Hold On

By AmbreignsLover66689

2.5K 61 18

A story about a brotherhood that is broken, that is about survival, love, and hope. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

199 4 0
By AmbreignsLover66689

"Vince, you need to take him out of that match." Seth was on the phone with Vince McMahon, trying to convince him to take Dean out of the Money in the Bank ladder match. He wasn't happy that Dean was one of the contenders for that contract. He didn't want him to win that belt.

"I am sorry, Seth. But there is nothing I can do. I mean, I could. But then, the WWE Universe would be upset."

"But he can't win that belt! It is mine! And I'll not have him take it away from me!" Seth screamed into the phone.

"Calm down, Seth. Calm down. Everyone in this company deserves opportunities, and as much as I dislike Ambrose, I need to give him this opportunity."

'That belt will only end up destroying him just like it did to me, and just like it is doing to Roman now.'

"Listen, I know you'll make me proud this Sunday. You can take both Reigns and Ambrose on. Don't disappoint me, Seth. I'm counting on you to win that title."

'Yes, must make you proud. Because I'm the authorities golden boy.' Seth thought, sarcastically. "I won't let you down."

"That's what I want to hear! I expect you to be ready this Sunday. Now, I must let you go. I have business I need to handle. We'll talk more later."

After he heard the click on the other end, Seth tossed his phone aside, not caring where it landed.

"Fuck..." He muttered under his breath. "What am I going to do?"


The week went by without anymore incidents between him, and his former teammates. He kept himself busy by getting ready for his match this Sunday, and trying to come up with a plan on how to stop Dean from winning the title.

There was no other way. Seth knew he would have to fight him. But would he be able to beat him? Hopefully. Hopefully he would be able to.

Soon it was time. Money in the Bank was finally here. He watched the ladder match on the monitor, praying that Dean wouldn't get to the brief case. His hopes shattered once the match had ended, and Dean came out victorious.

"Damn you, Dean...Damn you to hell. Why must you make things more complicated for me?"

He knew he couldn't waste time moping around about the outcome. He had a match to prepare for tonight.


Somewhere else in the arena, Roman was busy getting ready for his match. He was going to be facing Seth Rollins soon. A man who he once called his brother, who he loved and cared about before, until he sold out. Now, he was just the authorities puppet, someone who was enemy now.

He knew that if he won the match tonight, that he would also be facing Dean. He tried to understand why his friend was doing this. Was it because of the way he had been acting towards him the past couple of months? Was it because he wanted a shot at the title too? Or was it because Dean didn't want him to forget about him?

For the past few months, he had ignored the signs. The signs that pointed out to Dean trying to get his attention.

"Where did everything go wrong?" He whispered to himself. "What can I do to fix this?"

His head hurt so much. He had also been feeling weak. Physically, mentally, and emotionally. He didn't know what it was that was doing this him. Maybe it was because he was under so much pressure?

Ever since becoming World Heavyweight champion, he had to face AJ Styles multiple times, the matches and everything going on taking a lot out of him.

He looked over at the title, smiling to himself a little. He had retained it, and he would tonight. He picked it up, tracing his fingers over the gold plates. They felt cold underneath his fingertips. A faint sickly glow emitted from it, shining in his eyes, putting him in a trance like state. He was so busy admiring it, that he almost didn't notice one of his cousins, Jimmy Uso, calling him.

"Roman, you there? Hey, Uce! Snap out of it." Jimmy said, waving his hand in his face.

He looked up. "W-what?"

"I was trying to tell you that your match is up next. But its like you didn't hear me..."

Roman sighed. He stood up, going over to his bag. "I'm sorry. I was just thinking is all."


"Nothing important." He pulled out a bottle of pills from his bag. He had gotten them a friend. He needed something to take for his depression that he was having, and they suggested he take Adderall. He opened the bottle, popping a few into his mouth.

Jimmy took the bottle from him. "Are you serious? You're taking Adderall?"


"Do you know what will happen when the company finds out you're taking this? They'll suspend you!"

"You don't think I know that? Jimmy...please...just...please don't tell anyone, okay?"

"I'm not saying anything. But you need to get help for whatever it is that is bothering you. What's with you lately?"

"I don't know, Jimmy...I don't know..."


Dean sat alone in his locker room, staring down at the brief case he held in his hands. He won the ladder match. He now had a chance to become World Heavyweight champion. But, was this really what he wanted? Did he really want to win that belt so badly? He remembered before Wrestlemania when he and Roman were fighting, along with Brock Lesnar, for a chance at it. Fighting over it had drove both him and Roman crazy, driving a wedge between them.

Dean was proud of him. Roman had beaten Triple H that night, and now he was the World Heavyweight champion. He wanted to congratulate him, but he thought that he was still upset with him. So he stayed away from him.

He saw the tweet on Twitter. Dean hardly ever used social media. He felt a little hurt since Roman hadn't mentioned his name.

He had tried to get his attention for the past few months after. During work, and on their off days. Just wanting to spend time with him. He would get a text from him saying he was busy. After a while he stopped getting texts, or phone calls. Their conversations turning into arguments, fights, whenever they would see each other at work.


"What was all that about?" Roman asked, storming into his locker room.

Dean turned around, smiling when he saw him. "Did you like it? I thought about inviting you on the show, but I couldn't get aho-" He didn't get to finish, for Roman grabbed him by his shirt, screaming into face.

"You showed a picture of me spearing Stephanie! Do you have any idea how much trouble I could be in?!"

"Roman...the company knows it was an accident..."

"You don't think, do you? I could get fired for this!"

"Roman, stop! I'm sorry, okay? Just please, stop!"

When he heard Dean scream, Roman realized what he was doing. Taking out his anger on his best friend. He released him from his hold. "I-I'm sorry, Dean...I shouldn't have yelled at you..."

"I-it's fine...are you alright?"

"I'm okay...just going through a lot right now..."


Dean walked through the hallways, seething. His head hurt, hair still covered in dirt after Chris had thrown Mitch at him. His show was canceled. The night couldn't get any worse, could it?

Sometime later he met up with Roman. He was upset with him for not coming out there to help him, but when he saw how terrible he looked...well, he couldn't find it in himself to fight with him now.

He sat next to him. "Hey stranger."

Roman looked up at him. "Oh. Hey. Are you alright?"

"I could ask you the same question."

"I saw what happened. How's your head?"

"Well, they said I should take some time off until next week. To make sure there's nothing wrong with me."

"Well, that sucks. But hey, at least you'll be able to get back at Chris next week." Roman said, nudging him a bit.

"Yeah. But that's not exactly what I'm worried about now. He...he destroyed Mitch. I'm not upset that my show was canceled, just upset about the plant."

"I'm sorry...I'll get you another one."

"Don't worry about it. You know, I was going to name that plant after you?"

Roman chuckled a bit. "Really?"



"Because I miss you."


'Hey Ro, you wanna go out and drink some beer tonight? Text me back.'



'Call me. I want to talk to you.'


'I miss you.'

'Love you, brother.'


He struggled to stand up. Struggled to get out of the jacket Chris had put him in. It was no use. Try as he might he just couldn't get out of it.

Chris taunted him, beat him while he was down. His face hurt from where Chris had kicked him earlier. He was sure there was going to be a bruise on it.

He tried to scramble away from him. This, being defenseless like this...it brought back memories from his past that he kept hidden away. He needed to get out of here, but Chris wasn't letting him leave.

He laid down in the ring, feeling weak. His mind screaming 'Help Roman, help Roman, help Roman.'

Surely Roman would come out to save him from this. Would he? He wouldn't forget him this time?

But as the beating went on, and more officials came out to help him, a sudden realization came to him.

Roman had abandoned him.


"You weren't there. You weren't there when I needed you the most."

"Look, Dean. I've been busy, going through a lot these past months, so cut me some slack, okay?"

"You know what that shit does to me! You know of my past, and yet you didn't come out to help!"

"I can't always help you fight youbattles for you, Dean. Listen, you're not the one who has to defend this title almost every night. You're not the one everyone is after."

Dean huffed a bit. "Ever since you became the champion you have had a pretty big fucking ego. 'I'm not a good guy. I'm not a bad guy. I'm the guy.' You have this one versus all attitude. I don't like it. Where is the Roman I used to know? You're not him. You're not my Roman."

"Dean, stop."

"Bring him back."

Roman glared over at him, letting out a growl. "Don't try to play games with me, Dean. The Roman you knew, he is not here anymore. Maybe he realized that his supposed best friend doesn't have his back. You are after my title. You want a piece of this. Just like everybody else does."


A tear slid down his cheek. He brushed it away.

All he just wanted was Roman's attention. For him not to forget about him. He never wanted the title.

He looked up at the monitor. Roman and Seth were fighting. The match went on back and forth. Seth pedigreed Roman. Roman speared Seth. He didn't know what he was going to do if Roman won tonight. Would he really cash in that contract tonight if he did?

He closed his eyes for a moment. 'That is not my boy. That is not him. That is not my Roman out there. I want my Roman back.'

"Here is your winner, the new WWE World Heavyweight champion, Seth Rollins!"

He opened his eyes, seeing Seth standing in the middle of the ring with the belt. A replay of what happened was shown. Seth had pedigreed Roman and pinned him.

Dean could hardly watch the match. Not liking every time Roman would hit his head. He must have had a concussion by now. He saw how he looked outside of the ring. Very weak and worn out.

He saw red. Letting out a loud scream. He slammed the door open, running down the hallways, towards the ring. With the brief case in hand.


Seth was thankful. Very thankful. He beat Roman, and won the title from him.

'Yes. Yes! I did it! Now Roman can go back to his normal self.'

Before he could celebrate his victory, Dean's music hit.

'Alright, it is time. Time to beat Dean now. I'm ready for you, Dean. Come out!'

He waited. And waited. For Dean to come out. Was it all a trick? Just another one of Dean's jokes?

Before he could do anything else, something hard hit him over the back of his head, and then everything went black.

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