The Pursuit

By WritingGals

950K 25.9K 1.4K

Bethany Bridges leaves the town she grew up in Washington to pursue her dreams of becoming an architect in th... More

Sneak Peek
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One


17.9K 693 90
By WritingGals


Several days had passed since Caleb's car crash. Several days he'd been in a coma. Several days I'd lost without him. Several days where I didn't feel complete.

Without Em's constant presence, I would be a lost cause. She urged me to continue living each day as if it was just a normal day, continue living like the man I loved wasn't in a death or life situation. I did what she told me. I tried. I continued waking up each day, going to work, and making progress with the online classes I was taking.

I didn't want to be weak.

I had to be strong.

If not for me, then for Caleb. It was the least I could do for him. When he wakes up, I would want him to be proud of me. If he wakes up... 

I cleared that thought out of my head as I finished my third cup of coffee. I pushed the laptop away in front of me, not having the energy to carry on with the pages I had to read. My head glanced up at the clock. Nine fifteen. If I had it my way, I wouldn't be stuck in my dingy loft by myself. I would be right by Caleb's side through all this.

But there were factors that just made things complicated. First of all, I couldn't just drop everything I had going on. I was already risking my job at the restaurant. Although Caleb's family, specifically Sophia, was a hurdle I couldn't jump. Every time I would visit, she made it clear I wasn't wanted. I only relented to her wishes because of the fact that I didn't want to deepen the hostility she had towards me.

Nine at night was usually the time I would be at the hospital to see Caleb. Just thirty minutes before visiting hours were over. Thirty minutes each day I could have some time with him. It wasn't much, but I took what I could get.

However, tonight didn't seem like a good opportunity. There was an insane rainstorm going on outside, and I only had fifteen minutes in total to travel to the hospital, see him, and travel back home. There wasn't enough time.

Tomorrow morning, I will make up for it, I promised myself. 

I pulled my computed back closer to me and finished the last few pages of the lesson. Every time I immersed myself into this, I felt a sense of accomplishment. It was a step closer to achieving my dream for real this time.

I finished an hour later, but I didn't go to sleep until after midnight. This was the norm for me for the past week or so. My mind would only calm down after twisting and turning in my bed for a couple hours straight. On a good night, an hour.

The next morning, I woke up extra early to squeeze in a visit to Caleb's private hospital room, in courtesy of his parents. Em, unfortunately, had to go back to Olympia the day before, but I was grateful for the time she spent with me. She was a true friend.

After adding an extra step to my morning routine (which was feeding Marcus), I took the bus to the hospital. I scooped Marcus in to my place. It wasn't nice to just leave him be in Caleb's now-empty condo. Having the adorable bulldog around was helping me get through this. Anything of Caleb's was helping me. 

The bus rumbled to the closest bus stop near the hospital. I got out, tightening my jacket around me to block out the cold wind and light rain. I ran the half block to the hospital's entrance and shook my head of raindrops.

I practically could navigate to Caleb's room with my eyes closed. Two floors up, a left turn, and two right. Then I would be in the same room as him. I recognized some of the nurses as I passed them. I wished I didn't know all of this information. It wasn't something I wanted to have memorized. I wanted Caleb out of here. He didn't deserve to be here.

I took slow steps to see him as I always did. No matter how eager and in a hurry I was to get to the hospital, once I was there, I took my time in getting to his room. It had always hurt seeing him helpless on the hospital bed, attached to life support. There was not one visit where I had dry eyes. 

I looked out into the waiting room, trying to catch any sign of his family being here. Usually it would be Larry or Selene out here, doing their business. As far as I knew, Sophia never left Caleb's side. I admired her for that. Even though she was a terrible person, her love for her son was something I was glad for. Caleb was loved by everyone.

I gripped the strap of my bag harder as I got closer to his room. Larry nor Selene weren't in the waiting room, so they either had to be in the room with Sophia or they didn't get here yet. I spotted the door, and my hand on it hesitated in swinging it open.

My eyes must have betrayed me at the sight. It was empty, completely empty of everything except the usual bed and chairs. I walked out of the room and checked the number. Room 304. I had the right room. This was where Caleb was taken after Sophia adamantly requested a better room. 

I walked back in. Still empty. Curiosity crept in slowly through me. I was confused, and somewhere deep inside me, I couldn't help but feel alarmed. 

All possibilities of where he could be swarmed in my head. Maybe he was taken somewhere else for a check up because he woke up? Was he discharged from the hospital within a day? Hope flared up in me at the thought of him back in his loft.

What if he's gone? 

I stopped in my tracks in the hallway. Gone? Gone as in what sense? There were so many ways a person could be 'gone.' I went to the desk where a cluster of nurses were taking their mid-morning break. Thank goodness one of the nurses that attended to Caleb was on duty today.

"Where's Caleb?" I asked her once she broke away from the group after asking if I could talk to her. There must be a look of panic in my eyes as the middle-aged nurse looked at me with speculative eyes. "Caleb Wilkes? Room 304?"

Realization dawned on her face as it changed from confusion to understanding. "His family took him out of the hospital. I thought you would be informed of this by the family?"

Took him out? To where? I shook my head. "No I didn't know about this. What do you mean they took him out?"

She put on a sad smile on her face. "I'm sorry, but I can't disclose any information on the patient." I closed my eyes, willing myself to not scratch this woman's eyes out.

"Are you out of your mind? You know I'm not just some stranger asking about a patient's whereabouts. He means something to me. He means everything to me, and I just want to know where he is!" My voice gradually became louder. 

A conflicted expression passed through the nurse's face. "Ma'am, please calm down or I'll have you removed."

I took in a few deep breaths and released them slowly. I opened my eys to look her firmly in the eyes. "Please. I just want to know where his family took him. Is he being brought to another hospital? Where? Tell me, I beg of you."

She sighed, lowering her voice. "The family was insistent on removing him from the hospital. They insisted on transferring him to a different hospital where they have a doctor that specializes in comatose patients."

My heart teetered on the edge. "Where's this hospital? Where's he being taken to?"

"He's currently being transferred to England by air, of course."

My heart fell. "What?" Hysteria exploded in me. "Is that even safe?" I nearly shouted at the poor nurse's face who was on the receiving end of my emotions. "The patient's in coma, for goodness sake! Certainly, the doctors wouldn't allow it?"

"His vitals signs are on point, and he's in a stable coma. As long as the family is incessant on transferring him, we can do nothing but oblige." She looked down at her wrist watch. "I'm sorry you had to hear it from me. I have to tend to other patients now. Good luck."

Good luck with my life? Yeah I'll definitely need it. 

I walked robotically to the elevator, out to the ground floor, and finally to the chilly air outside. I didn't mind. I didn't feel it. I wasn't feeling anything. I sat gingerly on the bench outside staring into space.

England. Caleb was in England. Hundreds of thousands of miles away from Seattle. Away from me. No, there wasn't a doctor in England that could help him. Maybe there was, maybe there wasn't. Although I knew Sophia brought him there just for one other sole reason: to get him away from me. Now that she had control over him, she didn't waste a second in taking him away.

I sat on the bench. I wanted to cry. I wanted to do anything instead of just sitting there like a statue. If anything, now was the best time to cry, but why couldn't I do it? Dangerous thoughts flooded my mind. 

What if something happened to him on the way there? Would they be able to make an emergency stop to help save him? My heart twisted in anguish and pain. My burning hatred for Sophia grew. How dare she? How could she risk her son's life just because of her dislike towards me?

I fumbled for my phone in my bag. I scrolled through the contacts and recent calls hoping to see Selene's name. Then it registered to me that I didn't have her number. I never did. Besides, even if I did, she wouldn't answer. I didn't have international calling on my cell phone or maybe they were still on the plane. I needed to talk to someone that was with Caleb. I needed to know how he was doing.

After sitting on that bench for nearly an hour, I decided to get up and stop living my life like he was really gone. As far as I knew, he was only in a coma. There were still chances of him waking up. Like people said, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. I just hoped that I would be out of this tunnel soon enough.

I continued the rest of the day as normal as it could get. As I worked my shift at the restaurant, I just pretended Caleb was still at the office working hard, and I would see him tonight. It was the only thing that kept me from snapping at bratty customers' faces. 

Faye knew what happened but not to what extent, and she tried cheering up during our lunch break. I smiled politely at her attempts, but nothing could bring me out of this dump I created for myself. She invited me along to a club she was going with her friends that night, but I declined saying I had a massive headache. 

I went home, almost forgetting that I had Marcus with me until he barked happily at the sight of me. The sounds of his paws hitting the tile flooring echoed throughout the silent room. He stopped at what I could only guess his water and food bowl. I filled it up for him and went to do my own things. 

After getting ready, I laid down in bed in the dark room. I had been very monotone today. Not once did I show any kinds of emotions except for smiles to restaurant goers. I didn't tell anyone about Caleb being gone. Not even when Em called me up. I felt like if I talked about it, I wouldn't be able to handle it.

The idea of getting an airplane ticket to England crossed my mind. I'd thought long and hard about it throughout the day, but in the end, I couldn't just up and leave. England wasn't the largest country in the world, but it was big for a person like me never being out of the country. Besides, I didn't have a passport. There was never a need for one.

Even if I did end up going to England, where would I go? London? He could be anywhere in a city that huge! And what if he wasn't in London? Where would he be?

This thought process killed me. I just wanted to have my Caleb back. I fingered the necklace he gave me for Christmas. I wouldn't give up. No. One day, we'll be together again.


One month. Two months. Almost three months into the new year. Valentine's Day passed. It hurt more on that day to think about Caleb. Unlike normal girlfriends/wives out there, I didn't have to worry about what to get the guy. Instead, I had to worry whether he was alive or not.

I lived my life along with the flow. I never made plans. I just got up, did whatever I needed to do, and I would repeat it the very next day. While my life at that point seemed all dark and dreary, it wasn't. At least not everything. 

I finished online schooling. I officially had my bachelor's degree. All I needed to do was take a test to get my license in architecture, and I'd be set. When I dreamed of this day coming, I had hoped I could celebrate it with Caleb. 

I also had good news from my mom's progress in rehab. She was doing very well according to the person I spoke with on the phone. Her release date would be sometime this spring. Ben, as well, was adapting nicely into college life. Em and Paul found out their next child would be a son! I was ecstatic for them. It seemed that everyone around me had an excellent start to this year. I could only wish I had the same.

Only after a day Caleb was sent to England, Selene managed to get my number. She'd been keeping me updated once in a while on his condition. Although, it seemed like nothing had changed. He's still in a coma, and the doctors didn't know when he would wake up.

Not once did I lose hope on him. He would wake up. I knew he would. He had to. He and I still have so many to do with each other. I realized he was the one I wanted to grow old with. I wanted him to be the father of my children. I wanted to marry the guy.

Arriving back from the restaurant, I sat down on the couch resting my aching feet. I'd been up and walking on them for practically the entire day. The manager asked me to do a double shift, and I agreed. It helped me keep my mind off of things. Things that I didn't need to over think or I would lose my sanity.

Finally, I could relax. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the back of the couch. I let out a sigh. This was the most content and at peace I'd been in since New Year's Eve. I came to terms with Caleb's comatose state. I learned to keep on living. It only made me stronger.

My cell rang somewhere in my bag. I took my time in getting it only managing to save the call from going to voice mail on the last ring.

"Hello?" I asked. I didn't have time to check the caller ID.

"Ann? Oh Ann!" Selene's distressed voice rang through quite inaudibly through the phone. 

My interest piqued up. "Selene? What? What is it?"  Her words were drowned out along with her sobs and blubbery cries. I could hear my heart thumping loudly in my chest. "Selene! Please calm down. I can't understand you. Is everything okay with Caleb?"

"Ann, I'm sorry. He's gone. Oh my God, he's gone.


This is really short, I'm sorry, but it was so hard writing this chapter! I hope you guys still enjoyed it - er in one way or another. 

Please check out our new story The Unexpected Heiress. The first chapter is up on our page!

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