Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter Twenty-Six

School holidays have ended, and we've now been two weeks into the second term of school, and it's just as boring as usual. I'm getting glares from Megan and Sarah again, Megan's baby bump is showing now, teachers have apparently been asking her questions, and guys have been bagging her telling her that she is a slut, and that they all knew she wasn't a virgin when she said she was when we had that fight and stuff. Apparently people all knew that she'd be the first pregnant in our Year level.

That night on the holidays when Luke come over to mine, knocking pebbles on my window; when we woke up, Lavigne dragged him into her room and forced him to him to play dolls with her. He walked out an hour and a half later, looking as if he was going to cry. I hugged him and said 'She likes you, Luke. That's the way she flirts.' He ended up telling me to shut up. We both ended up laughing.

We're scared of my sister and her creepy dolls.

People have been giving Luke weird glares too, because they think I'm a skank after what Megan said when we had a fight, half them didn't believe her because she lied about being a virgin when everyone knew she clearly wasn't, but half of our Year level glares at him, shaking their heads because they thought he was better than that, to date a 'skank'.

Luke just glares at them, and wraps his arm around me pulling me into his chest telling me that he's made a good choice, and that I'm not a skank, and that he thinks I'm perfect. The first day back of school, Luke, Ashton, Calum, Michael and I were hanging out at lunch, we decided to walk around the oval, because it was a nice and because a bunch of Year Sevens took the seats we usually sit at. Some Year Eleven dick walked past us, a coughed 'slut', Luke went red, and then for the first time, told me I was perfect, and I quote 'That douche is a fucking dick, your perfect, he's jealous cause he doesn't have someone half as perfect as you.' he then kissed my cheek, pulling me under his arm, moving my hair onto my shoulder. Ashton, Michael and Calum sent glares out to that guy. Especially Calum, Calum seems to be a bigger Yukessa shipper than Ashton, Ashton likes Lukessa, but Calum likes calling us Yukessa, cause it sounds like 'you kissa' in a New Zealand accent, he got his friend Clinton to say it, and it sounded like 'you kissa'. Michael mucks around and calls us, Yuke. Cause we make him want to 'puke' as a major joke. He finds us as a cute couple. And likes Yukessa, not Lukessa. Makes no sense, right? The only difference there is that Lukessa has an begins with 'L' not a 'Y'.

But anyway, it turns out that Megan is still firing up some rumors about me, most people don't believe them, well the girls and a few guys, but most of the guys are pretty gullible. They walk past me calling me names, and these past two weeks have been terrible, I feel like shit. Luke's been trying to calm me down, but I just can't. People are calling me things I'm not, saying I've done things that I haven't. Megan is making my life a living hell. I hate it, I take things to heart, I try to be a positive person, I'm always happy. I'm sick of people always making the happy ones cry.

Yes, I said cry. Today at lunch I cried. Some girl pushed me over telling me I was a skank, and said that next time I touch her man, she's going to make my nose bleed. I'm not sure if Megan told her that or what but if Megan has anything to with most of this, I'm going to flip. Most people have told me if Megan told them the rumor they told me about, so that's how I knew it was her, that girl didn't say anything about Megan. Luke was pissed though, trying to calm down my tears, and make me feel better. He helped me a lot, he had his arms wrapped tightly around me and it made me feel better, a heap better.

"I don't understand. Why would people believe what she's saying?" I mumble in Luke's chest. His arms are still wrapped around me, and I'm still crying. 

"I don't know. But, I'm walking you to your classes for now on. Until this shit stops." He says, holding my head, tucking stray hair behind my ear.

Comfortable Silence || Luke HemmingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz