Project: Extermination


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So pretty much this is over but I will be working on sequel if anyone will be interested in reading it. I jus... Еще

Project: Extermination
Escape then Back Again
The Underground Revolution
Dark Side Of The Moon
Tables & Labels
Battle of the Estate
Going, Going North
The Open Road
Traps In New York
Fire vs Ice
Child of The Sky
On The Inside
Leaving for the South
Sea Sick
Escape Is All For Naught
Beacon for All Mankind
Air meets the Cold Hard Ground
Reunited But Still Apart
Splitting Seams
X-P981 and the Mole
Who's Actually Going To Survive?
New York Round 3
Not a chapter just read


30 2 0

We all walked back, I heard Erikson screaming at us, his face purple with rage, 'We're alive aren't we?' I said and that made him scream all the more.

'Wait till Guy hears about this. All six of you are going to...'

'Going to be what Sergeant?' Guy stepped up, hands folded behind his back, silver hair flicking.

'Sir.' he dipped his head, 'Insubordination sir. They went off one their own.'

'These six were never under your command Sergeant.' Guy's eyes narrowed, 'You are dismissed, I need to talk with them. Privately.'

'Yes sir.' he dipped his head again and waddled off shouting at his men.

'Well now that all this is out of the way, time to get down to bussiness. Emilie how are you feeling?' Guy said walking over, concern etched into his older face, his eyes, a deep and sad grey.

'I am much better. Although,' I slid Olivia in her wheelchair, 'I am aboslutly exhasuted after all that excitement. I think it's high time we get in that mansion and get what we came for.' I wheezed and coughed. I flicked my tattered hair out of my eyes and looked at the others, 'No rest. We go now.'

Guy nodded, 'You are to get in and out. Do not tarry as time is not on our side. It won't be long until they send in more. Now go all of you.' We all agreed and walked towards the mansion. 

We reached the front doors, they were bashed in from all the fighting. Wood was splintered everywhere, dead people were scattered across the foyer, light flickering on and off and all around was an eeryie howl of wind. Walking in one by one, we made our way to the back and down. We stayed quiet as we never knew what could jump out at us, 'So what are we doing?' Nathaniel said flicking his torch around so we could see. 

'Finding six boxes and getting the hell out of here.' Aaron grumbled and we continued in silence till a squeaked sounded behind us, 'Nathaniel?'

'Look at this guys!' He said and we all gathered around him, on the wall were lines and lines of writing. None of us understood it, 'I can translate this,' Nathaniel said quickly, 'Give me a minuet!' We stepped back as he threw up a small orb. It floated in mid air and all these qords flashed by us. He was reading it all, I will never get over that amazing talent. His faced paled, he didn't move. The lights went down and he turned, tears prickling his eyes. 

'What did it say?' Tomas said, his face was covered in soot and grime. 

Nathaniel dropped his head, 'We are going to die.'

'What do you mean?' Olivia said from Jaymes back. 

He pointed to the wall, 'Its a note from some men who died here hundreds of years ago.'

'What does it say, spit it out Nate!' Aaron said gripping his shoulder. 

'We...' he started to sob, 'Have been mislead.' 

We all stopped breathing. My heart skipped a beat, 'What do you mean?'

'These powers do exist as we have seen with Emilie, we all really do have powers and thats why we have to die. The Alien, so called King, has been trying to destroy the blood line since they were awakened all the way back in 1969. Niel Armstrong was of the Aether Tribe, ones who could minipulate gravity. The Aliens saw this and made it their goal to destroy all humans to rid of the "Tribes" for good. Everytime a few show up in one place, the Aliens find them with high level killers. They are level four on the list, Beakons. They send out a signal as soon as they have contact with a Tribal Descendant, over time the Tribesmen die or are killed in battle. The Beakons don't nesiccarily "kill" the Tribesmen, just lead a killer to them. They leave a mark on that person, whether is be visible or not. The killer can sniff out the mark and easily kill thier opponent.'

'We've been marked? What does that mean?'

'When you are marked,' Nathaiel pulled his glasses down over his nose and bit the end, 'Well, to put it plainly, until you time of death draws closer, the mark protects you in a way. It heals you as time needs to pass or whatever. It's a strange method to use, but very effective.'

'So this is a mark?' I pointed to my arm and Nathaniel tilted his hand, 'I really don't know what the mark is really like as I have never seen a photo or in person. So I can't tell.'

'Assuming she's been marked by someone,' Aaron said cuting us all off, 'Who could've done it?'

'Anyone in the Underground.' Tomas grunted, 'What about what Guy said? Us having powers, are all of us marked?'

'It comes in various forms.' Nathaniel said and flicked up a screen from his wrist, 'It says here that there various forms...blah, blah, blah...ah! Here, sometimes is can be proven through sickness or defect,' He glanced at Olivia, 'A loss or burdened mind. A physical touch,' He looked at me, 'Something about a gift, meaning it is a physical object, repeated words and stuff like that.' His screen vanished and he started to cry again, 'We didn't come here for boxes. They never existed. The rest of the letter explains when all six elements are found. "When all six elements of earth are reunited, one power will rise between and give hope. A New Light. The Alien King with all his might will try to slay them as it is written, 'They will drop like flies when the six elements of earth bring forth a New Age.'" They mean to kill us. We are always sent to the front lines....'

'Always doing the dirty work,' Tomas said grunting, his gaze turning to the ground. 

Jaymes and Olivia sighed, 'Going against scores of aliens at a time.' 

'Always sent far away to the Alien cities and being sent for a long time.' Aaron said and they all looked at me. 

Nodding, I came to the sudden realisation our lives were all a lie. There was only one man who could control us like that, all our trust placed in him. Everything was pointing towards him. I didn't want to believe it, but it made sense. I was burdened with this "Mark" when I was six. I wanted to push all suspisions out of my head, I wanted to just run, 'Are we all thinking the same?' They nodded, tears in each of their eyes. Fear, pain grippe their hearts as it did mine. I didn't want to say those dreadful words. But I did, 'Guy. Is the Beakon.' 

The ground started to shake. We all grabed hold of each other, 'You fools!' A loud laughed cackeld above us, 'You are all so...I don't know. Pathetic. My King jsut wants you dead, no need to read into it anymore than you already have.' A man walked towards us, black coat flowing around him. Silver hair flowed dramatically around his shoulders. Guy stood there, his eyes were not silver but black, 'That's what I hate about the smart ones,' he looked at Nathaniel, 'They catch on so quickly, yet you were slower than I would've thought. Points for trying kid.' He kicked a stone and it hit against the wall. Dust fell around us and he smiled.

'YOU FUCKING LIED!' Aaron screamed. 

'Yes well,' he swung his hands around, 'I did what I had to do. My master wanted you all dead. I couldn't do that of course, well not yet anyway. I trained you and turned you all into fine warriors. I was quiet fond of you actually, each and every one of you. I held off your deaths as far as I could and when this chance popped up, well, I had to take it. My master, the King fears you six more than anything. Your death would be delightful, not only for me but teh survivial of our Alien race. You people like me,'

'A Beakon.' Jaymes spat blood over his shirt and wiped his hands.

Guy just laughed and then looked at us, 'You think I'm a Beakon? Good god where did I go wrong in your studies. I am not Beakon kids.'

'If your not Guy, or a Beakon what the hell are you?!' Tomas shouted at him, his face turing red.

Guy tilted his head and smiled, his teeth weren't white or normal. They were sharpe, blood stained and crooked. His eyes were obsidian balls sutkc into his pale head, 'I'm A Reaper. A killer of souls. I am level six. Although my birth level is low, I am the most trusted by the King. Before I was ordered to kill you all, I sat on a throne like his, filled with skulls, jewels and melted swords from my foes. I am darkness, I am death.'

'YOU FUCKING BASTARD!' Tomas ran at him with his gun and tried to smash him with it. 

He vanished and reappeared behind us, 'Don't do that boy, its embarressing.' He clicked his tongue, 'Here..'

'Don't come near us you hear? Whatever we are and whatever you are, stay away. We don't fucking need you.' Tomas growled and stood in front of us, 'Is this what you wanted?'

'Of course. But I also want you dead.'

'You said you cared.' Aaron said. 

Guy nodded, 'I still do. I practically raised you. You're my kids, I could never really hate you. It's just my job. The unfortunate part is that you are all Tribesmen. I can't let you fulfil what our orical said back on our home planet.'

'So you gladly destroy our home?' Jaymes cried. 

'Of course. Humans always die. It's in their nature, some just live longer and as a matter of fact just never see an end. Your Earth, is all you have. We need to kill you all. So removing the biggest threat, you six,' he pointed at us and twirled his finger around, 'Can clear us a path to kill every single human being.'

'There will always be one to stand in your way. Whether it be a child, teen, old man or woman, a small family or a hoard of people, if you kill us remember there are always more.' I said, tears cutting through the dirt and blood on my face. 

'That is true, but we have forces unlike any other. YOU can't even begin to comprehend how vast our armies are. Enough of this idle chit chat,' he raised his hands and everything begant o shake, 'I'm sorry. I really am. Jaymes, Olivia, Tomas, Nathaniel, Aaron,' he sighed and turned to me, 'Emilie. I still care about each and every one of you its, just well...If I didn't kill you, I would have to die and I don't want that.' He vansihed, all light did to. 

The earth around us began to collaspe, air isn't happening.

'EMILIE!' Olivia screamed as we were crushed by the broken stone and glass.

We were betrayed by the one we loved.

We couldn't die, not now. 

Not yet anyway. 

We have to live...

'WE HAVE TO LIVE!' I screamed just before dirt and dust filled my lungs. 

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