baby bellinger / corey seager

By seagerfever

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"baby watching you break is like going through hell" trigger warning: contains and/or mentions: eating disor... More

imagines book


5.1K 67 10
By seagerfever

I got in the driver's seat while Corey got in the passenger side and Cody got in the back. We were on our way to Arizona where the boys played the first three games of their road trip.

After their series with the Diamondbacks was done they'd fly out to San Francisco then to Colorado then they'd end in San Diego before going back to LA.

"Cody control yourself on this trip please." I said while merging onto the freeway.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He put down his phone and asked.

"It means no going out every night getting drunk and bringing back a bunch of girls back to your hotel room. This isn't the minors anymore, and you can't get away with that kind of stuff in the majors. So please behave yourself. And you," I pointed to Corey, "please make sure he behaves himself."

"I'm always behaved!" Cody said.

"Cody you've lived with me for almost 3 weeks now and have brought home at least five different girls."

He was silent for a minute before mumbling, "I'm going to sleep." He laid his head on his stupid ladybug pillow pet that he brought and curled up in his seat. It was rather funny to watch a 6'4 kid try to curl up in a ball.

After making sure Cody was sound asleep, Corey asked, "What's your brothers problem with girls?"

I sighed. "I don't really know to be honest. He's always sort of been a player. It might be the fact that he doesn't really understand relationships since our parents hated each other and our mom left when we were so young that he didn't really get to know her so he doesn't understand what it's like to have to respect a women and treat her right."

   "He respects you though. And he treats you right. You're like the #1 priority in his life Cloe."

   "He respects me as his sister and his best friend. It's different when it comes to other feelings. He had a rough time with those."

   "As do you. Maybe twins share feelings." Corey said, sending me a playful smile.

    "Maybe." I said joining his laughs.

    We drove for what felt like hours. Eventually I had to pull over and switch with Cody because I was too tired to keep going.

    After what felt like a minute, I was shaken back awake. "Baby we're here. Wake up and let's go inside."

    Was I dreaming or did someone with a hella nice voice just call me baby?

   I rubbed my eyes and stretched my arms before I finally came to. "Oh. It was just you." I said when I saw Corey standing in front of me.

   "Who did you think it was?" He asked laughing.

    "I don't know like a male model or something."

   "I'm hurt." He touched his hand to his chest before shooting a smile, signaling he was joking.

   I got out of the car and grabbed my luggage from the trunk. Cody was already inside so we followed him in.

   Cody was siting in the living room by himself when we walked in. "Dads on shift right now. He'll be back tonight though. He still doesn't know we're here or that we were coming so we might scare him a little." He said to us.

    "Shift?" Corey asked.

    "Our dads a firefighter now." I told him.

    "Well damn."

     "Okay so Cloe go put your stuff in your room and Corey follow me and I'll show you the guest room. Then Cloe you can help me cook dinner."

   I walked up the stairs then down the hallway and into my old room. I had plain white walls decorated with photos of me and my brother and dad. My bed was in the far corner next to my desk.

   I put my suitcase and backpack on my bed before starting to unload it all. I put my clothes in the drawers that were almost empty, my computer, makeup, hair shit, chargers and book on my desk, are and my shoes under my bed.

    I heard the front door opening and I immediately bolted to it.

   "Dad!" I yelled jumping at him and giving him a hug.

    "Holy shit Cloe, you scared me!" He half screamed while hugging me back.

   "Well the boys are playing here for a while so we thought we'd pay you a visit. Mines gonna be a lot longer than theirs of course."


    "Hey dad." Cody said, walking out of the kitchen.

    "You're here too! I missed you both!" He pulled Cody into our hug.

    I looked up and saw Corey awkwardly standing in the kitchen entrance.

   "Dad this is Corey. My uh...friend."

    "They're not friends. They're in love." Cody said.

    "Oh please. Your sister doesn't know what love is." My jaw dropped and I pretending to be hurt while my dad walked away from us and started heading towards Corey.

    "You're Corey Seager right? You're a great shortstop kid." He said while offering his hand to Corey.

   Corey shook it and replied, "Thank you sir. Thats quite an honor coming from you. I watched you a lot while growing up."

    "And now there's kids that are just like you two were," he pointed to Corey and Cody, "watching you both. So you guys better impress them." He said laughing.

   "Of course sir." Corey replied.

   "Oh please, don't call me sir. It makes me sound old. Call me Clay." Corey nodded before shaking his hand again.

    "We were just about to make dinner." I said.

    "Psh. Don't bother. There's nothing in that kitchen you could turn into a meal. I'm a single middle aged man. You think I cook?"

    "Goodness Dad that is not healthy."

    "I'm fine Clo."

   "We can order in something tonight. But I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow."

   "Why can't you be more like you sister?" He asked Cody.

   "Why can't my sister be more like me?"

   "Cody if there were two of you...oh god don't even let me think about that."

   This earned a laugh from all of us which caused a famous Dad and Cody brawl. Since my dad was still pretty young and in shape, it was an even playing field.

   "Do they do this all the time?" Corey whispered in my ear.

   "You have no idea how often this happens."

   We sat together on the couch and rooted on my dad and brother.

   Corey's POV

  Once Clay and Cody had stopped fighting, I pulled Cody aside.

  "I think I should talk to your dad now." I said.

   "You look nervous."

  I gave him an are you serious look. "No fucking shit I'm nervous. What if your dad doesn't want me with your sister."

   "Well he is a dad and a hell of a protective one at that, but he likes you. You'll be fine."

   "Can you come with me. Or at least be in the same room as us."

   "You sound like a middle school girl trying to talk to her crush." He said laughing.

   "Oh shut up. You're coming. And we're doing it now." She

   "Like right now!?" Cody asked.

   "Yes right now."

   "But Cloe's still in the room."

   "Then figure out a way to get rid of her!"

   "Wow. A romance to swoon for. I get crap for sleeping with girls but you can just get rid of her and it's adorable gross love." He said while rolling his eyes.

   "You know what I mean! Now go!"

   I listened as he walked into the dining room where Cloe and their dad were talking. "Cloe can you go set up the guest room for Corey. I was gonna but then I didn't want to."

   "Seriously Cody. You are the epitome of laziness." Her chair made a noise as it scooted back, and I heard her stomping up the stairs.

   "Corey go can come out now."

   I did as said and sat down at the table with Cody and his dad.

   "Dad Corey would like to talk to you." I gave Cody a simple stfu look before turning to their dad.

   "What is it?" Clay asked.

    "Well you see sir- I mean Clay- wait no I mean sir, well um I have taken a very fond liking over your daughter. She's very special to me. And I wanted your permission to ask her to be my girlfriend."

   Clays face showed no hit of surprise, so I expected he knew this is what I was going to bring up, but he still sighed. "Corey I need you to listen to this. Cloe has been through a lot. Too much for me to allow another boy into her life."

   "I'm aware of everything she's been through. Me and her have shared conversations about it and I will always be here to try and steer her away from going back to that path. Please sir, I really like your daughter. I would never hurt her. I care about her so much."

   "It's true." Cody said in a loud whisper so that I could hear too.

   "Very well then. Corey you have my blessing, but you also have my word that if you ever hurt her, you'll most defiantly be dealing with us Bellinger Boys." He pointed to him and Cody while Cody flashed his muscles. I swear this kid doesn't know how to stay serious for a moment.

"I couldn't even imagine hurting her."

He nodded before standing up and shaking my hand.

"Okay the guest bedroom is set up now and dinners on the way." I heard Cloe call while she was coming down the stairs.

"When do you have to go back to the station dad?" Cody asked.

"It's suppose to be two days on then two days off, so if today's Monday night I'll go back Thursday morning."

"So you can catch a couple of our games?"

"Wouldn't miss the chance."

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