Hold On

By AmbreignsLover66689

2.5K 61 18

A story about a brotherhood that is broken, that is about survival, love, and hope. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

199 7 2
By AmbreignsLover66689

Seth felt the whole world spinning around him. It felt as though his body was being torn, and cut apart. Everything around him was going by too fast.

'What's happening? What is this? Am I dying?'

He could hear voices. He tried to make out what was being said, but it all sounded like just noise to him. Images passed by him.

First he saw Dean standing in the ring with the title. Then he saw Roman, congratulating him. There was tension between the two of them.

He soon heard Vince's voice.

"Roman Reigns has been suspended for thirty days. He broke the wellness policy."

'Wait what? Roman is suspended?'

More images passed by. Dean while he was in the ring with him, Dean facing AJ Styles, the title in his hands. He could hear Dean yelling in background.

Then next he was in the ring again, with both Dean and Roman. Were they going to fight? He could hear someone saying something about a triple threat match. He didn't have time to realize what was happening, because then another image showed up.

This next one sent a chill up his spine. It looked like there was blood on the floor. He dipped his fingers into it to see if was.

'Is my mind playing tricks on me? What is all of this?'

When he stood up, the blood had disappeared off of his fingers. He looked over, and saw that he was standing next to Roman, who had a forlorn look on his face. He noticed that they were both dressed in formal clothing.

"R-Roman...what is going on?" He asked.

But he didn't get an answer. Roman disappeared and he was back in that spinning, dark void. And everything went black. Again.


He thought he was going to die, but the next thing he knew someone was attacking him, throwing punches at him.

"Get up, Rollins! Get up and fight!" The person screamed in his face.

He opened his eyes for a moment to see who it was. He was surprised to see it was Chris who was his attacker. Before he had a chance to speak, Chris kicked him.

"Fight back! Come on!"

"Will you fucking stop hitting me, Jericho?!" He screamed, loud enough so he could be heard amongst the crowd that was cheering. Chris kicked at him again, but this time he caught him, grabbing onto his leg.

"I said fucking stop!" He yelled, throwing Chris to the ground. "What the fuck are you doing out here anyway?"

"I'm here to help my friend." Chris said.

"Friend? Who, Dean? Um, last time I checked you two weren't friends."

Chris stopped in his tracks, blinking at him. "What?"

"You're not even supposed to out here. What? Are you upset you didn't win the ladder match? Boohoo Jericho, get over it."

"Um, where you have you been? You do realize what date it is, right?"

Seth gritted his teeth. He had no time to be playing games with people anymore. "Yes. Yes, of course I know what date it is. June 19th, Money in the Bank." He looked around, seeing no sight of Dean anywhere. Where had he gone off too?

"You must have hit your head too hard. You idiot, it is not Money in the Bank. That was months ago. It is November 21st. Monday night Raw."

Seth gave him a confused look. What? That couldn't be. That much time haven't went by that fast. There was no way.

"Are you playing games with me Jericho? Are you and Dean in on something I don't know about?"

Chris sighed, rubbing his face. "You must have some type of amnesia going on right now. Dean is not even here. He is on Smackdown. Well, he was."

Seth narrowed his eyes at him. "On Smackdown? Wait, so he is not on Raw? And what do you mean 'he was'?"

"Go ask someone else. I'm not here to answer questions for you." He walked away from Seth, heading towards the ring.

Seth shook his head, deciding now to head backstage instead of being out here looking like an idiot. He needed answers, so he was going to go get them from Vince.

He headed to where only the authority members were allowed. He was grabbed by a security guard on his way there. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I need to go talk to Vince."

"Vince is not here. Stephanie is in charge of Raw now."

"Well, let me go so I can go talk to her."

"I'm afraid I can't let you."

"And why not?"

"Because you, Mr. Rollins, are no longer a member of the authority."

Okay, this was getting even weirder now. Did he do something to get himself kicked out of the authority.

The guy spoke again. "I would suggest you head back to your locker room before I have to escort you out of the building."

Seth pulled free from his grip. "Alright. Fine. I'm going." He headed back down the hallways towards the locker room area. On the way there, he ran into Roman.

"Hey, Seth." Roman greeted.

"Um, hi?"

"You okay?"

"Um, I guess? Just don't really have any idea what's going on..."

"Come on. Let's go sit down, and you can tell me what's wrong."

"Um, okay?"

He followed Roman over to his locker room. The Samoan motioned for him to sit, which he did. "What's going on, Roman? Why are you being so friendly towards me?" He asked. The last time he knew, him and Roman weren't on good terms with each other.

"Well, what do you expect me to do? You've been helping me out, showing me that you still care about me. You've earned my trust again."

"You? Trust me?" Seth let out a laugh. "Well, I can't remember what I did to earn it back, but thanks I guess?"

"What do you remember? Before Chris attacked you?"

"The last thing I remember is Dean hitting me over the head with that damn brief case." Seth was going to get back at him when he saw him again. Getting hit in the head with the case did not feel good.

"Ouch." Roman said.

"Yeah. Tell me about it. Let Dean know I'll make him regret doing that."

The expression on Roman's face fell. He was frowning now. "Y-you don't remember, do you?"

Seth have had enough. First Jericho, now Roman. "Okay, there is something that someone is hiding from me. Something that has to do with Dean. Roman, did something to happen to him? Did he get fired?"


"Then what?"

"I don't know if I should tell you..."

"Spit it out, Roman! Quit beating around the bush. Just tell me." Seth demanded. He wanted answers.

Roman sighed. He let out a deep breath. "Fine. You want to know?" Seth nodded his head, motioning for him to continue. "Seth...this...I don't know how to tell you this...But you can't see or speak to Dean ever again."

"Why? Are we not allowed to?" From the sound of Roman's voice, Seth didn't like where this conversation was headed.

"Seth...Dean...he...he is dead."

Seth felt the whole world crashing down on him. Dean...dead? It couldn't be...he couldn't be dead.

"Y-you're joking...p-please tell me you're joking."

"I'm afraid I'm not, Seth. That night, after Battleground, he was found dead in his hotel room. Committed suicide." Roman's eyes were welling up with tears. Seth could tell that he took Dean's death very hard. And now, Seth was too.

Seth stood up. He turned around, throwing the chair somewhere in the locker room. "No! He can't be...he can't be dead!"

Roman stood up too, putting his arms around him. "Seth, please calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down, Roman! I...I was supposed to fix things between you two! But I failed, and now you tell me he is dead?"

"S-Seth...I think you should go home. Take some time to let this all sink in, and mourn him."

"No...he's not...he's not dead. You're lying to me." Seth tried to hold back a sob, tried to stop the tears from falling.

Roman shook him by shoulders. "He is, Seth. He is gone. And there is nothing we can do about it."

He broke down in front of his former teammate, falling to knees. "H-he is...gone..." He said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Dean was gone. Dead. It was a hard fact that he would have to accept.

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