Chapter Thirty-Six

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Chapter Thirty-Six

Luke's soft lips press gently on mine, and I pull away. I need to tell him that I'm ready, I know he's ready cause he told me already, so I guess it's my turn to tell him, isn't it? 

Luke frowns at me for stopping this so suddenly, he then run a hand through his hair and mutter a few profanities. My hands slip off from around his neck, and his hand moves off of my waist.

"I'm moving to fast aren't I?" He says, beginning to crawl off of me. I wrap my arms around his neck, and pull him back down before he actually climbs off. I shake my head, and smile at him for being too cute.

"No, I stopped so I could tell you that. . .I was ready, silly." I say, ruffling his hair with one of my hands. He growls at me again, and then tells me off for ruffle his hair. He smiles at me, and kisses my cheek, making my cheeks go red once again. I smile back at him.

"Ready? As in. . .ready, ready?" He says, biting his lip. I nod my head, I'm not going to think twice about it, it was bound to happen some day I guess, and if I do think twice about it, I know that I won't ever 'do it' till I'm like forty, because I get paranoid. Plus, it's perfect. . .we're alone, we're never really alone, Luke's ready and I'm ready. I guess that's a good thing.

"Er. . .yeah." I say, moving my hands from his neck, and placing them on my face covering it up to hide my embarrassment. I feel my cheeks heat up. I feel Luke's hands placing gently onto of mine, he grabs hold of them and pulls them off of my face, and I see him smiling down at me, which makes me smile.

"No need to be embarrassed Yenessa, but are you really sure? Do you actually want to do this? I want to make sure, your 100% sure about it, because I don't want you to regret it." Luke says. How could I regret becoming one with Luke Hemmings? I mean, yeah I don't have any regrets because I don't like regretting things, I could never be disappointed about becoming one with Luke, I love him for pete's sake! I understand what he means though, in case I'm not actually ready, in case I'm just saying it to make him happy. I'm not though, I'm ready. And it's weird saying I'm ready to 'do it', I would never have decided to do this, this year if I was the same girl at the start of the year, but I guess I'm not that same girl. I'm not a follower anymore, I'm a leader, along with Luke, and the other guys. I'm independent, I guess. I'm sure.

"I couldn't regret it even if I tried too. I'm 100% sure." I say. "Er. . .are you ready, Luke?"

"Yeah, I am. I'm doing this with the girl I love, not with some skank from the Battle of The Bands, but I'm sure us guys are always ready." He says, chuckling. I then start thinking about the protection side of it, I mean I don't want to get pregnant, you know. "So, you want to do it. . .now?"

"Er. . .yeah, only if you do." I say, he nods his head. "Do you er- have- you know, those things?" I ask. If he doesn't, Mum has a bunch in her bed side table, don't ask me why but she does, not only does she have some, I'm sure I still have the two she gave me, when she caught me in a heated make out with Shane, yeah, My mum's pretty chilled I guess.

"No, I d-" I jump up from underneath him, cutting him off. I walk over to my chest of draws, to search for the two Mum gave me. I feel Luke's eyes burning the back of my head, so I turn around and poke my tongue at him.

"You have condoms?" Luke asks.

"Er, yeah. Mum gave me them." I would have told him why she gave me them, but I'm sure no guy likes hearing their girlfriend talk about their ex, I mean I hated it when Shane talked about his ex, so I'm sure guys feel the same way too, plus we're about to 'do it' for pete's sake, know one want's to talk about an ex, seconds before 'doing it'.

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