Holding Onto You (boyxboy)

By ArmchairPhilosopher

2.4M 91.3K 66.9K

"So you're blind?" "Yes" "Well just so you know, I'm hot." Hunter has been blind since he was two and has be... More

Holding Onto You (boyxboy)
Holding Onto You Chapter 1
Holding Onto You Chapter 2
Holding Onto You Chapter 3
Holding Onto You Chapter 4
Holding Onto You Chapter 5
Holding Onto You Chapter 6
Holding Onto You Chapter 7
Holding Onto You Chapter 8
Holding Onto You Chapter 9
Holding Onto You Chapter 10
Holding Onto You Chapter 11
Holding Onto You Chapter 12
Holding Onto You Chapter 13
Holding Onto You Chapter 14
Holding Onto You Chapter 15
Holding Onto You Chapter 16
Holding Onto You Chapter 17
Holding Onto You Chapter 18
Holding Onto You Chapter 19
Holding Onto You Chapter 20
Holding Onto You Chapter 21
Holding Onto You Chapter 22
Holding Onto You Chapter 23
Holding Onto You Chapter 24
Holding Onto You Chaper 25
Holding Onto You Chapter 26
Holding Onto You Chapter 27
Holding Onto You Chapter 28
Holding Onto You Chapter 29
Holding Onto You Chapter 30
Holding Onto You Chapter 31
Holding Onto You Chapter 32
Holding Onto You Chapter 33
Holding Onto You Chapter 34
Holding Onto You Chapter 35
Holding Onto You Chapter 36
Holding Onto You Chapter 37
Holding Onto You Chapter 39
Holding Onto You Chapter 40
Holding Onto You Chapter 41
Holding Onto You Chapter 42
Holding Onto You Chapter 43
Holding Onto You Chapter 44
Holding Onto You Chapter 45
Holding Onto You Chapter 46
Holding Onto You Chapter 47
Holding Onto You Chapter 48
Holding Onto You Chapter 49
Holding Onto You Chapter 50
Holding Onto You Chapter 51
Holding Onto You Chapter 52
Holding Onto You Chapter 53

Holding Onto You Chapter 38

20.4K 742 908
By ArmchairPhilosopher

Vincent's pov

My anger scares me. It pushes it's way to the surface and tries to get the better of me. It persists that I act on it and it lingers around until I give it the satisfaction. But you fight it, ignore it and just when you think you have control it seeks out something to snap back into action.

That something was Finn as he made his way towards me just as I entered the cafeteria lunch time. Hunter was with his friends and I was glad because I was going to give Finn a new face. He stayed out of my sight the whole morning and now he had a nerve to actually come within ten feet of my view.

"Vince I need to talk to you, please it's important." Okay now I had no control over how furious I was.

I made to walk past him but he caught my arm and I pushed him back causing him to fall over and land on the floor.

I left the cafeteria and made my way outside. I went to the hill and sat down against the tree trying to once again gain control.

"This is so messed up." I breathed, inhaling the cool air.

I never thought I'd actually think that Hunter was so lucky that he didn't see what I saw last night. I was actually envious of his blindness.

What Finn and Brian did was so wrong. Finn stopped me from kissing Hunter and he slept with Brian. Why did they do it, why did Brian do it?

Brian is so loyal and trustworthy so why would he sleep with someone else. From the time we started dating, Brian has been perfect and I've always been the one to screw up but I've never gone this far. How am I supposed to trust him again?

"Vince." Finn snapped me out of my thoughts and I got to my feet.

I gripped him by his collar and slammed him against the tree. "You have no idea how angry I am with you. You better have a good explanation for what you did."

His eyes were begging me to calm down. "Vince just hear me out, please. When I left Hunter's house I was upset because he only wanted you."

"Oh so you did it to get back at us. Your boyfriend wanted me so you had to have mine." He shook his head with every word I said.

"No that's not it Vince. I just wanted someone to comfort me. Seeing Hunter's father again become so violent and aggressive wasn't easy for me and I wanted Hunter to be there for me but he only wanted you and I didn't know where else to go but I swear I didn't do it out of spite and I know it was wrong I'm sorry." He begged me to understand.

"You're sorry? You slept with my boyfriend and you're sorry. Listen to yourself Finn." I raised my voice and lifted my hand to hit the tree.

Finn thought I'm going to hit him and jumped back covering his face with his arms and he looked like a truck is about to run him down. "Don't hit me, please don't hit me. I'm sorry."

He was in tears and I took a step back in shock. He was shaking and cringing. What did that bastard do to him.

I pulled him in my arms and hugged him as tight as I could. "Hey it's okay, I'm not going to hit you. I'm sorry I scared you. It's okay I'm here Finny, no one is going to hurt you."

He hugged me back just as tight. "I just felt so alone and I don't even know why I went to Brian I just did. I'm sorry Vince."

"It's okay, just relax. You don't need to explain yourself." I hated seeing Finn so weak.

He pulled away from me to look at me. "Vince please don't be mad at Brian. It was all my doing I promise. I practically begged him and left him no choice. Please don't make him feel more guilty than he already feels. He is so scared, please go talk to him and tell him you forgive him."

"Even though what you did was wrong, I somehow understand what your situation was but with Brian he did have a choice and he chose the wrong one. You always have a choice Finn. But I'll forgive him only because he meant to help you in some way." I left Finn and leaned against the tree. "I didn't realize how strong my feelings were for Brian until I saw him with you. He means so much to me."

"You mean you love him?" Finn asked me with a slight panic.

"I don't know, maybe." I told him honestly.

"Oh." Was all he said but he got a look on his face that clearly said oh shit.

"Finn what's going on?" He was once again hiding something from me.

He shook his head. "Nothing is going on Vince. You should go talk to Brian. He's worried that you are going to break up with him so go tell him that you forgive him but maybe it's best if you don't tell him how you feel about him now because it will just complicate things even more."

"Why would it complicate things? Brian loves me and if I tell him that back he'll be very happy. That's what he wants to hear from me." Why was Finn so against it?

"Because you don't love him Vince. At least not like how he wants you to." He said, frustrated.

"How do you know how I feel. I do love him." I insisted.

"Than what do you feel for Hunter?" He asked, and it took me by surprise.

"Hunter?" Why was he asking me that?

He pushed me against the tree and looked at me with such intensity.

"Vincent, do you love Hunter?" He slowly asked, searching my face for an answer.

I stared at him myself, trying to figure out what he was getting at. He and Hunter were together and I know how much he cared for him so why would he not want me to tell Brian how I feel about him so we can all just be happy. I know that my true happiness is with Hunter but I chose Brian and it took a while but I finally realized that I love him a lot. So why now does he want to know if I love Hunter? Why isn't he relieved that I love Brian so he can finally let his and Hunter's relationship get more solid? Finn and Hunter belong together and Brian and I belong together and that's it.

"Yes." I couldn't lie.

"The same way you love Brian?" He continued his questioning.

"No." It somehow wasn't the same.

"Which one is stronger?" Was he serious?

"Finn why..."

"Which one is stronger Vince?" He wasn't going to leave without an answer but I didn't have one for him.

"I'm going to go find Brian." I started walking away but his words stopped me.

"Vincent you've finally fallen in love." Why did it seem like he wasn't talking about Brian.

"Finn what's with you, why are you doing this?" He was behaving really strange.

"Vince why are you being so stubborn? what are you afraid of? Is it your anger that's stopping you? Do you feel you're not worthy? I'm not sure what is stopping you." He was making no sense.

"Stopping me from doing what?" I asked, rubbing my forehead.

"From making Hunter yours." He whispered.

I shot my eyes up to meet his and I was taken aback at how serious he looked because I thought he was joking.

I stared at him and he kept his serious look until slowly a smile started to form on his lips. It was just a slight smile but it was there and it confused me even more.

"I've got my answer Vince. I'll​ see you later. You go speak to Brian and I'm going to go talk to Hunter. Is it okay if I go to Hunter?" He sounded strangely happy.

I just nodded and he pulled me into a tight hug before leaving and I had no idea what just happened.

I rested against the tree for about five minutes before Brian found me and I pulled him into my arms resting my chin on his head.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"It's okay." I whispered back.

"He was broken Vince. I couldn't see him like that. But he's so strong. He understood that Hunter needed you. He's so brave." He spoke of Finn with fondness.

"He was lucky to find you last night. Even though what happened wasn't right, your support really helped him." I told him.

He looked up with a smile. "I love you."

"Let's go on a date tonight." I burst out, surprising myself.

"What, a date? Are you serious?" He was even more surprised.

He looked adorable when he was confused. "Of course I'm serious. I mean I know that you slept with my best friend last night but I'm a cool boyfriend so I'll pick you up at seven?"

"Yeah definitely. Even though it's a little weird to go on a date on a Tuesday night, I'm a cool boyfriend so I'll wait for you at seven." He chuckled.

I pulled him close and kissed him, unable to resist him any longer.

I found Hunter and Finn just as the bell rang after lunch making out in the corridor and I wondered if Finn told him about last night.

Brian was already gone to his class and I was going to be late if I didn't stop these two.

Hunter let's go to class." I said, leaning against the locker next to them but they just ignored me.

"Hunt the bell already rang. Finn you don't have the same class, I need to go." I still got no response.

I slid my hands around Hunter's waist and pulled him against me, breaking their kiss.

"Let's go Hunt." I pulled him back with force when he and Finn managed to find each others lips again.

"I'll see you in our next class Hunt, go with the principal now." Finn laughed.

"Torture Finn, save me." Hunter joked back and I was happy to see that he was in a good mood.

Finn left and I took Hunter to class. Mr. Carson wasn't in class so I had basically rushed for nothing.

"You won't believe what I'm doing tonight." I told him once we sat down.

"What?" He asked.

"I'm going on a date with Brian." I don't know how I'm going to survive it.

"Wow that's great. Where are you guys going?" His excitement made me growl.

"I'm regretting my decision and you're jumping with joy as if I'm taking you out. Dates are a stupid waste of time. But it will make Brian happy so I have to do it. If you like the idea so much why don't you and Finn go on dates?"

"Finn and I are going out on Saturday night." His blush was far too strong for just a date.

"Why are you so shy about it. Trust me it's not as grand as you think." His expectations were going to disappoint him.

"Finn and I haven't yet you know..." He whispered, his face burning.

I knew that he and Finn hadn't done it yet because Finn wasn't well and I was actually glad.

"If I remember correctly you imagined only doing it with me. You forgot me now that you and your boyfriend have so much planned for Saturday night." I teased him and he blushed even more.

"Vince stop it. I don't want to talk about this." He turned to hide his face.

"Hey listen." I turned him to face me. "Are you ready Hunter?"

He took a deep breath and shook his head. "I'm ​scared Vince. I know that Finn will be patient and understanding and amazing with me but I'm scared."

I knew that Finn would never force Hunter to do anything because what happened with him and Brian was different but before he did anything with Hunter he had to tell him what he did last night or Saturday will never happen. I still couldn't believe what they did so how would Hunter take it but he needed to know the truth.

"If you're not ready Finn won't do anything but first you need to speak to him." Just then Mr. Carson came to class and class began.

After school I met Finn by his car and I pushed him against it once again grabbing his shirt.

"I'm warning you Finn if you don't tell Hunter what you and Brian did, you won't touch him on Saturday." I warned him.

"I will tell him I promise Vince." He rushed out.

"And last night was the last time you touch my boyfriend. I don't even want you brushing your arm with his you hear me." I gave him another warning and he nodded.

"I won't touch him." He shook his head vigorously,​ looking terrified.

"Good." I started walking to my car. "I'll ​see you tomorrow Finny, I've got a hot date with my boyfriend tonight."

He laughed shaking his head. "You are going to give me a heart attack one day. Good luck for tonight."

I reached my car and got in driving home and only when I got a text from Brian telling me he can't wait for tonight did I get a little excitement for our date.

I got home from Leo's house after Kerry's tuition at six pm and jumped in the shower. I got out and got dressed in a dark blue jeans and black button down shirt that I tucked into my jeans. I guess this would be a good enough shirt for a date. Once I was done I headed down stairs to find mum and dad in the kitchen.

"Oh wow my handsome son you look so adorable." Mum gushed and I loved when mum went all crazy over me.

Dad agreed with mum and I rolled my eyes at them.

"Where are you off to son?" Dad asked as I sat next to him.

"I'm taking Brian out." I said offhand hoping they wouldn't bug me about it.

"You mean a date?" Mum asked excitedly. Why was everyone more eager about this than me.

"Yes mum a date. I better get going, I don't want to be late for this date that I'm not even getting the thrill about. I'll​ see you guys later." I jumped up and gave mum a hug and kiss before heading out to my car.

I reached Brian's house and rang the doorbell waiting until his dad opened the door. It was Kurt and he was yet another person to look over the moon about the date. I had met Brian's parents about two months ago and I impressed them beyond their expectations. They were surprised that I'm dating Brian because they thought he was dating Finn which made me wonder just how close they were. Well they proved that yesterday.

"Hello Vincent, how are you son?" Kurt greeted and I cringed at how squeaky he sounded. I should have been used to it with Tyler.

"Hey Mr. Harvey, I'm great how are you?" I decided to change my attitude for Brian's sake.

"I'm well son and very happy to see Brian so excited." He answered, ushering me in.

"Way to embarrass me papa." Brian said, just as I entered the house.

"Enjoy your evening boys." He replied and disappeared into the kitchen.

"Ignore my dad, you're looking hot." He checked me out and I did the same.

He had on a mint colour shirt tucked into light blue jeans and he looked sexy. "I always look hot."

"That's true." He pulled me close and kissed me.

"Let's just forget about the date and go up to your room." I suggested, hoping he would agree.

"We are going to enjoy tonight Vince, I promise you. Come on let's go." He took my hand and led me to my car and I got in with him.

"Ready for some fine dining, I made a reservation for us." I told him as I headed for the restaurant.

"Yip I'm starving. What do you have planned for after or can I decide so I don't feel like the girl in this relationship." He replied, making me laugh.

"I was going to take us to the beach for ice cream but we can do what you want to do." I told him, stopping at a traffic light.

"Well that's what I wanted to do so let's do that but next time I decide what..." He stopped mid sentence and he looked upset.

"Why did you stop. Next time you can decide. Just make sure I enjoy tonight enough to go on another one." The light turned green forcing me to turn away from him.

"Tonight will be amazing, it has to be." Something was definitely troubling him. "Anyway, are you ready for your big game on Thursday?"

"Yeah but I'm pissed that Finn won't be playing. He needed to play this game to get selected for the college side but he's not fit enough." I replied as we reached the restaurant and I parked. "He's trying not to show it but not being able to play is really affecting him."

"He told me he's starting practice soon so maybe he'll be fit enough to play again." Brian said.

"Well he seemed fit enough last​ night." I couldn't help but say and he looked at me with guilt and annoyance that I mentioned last night.

"What do I have to do to make last night disappear?" Brian dragged, seeming like he was pulling with him a huge elephant that he wanted to get rid of.

"You can't make it disappear just by making such a sad face. You have to make it up to me. I mean seriously you cheated on me yesterday and I'm taking you out today, you can not get better than me." I am such a sucker for falling for their sad story.

"I know, I'll never find someone better than you. You are the best. But Vince you should have seen Finn's face." He said.

"Have you seen Hunter's face, but that doesn't mean I'm going to jump in bed with him." There's no cuter face in the world than Hunter's.

"He looked so lost Vince." He defended.

"Hunter always looks lost." I contradicted.

"Finn felt alone last night." He justified.

"Hunter was so vulnerable last night, I could have taken full advantage of that." I argued against what he said.

"Okay I know what I did was wrong and I'm very sorry. I have no justification for what I did. It was so much more than what you and Hunter have ever done. Finn and I hated every time you touched Hunter and we did something that's far worse. My heart pains because of how much I hurt you and I'm afraid that you're never going to trust me again. I am so sorry Vince. I promise I will never do that again. I love you so much." He was on the verge of tears by the end.

"Okay no need to get emotional." I laughed as I jumped out of the car. Brian did the same and we entered the restaurant.

We were seated and our order was taken by a gorgeous girl. I flirted with her much to Brian's disapproval but he said nothing until she left.

"Wow our first date and you're flirting with the waitress. Is this your way of making me pay because it's working." He tried to contain his frustration.

"I'm glad it's working. Now can we talk about something else." I wasn't here to discuss yesterday.

"Talk about what, Hunter?" He snapped, shocking me.

"Are you serious Brian? Why don't we talk about Finn, I'm sure you'd prefer that." Why was he being like this?

"Maybe it would be better if we talk about Finn because if we talk about Hunter than there won't be any chance of you falling in love with me." He shot back.

"Well maybe if we talk about Finn you might fall out of love with me." This argument was pointless.

"You actually think I could stop loving you?" He asked, amazed that I could even think that.

"You actually think I don't love you?" I questioned him back.

His silence made me rethink what I just said. I was tricked into that.

A cute smile took over his lips. "So you do love me?"

"Do you love me?" I tried to avoid answering.

"Vincent." He huffed.

"Brian." I was being childish.

"I love you Vincent." He said clearly, with a hint for me to reply.

I looked at him with intensity but he wasn't going to crack. I guess it was now or never.

"I love you Brian." I finally replied, much to his satisfaction.

He stared at me with his big brown eyes and a smile but I didn't feel uncomfortable, I felt loved.

"Earth to Brian. Stop staring at me like a creep." I guess after a while it got a little uncomfortable.

"That's all I needed to hear to live the rest of my life. I love you so much Vince." He leaned forward and kissed me.

"Okay now you're pushing it. I said it once now let's just enjoy the evening." I told him but that smile had to creep onto my face as well.

"I'm already loving it." He said, admiring me once again.

And we did enjoy the evening, very much. After dinner we went to the beach for ice cream and then we went to my house. We spent the night together not sleeping at all but this time it seemed different. I felt like Brian was trying to get the most out of our love making. He was trying to make the most of it as if it was the last.

But maybe that was just my imagination. Maybe he just held onto me more because I told him I love him. He was more affectionate because he was happy about the date. He was more clingy this morning because he didn't want to leave my warm bed. He didn't act different intentionally. Brian and I were not ending any time soon.

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