only have one friend and that's Megan, yeah I have Luke but we only just met, I have Shane and Sarah but I don't know Sarah very well either, and Shane goes to Study Hall at recess and lunch, so whenever Megan and Sarah go 'boy hunting' and ditch school for the day, I'm alone at lunch.

Megan and Sarah sit up at the front together like usual excluding me, I go and sit at the back of class room by myself as usual. I like talking to people, even if it's just hi, I like talking I can't always sit here and have to keep my mouth shut the whole time I just can't do it, I need to speak to someone.

Ashton sits himself behind me, as well as Michael. Calum and Luke sit in the seats in front of me. I know why Sarah and Megan are really good friends though, it's because they have a lot to talk about since they have so much in common, all Megan and I have in common are the same body parts and love for burgers other than that we have nothing in common not even TV shows, she likes crime shows while I like Teen Wolf, and The Carrie Diaries, and American Horror Story. They both sleep around with guys, I don't. They both love clubbing, I don't. They both hate the Vamps, One Direction, Nirvana, Rolling Stones, The Drifters (a fifties band), The Ramones, and Kiss, I don't. They like Nicki Minaj, while I love these bands. I feel so out of whack when us three go shopping, I'm like the third wheel, I hold their shopping while they buy G-strings, and fish net stockings, while I go buy tight jeans and band shirts. Does this mean she isn't a true friend that I should maybe try finding another?

I pull out my English text book, and slip on my glasses to read the board, I've been wearing glasses for three years now, I can't see from far away, close up I'm fine but far away it's too blurry. I hate it because I sit there, and people point to things far away saying like 'there she is, look.' And I don't see who it is. It sucks, I really don't like wearing glasses especially since I'm the only person who wears them in my home room class, and English. Well at least I think so.

I look up from my book and my blue eyes meet with another set of blue, sparkling eyes. Luke smiles at me which I return, then scrunches up his eyebrows, in a really cute manner.

"You wear glasses? You look like a nerd." He says, laughing afterwards. Luke holds onto my table while he swings in his seat, like most guys do. He continues laughing. But, I'm not laughing at all, I use to get called a nerd and four eyes all the time, it's mean to bag something about someone that they can't control, it's really sad, I don't like it one little bit, why am I complaining about the things I hate when there are more things I love then hate?

"Shut up." I say whacking his arm. Luke's arm slips, and the chair falls, tumbling him to the ground. I slap my hands over my mouth trying my best not to laugh, the whole class laughs at Luke. I begin laughing to, but then I feel bad because he could have hurt himself.

"I'm sorry I-" Luke smiled, then waved it off.

"I'm in too good of a mood to have you ruin it, so shut up and leave it be." He says, picking up his seat and sitting back in it. Bipolar much? Lunch time he was so happy and nice now he's being an arse even before I accidently knocked him off of his chair.

He faces his back to me and I focus on nothing but my work. My phone vibrates on the table, I pick it up to read a text message from Shane.

'Hey, babe. Need to cancel our plans for tonight. See you next week, Dad has a business trip, we all need to go. Shane.'

I smile; I love it when he calls me babe. Don't ask me why but I do, I like it better when he says it, not through text, when it comes out of his mouth I like it. It gives me butterflies in my stomach that I absolutely love, they aren't the nervous kind of butterflies they are the 'hot cup of tea in your belly' feeling type butterflies, the ones that make you feel flattered and warm, am I making sense? I hope so.

'It's cool. I'll see you next. But I'll miss you. Xx Nessy.'

'Don't miss me too much. Xx'

'I won't make any promises. :P'

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