In Your Dreams: a Harry X Vol...

By MidnightNinja27

2M 58.7K 43K

AU: You can talk to your soulmate in your dreams. If you can love me only in my dreams, let me sleep forever... More

Godric's Hollow...
The Dursleys and the Hogwarts Express...
Sorting and the Dorm...
First Week and a Suprise...
Flying and a Duel...
Halloween and the Mirror of Erised...
Malfoy Manor and the Yule Ball...
Last Day...
Diagon and Knockturn Alley...
Back to School...
The Diary...
LeStrange Manor and the Yule Ball...
The Chamber of Secrets...
Azkaban Escape and Remus Black neΓ© Lupin...
Boggarts and the Mauraders Map...
Grimmuld Place and a Visitor...
Family Vacation...
Qudditch World Cup and Triwizard Tournament...
The First and Second Task...
The Third Task...
Riddle Manor and Lady Mercy...
The Council and the Challenge...
Divine Retribution...
Madam Umbridge...
Secret Lessons...
Department of Mysteries...
The Order of the Phoenix...
What is Mine...
Animagus and Werewolves...
Slug Club and Two Meetings...
Horcruxes and Revealing Doom...
The Minister of Magic...
The Deal and the Duel...
The Final Battle...
Reconstruction and Bonding...

Cho Chang and the Chamber...

41K 1.2K 1.4K
By MidnightNinja27

Narrator's POV

Summer ended and the students returned to school —with Remus on the train as well.

Harry and his friends were entering their sixth year at Hogwarts and had joined all their N.E.W.T. classes for next year's test.

First years were sorted, speeches were made, and they had learned that Ancient Runes teacher had retired and Horace Slughorn had left retirement to take his spot.

During the entirety of the feast the soulmateless Cho Chang had her eyes on the cute Harry Potter.


A few weeks later after dinner, Harry studied in the library alone with a large stack of books.

Eventually, Harry looked up to see the Ravenclaw Cho Chang walking up to where he was sitting, "Hi, Harry, is this seat taken?"

Harry looked to the empty seat next to him, "No."

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Cho asked, "Do you like butterbeer, Harry?"

"Yeah." Harry replied, confused as Cho opened her purse to reveal a bottle of butterbeer

"My friend brought me it today from Hogsmeade, I didn't want it, but you can have it." Cho explained

"Thanks." Harry said, opening and drinking the drink

Cho smiled as the liquid went down his throats and the world went dark.


When Harry woke up, he was tied to a bed in a room he did not recognize.

He looked up to see Cho Chang sitting in a chair nearby, "Wakey, wakey, Harry. I'm your girlfriend and you love me."

Harry's body wanted to agree with her while his soul and mind were screaming otherwise.

"You''re not my soulmate." Harry said, his mind numbing under the potion's control

"No, but your soulmate doesn't need to know about this." Cho replied, removing her robes

Harry whimpered in fear so Cho said undoing her tie, "Oh, you're the submissive one. Don't worry, Harry, I can make arrangements for that, don't you worry."

Harry looked at her and decided he needed to do what was necessary, "If you love me, Cho, won't it be easier without these chains?"

"True." Cho muttered, unlocking the chains

Harry then lunged for his wand that was nearby, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

Cho had a look of surprise, as she died.

Harry then called Tom through a mirror nearby, "Tom I need help."

"What's wrong, love?" Tom asked, concerned

"I just killed someone and I don't know what to do with the body." Harry answered

"Fake a note, take the corpse to the roof and throw it down with the note." Tom answered

"Thanks." Harry replied

"Wait, what happened?" Tom asked

"This girl in my year gave me a love potion and tried to bed me and I killed her." Harry replied

Tom's red eyes were now glazed with hatred, "When you finish, darling, meet me in the Chamber."

"Okay." Harry replied, hanging up

Harry quickly forged a suicide note, and —since they were in the Room of Requirement— he summoned a window and threw Cho's body out of it with the note tied around her wrist.

Lady Mercy then summoned his invisibility cloak and journeyed down to the Chamber of Secrets were Tom was waiting in the bedroom.

Without warning, Tom passionately kissed Harry.

"What did you want me to meet you here for and how'd you get in?" Harry asked

"Salazar removed the wards from down here." Tom replied, kissing Harry again before growling, "And I need to claim you so no one else can touch you."

And so Tom did claim his beloved.


Severus Tobias Snape, entered the Sixth Year Slytherin Boys Dorm and could not find Harry among the sleeping boys.

He walked into Remus' quarters asking, "Remus have you seen Harry?"

"No." The reading werewolf said, "Why?"

"He's not in his dorm." Severus answered

"Sometimes he sleeps in the Chamber, you should check there." Remus informed

Severus then made his way to the Chamber of Secrets entrance , mimicked the parseltounge password and ventured down.

The Potions Master walked down the Chamber's hallways until he heard screaming and ran to the source.

"Tom, please! Do that again!" The voice screamed

Severus expected to see Harry in pain and possibly bleeding, what he didn't expect to see was a moaning Harry with someone else, whose face was hidden by Harry's bent legs, having sex.

"Harry James Potter what in Merlin's name do you think you're doing?" Severus asked, looking away

"Uncle Sev?" Harry asked, rushing to cover himself

"Severus why are you down here?" Tom asked, using his Dark Lordy tone

"I was looking for Harry since he wasn't in his dorm and worried for his safety and I heard screaming, my Lord." Severus asked, fearful of the Dark Lord's wrath

"As you can see, Harry is not in any danger so leave." Tom ordered

As Severus rushed to leave, Harry asked, "You're not going to tell Sirius and Remus about this, right?"

"No, Harry, I'm going to go Oblivate myself." Severus answered, leaving

"Were we we?" Tom asked once Severus was gone and they continued...

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