Untitled Part 44

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Rachel's claws dug deep into the moist ground as she ran furiously towards her home.  I needed to know what her plans were.  I needed to know if she was actually going to stop this war or if she was going to egg it on. 


No answer.  Not even a flicker of regonition.

I took a deep breath and put all my strength into my back legs.  I felt my legs flex my body soar and my muscles ripple as I landed in front of a wolf that was running full speed.  Her body crashed against mine and we both lay atop each other breathing heavily. 

I shifted back into my human form.  My bones popped, my skin stretched, and I lay glistening in sweat atop my mate.  She was still panting heavily on the ground, refusing to make eye contact with me.

I gently ran my fingers through her dark fur and felt her nerves shudder beneath my hand.  I smiled.

"Rachel..." I cooed.

She still did not move.  I let my hand gently brush against her side.  I lowered my nose down into her fur and inhaled deeply. 

My wolf purred inside me and I savored the sweet smell of my mate.  I was trying to calm her down. Her heartbeat was still pounding.  I placed my lips against her shoulder blade, where he heart lay beneath.  I blew softly against her fur and nuzzled gently. 

"calm my love." I whispered gently.

She inhaled deeply and shifted a little.  She turned her head to me and we locked eyes.  She caught sight of my naked skin and her pupils dialated.  A low growl rumbled from her chest.

"my goddess..." she whispered seductively in my head. 

Our inner wolves brushed up against each others consciouses and we both shivered. 

Rachel suddenly got up and pinned me against the ground.  He claws dug into my shoulder blades and I whimpered in pain and pleasure. 

"You're mine." She whispered in my head.

I locked eyes with her and love poured from my soul.  I wanted this girl.  I wanted her to be mine forver.

She nudged my neck, her wet nose sending shivers down my spine.  She lay down so she was atop of me, her soft underbelly tickling my naked skin.  I moaned at the contact and nuzzled my face into her neck.  I wanted to stay nestled up in her warmth.

"Rachel," I spoke aloud. "what next?"

She didn't move a muscle.  Only spoke softly in my mind.  Easing my nerves.

"don't worry...my only intentions are to keep you save."

"What about the wolves? What about the war?" I questioned.

"Don't worry about that.  We will resolve it in due time.  But now.  Now I want my mate.  I want to please her soul.  Follow me." She said as getting up.

I shifted back into my wolf.  Eyes zeroing in on the stunning wolf that stood before me.  Proud and full of lust.  She took of into the woods, and I quickly followed.

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