Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

It's been two weeks, Shane and I have been hanging out a lot but I still don't know what that thing I don't about him is, he seems to hide it very well, but I still can't pull out the 'I love you' card, I'm too scared too. I just don't want to tell him when I don't know a lot about him, call me crazy but who knows what that thing he could be hiding is, he wouldn't cheat on me, but something about him seems off, when we're together, and I want to know what it is before I tell him my love for him.

Luke and I have gotten to know each other a lot more, but he is still a major arsehole, he has opened up a little but we'll get there eventually, but I know so much about him, but he only tells me when he's in a good mood which doesn't happen a lot, I was thinking maybe he was bipolar or something, but maybe he just has weird mood swings, because he doesn't seem to be depressed at all.

We have a lot in common though, he likes food as much as what I do. He's a big pizza fan though, I am too. But I love my burgers a smidge more. He likes the movie 'Anchor Man'. I like that movie but I haven't seen some parts because Shane and I made out in between. There are a lot of things I don't like that he does such as 'How I Met Your Mother' I don't like that show, I'm more of a Fox8 person, like Pretty Little Liars, The Originals, everything besides Vampire Diaries. I don't like that show. Now I'm getting off topic.

But like I said, he is still an arse and we have arguments, we aren't friends or anything. We are acquaintances, or something I don't know I haven't really spoken it over with him.

We don't talk much in school besides in English, other than that we talk at the Laundromat, most of the time we argue about stupid things but I don't know. It's a little weird how we have become more than strangers after talking at a Laundromat, and how he was a prick to me, and now we are like sometimes nice to each other I guess it's Love/Hate?

"I'm thinking of wearing this to the dance in two weeks." Megan says flipping through her magazine. Megan invited me over to hers for a sleep over, as well as Sarah. So, I've been like a third wheel, just sitting there watching them talk while they both forget I'm here, when I say that I mean it because they were just speaking about how I can be so annoying, I was so stupid for not saying anything.

I never really knew Megan spoke about me behind my back, I never knew she thought I was so annoying, she thinks I'm that because I don't like hearing her dirty talk about boys, and how it was the other night with some guy she slept with from some club, I need to make new, good influenced friend...not some...skank. She is one, she says herself and she's called me things I'm not, so even if she isn't a 'skank' even though she sounds like one, I will call her one. Man, the bitch has been released hasn't it?

"Can I see?" I ask, Megan doesn't move neither does Sarah, they both stare at the magazine in front of them and talk about how 'hot' Megan would look in it. I don't know what I did to deserve such a terrible best friend, I'm a loyal person but clearly she doesn't want my friendship.

We went out for ice cream around twenty minutes ago, I didn't feel like any at all, but they did they order like the most expensive ice cream there, then got me to pay for it. Like I said, I'm the third wheel, and I don't like it.

"Are you going to pretend I'm not here for the whole night?" I say, standing up from the floor, uncrossing my legs.

Sarah, and Megan look over at me and give me one of their signature 'WTF?' type looks, which I just roll my eyes at.

"What is her problem? Has Aunty Flo come to visit?" Sarah whispers into Megan's ear, Megan just giggles and Sarah and her keep sniggering about stuff, making me more tomato red then what I am already. I hate being ignored, sometimes I deserve it but Megan invited me over here, she should at least acknowledge my existence.

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