
By Monstrous_beauty

319K 10.3K 1.6K

"Mother.. please I don't want to marry him" I pleaded to her. "You know Eve nothing can be done now" Sh... More

Ch 1 - Unwanted Wedding
Ch 2 - Humiliation & Pain
Ch 3 - In-Laws
Ch 4 - Unwanted touch
Ch 5 - Dark Side
Ch 7 - Masquerade Ball
Ch 8 - Assault &Trauma
Ch 9 - Way to keep her
Ch 10 - Contemplating
Ch 11 - Jealousy & Inner thoughts
Ch 12 - Ruminating Past
Ch 13 - Games of heart---The beginning
Ch 14 - Game of Hearts---First Romantic Dinner
Ch 15 -Game of the Hearts--- Persuasion
Ch 16 - Games of heart -- Meeting Strangers
Ch 17 - Games of Heart -- Friendship & Hope
Ch 18 - Games of Heart -- Insecurities
Ch 19 - Games of Heart -- Hidden Motives
Ch 20- Games of Heart --New Feelings
Ch 21- Games of Heart-- Blind Trust
Ch 22- Games of Heart-- Jealousy & Rage
Ch 23 - Games of Heart-- All is lost
Ch 24 - Melancholy of Life
Ch 25 -- She chose someone else
Ch 26 - The New Dawn
Ch 27 - a New Ally
Ch 28 - A Distant Cousin
Ch 29 -- Kidnapped
Ch 30 - My Past
Ch 31 - The Lost Sweetheart
Ch 32 - Embracing True Self
Ch 33 - Dead trail
Ch 34 - The hidden Truth
Ch 35 - Life truths!!
Ch 36 - The choices you have
Ch 37 - Are you really Dead?
Ch 38 - Princess Lyna what's the next Plan?
Ch 39 - Dreams that keeps us Awake
Ch 40 - Arrival of the Devil

Ch 6 - Haywire Emotions

12.6K 410 34
By Monstrous_beauty

I was glad we reached home. I so wanted to rid of him but as soon as I tried to open the door I heard click and I turned to look at him and he said "Eve.. whatever happens between us will stay with us and if you tried to tell anyone someone dear to you will have to pay the price".

I nodded but seeing his clenched jaws I replied "Yes Steven. I won't". He pulled me to him and kissed on my forehead before letting go. I opened the door and ran as fast as I can.

Evelyn's POV

I reached my room shut the door and locked it. I leaned on it and released a breath that I didn't know I was holding. I let myself go weak and fell on my knees. I would have continued when I felt a hand on my shoulder making me tense and I snapped my head to look at the owner to see my husband looking at me with a frown.

If my relationship with him would have been like other couples I would have melted in his embrace. I lift myself up and ran to the bathroom and shut the door locking it shut. I knew this is going to be my life my burdens and I am alone in this. Even though I am married I am the one who is married not him.

I heard banging on the door and heard him say "Evelyn what happened?"

"It's nothing you need to worry Mr. Evans" I said quickly so that I can be in peace.

"Are you serious? I am asking this because I saw a fully grown woman crying and falling so don't tell me it's nothing" He yelled.

"I..." I quickly thought and said the first thing I thought of "Mr. Evans... I.. I am on my periods and I had pain in my stomach so I fell " I replied so he will buy it.

"Dammit Evelyn, you had me worried for once. Anyways since you are going to be emotional and what not females feel these days, I am moving to my room" He said and walked away.

I sighed in relief but then I realized if he is not here then Steven would get the perfect opportunity to come in my room. I was terrified of the thought.

"Mr. Evans, if you move out, your family will get doubts about our relationship" I said opening the door peeking out.

He stopped in his steps and groaned and said "Look, Evelyn, I know but I can't handle emotional stuff like that".

"Don't worry Mr. Evans I won't bother you with myself" I said.

"Fine... I guess I have no choice" He said and went down to the study table to start working on his things.

I sighed in relief that he won't leave and I was safe in my room. I know he does not treat me any better but given a choice between him and Steven, I would gladly choose him. I filled water in the tub and added the herbs which were there on the cabinet and entered the tub to soothe myself before I again face him and his family.

I didn't know when I fell asleep because I woke with a knock on my door. "Evelyn are you still in there" He asked.

"Yes, Mr. Evans just a minute I will be out" I replied.

I pulled the rob from the counter and wrapped myself and another towel on my head I stepped out. I didn't expect Mr. Evans to be waiting outside. 

"Evelyn... what.." He said but when he looked at me his gaze raked up and down my body and then he moved in the bathroom and closed it.

I rushed to the walk-in closet to dress in an evening simple green dress so I can make the appearance for dinner.

As I came out of the walk-in closet and saw Mr. Evans just came out of Shower. He glanced at me and then moved in the walk-in closet to get dressed. I did some light makeup and since my hair was wet and I didn't want to use the blower, I just hand combed them.

I was about to get up in front of the vanity mirror when I noticed Mr. Evans looking at me. He might have seen me looking at him when he said "Evelyn, are you done?"

I nodded and then he gestured me to follow and we reached downstairs for dinner. I saw my mother-in-law and Steven already at the dining table.

As we arrived I could feel intense eyes on me and it made me uncomfortable. I was about to pull a chair when Mr. Evans pulled a chair for me and made me sit before he took his. This was the first time he had done something for me and I knew he did it because of his family. A maid came and served us the meal and we began eating in silence when it was broken by Liliath Mrs. Evans when she asked me "Evelyn, I was wondering if you could let me know whether you are facing any issues while arranging the party this weekend".

"Oh... No mam it's fine. Steven's helped me to select the cake and I have pretty much sent in the draft for the invitation card and called in the decorators for the decorations as per the theme" I replied looking at her.

I was surprised when she smiled at me and said "Evelyn I am glad you were able to do that". I then continued to have my meal as the conversation drifted to more of who should be on the guest list and once it was decided again I heard Liliath calling my name and said "So Evelyn I think now you are aware of who should be called, once the cards are ready, please be sure to invite each of them". I nodded in ascent and wanted to ask for the list but she had already moved from the table.

 I looked at Mr. Evans who responded "I think you can manage that won't you Evelyn. It would make my mom happy and that, in turn, would make me happy, so do your best" and left the table. I was too shocked to process what was happening but I hardly listened to their conversation so I got up and made my way towards my mother-in-law's room to make sure I have the list, when I was dragged to the nearest room closing the door behind us and when I looked only to find Steven staring at me.

He pulled me to him and said "You were ignoring me sweetheart" while caressing my hair and looking at me like a predator looks at his prey. I was scared to be alone with him. My heart was racing and I knew he was expecting an answer.

"I.. I don't know what you are talking" I replied my breath heaving.

"You didn't look at me even once when you came for dinner" He said gazing at me.

"I.. I am sorry" I said gulping down in fear and knowing well I can't tell him how much he scares me.

"I noticed you were dull and not yourself love. What's bothering you ?" He asked in his soft creepy voice.

"I.. I don't have the guest list and I don't know how I will invite all the people. I am scared to disappoint your mother" I said diverting the topic.

"Don't worry about the guest list because I will give you that but I know there is something else love" He said again.

"There is nothing" I repeated trying to convince him when he nodded I was relieved and said "Please let me go, Mr. Evans would suspect something is wrong" in order to get away from him. I was scared

He clenched his jaws and said "I don't think he will care Eve, but I think you would tell me sooner because as I told earlier I don't want lies" He said kissing my forehead making me feel disgusted and was about to kiss my lips when I turned my face and pleaded "Please Steven let me go" while tears were rolling out of my eyes.

He was angry with my action but when he saw tears in my eyes his gaze softened and he wiped off my tears and pulled me in his arms and murmured "I love you, Eve. Soon you will accept my love".

I tried to push him but he didn't let go and after some time he released me and said "Love we will go tomorrow to see the decorations, I don't want my mother to find fault with that".

I nodded and hurriedly left the room before making sure no one noticed me. I made my way to our room and was about to open it when it got opened and Mr. Evans stood in front of me.

"Where were you Evelyn?" He asked.

"I... I was working at Library for the guest list. I didn't want to miss anyone. I don't want to disappoint your mother" I replied quickly.

"Were you alone Eve?" He asked suddenly.

I was taken back by that question but I thought it better to answer because I can't lie more than that

"No, Steven was with me helping with the guest list" I replied honestly.

"Evelyn please be careful when you are with Steven"  He said making me frown.

I didn't know what to think of that, I knew he never cared for me so what is he saying by this. Then I understood he was implying something and when I realized I replied "Mr. Evans I am not having affair with your brother if that is what you mean".

"Evelyn I didn't mean that. I don't know how to say it. But my brother is not how he seems and I have been observing how he looks at you" He said.

"What do you mean by how he looks at me?" I asked thinking he might have noticed his brother looking intensely at me. I was thinking about telling him what happened earlier but changed my mind when I heard him say "I know we are married for namesake but I don't want to have a scandal. I think you need to know what you are getting yourself into because I am not going to handle things for you and if me or my family reputation is ruined I will ruin yours".

For a moment I thought he cared but then he proved me again how wrong I was. He was worried if his wife and his brother are caught by paparazzi having affair then it would be a scandal. For a moment I thought I can tell him how much Steven scares me for a moment I thought he will protect me. But no he crushed my hope.

I brushed past him laid on my makeshift bed and closed my eyes. I felt him standing next to the sofa near me but then he moved away and laid on his bed switching the lights off. I felt tears rolling out of my eyes.

Richard's POV

I don't know what's happening to me. I am feeling protective of her but I cannot let her think and feel that.  Today when I saw her crying it evoked in me something to know she was safe. I felt she was quieter than normal, although we don't talk she smiles at staff and I know they like her. She answered mom's queries about the party arrangements I could feel her uneasiness. I also noticed the way Steven was looking at her intensely.

He is my brother but he is also the person who always wanted what I had. Literally, all my ex-girlfriends slept with him. This was the reason I didn't do relationships, I felt there was no love for me. I married Evelyn out of compulsion and I thought she would be like one of those sluts who were my ex and will jump at the first chance they get with my brother. That was the main reason I didn't inform either Mom or Steven about my wedding because I know he will do anything to ruin my wedding. But this wedding was not a normal one and I cannot let him ruin my chances to get our inheritance. Though it will be shared between us. Steven-- I love him a lot and only time I was jealous of him was because of her and the relationship she had with him. I expected Evelyn also to be drawn to him.

But Evelyn seemed not affected by him in the least. I know I didn't treat her well since our wedding day. I left her alone on our wedding day and till now she didn't ask me anything. She avoided me as I told her to. She doesn't talk to me like how she does with the staff. At times I feel she is afraid that I will physically abuse her.

I don't know why there are so many conflicts in me about her. Sometimes it feels like she is an innocent girl who needs comfort but other times it feels like she is acting. And how can I forget what her own father told about her. I need to stay away from her and not let my confused thoughts affect my judgment. I think she's just a very good actress but then I remember how the first day when he held her hand longer than intended she was uncomfortable and when Steven asked her to show his room she looked at me for approval and when I did she took him and I found it strange that she was back in her room when I came back. I half expected her to be in his room. 

She had a nightmare that day I got worried and woke her when she hugged me for comfort. I thought might be this was her trick to get closer to me but when she didn't sleep after that. I knew she really had a nightmare and she needed my comfort and I regret yelling at her. She showered and went out. I opened my window and saw her going to the garden. I alerted the guard who reported she was running which calmed me. But when she came running after 2 hours like someone was after her life. I got worried. Having trust issues again I didn't bother much about her. I was surprised Mom would suggest she do the party arrangement and Steven would assist her. I wanted to object but seeing my Mom happy it was the last thing I could do.

It lifted my heart up when she declined to work with Steven but then again she might have done that to just make sure she will be on my good side. I knew she went with Steven to bakers to choose the cake and I did hire Private Investigator and he told me that they stayed in bakers and then Steven took her in an isolated place and he found Steven kissing her on her forehead which is not so Steven style. I know if he knows a woman is willing he takes the opportunity to take them to bed. Suddenly it crossed my mind that maybe Evelyn is not willing and he is trying to win her over. But then I discarded the thought because I was told she was a slut, a gold digger, and a very good actress.

When she came back tonight she fell down and was crying I thought of taking her in my arms but she sprinted towards bathroom leaving me confused and when she told me she was in her periods it might be the cramps I didn't believe her but then she would have said something if anything was wrong.

"As if you are her best friend" my conscience said.

When I saw her in an evening dress I could not take my eyes off her. She looked so beautiful and innocent. when she saw me staring at her I diverted asking her whether she was done she nodded. In the dinner too I noticed she was dull and not herself as if she was hiding something and didn't want to be here. I also noticed Steven gazing at her, even when I caught him he seemed careless that I caught him staring at my wife.

When Mom asked her about the party arrangements she answered with details but she really didn't listen to the conversation about the guest list and I told her not to disappoint me. I came to my room and expecting her to follow but she didn't come for another half hour and when I confronted her she told me easily she was working with Steven about the guest list and when I suggested casually to stay away from my brother. I think I might have hurt her pride because she told me she is not having an affair with my brother. I could feel the hurt as she brushed past me and laid on the sofa. For a moment I thought of apologizing but again you never know she might be acting.

Next Morning 

Evelyn's POV

I was preparing for the party and decorations were looking good when my phone rang and it was my Dad. Hesitatingly I lifted the call and said "Hello sir".

"Hello Eve how are you doing?" He said in his deep stern voice

"I... I am good" I replied.

"Eve how is Richards treating you ?" He asked.

"He... is good" I mustered while tears are about to fall for after 8 years he asked me how I am and how I am feeling.

"Since he is good to you are you being good to him as well?" He asked.

I frowned at that and asked "I didn't understand"

"You don't understand then tell me why did he cancelled all my contracts with his company and moreover he even got my other partners not to do business with me. Do you even have any idea if it goes on like this it will ruin our family" He yelled from other end.

"I... I don't know" I replied.

"Don't know ... Don't know every time I expect something all you answer is you don't know. At any cost get him to sign all the contracts" I hung up.

I cried for a while but then I recalled what father said that I have to ask Mr. Evans to get the contract signed.

I called his office line and his secretary lifted the phone and informed he is busy. I was in so much worry that I asked if I can talk to his secretary and to my luck his secretary lifted the call and I asked him if he can make an appointment for me with Mr. Evans when he said that Mr. Evans is already on the way home.

I was waiting for him when I heard his car coming and when he saw me standing at the hall he stopped but again was moving towards his study when I said "Mr. Evans I need your help"

"Come to my study" he said without even turning his back.

I went after him to his study and after he sat on his chair and started working as if I was not there. I waited for a while but when there was no response from his side till 15 minutes I called him "Mr. Evans"

He stopped typing and said "What is it you want?"

"I....I ....I wanted to" I was stammering looking down but when I felt his intense eyes on me I looked up to see his reaction and he was clearly impatient.

"I don't have time so say what you want and leave" He said 

"My father wants to know why you cancelled the contracts with his company" I suddenly utterred the words and looked at him.

"Those projects are feasible and study done on it is not sufficient. I can't have stupid projects running in my company" He said dismissively.

"Can ... you  help him" I asked.

"I cannot" he replied and gestured me to get out.

"Mr. Evans please my family will be ruined if deals are not signed. I will do anything you ask please" I begged him.

He stared at me for a while and then look in his eyes softened and he said "Fine I will do it but you have to ensure you are keeping your side of deal and I want you to stay away from my brother and ensure there is no scandal and my family reputation is intact and if you didn't I will ruin your family and no one will be able to save you and your family".

"Yes I will ensure that" I said smiling but his next words were "Get lost now"

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