Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

"So, we wrote two new songs, we won't be performing them or anything anytime soon, but you asked us to show you when we write a new song, so yeah. They are...decent but we all decided to let you be the judge of that. Since, your our number one fan and all." Luke says, running a hand through his hair before opening up the door to Ashton's house. Ashton and Calum had the last two periods free, because their classes usually have VET today, and they don't do VET meaning they get two free periods, Luke, Michael and I don't have VET either but we have it on a different day, we usually have it on Thursday. But, since Ashton wasn't at school to give us a lift to his, Luke and I walked.

"I can't wait to hear them, I know they'll be amazing." I say, smiling. We walk into Ashton's house, and get shot about twenty times with a machine Nerf gun. Ashton's jumping around on the couch, rolling over like a spy while shooting Michael in the backside, and Calum was the one who shot Luke and I. Luke drops his bag, on the floor running to what I think is Ashton's room, he comes out holding two nerd guns and passes one to me.

The first thought that comes to my minds is...

How do I work this thing?

Luke briefly shows me how to use it while we get shot by Calum and Michael, I nod my head, and slide the plastic dingy thing, pulling it back. I press the lever, aiming the gun at Luke's back, and it hit's him. He spins around, looking at me with his mouth in an 'o' shape.

"Ness, shoot them, not me." He says, I shrug my shoulders. I shot him with the gun just to test it out, I've seen this on TV ads and stuff but I haven't actually used one before, I've always wanted to though, it seems like fun. I like fun.

"I was testing it, I've never used one of these." I say.

Luke rolls his eyes, he then grabs my hand and drags me over to where the boys are hiding; behind the couch. I do that thing with the gun Luke showed me, as he yanked me down behind the other four seater couch. So, it's three against two? We all know who'll loose, because arm...I've never played with these things, but from the looks of it, I'm sure Luke is very experienced with a nerd gun...unlike me.

A foam bullet flies into the wall, missing my head by an inch, Luke yanks my arm, pulling me down. This may sound stupid but those dang bullets scare the crap out of me, yeah they are foam and all, but I'm sure they'll hurt just a tad, yeah? A bullet flies hitting me in the arm, I see Calum cheering, I narrow my eyes at him before yanking back the slidy thing on the gun, and shooting him in the forehead, I didn't mean to shoot their I just prepared the gun, and shot, and manage to get him there.

"Yenessa. That really hurt!" He says, I chuckle. When I hear someone saying 'That really hurt!' the first thing that comes to mind, is the 'Charlie bit me' video that is so big on YouTube, you know how that boy says 'Ouch Charlie! That really hurt.' yeah that's what came to mind.

"It probably didn't your just being a pussy." Luke says, shooting bullets at Michael, hitting him once or twice.

"Am not!" Calum says. Luke and Calum begin arguing like two year olds, saying 'Am not!' and 'Are too.' Ashton, Michael and I have our heads thrown back laughing, it's so funny seeing two teenage boys arguing like little kids, especially with the facial expressions they've been pulling on their faces, and the poking of their tongues.

"That was a short game, because of these two arguing like little kids." Michael says, standing up, and throwing the gun onto the couch before sitting down next to it.

Ashton and I both sit down with Michael on the couch, and watch the two boys argue. It's like ping pong, you know, we keep flipping our heads to whoever talking, we just need that 'Nlock' noise, people make by knocking their tongue on the roof of their mouth, cause it sounds like a ball getting hit with a tennis racket a bit.

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