The Bond

By soccergirrlll15

15K 299 20

hi i'm katy. i'm 14 and ecstatic to find myself in the middle of a war...note the sarcasm. what kind of war... More

Chapter 1
ch 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
ch 7
ch 8
ch 9
ch 10
ch 11
ch 12
ch 13
ch 14
ch 15
ch 16
ch 17
ch 18
ch 19
ch 20
ch 21
ch 22
ch 23
ch 25
ch 26
ch 28
ch 29
ch 30
ch 35
Untitled Part 43
Untitled Part 44
Untitled Part 45


275 6 0
By soccergirrlll15

I was walking through the woods by myself.  I told Rachael I needed time to think, to think about how I chose him over her.  To think about how even though I chose him over her, she still loves me. 

I sat down on a dead tree trunk and sighed.  its only been a couple days and my life is completely different.  Hell I havent even been to a full day of school, and ive learned more about our world than I already have. 

I looked down at my hands and grimaced.  There was still bits off blood on them, his blood.  I felt a tear slide down my cheek.  How could I betray her.  How could I pick someone who was so evil and horrible.  Who didnt even have my heart but my body.  my motives were driven purely by lust and it disgusted me. 

I had a choice between someone who loved and cared about me unconditionally and someone who I barely knew, who might I add slammed me against a door the first time we met. 

Why was this decision so hard.  Rachael was obviously the person that would treat me with care and love and is someone who makes me feel like im on top of the world. 

I felt a soft breeze blow across my face and I sighed in contemp.  I loved Rachael so much.  In a matter of days shes made me fall completely head over heels, or paws, for her.  I felt lost without her touch, like a part of me was missing. I stood up and starting walking home, dreading talking to my mom.   


I took a step on my porch and took a deep breath.  "This is gonna be fun" I mumbled.  I stuck out my hand, hesistated, then rang the door bell.  before the door was even open my mom was screaming.  "KATY WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUVE BEEN?! YOU DITCH SCHOOL AND DONT COME HOME AT NIGHT?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW SCARED I WAS?!" 

I looked at her a rolled my eyes.  She was in a bathrobe and her hair was in a mess.  "Geez mom calm down im fine okay?" I said calmly still waiting to step inside. 

"CALM DOWN? YOUR ASKING ME TO CALM DOWN?! I WAS CALLING THE POLICE TELLING THEM MY DAUGHTER WENT MISSING! DONT YOU FUCKING ASK ME TO CALM DOWN!" she yelled while yanking me in and slamming the door.  Her face was all red and I swear to god she was going to pop a vessel. 

"Im fine mom" I mumbled looking down.  I felt bad for making her worry.  she already lost my dad I was all she had left, it wasnt fair of me to make her worry.  "I- im sorry mom.  I didnt mean to make you worry okay? I was out with a friend and I ended up spending the night with her."

she looked at me and her eyes softened.  "Well im glad your making friends honey, but please domt ever do that to me again." she pulled me into a hug. "I thought I lost you." she cried kissing my head.  I hugged her back and sighed.  "im sorry." 

after a while we both pulled away and I suddenly felt very alone not in her embrace.  "You better not skip tomorrow" she said walking off. "are you hungry?"

I took off my shoes and followed her into the kitchen.  Before I could respond my stomach made a low gurgling sound.  My mom chuckled, "well I guess that speaks for you" 

a plate of eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes was put in front of me.  I inhaled my food and went for seconds, and , thirds, and fourths.  "Jesus katy the rest of the world needs to eat to" she said bewildered. 

I smiled sheepishly at her. "sorry I was hungry."  I took off up my stairs and to my bathroom.  I flung off my dirty clothes and looked at myself in the mirror and gasped.  there were 3 angry red scars across my stomach, my eyes had bags under them, and my hair was in a mess.  I looked like a walkimg zombie.

I turned on the hot water in my shower and sighed as the water beaded off my aching muscles.  I washed off all the dirt and grime and combed out the knots in my hair.  I stepped out and wrapped a towel around me.  I layed down on the bed and was suddenly hit with a wall of exhaustion.  before I knew it I was fast asleep drifting into a violent dream.

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