Personal {klance}

By StupidassFanfics

91.2K 4.1K 3.7K

Authors Note: Keiths parents are not bases off of JD and Veronica from Heathers. I know I make a lot of heath... More

Last chance
Three months.
About my last chapter
Why do you hate him?
Haha; no.
Dont look.
Back to school
Text me?
The Truth
The kiss
Im sorry
Its gonna be okay;
Kiss me.
We're Going Home. (Second to last chapter)


6.8K 220 232
By StupidassFanfics

He tired to ignore it. He tired to ignore the yelling and screaming down stairs. His parents practically tearing each other apart with the toxic that they yelled to each other. It was disgusting what they said. The ebony haired boy was done with this though. Nervously; he left his bedroom and stormed down stairs. He knew he was gonna get yelled at. And he would probably get hit too. But at this point; he could care less.

"Would you guys please shut up!" He yelled out in frustration, his fits balling up as his heart rate picked up.

The older male, also know as Jason; Keiths father looked over and glared at him.

"What did you say???" He hissed out, his speech so slurred Keith was barley able to understand what he said.

" I said shu-"

The ebony haired boy was cut off by his fathers fist slamming into his stomach. He arched over clutching his abdomen. Small, hot tears perking in his eyes.
" You bastard" Keith hissed out through gritted teeth. That only caused his father to wrap his icy fingers around the younger boys neck. Pressure was immediately applied, causing Keith to claw at his fathers hands.

"Awww, am I hurting you?!" Jason hisses at Keith. Spitting all over his face while his breath reeked of  alcohol.


"Yo! Keithy boy!"

A familiar voice yelled out through the crowd in the schools front yard. The person who owned the voice was actually the last person he wanted to see right now. Ironically, it was his best friend, Shiro. Even though Shiro was Keith best and only friend, he would notice the bruises from last night which would cause Keith to tell a somewhat believable lie.

"Hey- Shiro..." he muttered slightly turning around to face him with his hoodie up like usual.

"Hey-.... oh my god what happened this time," the taller male sighed while looking down at Keith. Raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

Keith forced out a fake laugh.
"I got into a fight with these random people" he says scratching the back of his neck. Leaving his arm behind his head to cover the bruises.

"And they choked you?" Shiro said again in disbelief as he grabbed Keiths arm from behind his head, moving it away for a better look at his neck. It was scattered with bruises. Some obviously from choking. Others looked like.. from punches or something being slammed into his neck? Maybe even a glass bottle of some sort due to the tiny scratches.

"Uhh yeah,"Keith says pulling him arm back from Shiros grip.

The conversation lasted for about 10 more minutes. Consisting of mainly Shiro asking if he needed to beat someone's ass, and Keith rejecting it.
Once the bell rang Keith sighed and said bye to his friend before heading off to his first class. His swiftly weaved through the halls and entered his first period class room. Astronomy, his favorite class. The only class he liked.

Until today,
"We'd like to welcome a new student to our school! Lance McClain. Hes from Cuba!" Mrs. Wicks said with a wide smile.

Another foreign exchange student? He's the second one this month.

Completely ignoring the teacher he tuned out. Slouching in his chair as he gazed at the ceiling.

"Lets see-... Keith! Would you show Lance around the school?" The teacher asked smiling brightly at Keith.

"Um- sure?" He said subconsciously before hissing under his breath. The last thing he wanted to do was show around a foreign exchange student who doesn't even speak English. Standing up as the whole class watched, and were probably looking at his bruise he gave a half assed smile at Lance. "Hi?" He said reaching his hand out to Lance.

The brunette infront of his smile brightly as he shook Keiths hand. "Hi! You already heard my name but im Lance, and you are?"

What the fuck he can speak English?

I thought he was from Mexico or some shit.

His eyes widened as he cocked an eyebrow up.
"Keith..." he said hesitantly as he looked up to him.

"Shall we start this tour?" Lance asked with a cheeky smile.

"Uhh- sure" keith says hesitantly before leaving the classroom making sure Lance was following him. "So uh- this is the art class room on the right, wood shop on the left" he says in a dead tone as he was obviously really annoyed. Surprisingly, he didn't want to to miss Astronomy because was his favorite class. And he didn't. And I mean didn't want to be showing around a fucking foreign exchange student.

"So Keith," Lance hummed as he looked down to Keith. Even at he sound of his voice Keith got pissed off.

"What," he said basically snapping at he glared at him. But Lance didn't seem to flinch at all. In fact he still had a certain glow in his ocean blue eyes.

"What happened to your neck?" He asked raising an eyebrow innocently while tilted his head like a lost puppy.

"I got into a fight. Fuck off," Keith spat out. All honestly he didn't know why Lance made him so... agitated. He just kinda did.

"How old were they?" Lance asked with the same innocent look in his eyes as he reached up to touch Keiths neck softly.

But the moment Lances hand touched Keiths neck.

He lost it.

He quickly slapped Lances hand away and grabbed his wrist in a death grip, which now caused the brunette to flinch.

"Dont. Touch me," he spat out before letting go of Lances hand and walking down the hall toward the doors. "Give yourself a tour asshat" he mumbled before flipping Lance off and turning the corner.

"Who hurt you?"

WOW OKAY. Thats my first chapter and idk how I feel about it but o h w el l. Comment if u want a another chapter or something idk

~ chris

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