Better When I'm Dancing

Por MackenzieWinner

28.6K 967 426

Once Upon a Time meets Dancing With the Stars. After an injury ends the career of her partner, ballroom champ... Más

Before the Show
Week One--The Premiere
Week Two--My Jam Week
Week Three--Most Memorable Year
Week 4--Spring Fever
Week 5--Disney Night (Part 1)
Week 6--Latin Night
Week 7--POP! (Part 1)
Week 7--POP! (Part Two)
Week 8--Tribute to Dance
Week 9--The SemiFinals
Week 10--Before the Finals
Week 10--The Finals (Night One)
Week 10--The Finals (Night Two)
After the Show (Part One)
After the Show (Part Two)
Epilogue - Vacation

Week 5--Disney Night (Part Two)

1.6K 67 35
Por MackenzieWinner

Disclaimer: This chapter features songs from both the musical episode of Once Upon a Time and the movie Tangled. The songs from Once Upon a Time were written by Alan Zachary and Michael Weiner while the song from Tangled was written by Alan Menken and Glenn Slater. All are copyrighted to Walt Disney Records. 

All the stars and pros gathered together on Friday to learn and rehearse the opening number. Ingrid, the show's choreographer, addressed them as they stood around the rehearsal studio. "Disney Night is a Big Deal and we have to keep topping ourselves. The producers have contracted a songwriting team to come up with original songs for us to dance a medley to. I've heard the songs and I think this will be one of our best numbers ever.

"The pros will be handling most of it. You'll be divided into two groups. One will be heroes and the other villains. You'll have your own solo sections and then a big battle. When we get to the finale, then your stars will join you," she finished.

Ruby raised her arm. "Will we get to hear the music?"

"Yes," Ingrid said. "First, though, we're asking everyone to take a seat. The producers have an announcement to make."

Regina sat next to Robin, his arm draped around the back of her chair. She leaned against it, enjoying the brief skin-on-skin contact as she waited for whatever announcement the Powers That Be had for them.

"So, we all have a surprise for you in honor of Disney Night," Isaac started. "Disney has been really great and given you all tickets to Disneyland for Saturday. We're just going to need the names of whoever you are bringing so Disney knows. Everyone will be escorted by cast members and given the VIP treatment."

"Roland is going to love that. He's been begging me to take him to Disneyland forever. I wanted to wait for him to be older," Robin whispered to her.

She nodded and whispered back: "Henry and I have gone several times. He'll be excited to go again and show everything off to Roland."

"Sounds like fun," he said before turning his attention back to Isaac.

As Isaac gave them all the logistics for their visit, Regina found her mind wandering. Her conversation with Robin was still on her mind. She knew being professional was for the best and that their relationship needed to stay platonic for now. Yet her senses were heightened around him. Could she spend a whole day at the happiest place on earth as just his friend? Or would she betray herself?


The show sent a limo to pick her, Emma and Henry up for their day at Disneyland. Robin was already inside with his mother and Roland, who launched himself at Regina the moment she slid into the limo. "Majesty! We're going to see Mickey Mouse!" he said.

"I know," she said, holding him on his lap as the limo lurched forward. "It sounds like you're excited."

He nodded, grinning. "Papa says I might be tall enough to do the rides. Do you do the rides?"

"Some of them," she said. "I really like the Tower of Terror."

"It's closed, Mom. They're turning it into a Guardians of the Galaxy ride," Henry said from his seat.

She frowned. "Oh. Will it still drop you?"

He shrugged. "I haven't heard much about it. And it's not open yet."

"Well, there are plenty of other rides to do," Robin said, patting her leg. "I'm sure we'll have lots of fun today."

Regina leaned back, nodding. She held Roland close, listening to the boy rattle off all the rides he wanted to do as the limo sped toward Disneyland.


A young cast member named Jasmine met them just past the entrance to California Adventure. She was joined by a security guard named Al, who looked a bit on the scraggly side to Regina. How he was going to take anyone down was beyond her and she prayed they had no incidents.

"So you're going to be escorting us around?" Henry asked, sounding a bit defensive about it.

"Henry," Regina chided, frowning at her son.

Jasmine smiled. "It's okay. I can imagine it sounds like I'm a babysitter, right? And who wants that while in Disneyland? But I promise you that you want me around. I have a superpower."

"You do?" Roland asked, eyes wide as he stared up at her.

"Yep," she replied, crouching down to look him in the eyes. "I can get to the front of any lines. No waiting."

Henry and Roland gasped. "Cool!"

She straightened up. "So, are you all ready to begin your magical day here in Disneyland?"

"Are you legally required to ask that?" Emma asked, smirking.

Regina shook her head. "I can't take you anywhere, can I?" she asked her friend.

Emma just rolled her eyes in response, following the boys as they walked with Jasmine. She was telling them information about the park and they hung on her every word.

"I think we've been replaced as the coolest people they know," Robin said, falling into step with her.

"We're their parents. Of course we have." She smirked, glancing at him quickly before looking ahead again.

He laughed, his arms swinging at his side. Regina crossed hers, trying to resist the urge to grab his hand as they walked toward Cars Land. They couldn't chance such an intimate if innocent gesture being photographed and going viral. She did not want another lecture from Isaac Heller.

"Mom! Jasmine says she's going to take us on the Radiator Springs Racers. You coming?" Henry called out.

Regina smiled. "Of course. It sounds like fun."

"Can I come too?" Roland asked, looking up at his father with pleading eyes.

Robin sighed, the pain of possibly breaking his son's heart in his eyes. "We're going to have to measure you, see if you're tall enough to go on the ride."

"We can measure you once we get there," Jasmine said, taking Roland's hand. "If not, there are plenty of rides you can do in Cars Land..."

"Okay," he said, though he sounded disappointed. His head hung as he continued on his way.

Regina relaxed a bit, feeling sympathetic for him and his father. She fell into step with Robin. "I remember when Henry couldn't wait to go on the rides. He would go on the smaller ones but always stare at the rollercoasters. Broke my heart."

"Roland breaks mine. He wants to go on the rollercoasters and I want to make him happy, but I also don't want him to grow up so fast," he admitted.

"I know the feeling," she told him, glancing at her own son. "It never stops."

He groaned. "Wonderful."


Roland stood pressed against the measuring stick outside Radiator Springs, Jasmine and another cast member checking his height. She smiled and held out her hand to him for a high five. "You passed. You can go on."

"YES!" Roland gave her a high five before turning to his father. "Do you hear that, Papa? I'm tall enough to go on!"

Robin smiled, gritting his teeth as he hissed so only Regina could hear: "This is worse, isn't it? Them growing up?"

"Yep," she whispered, pushing Robin toward his waiting son.

He crouched down in front of Roland, giving him a high five as well. "You ready to ride your first grown up ride?"

Roland nodded, looking over at Regina. "Will you and Majesty ride with me, please?"

"Of course," Regina said, looking over at Henry. She didn't want her little prince to think he was being replaced. "If you don't mind?"

He shook his head, moving toward Emma. "I don't mind riding with Emma and Claire. Besides, we'll be right behind you. Roland should be the one to ride up front for his first grown up ride."

Regina smiled at her son, proud of him. "You're right. So let's go take Roland on his first grown up ride!"

She took Roland's hand and they followed Jasmine up the exit to the boarding area. "What color car do you want, Roland?" Jasmine asked.

"Green!" he said, pointing to the car upfront. He tugged Regina's hand, the two of them following Jasmine to the car.

As they loaded into the car, some of the people waiting at the gates recognized them. Regina heard her name as well as Robin get called. She looked up to see a group of girls waving at them. "GO TEAM OUTLAW QUEEN!" they yelled.

Regina waved to them, which made them yell louder, before the car left the station. She turned to Robin, who was grinning at her. "Not used to that, huh?" he asked.

"Being recognized in public? Nope," she replied. "It's...kinda weird."

He laughed as the car moved forward to the safety check. "Yeah, it is at first. But you get used to it."

She doubted that would ever happen as their car started its ride through Radiator Springs, looking like they had just driven into the movie. Roland glanced around, wide-eyed as he took everything in. He laughed as they sped through some turns and then had to escape Frank. When they came to the race portion, speeding around a course, he threw his hands in the air and let out a squeal of joy.

"I loved it!" Roland exclaimed once they got off. He danced between her and Robin. "Can we do it again?"

Robin chuckled. "There are a lot of other rides you can probably now do. Why don't we give them a try?"

"Okay," Roland said, taking Regina's hand. "Let's go."


After riding Soarin', Robin and Regina both nixed riding Grizzly Run when Jasmine advised that they could get soaking wet. "We didn't bring a change of clothes," she told her pouting son. "And I'm not walking around with wet jeans."

"Agreed," Robin said, giving Roland a pointed look. Both boys sighed in unison but ultimately accepted their parents' decision.

Jasmine led them past a hotel that invoked the rustic feel of a lodge in the middle of the Northwestern woods before turning onto a boardwalk atmosphere. She motioned to one building. "Who wants to ride The Little Mermaid?"

"I want to ride that!" Roland pointed ahead to the rollercoaster across the lake, right behind the Ferris wheel bearing Mickey's familiar face. "Can we do that?"

"Patience," Robin said, laughing. "Besides, you might not be tall enough yet to ride that."

Jasmine nodded. "He's right. I'm afraid you're still too small for California Screaming."

Roland pouted as his grandmother patted his back. "Why don't we see what this Little Mermaid ride is about? And you and I can do something while the others ride the rollercoaster."

"But I want to ride the rollercoaster," he said, crossing his arms.

"There's still plenty for you to do," Jasmine assured him. "There are several games you can play with your grandmother while you're waiting for us."

Al stepped forward, his finger pressed against the earpiece he wore. "I need to escort Robin and Regina to California Screaming. The producers want to film some footage of all the pros and stars together," he said.

Their usual camera crew was not trailing them around, a brief respite given by the producers. Some crew members were wandering around the parks, filming them for the show, and the producers had made it clear they would be requested at any time for filming. It seemed a small price to pay for a day at Disneyland.

"Why don't you all go on The Little Mermaid while we go film some things?" Robin suggested, running his hand through Roland's curls. "We'll see you in a little bit."

Henry hugged Regina. "Can we still do California Screaming if you go on it now?"

She laughed, cupping his head. "Of course we can. There's no limit to how many times we can ride something."

"Come on, kid," Emma said, gently pulling Henry away from Regina. "Let your mom go film her bit and then we'll continue having fun with her."

Henry walked away with her and Roland took his grandmother's hand, waving at Robin and Regina as they followed Jasmine onto the ride.

Robin placed his hand on the small of her back. "You ready to go to California Screaming? See what the producers want us to do?"

"Yes," she said. "Hopefully it's not too bad."


"We want to get a shot of all the pros and stars on the ride," Isaac explained as they stood on the empty loading station. He motioned to the nearby hosts. "August and Belle will be in the front row and then the rest of you will fill in, troupe members filling the last few rows. Any questions?"

Tink's partner, John, raised his hand as the color drained from his face. "What if you can't do rollercoasters?"

Isaac stared at him like he had three heads. "What do you mean?"

"I don't like rollercoasters," he explained. "They make me sick."

"There has to be another ride we can do," Tink suggested.

Ruby nodded. "Or could they just film us sitting on the ride and then John gets off before we actually do it?"

"Well, we planned on having you all on the ride," Isaac said. "Do you think you can handle at least one ride?"

John shook his head. "I really can't."

"He's not going to make him go on, is he?" Regina asked Killian in a low voice.

He grimaced. "When Isaac gets an idea in his head, he usually sticks with it. Besides, I'm sure they have a group of fans waiting on the pier to cheer us on."

"Does anyone like him?" she asked, motioning to Isaac.

"Nope," he replied. "I'm pretty sure the network only tolerates him because he keeps the show on budget and brings in good ratings."

"Alright, everyone in the vehicle. John, don't worry, you'll be fine," Isaac assured the pale young man.

Killian scowled and muttered under his breath as he went to find Ariel. Robin glared at the producer as he helped Regina into their row and she kept her eyes on a nervous John a few rows behind them. He already looked sick. "This is not going to end well," Robin said, sitting down and lowering his shoulder bar.

Regina had to agree.

A camera crew filmed August and Belle at the front, no doubt something for the show, before the vehicle left the station. It turned a corner, coming to a stop between the lake and the pier. More cameras were set up to film them on the ride as well as the large group of fans gathered on the pier, just like Killian predicted. They cheered and waved signs as a voice counted down from five.

"Smile!" Ruby yelled from behind them. Regina had only a moment to do so before the ride blasted forward, sending them up a hill and onto the first drop.

It lasted only a few minutes but by the time they returned to the loading station, John was an alarming shade of green. He bolted the second the shoulder bars were raised, rushing over to the nearest garbage can. Regina watched as his shoulders shook as Tink rubbed his back. Victor Whale, Ruby's partner, went over to check him out--he was a real doctor after all, just one with a nationally syndicated show rather than a standard practice.

Robin helped Regina off the ride and she noticed a tall, red-headed man wearing glasses arguing with Isaac. Snippets of their conversation drifted over and she heard phrases like "traumatic event" and "inconsiderate of his discomfort." She believed he was Archie, the show's therapist, and she was glad at least one person behind the scenes gave a damn about them.

"Was it that bad?" Henry asked as the cast members escorted their family members onto the loading station. He pointed to John, crinkling his nose.

She sighed, wrapping her arm around her son. "It was for him. He's not a fan of rollercoasters and wasn't given the option of not riding."

"Is that why tall, ginger and nerdy over there looks ready to kill the producer?" Emma asked, jerking her thumb over her shoulder at Isaac and Archie.

Regina nodded. "Pretty much. I think he might succeed."

"It would be a godsend," Killian said, coming behind her. He grinned at Emma. "Well, hello to you again."

"Buzz off," she snapped, glaring at him.

He stepped away, hands up in the air, as Emma climbed onto the ride. The others also got onboard and Regina tugged on Henry. "You okay with being seen with your mother?"

"You're a celebrity now," he reminded her. "Of course I am."

"Do you mind riding with me?" Robin asked Emma, climbing in next to her.

She shook her head. "Just as long as you promise not to scream too loud. I quite like my hearing."

He laughed, promising he'd keep it down as they all lowered the shoulder bars. After the safety check, the vehicle turned the corner and got into position to start the ride again. Regina spotted Roland and Claire watching on the pier and the two waved to them. They waved back as the fans still milling around cheered. And then the ride took off, sending them blasting down the track once again.


They all ate lunch together, away from the public. Robin and Regina had to coax Roland into eating the vegetables that came with the grilled chicken given him. He eventually gave in when he saw Henry happily eating his and Robin leaned back to whisper: "Can I keep Henry until Roland willingly eats everything?"

"You'd have to keep me too," she whispered back. "I'm not letting my son go away that long. We're a package deal."

He smirked. "That could be arranged."

She looked away, her cheeks growing heated as she finished her own meal. A server cleared their empty dishes away and brought them out some ice cream for dessert. Regina noticed some of the other dancers and stars began to head back into the park. Thankfully, the boys were too absorbed with their ice cream to notice. It gave her a bit more time to sit still and soak up the air conditioning.

As they finished up, Killian drifted past the table looking confused. Robin frowned. "What's wrong, mate?"

"I think I lost my partner," he replied. "I went to wash my hands and when I came back, Ariel and Eric were gone."

"They ditched you?" Robin asked.

"Not surprising," Emma muttered as Regina gave her a kick under the table.

Jasmine pulled out her phone. "I know all the cast members assigned to you all. I'll text yours to see what's going on."

"I'm gonna go to the ladies' room. Be back in a few minutes," Emma said, standing up abruptly as she glared at Killian. He just grinned back at her.

Henry leaned back, crossing his arms. "My mom is going to beat you this season. She and Robin are really good."

"Aye, lad, they are," Killian agreed as Regina was mortified her son was so blunt. She thought there was more Daniel in him than her, but maybe she was wrong. Or maybe it was case of nurture over nature.

Killian leaned forward. "Do you dance like your parents?"

Henry shook his head. "Robin is teaching me how to play the guitar, though."

"And he's a very talented writer," Regina bragged, running her hand over Henry's hair. "He won an award at school and one of his teacher's submitted a short story to an anthology. I'm very proud of him."

"Mo-om," Henry whined, pulling away from her.

Jasmine tucked her phone away again. "I'm afraid they ditched you, wanting to go off on their own."

Killian's face fell and Regina found herself feeling sorry for him. He was a jerk but no one deserved to be left behind. And apparently Robin felt the same way since he asked: "Do you want to join us?"

"Do you think Regina's friend will let me?" Killian asked, motioning to Emma's empty seat.

Regina sighed, standing up. "I'll go talk to her. If you promise to behave and not flirt with her, I think I can bring her around."

"It will be difficult," he replied, "but I promise to not flirt with her."

"Then I'll be right back." She hurried over to the women's room, intercepting Emma as she left it. "Hey, I need to talk to you."

"What about?" Emma asked, frowning. "And does it have something to do with why Captain Full of Himself is now sitting at our table?"

Regina sighed. "Yes. His partner and her fiancé did ditch him so Robin invited him to join us."


"Calm down," Regina said. "I've already made him promise not to flirt with you. And I think he'll hold to it."

Emma rolled her eyes. "Doubt it. It seems the man can't say anything that isn't some sort of smarmy come on or brag about himself. And I know that I'm going to be stuck being his babysitter. I did not sign up for that!"

"Killian...Look, he can be a douche, I'm not going to lie, but he's good friends with Robin and he's pretty clear on how much he values being respectful. So I doubt Killian will do anything to jeopardize his friendship with Robin," Regina explained.

"Fine," Emma replied, stalking back to their table. She pushed Killian's shoulder, forcing him to look at her as she got in his face. "You do anything creepy, I will knock you into next week. Got it?"

His blue eyes widen but Regina didn't detect any fear in them. It seemed more like admiration and almost respect. "Aye," he said.

"Good." She straightened up and sat back down as Regina glanced over at a bemused Robin, who winked at her.

Jasmine stood, smiling at them. "Well, is everyone ready to head back out into the parks? I think Toy Story Midway Mania is calling our names."

Regina glanced down at Emma. "You ready to have your ass handed to you again, Swan?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mills, do you really think you can beat me?" Emma stood up, crossing her arms.

"I did last time."

Henry sighed, rolling his eyes as he leaned closer to Robin. "They're going to trash talk each other throughout the entire ride. And then whoever does win is going to crow about it. I thought I was the kid."

"Not right now, kid," Emma shot back, linking her arms with Regina. "Come on. I need to school your mother."

As they headed toward the exit, Regina heard Killian tell Robin: "I think I'm going to like hanging out with your group a lot better than watching my partner make eyes at her fiancé."

"You're definitely not going to be bored," Robin assured him, making Regina's smile grow bigger as they stepped back out into the California sun.


Emma won.

And Regina had to hear about for the rest of their stay in California Adventure. The annoying blonde even came up with a song about it, one Killian was all too happy to choreograph a little dance to. It was the only time he and Emma got along.

However, their time in that park came to an end when Jasmine checked her watch toward the mid-afternoon and frowned. "We need to get to the Magic Kingdom. All you dancers and stars are in the parade this afternoon."

"We're in the parade?" Robin asked as Regina felt her mouth fall open.

Henry began bouncing beside her. "Can I join you? Being a parade is so cool!"

"Me too?" Roland asked, clutching his father's hand and looking up at them with pleading eyes.

Jasmine gave them a sad smile. "I'm afraid it's for cast members only. But all family and friends will be given special seating."

She and Al escorted to them over to the Magic Kingdom. As they crossed the plaza between the two parks, several more people recognized her, Robin and Killian. They started to swarm them, demanding autographs and pictures as Al tried to keep them back.

"Do we have time for a few pictures?" Robin asked Jasmine. "Or do we need to be there like now?"

Checking her watch, she bit her lip. "I guess we have a few minutes."

"Right," Al said, raising his voice. "They will pose for a few pictures for a few minutes, but only if you remain calm and orderly. Got it?"

There were groans of disappointment but they followed his orders anyway. Al ushered people toward them and Regina posed for pictures--some alone, some with Robin. One little girl looked up at her with wide eyes and a bright smile. "I want to be a dancer just like you when I grow up," she said.

"Aww," Regina replied, her heart melting as she crouched down. "It takes a lot of work, though. Do you think you're willing to put it in?"

The little girl nodded and Regina hugged her. "Then I can't wait to root for you when you're on the show."

"Okay, say cheese," the girl's mother said, holding up her phone. Regina smiled widely as the girl clung to her, giving her a kiss before she happily skipped off with her mother. If this was what meeting the fans was like, she believed she was going to love that part of the job.

Al raised his arms. "Okay, I'm afraid Regina, Robin and Killian need to get to the Magic Kingdom. Thanks for cooperating."

"It was nice to meet you," Robin said, waving to them. The remaining fans cheered as they walked over to the entrance to the other park.

Robin placed his hand on Regina's back. "So, was that your first fan signing?"

"Yes," she said. "It wasn't too bad."

"No, it wasn't. But we had Al. When you don't have someone like that, though, it can get overwhelming," Robin said.

Killian nodded. "Not to mention the creepy ones. The ones who get too handsy or refuse to leave your side. It can get scary."

Regina frowned. "Do you think that will happen to me?"

"I don't know," Killian said. "But judging by the comments I've seen online, I wouldn't be surprised."

She sighed, realizing that her life was getting more complicated than she had expected.


They put her and Robin on a Tangled float. Silk flowers and artificial grass covered the float, surrounding a smaller version of Rapunzel's stone tower. A cast member playing the princess and another one playing Flynn stood on the float, waving to the crowd. Robin and Regina did the same, watching as the float moved down Main Street. People lined the sidewalk and all Regina could see was the tops of the early 20th century buildings that invoked a small town in a middle America long gone by. Ornate iron street lamps lined the parade route and it seemed very picturesque.

More people were gathered by the pink stone castle with blue accents that led to Fantasyland, all waving at them. "Do you think they realize how much of a giant clue this is about our dance?" Regina yelled over the saccharine song playing over the loudspeakers.

"Some yes," he yelled back. "Most, probably not."

Regina glanced back out at the crowd, spotting people who were waving signs for Team Outlaw Queen. Amongst them, she spotted a tall African-American man watching her. He didn't cheer nor did he wave, but she just knew his dark brown eyes were focused on her. It was clear in the subtle way his neck turned with her float. It sent a shiver down her spine.

"Are you okay?" Robin asked, coming over to her.

She looked back for the man, unable to find him. Maybe she was just overreacting after Killian's words about fans. "I'm fine," she assured Robin. "I'll just be glad to be off this float."

"We're almost done. And then it'll be back to the rides. How does Henry feel about Star Wars?" he asked.

"He loves it," she said, confused. "Why?"

Robin's grin grew bigger. "Then he and I are going to really get on well. I'm sitting with him on both Star Tours and Hyperspace Mountain."

She shook her head. "I think you're going to easily be Henry's new favorite person ever."

"How about yours?" he asked, leaning closer.

"I think you know the answer to that," she replied, before glancing over his shoulder at Rapunzel and Flynn. "And I think you should back up. We don't want people talking."

He nodded, stepping back. She forced herself to keep smiling and waving as the parade disappeared from guests' sights. Once again, she found herself cursing the situation that she was in--where she couldn't have the first man she wanted in a long time.

It wasn't fair.


The sun began to set and the lights of Disneyland turned on as they crossed from Adventureland into New Orleans Square. French style buildings stretched in front of them, trellises and iron balconies overhead. Regina half-expected to find people out there, wearing masks and dancing to jazz in an eternal Mardi Gras celebration. With the streetlamps flickering to life and the blue of twilight settling around their m, it seemed very romantic.

"I wonder if this is what New Orleans really looks like," she mused, walking side-by-side with Robin.

"You've never been?" he asked her.

She pressed her lips together, figuring out the best answer. "I have, but only once for a competition. Gold was still my coach and he kept a tight rein on us. We pretty much went between the hotel and the ballroom, nothing else."

"Yeah, that doesn't surprise me." He shook his head. "You should go. It's a really beautiful city."

"I'll keep that in mind," she replied, smiling at him. He smiled back and her heart skipped a beat as a flash of the two of them strolling through New Orleans together filled her mind.

Henry turned around, walking backwards. "Can we go on Pirates of the Caribbean? Please?"

"I know I prefer pirates," Killian said as Emma rolled her eyes.

Regina nodded. "But only if you turn around and walk properly. Okay?"

Henry let out an exaggerated sigh but did as she asked. As they found their way over to the ornate house that contained the Pirates ride, more fans began to flock toward them. Most were content with a wave and a picture taken as they passed by, but there were some who pleaded for autographs or posed pictures. Robin smiled, waving at them. "Hey, we're here to spend time with our families. I'm sure you can understand that we don't have time for autographs right now. Okay?"

Some nodded but a few let out disappointed moans. Regina smiled as well. "We appreciate all your support and hope you'll continue to do so now. Please?"

"Regina, wait," a male voice said as a hand closed around her wrist. She looked up, surprised to see the man from the parade. "We need to talk."

Keeping her smile in place, Regina tried to pull away. "I'm sorry. I need to go. Please, let me go."

"You don't have to go anywhere, least of all with him." The man spat out that word at Robin, glaring at her free hand. Or rather, the hand she hadn't realized was tucked into Robin's When had she taken his hand? And how long had they been walking like that.

Robin held up his free hand but didn't release hers. "I'm not holding her captive. We're two friends enjoying a day in Disneyland with our families."

"She's mine," the man said, pulling on Regina's hand.

Annoyance swept through her and she once again tried to pull free from him. "I'm nobody's. Let me go."

Killian stepped up on her other side. "No one wants any trouble. Let her go, mate."

The man snarled. "I'm not your mate. And I won't let some pretty boy keep pawing at her every week. She deserves better."

"Robin and I are just dancing," she argued. "And I don't even know you! Let me go."

His grip tightened on her and his eyes looked wild. "Don't say that, Regina. I know you love me. I know we're meant to be together."

"Mom? What's going?" she heard Henry ask. Breathing grew difficult as she worried about what this man would do to her boy and what he was feeling. It grew worse as she heard soft cries she knew came from Roland.

"Please," she begged the man, "just let me go."

Robin brought his arm up across her, blocking her from the man. He gripped the man's arm, glaring at him. "You heard her. Let her go and let us go on our way."

"You're not taking her from me. Regina is mine. She loves me," the man said, pulling on her more as Robin and Killian tried to pull her back.

"She doesn't know you," Robin argued back.

The man's grip on Regina's wrist tightened and she let out a startled cry. Killian appeared on her other side, holding her up. Robin, though, grabbed the man's shirt and pulled him close. His face was turning red and Regina had never seen his eyes look so cold as he glared down the man. "Let. Her. Go."

"Not until you promise to keep your hands off her. She deserves better than having your hands grabbing her every week. She hates it. I know it, she tells me about it in her messages." The man was deathly calm, which only made Regina's heart beat faster. He was a wild card who could do anything to her or Robin. Especially if he thought he was acting on her behalf, though she had no clue what he meant by her messages.

The other fans surrounded them now, pulling on the man and demanding he leave Robin and Regina alone. Disney security guards pushed through them, extracting the man. Once Regina's wrist was free, her knees buckled and she felt herself falling despite Killian's vice-like grip on her.

As security dragged the man away, he kept yelling. "You can't keep me from her. We're meant to be together! I'll find you, my beautiful queen! We'll never be apart again."

"I've got you," Robin said, scooping her into his arms. One of them was trembling but she didn't know who as he rubbed her back. "It's alright, sweetheart. You're safe."

His voice washed over, drowning out the screams of the man as security hauled him off. She clung to Robin, biting back the tears threatening to fall, accepting the comfort she hadn't had in a long time. In his arms, Regina felt safe and loved and protected.

"Mom!" Henry's voice pierced through the pounding in her ears. "Robin, is she okay?"

"Yes. She just needs a place to sit down and maybe get some water," Robin replied, his voice rumbling against her cheek.

She pulled away, blinking away her tears until Henry came into focus. His hazel eyes were wide, reminding her of waking up to a young boy scared from a nightmare. He was trembling as well and she pulled him in for a hug. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he assured her, though his arms tightened around her. "You were the one attacked."

"You shouldn't have seen that. I'm so sorry." Regina kissed his head over and over, assuring herself that he was unhurt. She hated that he had to witness something so scary. All she wanted to do was go home and barricade themselves behind their door, never to deal with the terrors of the outside world again.

Emma appeared, pale. "Jasmine took Claire and Roland to the Blue Bayou so he wouldn't keep seeing that. Henry refused to go."

"I couldn't leave you," he explained, voice muffled as his face was buried in her shirt.

Al appeared, looking apologetic. "We should head there then. You can recover there."

"Good idea," Killian said. "Come on, Regina. Let's get you some place more private."

Regina held onto Henry tighter, as if someone would come and take him. He didn't complain, keeping his arm around her. They moved forward with Robin's arm wrapped around her shoulder. Killian fell behind, forming a shield between himself, Emma and Robin. She was grateful for that.

"What the hell just happened?" Emma asked.

"Crazed fan," Killian replied, voice hard. "We all get them but that man took it too far. He had no right to do that to Regina."

Emma nodded. "Thank you for your help. You really stepped up and protected Regina back there."

"We dancers have each other's backs. We'd die for each other," he replied. "Okay, maybe not Greg Mendell. I mean, if you think I'm insufferable, you should spend five minutes with that dick."

To Regina's surprise, Emma laughed.

As they approached the Blue Bayou, Regina pressed closer to Robin. He gave her shoulder a comforting squeeze and she felt the panic recede. She was safe in his arms. Nothing else was going to get to her--not with Robin around.


A few hours and several rides later, Regina felt almost back to normal. It didn't mean she still wasn't always looking over her shoulder or hyperaware of her surroundings, but she was allowing herself to relax and have fun.

Now, she stood in front of the castle, waiting for the fireworks show to start. Roland sat on Robin's shoulders while Henry was smushed between her and Robin. She had her arm wrapped around her son, holding him close to her. He rested his head against her and she chuckled. "Tired?"

"Just a little," he admitted.

"I'm not tired," Roland proudly announced, grinning from his perch.

Robin chuckled. "I'm not surprised given how much sugar you've consumed. I hope we're not headed for another tummyache."

The boy shook his head. "I'm fine, Papa."

"Well, I say we call it a night anyway after the fireworks," Robin said, looking up at him. "It's getting late."

Roland scowled until Regina rubbed his leg. "I know I'm tired and would love to go get some sleep."

"Well, if Majesty needs sleep, then I guess we can leave," he said, smiling at her. "Can we come back?"

"Maybe later, when Papa and I are done with the show," Regina replied. As Roland let out a cheer, Robin mouthed "thank you" to her.

Trumpets sounded and the start of "When You Wish Upon a Star" blared over the speakers. Lights dimmed and Regina hugged Henry, waiting for the fireworks to begin. Scenes from different Disney movies were projected onto the castle, of the heroes and heroines trying to find their ways to each other and their happy endings.

Regina glanced up at Robin, their eyes meeting. She wished that they were a normal family out on a day trip to Disneyland. That they were getting to know each other and blending their families together as part of a budding romantic relationship. She wished they weren't partners on some reality show with strict rules about fraternization between cast members. How she wished they had met under different circumstances so that she wasn't under such torture.

The first fireworks went off, but Regina barely registered the reds, blues and yellows as they lit up the sky. Her eyes kept darting to Robin's lips, wishing with all her might that she could kiss him. When she looked back at his eyes, she saw the same pain and longing in them that she felt. They needed, though, to keep their space until the show was over and they were able to explore their feelings free from the grueling schedules and ever-present cameras.

She forced herself to look away, wrapping her arms around Henry and holding her son close. Regina rested her chin on his head as she watched the fireworks bloom around the castle. The Disney princes and princesses reached their happy endings and Regina felt like burning them to the ground.

Not while her happy ending potentially remained so close yet so far away.


Regina stood in the wings, waiting for Monday's live show to begin. Her eyes scanned the audience, easily spotting Henry and Emma. They were sitting with Claire and Robin's bandmates, with Roland sitting on Henry's lap. It was an adorable sigh she hoped someone got a picture of.

Though she found her family, her eyes still swept the crowd. She tensed every time she saw a tall, lanky man with a complexion that reminded her of coffee lightened with milk and then relaxed each time she realized it was not her crazed attacker. He wasn't going to be there, she knew, but still she feared he would show up despite the steps the show took to keep her safe.

"His name is Sidney Glass," Isaac told her, handing her the man's mugshot. "Security has his picture and our lawyers are working on getting you a restraining order."

"So he won't be able to come to the studio?" she asked, her hands trembling as she stared at her attacker.

Isaac shook his head. "Not if people want to keep their jobs. And we have staff checking any fanmail for you to make sure he didn't send anything dangerous as well as catch any other psychos. You may want to advise your representation to do the same."

Regina nodded and a gentle hand tapped her arm. She looked up into the eyes of Dr. Archie Hopper, who stood next to Isaac. They were concerned behind his tortoise shell glasses even as he smiled at her. "Do you have any questions? Want to talk about it?"

"I'm going to bow out and give you two some privacy," Isaac said, stepping away. "And Regina, I'm really sorry this happened."

While she remained convinced Isaac Heller was a snake, she knew he was sincere about that. So she nodded before turning back to Archie. "Why me?"

"Why don't we have a seat?" His voice was soft and soothing as he guided her to two nearby chairs. Once they were seated, he sighed. "I know you're probably scared and confused."

"That's an understatement," she replied, shaking her head. "Why did he fixate on me?"

"I'm afraid I can't really answer that without talking to Mr. Glass. From what I can tell, he most likely suffers from Erotomania," Archie told her.

Regina frowned. "Erotomania? Do I even want to know?"

Archie sighed. "It's a condition that's usually associated with another mental condition, like bipolar disorder. The person truly believes someone, usually a famous person, truly does love them and is in a relationship with them. They believe the celebrity is sending them messages through the media."

"Messages?" she asked, recalling Sidney's words to Robin. "Like what?"

He shrugged. "They see them in small things that could just be involuntary. How you blink, tossing your hair, a certain phrase, anything. They just believe it's for them."

"So there's nothing I could've done or could do to convince him I'm not in love with him?" she asked.

"I'm afraid not," Archie replied. "But he's been arrested and I'm sure he'll get the help he needs."

She nodded. "But what about the next Sidney Glass?"

"There are things you can do, but the most important thing is to not let fear control your life. You can't give them that control, Regina," he told her.

Regina took a deep breath. Control was a big thing for her, she knew, thanks to her mother and Gold. She wasn't going to relinquish it to anyone--least of all someone with such a fragile hold on reality. "You're right. I won't."

"Good." Archie stood. "I'll let you get ready for the show. But you know where to find me if you ever need to talk."

Killian approached her, taking his position for the opening number. "You okay, luv?"

"I think so," she said, trying to calm the flutters in her stomach. "Just trying to tell myself to stop being so paranoid. That Sidney guy is not going to be here."

"You're right. Security is very good. But it's okay to be nervous. I know I would be if I went through what you did. Just don't let it get to you while you're dancing, okay?" He placed a hand on her shoulder.

She nodded. "Thank you, Killian, for all your help with this. You're not as bad as I thought."

He laughed. "Glad to hear it. Though maybe we could keep that between us? I have a reputation I'd like to protect."

"You want to be known as Captain Douchebag?" Regina raised an eyebrow.

"The bad buy thing is a lot of my appeal," he admitted. "And who calls me that?"

She glanced at the crowd, smirking. "Emma. It's her favorite of her names for you."

"Ahh, that doesn't surprise me," Killian said, grinning as he seemed to spot Emma in the audience.

The crew grew more active and Regina realized the show was about to start. Her heart sank as she realized she hadn't been able to see Robin. They had met briefly at wardrobe but were soon separated. She had hoped to spend some time with him, to talk about Sidney with him, but it appeared it was not to be.

"Quiet! We go live in five...four...three...two..." a PA shouted before the lights in the ballroom went down. The screen over the ballroom flickered to life, showing August and Belle on California Screaming.

"I'm Belle French," she said on screen.

"And I'm August Booth," he added. "Welcome to Dancing With the Stars' Disney Night!"

The camera panned out to reveal all the dancers and stars on the ride vehicle. It shot forward as the fans on the pier cheered them, launching the live show.

Music swelled as the lights came on in the ballroom. Anna and Jacob led the group of dancers representing the heroes as the singers behind the scenes began to perform "Powerful Magic." Their part of the opening number was based in jazz and Ingrid had gone a bit overboard with the lifts, in Regina's opinion.

There's a powerful magic when two hearts are one/A powerful magic as bright as the sun/Goodness will triumph and evil's undone/When you dare to heed love's call/cause love is the most powerful magic of all

"Ready, luv?" Killian asked, holding out his hand to her. Regina took it, ready to lead the group of dancers portraying the villains.

She nodded, taking it as their more rock n' roll number--"Love Doesn't Stand a Chance"--started. While the "heroes" had gotten jazz, Ingrid had given the "villains" a tango. Even with the thaw in her relationship with Killian, Regina wasn't too thrilled to be so close as they danced around the ballroom to a song that crowed "down with love."

Down with love, down with hope/Don't need blind faith to cope/Or inspiring songs in my heart/Got the magic I need for my darkest of deeds/Love at times can entrance but love doesn't stand a chance

Regina swept her leg around, lifting it up as the dark skirts she wore billowed around her. She and Killian both had scowls on their faces, trying to be annoyed at the heroes' pretty song and belief they could defeat them. As she lowered her leg again, she prepared for the "battle," which would be a mash up of the two songs.

Ingrid choreographed a paso doble for this part, which was a good song to simulate a fight since it was patterned after a matador challenging a bull. The skirts were even designed to simulate the capes as good danced against evil, the two songs mixing together. While the villain song had a good beat for the paso, the heroes' song did not and it made it a bit awkward, but they were all professionals. They made it work.

Picking up her skirts, she swirled them as she danced toward Walsh Baum. He was the "hero" she had been assigned to battle, entering into hold with him as they appeared to battle. It was all a series of moves that were second nature to her. The Latin dances had her in a comfort zone she surely needed after her encounter with Sidney that weekend.

Walsh lifted her onto his shoulder, a break from the traditional ballroom dances, and twirled her around. The other female pros were also in the air with her, the culmination of the battle as the lights went out.

"Here you go," Walsh told her, setting her back onto the dance floor. "Be careful but be quick."

Regina nodded, picking up her skirts as she ran to one of the quick-change rooms as the screens in the ballroom played scenes of Disney heroes winning and defeating their villains. Someone from wardrobe pushed her behind a curtain and began pulling off the beautiful black gown Regina wore. Another person wrapped her in a white flowing gown with purple accents, tying the bodice tight as Regina stepped into a new pair of dancing shoes.

"We need dancers ready now!" she heard the director yell as the lights turned back on. Tink stood on the steps, dressed as Tinkerbell for what seemed to be the third year in a row if Regina understood her mutterings earlier correctly. She watched as her friend performed a beautiful ballet routine, pretending to spread pixie dust to welcome the Disney characters that would be spending the night with them.

The audience roared as Chip and Dale appeared, followed by Pluto and Goofy. Donald Duck and Daisy were right behind them with the rear brought up by Mickey and Minnie. His tuxedo outfit was lined with so many sequins, it seemed to glow in the lights and the same was true for Minnie's pink ballgown.

"It's quite the sight," Robin said, coming up beside her.

She glanced over, finding he was already in his costume for the show. He wore brown pants paired with a white shirt that was partially open at the top. A green vest was placed over the shirt and his hair was combed to the side, though a few strands of hair fell over his forehead. Her heart sped up and she was certain she wasn't supposed to be this turned on by her partner dressed up as a Disney hero.

"You look great," she finally gasped out.

He smiled, taking her hand. "So do you."

They joined the others on the dancefloor as the final song, "A Happy Beginning," started to play. All the villains had reformed so there were only heroes, dancing with their partners happily as the Disney characters bounced amongst them in an attempt to dance along to the foxtrot Ingrid had choreographed.

There's no storm we can't outrun/We will always find the sun/Leave the past and all its scars/A happy beginning now is ours

Robin dipped her as the camera panned over her, lifting her into a spin. She guided him past the others twirling around them so that they didn't collide with someone else. The song ended as cannons shot confetti out over the audience, who were on their feet and cheering wildly. August and Belle walked onto the dancefloor as the remaining couples made sure they were in the forefront of the crowd.

"What a way to kick off Disney Night!" Belle exclaimed, smiling. "Once again, our couples will be dancing to the iconic songs of the Disney songbook and bringing your favorite Disney characters to life."

"We're going to start with Olympian Dorothy Gale and her partner, Walsh, as they dance to music from the movie Oz, the Great and Powerful," August took over.

The lights went down in the ballroom as the other dancers filed off to wait their turns. Regina's hand found Robin's easily. "I didn't think Oz, the Great and Powerful did well."

He shrugged. "I think with her being named Dorothy Gale, they couldn't pass up the opportunity."

She thought of Tink and her oft-used Tinkerbell costume and nodded. "You're right. Well, I'm off to wardrobe. You coming or do you want to watch?"

"I'll come," he said, lacing their fingers together as they headed down the familiar hallway to wardrobe.


Regina sat in front of the mirror, scowling at her reflection. One of the hairstylists had just placed her Rapunzel wig on her head, transforming her from a brunette to a blonde. The long braid was placed over her shoulder, a Velcro tab on the shoulder of her Rapunzel costume holding it in place so she didn't have to worry about it getting in the way of her dance with Robin. Silk flowers were attached to the wig in a faithful recreation of the princess' hairstyle from the movie.

Behind her, Robin stood with Ursula, Tink and Killian. All three frowned as they studied her and Regina sighed. "Go ahead. Say it. I look awful as a blonde."

"Actually, I was going to suggest contacts to make your eyes blue and then you'd really look like Rapunzel," Ursula said, though uncertainty lurked in her eyes.

Killian turned his head to stare at her in disbelief while Tink shook her head. "You look awful as a blonde, Regina. Not everyone can pull it off. Right, Robin?" the petite blonde asked him.

"I have to agree with that," he said before grinning. "But I prefer brunettes anyway."

"What are we all looking at?" Ariel asked, approaching from her own station. Her red hair was curled and seashells had been threaded in, matching the outfit she wore to evoke the Little Mermaid—a purple top that looked like a bra and sequined green skirt. She looked good, Regina had to admit with a sting of jealousy.

Ariel tilted her head. "Regina...You look...Uh...Well..."

"I look awful," she replied with a huff. "It's already been established. You can say it, Ariel."

She shook her head. "I was going to say you look faithful to the movie. And you don't look awful. You're just not a blonde. I'm not either. I tried when I first got to Hollywood. Major misstep. Everything went better once I went back to my natural red color."

"See? You just have to put up with this for an hour and a half and then you can take the wig off. You can make it, right?" Robin placed his hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

Regina sighed, giving in. "Fine. I can put up with this for the show. I hope the fans appreciate what I do for them."

"What we all do for them," Killian added. "Speaking of which, I have to go squeeze myself into the red monstrosity I have to wear for my number. I'll see you all later."

Once he was gone, Ariel turned to them with a wide smile. "It really is bad. I feel so sorry for him. I think he pissed someone off in wardrobe."

"Oh, this I've got to see," Tink said, stepping away. "I'll see everyone up in the skybox."

"Yeah, we should head up there," Robin told Regina, holding out his hand to her. "Milady?"

She took his hand again and left the room with him. "Do I look as bad as I think I do?"

"Look, you're just not a blonde. But you look beautiful. So stop being so self-conscious. Weren't you the one who told me you've worn some really horrendous costumes in the past?" he asked.

"Yes," she replied. "But never a wig. Neither Gold nor Marco ever did that to me."

"Well, I'm honored you're doing it for me. And I promise to return the favor and look foolish for you before we get kicked off this show. How does that sound?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

She laughed, nodding. "Fine. I owe Emma and you owe me. This could be interesting."

"Come on. Let's go see how Disney Night is going. I'd hate to miss it." He helped her into the skybox. Other contestants were dancing to the music and some looked just as ridiculous as her. Regina relaxed and decided to enjoy herself.

After all, it was Disney Night.


She and Robin danced after John and Tink. They watched on the sidelines as the two cha-cha to "Following the Leader" from Peter Pan. Regina winced at how stiff John appeared and Robin did the same. "I think he needs hip boot camp too," he whispered to her.

"Tink is definitely going to have to work on them," she agreed, watching as the judges all commented on his hips and jerky movements. Tink rubbed John's back as they headed up to the skybox.

Regina pulled off the ballet flats she had been wearing. Since Rapunzel was barefoot throughout most of the movie, she had decided to perform the dance that way. It put her out of her comfort zone, but she felt it was right for her character. "Okay, shoes are off," she told Robin. "Remember to mind my toes."

"Will do," he whispered as August introduced their package.

As she expected, the package included clips from their hip boot camp. Regina watched herself with her hands on his hips, trying to show him the proper moves. It all seemed very risqué for Disney Night, even though there was nothing sexual about it.

Next were scenes from their trip to Disneyland. Robin appeared on screen, once again clad in his tight green shirt and sunglasses. A few audience members let out a few wolf whistles and Regina couldn't blame him. He always looked ridiculously good, as Emma had once said.

"It's really great to spend time with Regina away from the rehearsal room and with our boys. We're all becoming really close and enjoy spending time with each other," he said onscreen. Shots of her riding a tandem swing with Roland as well as Robin and Henry having a light saber battle accompanied his statements. They warmed her heart as the package ended and their routine began.

Crew members released replicas of the lanterns from the movie, using pulleys to let them float above the ballroom floor as the music started up. Robin took her hand as they went into hold, gliding together as one.

As the music engulfed her, everything but it and Robin faded away. Her feet were sure as she moved around the floor. Robin's arms were strong as they twirled her before holding onto her hand, anchoring her as she leaned forward with her hand outstretched in midair. He pulled her back toward her, their hips moving in sensual and intimate motions.

Her eyes met his and she felt like someone had stolen her breath. Those beautiful bright blue eyes were unguarded, allowing her to see right to his soul. Though he had never used that particular "l" word to describe how he felt about her, it was there in his eyes.

And at last I see the light/And it's like the fog has lifted/And at last I see the light/And it's like the sky is new/And it's warm and real and bright/And the world has somehow shifted/All at once everything is different/Now that I see you

Robin loved her.

She pulled away from him again, waiting for him to pull her back. Her eyes never left his and she felt her heart skip a beat, finally allowing her to acknowledge her own truth.

Now that I see you

Regina loved him.

Their dance ended with her in his arms. Robin held her tightly, both relishing an approved moment of intimacy as the audience cheered for them. August encouraged them to head over to the judges' table and Regina stepped away reluctantly to follow him there.

"David, will you start us off?" August asked.

Nodding, David leaned forward. "Every week, I think you can't top yourself and then the next week, you do so. And to think we once thought you and Regina struggled to connect. I don't think I've seen a couple more connected and it took your dance to a new level. Bravo."

Robin wrapped his arm around her waist and she leaned against him, tired. David had no idea just how deep their connection was nor how much they had to fight it due to the rules of the show. Or maybe he did, she wondered. Had it been the same for him and Mary Margaret?

"Gold?" August prompted.

"I second everything David just said," Gold said. "Though, Regina, I think you need to put Robin through round two of hip boot camp. Especially as next week is Latin Night. Since I'm certain you'll be here, you'll need to keep up with her, Robin. She is a Latin champion."

Robin nodded. "I know. I trust her to whip me into shape."

"Good," Gold replied.

August turned to Cru, hesitating. Regina held her breath, waiting to hear how the woman insulted her routine this week as he prompted: "And Cru?"

Cru grinned widely. "Finally! That's what I want to see. Sensual yet with enough of a hint of sexuality to please both me and the Big Cheese up there on Disney Night. David spoke of your connection and it just ratcheted everything up. I don't know what dance you two have next week, but I have a strong feeling I'll need a cold shower after it. Provided Robin doesn't injure me with those wonky hips."

"His hips aren't that bad," Regina replied, frowning.

"I'm giving you the opening to continue touching them like that," Cru told her. "Take. It."

August rolled his eyes. "Well, Flynn, why don't you take Rapunzel upstairs to Belle?"

"Gladly," Robin said, giving Regina a gentle push. Before they turned away, Henry and Roland both gave them thumbs' up. They returned it before heading up to the skybox.

The other couples applauded as they reached the top. Belle gave them a bright smile. "That was beautiful! With the floating lanterns, everything seemed so magical."

"It is Disney Night," Robin replied, smirking as Regina rolled her eyes.

"And next week is Latin Night," Belle said. "Any nerves knowing it's your partner's specialty?"

He looked at Regina, the smirk softening into a fond smile. She felt her heart speed up as he shook his head. "I want to do it well for her but I know I'm in good hands. She'll put me through my paces and draw a great performance from me as always."

"High praise," Belle said. "Let's see what the judges think of your dance tonight."

Regina forced herself to look at the monitor rather than Robin. It was the only way to keep from dragging him off and kissing him until neither could breathe. Focus, Regina.

"David Nolan," the announcer droned.

Grinning, David held up his paddle. "Nine!"

He had given them a nine the week before so Regina wasn't too surprised. She held her breath as the announcer said: "Edgar Gold!"

"Eight," her former coach replied, earning some boos from the crowd. He didn't flinch. "Work on those hips and it could be a nine next week."

She and Robin nodded, anxiously waiting for Cru's score. The last judge smiled at them as she held up her paddle. "I agree about the hips. Eight!"

It was one point higher than she had been giving them and so it felt like a victory. Robin engulfed Regina in an embrace as Belle announced their overall score of twenty-five out of thirty. She smiled at them. "What are you going to do now?"

"Take this wig off and enjoy the rest of Disney Night as a brunette again," Regina said as Robin shook with suppressed laughter. She then turned to the camera. "And I hope you all vote."

She took Robin's hand and led him off camera as August threw the show to commercials. Turning to Robin, she pointed to her wig. "Care to do the honors?"

"Gladly," he replied, gently removing her wig. He then undid the clips holding her hair close to her head and ran his fingers through her dark locks. "Perfect."

"Stop flirting over there," Tink yelled, waving them over. "Killian and Ariel are up. He's wearing a red sequined leotard. You have to see this!"

Regina felt lighter and less silly now that her wig was off. She joined her friends at the railing, her smile widening as she saw the red sequined leotard and..."Are those lobster claws on his wrists?" she asked.

"I am definitely keeping any screenshots from tonight's episode," Tink said. "It's too good to pass up. We must never let him live this down."

"Agreed," the other dancers said, watching as he began his dance with Ariel.

Disney Night was turning out to be Regina's favorite night so far.

Who knew?


There had been some debate among the crew but in the end, they decided to let Regina not wear her Rapunzel wig for eliminations. Someone from hair came down to brush and pin hers away from her face while Killian changed back into the white outfit he had worn at the end of the opening number. It seemed the crew had taken pity on him too.

She walked out with him as they joined the others on the stairs. Robin wrapped his arm around her waist as August and Belle took their spots. "Alas our night of magic and fantasy must come to an end with a dose of reality," Belle said.

"We will now reveal to our couples who is safe and who is in jeopardy," August continued. The lights changed to red as the band played the tense music, where everything sounded like a beating heart.

He waited for the teleprompter to scroll up before saying: "Hans and Anna."

Regina glanced over at the young dancer and her red-haired partner, both dressed from their dance to a Frozen song. There had always been something that Regina had never liked about him. He seemed charming and nice enough but there was a glint in his eye that warned her it could all be an act.

Now he stood stoically, staring straight ahead as Anna began to fidget beside him. When August declared that they were in jeopardy, her face fell into a disappointed frown. Hans didn't react at all.

"Victor and Ruby," Belle then said. Regina turned her attention to her son's favorite dancer, dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast while her partner was dressed as the Beast. Both looked nervous, unlike Hans, and Victor whispered something in Ruby's ear. Belle then said: "You are in jeopardy."

Victor closed his eyes, nodding as Ruby rubbed his arm. Regina had interacted more with the young brunette dancer than her star as Victor reminded her of Killian. Like Killian--but unlike Hans--Victor didn't try to hide his personality, so she had to respect that. However, the main reason she hoped they were safe this week was Henry--she would hate for him to be in the ballroom when his favorite dancer got kicked off.

August declared everyone else safe and Regina sagged a bit in Robin's arms once the lights turned off on them. Only the two couples in jeopardy remained illuminated and Regina stared at Ruby and Victor as they waited their fate. She prayed they were saved for at least one more week. Given how easily Latin dances could turn inappropriate for ten-years-olds, she wasn't going to let Henry come to the show next week. They could get kicked off then.

"Hans and Anna, Victor and Ruby, on this fifth week of competition, the couple with the lowest combined judges scores and viewers' votes and therefore leaving the competition right now is..." August paused, letting the anticipation and dread grow in Regina's stomach. "Hans and Anna."

There wasn't much reaction from the audience except for a round of applause Regina suspected was more for Anna than Hans. As the eliminated couple said their goodbyes, Regina hugged a shaken Ruby. "Congrats."

"Thanks, but I feel like we're just putting off the inevitable," Ruby replied. "Gold doesn't think I'm a ballroom dancer and Victor is struggling more and more."

"Gold is an asshole. Just keep doing what you're doing. People do like it after all," Regina added, looking over at Henry.

Ruby thanked her again as family members and friends were allowed to join them on the dancefloor. Roland made a beeline for Mickey Mouse, hugging the beloved character. Henry was right behind him, hugging Pluto as the dog pretended to lick him.

"I wish we had cameras," Robin said, wrapping his arms around Regina again as they watched their sons. "Or at least our phones."

She nodded as Isaac approached everyone on the floor. "The band is going to play some more Disney songs before our guests need to leave. Everyone is welcome to stay, dance and socialize. Have fun!"

The band struck up "Bare Necessities" and people began dancing around them. Robin held out his hand to her. "May I have this dance?"

"You may," she replied, taking his hand. He spun her around before pulling her close, dancing along to the music. Regina followed his lead, not caring which steps he used for their impromptu dance number.

As he twirled her around the dancefloor, Regina took in the sights of everyone having fun. Hans was nowhere to be found, but Anna was still on the floor. Goofy and David danced with her, trying to cheer her up. Victor was dancing with Minnie, no doubt using cheesy pickup lines on her judging by the way the mouse was shaking her head, while Ruby swung a blushing Henry around on the dancefloor. Tink was holding up her phone by them and Regina prayed she was recording it.

With another turn, Emma and Killian came into view. He appeared to be teaching her a few dance moves and she was actually smiling in his presence. "Looks like those two are starting to get along," Regina told Robin.

He looked up, smiling. "It's a Disney miracle."

"Did you really just say that?" she asked, giving his shoulder a gentle push. He only laughed in response.

"Papa!" Roland yelled out, running toward them. "Majesty!"

They stopped dancing and Robin held out his hand to his son. "Do you want to dance with us?"

Roland nodded, taking his father's hand as well as Regina's. The band switched to "Ev'rybody Wants to Be a Cat" and she started to twirl him around. Robin also began twisting with the boy, who laughed.

Oh, yes, she decided. Disney Night was by far her favorite night of the competition so far.

A/N: That was a monster of a chapter! I hope everyone enjoyed it. Especially as our favorite couple got closer and closer. They just can't resist the pull between them.

How will they ever make it through Latin Night?

I always forget to do this and I feel so bad, but as always, a big thank you to GlindaLoveShoes, who reads the chapters beforehand and helps make it better. And deals with the fact that while I get a lot of good ideas at 2 AM, my spelling tends to deteriorate at that hour. You're the best!

Thank you!


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