Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One

It's New Year's Day today. Luke and I are helping my Mum and her boyfriend out with the house for the party tonight. Luke's Mum is coming over, and a few of my relatives are coming over too, as well as the boys and there parents/family. My Mum has told us that the adults will all be inside, so she said us 'kids' can all hang out in the back yard. Some dude at school was having a New Years Party tonight, but Luke, Ashton, Michael, Calum and I all decided to not go because it's nicer to hang out on New Years Eve with people you love, and care about. 

Mum's setting up inside with fairy lights and some speaker for music, she said that she's going to play a whole heap of eighties songs, only because everyone loves eighties. Luke and I are setting up the backyard with fairy lights, and speakers too, but not for eighties music, for some good ol' pop-punk hits and a few good pop songs that have been in the top 100. The music these days on the top 100 and stuff is really shit, lately. 

But Mum had just installed a decking and shelter in the backyard, so we can chill under the shelter not the decking instead of sitting in plastic chairs on the grass. Mum set up her old pool table on the deck too.

I'm currently standing on a three step ladder, placing some fairy lights up while Luke plugs in the speakers, and hooks them up to a Dock. We've only been at mine for an hour tops, we were helping my Mum and had only just started 'our' area around ten minutes ago. We're listening to music on Luke's phone which is just sitting on the glass table playing through one of those plug-in speakers for your phone. We're currently listening to 'Smell's Like Teen Spirit' by Nirvana.

Luke's bobbing his head to the music in a really cute way while singing the lyrics while I'm just bobbing my legs to the music, I sorta get confused with the words which is sad of me since I used to know this song backwards but. . I'm tired, leave me be. Luke and I have been talking until late some nights, we need to make the most of it. We need this long distance thing to work out.

Next thing I know, I slip off the three step ladder and fall onto my ass on the decking, the ladder falls onto my legs, lightly grazing them, and if I had fallen a little further back, my head would have collided with the pool table. 

"Shit!" Luke says, making his way over to me. "Ness, you alright?" He sits down on the floor, and wraps an arm around me, pulling me into his chest. Most people right now would most likely cry, my ass hurts, and my legs a bleeding a little, but I just burst into laughter. Luke kisses the top of my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Luke. Don't worry." I say, as Luke pulls me out of his hug. He stands up, and grabs me from around my waist and helps me up onto my feet. He looks down at my legs, and see's them slightly grazed. "No, they are fine, they are just grazes." I know he would've said 'Let's clean your legs up', but there is no need too.

I grab the ladder and pull back up onto it's feet, and climb back up it. Luke makes his way back over to the speakers.

Luke went back to his place to shower and get changed while I stayed at home to do that myself too. I figured that there was no point in really going back to Luke's if we were going to come back to mine, and if I had no dresses in my smallish bag I brought with me to Luke's. All my clothes are here, all my make up and hair stuff. 

I had changed into a creamy white dress with sleeves, it's snug around the waist and falls into the shape of an 'A'. I'm wearing it with someone beige heels, and I'm working on my hair and make up right now. I've decided on leaving my wavy hair down, and putting on a white flower crown. I begin to think about whether I should wear make up, I'd wear it for fun and stuff but since I've been with Luke, he thinks I'm perfect they way I am, I don't wear it because I'm insecure but I just don't really wear since we've been together. I decided to put on a few coats of mascara before leaving my room to help my Mum with the bowls of chips, and soda.

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