Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

An hour, and three vodka filled cups later, Luke and I are still sitting here with the boys. I'm still fiddling with Luke's hair, he's been quiet ever since he went to the toilet and I feel that something happened, but I don't want to push Luke into telling me something he doesn't want to talk about.

"Michael shut it." Calum says. Calum's been staring at this black haired girl that's leaning up against the brick wall the whole time we've been here, Michael keeps saying that Calum has the hots for her, but Calum keeps denying it when he clearly does, who stares at a girl for just a lithe over an hour? Someone who must have the hots for them, or is like a pedo/stalker or something.

"Go talk to her Calum, she won't bite." I say, taking a sip out of my drink. Calum and that girl would look cute together, she looks to be quite shorter then him, and they both have big brown eyes, also they have a similar skin tone. They'd be quite a cute couple.

"Fine. Only to get away from you idiots." He says, standing up and pushing Michaels head back against the chair. He walks over to the girl, smiling while waving at her and begins chatting her up. Now, what can we talk about?

We all go silent, listening to the music playing, Ashton nods his head and taps his foot while rest of us stay still. I look down at Luke, I watch as he fiddles around with a black band on his wrist. I look over at Michael, who's looking around at god knows what, Michael is a very special guy, I can tell you that. Half of the time we never know what he's actually doing, neither of us could ever guess what he's thinking, his head is alway up in the clouds.

I look over at a few people dancing to some song, that song finishes and another comes on, one of my favorite songs at the moment.

"I talk a lot of shit when I'm drinking baby…"

I tap Luke on the shoulder, and bend down to whisper in his ear. How can I not dance to my favorite song? This song is incredible!

"Luke, come dance with me?" I say, it wasn't a question that gets answered, it was a rhetorical question. I stand up, and Luke moves a bit. He leans his back up against the chair, and I grab his hand lifting him up onto his feet. I drag him behind me, leading us inside to where everyone is dancing.

"Do I have to?" Luke asks. I nod my head and we both follow the dancing everyone else is doing. Everyone's half slow dancing, their arms wrapped around some guys neck, the guys hands on the girls back. I just- Luke places his hands on my back, I look over at him and place my hands on his shoulders.

"I've been a bad, bad boy, Whispering rude things in her ear, Please say she'll break, Please say she'll change, Her mind and bring me back to her place."

We keep rocking back and forth to the beat of the music, so not slow, and not fast? I don't know the right way to explain it, we're kinda just dancing terribly.

"Why have you been so quiet, Luke? It's…weird." I say, chuckling. I'm guessing he didn't hear a word I said since his face is facing a different direction, is eyes are watching something but I can't seem to catch what he's looking at. I stop dancing, and take his hands off of me. I'm not made or anything I just want to see what he's looking at. I follow the direction of his eyes, and see the back of a familiar person.

"Shane?" I say, walking over to Shane who's about three steps away from me. He turns around biting his lip. I furrow eyebrows. He goes to parties? Since when? Ah, maybe that's the something I never knew about him, he parties?!?

"Yenessa." He says, looking around chuckling with a nervous expression on his face. He wraps his hands around my waist and places a kiss on my cheek. What's up with him?

Comfortable Silence || Luke HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora